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Subject: Managerial Accounting Course: AE 211

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miss_aanxoaa Answered 7 minutes ago 1/6
9/13/22, 8:21 PM Course Hero

Case A

Intellectual: P204,167

Lovable: P145,833
Case B

Intellectual: P184,583

Lovable: P165,417
Case C

Intellectual: P189,846

Lovable: P160,154
Case D

Intellectual: P218,119

Lovable: P131,881

Case E

Intellectual: P221,527

Lovable: P128,473

Case F

Intellectual: P202,580

Lovable: P147,420

Case G

Intellectual: P205,000

Lovable: P145,000

Case A
Since there is a given profit-sharing ratio of 7:5, we simply follow that ratio in determining the share of each partner. 
Intellectual = 350,000 x 7/12 = P204,167

Lovable = 350,000 x 5/12 = P145,833

Case B

Step 1: Compute the average capital balance of each partner. Note the problem mentioned that investments and withdrawals
made before the middle of the month will be considered made at the beginning of the month, and those that are made after the
middle of the month will be considered made at the end of the month. 


Jan-01            580,000   12/12                580,000 

Mar-30              60,000   9/12                  45,000 

May-10            140,000   8/12                  93,333 

Jul-25              80,000   5/12                (33,333) 

Average Capital                   685,000 


Jan-01    420,000  12/12    420,000 

May-18    120,000  7/12      70,000 

Aug-24      40,000  4/12     (13,333) 

Oct-29    100,000  2/12      16,667 

Average Capital        493,333 

Step 2: Allocate the profit by fulfilling the interest on average capital first and then dividing the remainder equally.

   Intellectual   Lovable  Total 2/6
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Interest (685,000 x 10%)              68,500                    68,500 

Interest (493,333 x 10%)         49,333                  49,333 

Remainder (350,000 - 68,500 - 49,333)/2            116,083     116,083                232,167 

Total share of each partner            184,583     165,417                350,000 

Case C

Step 1: Compute the ending capital of each partner. 

 Intellectual     Lovable   

Jan-01            580,000  Jan-01               420,000 

Mar-30              60,000  May-18               120,000 

May-10            140,000  Aug-24               (40,000) 

Jul-25            (80,000)  Oct-29               100,000 

Ending Capital            700,000  Ending Capital               600,000 

Step 2: Compute the ending capital ratio. 

The ending capital ratio of Intellectual is 7/13 (700/1300) and the ending capital ratio of Lovable is 6/13 (600/1300).

Step 3: Allocate the profit. 

   Intellectual   Lovable  Total

Salaries (multiply by 12 to get the annual salary)            108,000                        90,000                198,000 

Remainder (350,000 - 16,500) x 7/13              81,846                    81,846 

Remainder (350,000 - 16,500) x 6/13                         70,154                  70,154 

Total share of each partner            189,846                     160,154                350,000 

Case D

Step 1: Compute the bonus for Intellectual. 

350,000 x 10% = 35,000
Step 2: Determine the average capital ratio.
Intellectual = 685,000/1,178,333

Lovable = 493,333/1,178,333
Step 3: Allocate the profit. 

   Intellectual   Lovable  Total

Bonus              35,000                    35,000 

Remainder (350,000 - 35,000) x 685k/1,178,333            183,119                  183,119 

Remainder (350,000 - 16,500) x 493,333/1,178,333                      131,881                131,881 

Total share of each partner            218,119                     131,881                350,000 

Case E

Step 1: Compute the bonus of 10% after bonus. 

B = 10% x (350,000 - B)

B = 35,000 - 10%B

1.10B = 35,000

1.10B/1.10 = 35,000/1.10

B = 31,818
Step 2: Compute the interest on beginning capital. 
Intellectual = 580,000 x 6% = 34,800

Lovable = 420,000 x 6% = 25,200

Step 3: Allocate the profit. 3/6
9/13/22, 8:21 PM Course Hero

   Intellectual   Lovable  Total

Bonus              31,818                    31,818 

Interest              34,800                        25,200                  60,000 

Remainder (350,000 - 91,818) x 3/5            154,909                  154,909 

Remainder (350,000 - 91,818) x 2/5                      103,273                103,273 

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We're that waspartner            221,527 
helpful! Keep your study momentum going                    128,473    350,000 

Case F

Step 1: Compute the average investment of each partner.


Mar-30              60,000   9/12                  45,000 

May-10            140,000   8/12                  93,333 

Average investment                   138,333 


May-18            120,000   7/12                  70,000 

Oct-29            100,000   2/12                  16,667 

Average investment                     86,667 

Step 2: Compute the excess average investment and the interest for it. 
Intellectual has excess average investment of (138,333 - 86,667) = 51,667. Interest for this is 51,667 x 6% = 3,100
Step 3: Compute the bonus after salaries and interests. 
B = 10% x (350,000 - 252,000 - 3,100)

B = 10% x 94,900

B = 9,490

*Salaries = (12,000 x 12) +(9,000 x 12) = 252,000

Step 4: Allocate the profit.

   Intellectual   Lovable  Total

Interest                 3,100                      3,100 

Salaries            144,000                     108,000                252,000 

Bonus                 9,490                      9,490 

Remainder (350,000 - 264,950) x 7/13              45,990                    45,990 

Remainder (350,000 - 264,950) x 6/13                         39,420                  39,420 

Total share of each partner            202,580                     147,420                350,000 

Case G

Step 1: Compute the interest.

Intellectual = 700,000 x 10% = 70,000

Lovable = 600,000 x 10% = 60,000

Step 2: Compute for the bonus after bonus and interests. 
B = 10% x (350,000 - B - 130,000)

B = (35,000 - 10%B - 13,000)

B = 22,000 - 10%B

1.10B = 22,000

1.10B/1.10 = 22,000/1.10

B = 20,000
Step 3: Compute the annual salary. 4/6
9/13/22, 8:21 PM Course Hero

Intellectual = 12,500 x 12 = 150,000

Lovable = 10,000 x 12 = 120,000

Step 4: Allocate the profit.

   Intellectual   Lovable  Total

Interest              70,000                        60,000                130,000 

Bonus              20,000                    20,000 

Salaries            150,000                     120,000                270,000 

Remainder (350,000 - 420,000)/2             (35,000)    -              35,000 

Remainder (350,000 - 420,000)/2                       (35,000)  -              35,000 

Total share of each partner            205,000                     145,000                350,000 

*The remainder is negative, meaning the sum of interest, bonus, and salaries exceed the net income. Therefore, share of each
partner should be decreased. 

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