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It is a very common misperception that CO2 is responsible for Climate change and majority of this CO2 comes from man-made activities. There is a consensus building up within the scientists in recent few years that Carbon dioxide is a natural phenomenon caused by volcanoes and is not responsible for climate change. Professor Ian Pilmer, a Geologist from Adelaide University believes that rise in temperature is because of solar cycles and other extra-terrestrial forces. In the past 80 % of the time there has been a very sudden drastic change in the climate and when compared to such a slight change in weather these days,blaming ourselves for the change is irrelevant.On the contrary majority of mainstream scientists agree that the recent warming period was caused by an increase in carbon dioxide since the industrial revolution. Prof. Malberg from Berlin examined in detail what drives the climate and evaluated the data from Europe from USA from Japan. It clearly shows that the climate is dominated by the Sun, and then by the Oceans and then a little by the CO2 effect. Wind power plants cannot be therefore justified by the climate issue to save CO2. It surely will not have any real impact, though might look good on papers. There is a debate going on between the scientists of various countries whether industrial revolution has increased the carbon content in the atmosphere but in reality in the last 10 to 12 years we have not had any more global warming. The temperature has reached a plateau and has shown a decreasing trend in the last few years. That means while the CO2 level has increased strongly, the temperature hasn t reacted at all. We find politicians and media stressing the point to save the climate. The fact is while clean environment, clean air, clean water is a basic human right; we humans do not have a right to stable climate. That just not exists and has never existed. The climate is never constant, it always changes. People speak about species dying but instead of addressing environmental protection actions one starts blaming climate change which is a very big myth. Sadly common people know about it. The temperature rise in the last 150 years has been only just 0.7 degree Celsius which has occurred multiple times since the last Ice Age. There are so many wind and solar power plants coming up in the outskirts of the cities in the deserts far off places to help reduce climate change but power generated from such plants is not constant and transmitting it to long distances results in transmission losses which are very huge. Ultimately the economics of planning, constructing, operating and transmitting the power to such long distances and other issues related to it should be addressed.

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