Phenobarbital Pharmacokinetics in Old Age: A Case-Matched Evaluation Based On Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Data

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Epilepsia, 46(3):372–377, 2005

Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

C 2005 International League Against Epilepsy

Clinical Research

Phenobarbital Pharmacokinetics in Old Age: A Case-matched

Evaluation Based on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Data

∗ Sara Messina, ∗ Dina Battino, ∗ Danilo Croci, ∗ Daniela Mamoli, ∗ Sara Ratti and †Emilio Perucca

∗ Carlo Besta National Neurological Institute, Milan; and †Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University of Pavia, and Laboratories for
Diagnostics and Applied Biological Research, Institute of Neurology, IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy

Summary: Purpose: To assess the influence of aging on the 0.0001). Age was identified as a statistically significant predic-
pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital (PB) at steady state in pa- tor of CL/F at multiple regression analysis, but it accounted for
tients receiving long-term therapy. only a modest component of the interindividual pharmacokinetic
Methods: Serum PB concentrations from the database of the variation. Comedication with carbamazepine (CBZ) and pheny-
therapeutic drug monitoring service of a large neurological hos- toin (PHT) was associated with a moderate decrease in PB CL/F,
pital were used to calculate apparent clearance values (CL/F) in which reached statistical significance in the elderly group (p <
224 patients aged 65 years and older (mean, 73 ± 6.1 years). 0.01 for CBZ comedication; p < 0.001 for PHT comedication).
CL/F values in these patients were compared with those deter- Conclusions: Aging is associated with a significant decrease in
mined in an equal number of controls aged 20 to 50 years (mean, PB clearance, which might be related to a reduction in glomeru-
35.7 ± 7.9 years) and matched for gender, body weight, and lar filtration rate or diminished drug-metabolizing capacity in the
type of anticonvulsant comedication. Correlations of CL/F with liver or both. Because of this, older patients will require lower
age, body weight, gender, and comedication also were explored dosages to achieve serum PB concentrations comparable with
within each age group. those found in nonelderly adults. Key Words: Phenobarbital—
Results: PB CL/F values were significantly lower in elderly Pharmacokinetics—Elderly—Therapeutic drug monitoring—
patients than in controls (3.2 ± 0.8 vs. 4.1 ± 1.2 ml/h/kg; p < Epilepsy.

About 25% of new cases of epilepsy occur in elderly of epilepsy, and an additional 2.2% were receiving the
people, many of whom have concomitant cerebrovascu- same drugs for non–seizure-related disorders (7). Among
lar, neurodegenerative, or neoplastic disorders (1). Inci- available AEDs, time-honored phenobarbital (PB) contin-
dent and prevalent cases of epilepsy in the elderly also are ues to be widely prescribed. Its low cost makes it the only
expected to increase over the next decades as a result of affordable option in emerging countries, and its utilization
the steady increase in life expectancy and proportion of remains relatively high also in developed nations (8–10).
aged people in the general population, particularly in de- Although its ability to interfere with cognitive function and
veloped countries (2,3). Because a diagnosis of a seizure to induce the hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes makes
disorder in old age leads almost invariably to the institu- it a less than optimal choice, other properties such as its
tion of antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy (4,5), it is not sur- sedative effects and the feasibility of once-daily adminis-
prising that AEDs are among the most widely prescribed tration could be advantageous in an older person. Possibly
therapeutic agents in an elderly population. In a study because of this, PB ranked third, after phenytoin (PHT)
from the United States, 10.5% of nursing home residents and carbamazepine (CBZ), among the most commonly
aged 65 and older were found to receive AED therapy used AEDs in a recent U.S. study of community-dwelling
(6). Likewise, a survey of five U.S. pharmacy provider elderly patients with previously diagnosed epilepsy (11)
organizations found that 892 (8.8%) of 10,168 nursing and in surveys of patients living in U.S. nursing homes
home residents were prescribed AEDs for the treatment (7,12). PB also was by far the most commonly used AED
in a recent study of elderly nursing home residents in Italy
Accepted November 6, 2004. (13).
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Dina Battino at
Carlo Besta National Neurological Institute, Via Celoria 11, 20133 Mi- Rational use of AEDs requires a full understand-
lan, Italy. E-mail: ing of factors that may affect their pharmacokinetics,


particularly for those populations, such as the elderly, in bias if the physician used a differential dosing policy in
whom physiologic and pathologic changes may have pro- the elderly compared with that in the young (18). When
found effects on drug disposition (14,15). In view of the more than one concentration was available for any given
fact that PB has been used for about a century and is fre- patient, the last concentration determined was used in the
quently prescribed for the elderly, it is remarkable that comparison. All the information used for the study was de-
information on the influence of old age on its pharma- rived from the TDMS electronic database, where relevant
cokinetics is virtually nonexistent (4,16,17). To address demographic, clinical, and pharmacologic information is
this deficiency, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation carefully recorded before each patient’s visit.
of pharmacokinetic data in a large population of patients
Blood sampling and drug assay
aged 65 to 90 years receiving long-term PB therapy at a
Blood samples were taken between 8 a.m. and 10
major neurological hospital in Milan, Italy. The data pro-
a.m., before the administration of the morning dose. Drug
vide evidence for a significant decrease in PB clearance
concentrations were measured by fluorescence polar-
in these patients.
ization immunoassay (TDx; Abbott Diagnostics, Rome,
Italy). Throughout the period of the study, the labora-
PATIENTS AND METHODS tory’s proficiency was monitored through internal quality-
control procedures and participation in national (Regione
Lombardia, Milan, Italy) and international (Heathcontrol,
Selection of patients and methodologic approach were
Cardiff, U.K.) external quality-control schemes. Between-
identical to those used in recent evaluations of the phar-
day precision coefficient of variation (CV) was better than
macokinetics of CBZ (18) and PHT (19) in old age. All
inpatients and outpatients receiving prolonged PB ther-
apy monitored at the therapeutic drug monitoring service Pharmacokinetic and statistical analysis
(TDMS) of the Carlo Besta National Neurological Insti- Because PB shows linear (dose-independent) phar-
tute in Milan were included in the study if they met the macokinetics, the confounding effect of differences in
following eligibility criteria: (a) age 65 years or older; dosages was eliminated by determining apparent oral
(b) availability of at least one serum PB concentration at clearance (CL/F) values, which were calculated for each
steady state (e.g., ≥6 weeks on a stable dosage, in the ab- patient by using the following equation:
sence of changes in associated comedication), during the
CL/F(ml/h/kg) = PBdose(mg/kg/day)/
period January 1990 to November 2003; (c) availability of
[Css (mg/ml) × 24h]
accurate information on demographics, clinical status, and
details of comedication(s) taken, including dose, time of where CL is the total body clearance of the drug, F is the
administration, and duration of therapy; (d) no associated oral bioavailability, and Css is the serum PB concentration
drugs, other than AEDs, known to affect PB pharmacoki- at steady state.
netics (e.g., cimetidine, isoniazid, activated charcoal); (e) For each set of data (demographic variables, drug
no clinical or laboratory evidence of moderate to severe dosages, serum drug concentrations, and CL/F values),
hepatic or renal insufficiency; and (f) no evidence of poor compatibility of data with a normal distribution and equal-
compliance as indicated by variable (>25% difference) ity of group variances were assessed by means of the
serum PB concentrations on repeated measurements on Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and the Bartlett test. If data
the same dosage and comedication. Together with this were consistent with a normal distribution and equal vari-
group, a control group of equal size of younger patients ances, means and SD were calculated and compared by
aged 20 to 50 years, also receiving PB therapy and moni- Student’s t test, or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
tored at the TDMS, was selected for comparison purposes. in the case of multiple comparisons. For data deviating
Except for the age range, eligibility criteria for controls from a normal distribution and/or showing different vari-
were identical to those for the elderly, with the additional ances (as for dose, age, and CL/F), comparisons were
requirement that each control had to provide a match for made by using Mann–Whitney’s U test or the Kruskal–
each individual elderly patient with respect to gender, body Wallis test in the case of multiple comparisons. A p value
weight (within 10%), and type of AED comedication. Be- ≤0.05 was considered significant.
cause the distribution of dosages and serum PB levels To test potential correlations between CL/F values and
among elderly patients and controls was not randomized, age, a linear regression model was initially used. Analy-
dosages and serum concentrations were deliberately dis- sis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare slopes
regarded in the matching process. Matching for dosage and intercepts of the regression lines generated for sub-
would have resulted in a bias if the physician, based on groups homogeneous for comedication. In addition, to as-
TDM data, had adjusted dosages to achieve comparable sess the relative potential contribution of several clinical
serum drug levels in the two populations. Likewise, match- variables to the interpatient variability in PB CL/F, a step-
ing for serum concentration would have equally caused a wise linear-regression model was developed (18,19) in

Epilepsia, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2005


which the following parameters were tested: age (years), TABLE 2. Comparison of phenobarbital CL/F values (means
body weight (kg), gender (men, 0; women, 1), and pres- ± SD) in different groups according to age and comedication.
ence or absence of CBZ comedication (monotherapy, 0; Mean ± SD (ml h −1 kg−1 )
CBZ comedication, 1) or PHT comedication (monother-
Elderly Controls
apy, 0; PHT comedication, 1). In finalizing the multiple
regression equations, variables with a p value >0.05 were All patients 3.2 ± 0.8∗∗∗ 4.1 ± 1.2
Phenobarbital monotherapy 3.3 ± 0.8∗∗∗ 4.2 ± 1.2
eventually removed. Carbamazepine comedication 3.0 ± 0.7∗◦ 3.7 ± 1.1
Statistical tests were performed by using the GraphPad Phenytoin comedication 2.7 ± 0.6∗∗◦◦ 3.9 ± 1.3
Instat and the GraphPad Prism version 3.0a for Macintosh ∗ p < 0.01, ∗∗ p < 0.001, ∗∗∗ p < 0.0001 (vs corresponding controls)
(GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.). ◦ p < 0.01, ◦◦ p < 0.001 (vs phenobarbital monotherapy)

Although overall, elderly patients received significantly
Characteristics of the study population lower daily doses, their mean serum PB concentration
Of 12,487 patients registered in the database, 243 el- was similar to that found in nonelderly controls. When
derly subjects receiving PB fulfilled the eligibility criteria monotherapy groups were compared, elderly patients also
for inclusion in the study. Of these, 168 (69%) were receiv- were found to receive significantly lower PB dosages than
ing monotherapy, and 75 (31%) were receiving comedi- controls (1.7 ± 0.6 vs. 2.0 ± 0.9 mg/kg/day; p < 0.0001).
cation with other AEDs, including CBZ (n = 35), PHT Similar dosage differences between the elderly and con-
(n = 21), and a variety of other drugs (n = 19). Because trols were found for subgroups homogeneous for type of
the number of patients receiving comedications other than comedication, but these differences did not reach statisti-
CBZ and PHT was insufficient for meaningful assessment, cal significance.
these patients were excluded from the evaluation.
Comparison of phenobarbital CL/F values between
The study population submitted to final analysis con-
and within age groups
sisted of 224 patients (116 men, 108 women) aged 65 to
When all patients (irrespective of comedication) were
90 years (mean, 73.0 ± 6.1 years) and an equal number of
compared, mean PB CL/F values were found to be 22%
matched controls aged 20 to 50 years (mean, 35.7 ± 7.9
lower in the elderly than in controls (Table 2). A lower
years). The characteristics of the two groups are summa-
CL/F in the elderly compared with controls also was found
rized in Table 1.
for subgroups of patients receiving monotherapy (21%)
and for those comedicated with CBZ (19%) and PHT
TABLE 1. Characteristics of the patients included in the PB CL/F values also were lower in elderly patients re-
study. Values are means ± SD. ceiving CBZ or PHT comedication than in those stabilized
Elderly Controls on monotherapy (Table 2). Lower PB CL/F values in pa-
tients receiving comedication compared with patients in
Age (years) 73.0 ± 6.1 35.7 ± 7.9
Body weight (kg) 67.7 ± 11.7 67.9 ± 12.0
monotherapy also were found in the control group, but the
Gender distribution (males/females) 116 108 116 108 differences failed to reach statistical significance.
Patient on phenobarbital monotherapy (n) 168 168
Patient on carbamazepine comedication (n) 35 35 Relation between phenobarbital CL/F values
Patient on phenytoin comedication (n) 21 21 and age
Phenobarbital dosage (mg kg−1 day−1 )
All patients 1.6 ± 0.6∗∗ 2.0 ± 0.9 The relation between individual PB CL/F values and
Patients on monotherapy 1.7 ± 0.6∗∗ 2.0 ± 0.9 age in monotherapy and comedicated patients within
Patients comedicated with carbamazepine 1.5 ± 0.7 1.9 ± 1.0 the elderly and the control populations is illustrated
Patients comedicated with phenytoin 1.5 ± 0.6 2.0 ± 0.9
Serum phenobarbital in Fig. 1. Although a trend was noted for PB CL/F
concentration (µg ml−1 ) to decrease moderately with increasing age in some
All patients 21.2 ± 7.8 20.5 ± 7.3 subgroups, none of the correlations reached statistical
Patients on monotherapy 20.9 ± 6.8 20.3 ± 7.4
Patients comedicated with carbamazepine 21.2 ± 9.1 21.0 ± 7.5
Patients comedicated with phenytoin 23.8 ± 11.8 21.3 ± 5.7
Carbamazepine dosage (mg kg−1 day−1 ) 11.8 ± 6.0∗ 15.8 ± 6.5 Multiple regression analysis
Serum carbamazepine 6.5 ± 2.2 6.5 ± 2.3
concentration (µg ml−1 )
To assess the relative contribution of different variables
Phenytoin dosage (mg kg−1 day−1 ) 3.6 ± 1.5 4.2 ± 1.7 to the interindividual variability in PB CL/F, the influence
Serum phenytoin 11.4 ± 7.7 12.4 ± 9.9 of age, gender, body weight, and type of comedication was
concentration (µg ml−1 ) tested by multiple regression analysis. The analysis indi-
∗ p < 0.01 (vs corresponding controls) cated that CL/F was significantly correlated with age (p <
∗∗ p < 0.0001 (vs corresponding controls) 0.0001), daily dosage expressed as mg/kg (p < 0.0001),

Epilepsia, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2005


FIG. 1. Relation between phenobarbital

(PB) CL/F values and age in patients
receiving PB monotherapy (open circles,
thick line) and in patients comedicated with
carbamazepine (solid circles, broken line)
or phenytoin (triangles, thin line). Elderly
patients are illustrated in the upper panel,
and controls, in the lower panel. Equa-
tions of the regressions lines for elderly pa-
tients were CL/F = 3.2 + 0.002 × Age,
n = 168, p > 0.05 (phenobarbital
monotherapy); CL/F = 4.7 – 0.02 × Age, n
= 35, p > 0.05 (carbamazepine comedica-
tion); and CL/F = 5.2 – 0.03 × Age, n = 21,
p > 0.05 (phenytoin comedication). Equa-
tions of the regressions lines for controls
were CL/F = 4.6 – 0.01 × Age, n = 168, p >
0.05 (phenobarbital monotherapy); CL/F =
4.3 – 0.02 × Age, n = 35, p > 0.05 (carba-
mazepine comedication); and CL/F = 5.8
– 0.05 × Age, n = 21, p > 0.05 (phenytoin

body weight (p < 0.001), and PHT comedication (p < DISCUSSION

0.05), according to the following equation (adjusted r2 =
To date, the influence of age on PB pharmacokinetics
0.40; p < 0.0001):
has been characterized extensively only in pediatric age
groups (20), and, surprisingly, virtually no information
CL/F = 4.4 − 0.02 × Age − 0.01 × Body weight + is available on potential alterations occurring at the other
0.6 × Dose − 0.2 × PHT comedication extreme of age. The possibility that aging could be associ-
ated with reduced PB clearance was suggested by Eadie et
al. (21), who assessed the distribution of serum PB levels
Of the variables tested, gender did not appear to contribute in a large population and found that subjects older than 40
significantly to the prediction of CL/F values. years had lower mean CL/F values than did subjects aged

Epilepsia, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2005


15 to 40 years (2.5 vs. 4.9 ml/h/kg, respectively). However, phenobarbital (6–40% of the dose) and N-glycosidation
only a few of their patients were older than 65 years, and to 9-D-glucopyranosyl-phenobarbital (25% of the dose), a
potential pharmacokinetic changes specific for the elderly reaction catalyzed by uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl-
could not be evaluated. Indirect evidence for possible al- transferase (17). Because aging is accompanied by a phys-
terations in PB disposition in old age was provided in an iologic decrease in glomerular filtration rate, the aging-
earlier study by our group that compared the pharmacoki- associated reduction in PB CL/F rate may be explained,
netics of primidone in 10 patients aged 70 to 81 years and at least in part, by a decrease in renal clearance of un-
eight controls aged 18 to 26 years receiving comparable changed drug, as observed with other AEDs that are elim-
dosages (22). In that study, serum levels of metabolically inated primarily by renal excretion, such as gabapentin
derived PB levels were found to be 41% higher in the (26), levetiracetam (27) and vigabatrin (28). A reduction
elderly, although the difference failed to reach statistical in metabolic clearance also could contribute to the de-
significance. crease in CL/F, and it is noteworthy that the unbound drug
The present investigation provides clear evidence that clearance of AEDs that are eliminated mainly by hepatic
PB pharmacokinetics is altered in old age. Elderly patients metabolism, such as CBZ (18,29), valproic acid (30,31),
had comparable serum PB levels to those of nonelderly and PHT (19,32) also has been found to be decreased in
adult controls, although the latter were prescribed higher elderly patients.
dosages, and PB CL/F values were on average 22% lower Irrespective of the mechanism(s) involved, the aging-
in the elderly than in the controls. Although age was iden- related reduction in PB CL/F observed in the present study
tified as a statistically significant predictor of CL/F at mul- may have clinical implications. On average, elderly pa-
tiple regression analysis, the interindividual variability in tients require smaller dosages to achieve serum PB con-
CL/F at any given age was considerable, and the trend for centrations comparable with those found in nonelderly
CL/F to decrease moderately with increasing age in some adults, and careful monitoring of clinical response and
subgroups failed to reach significance in simple regression serum PB levels may be especially warranted in this age
analyses (Fig. 1). Indeed, differences in age had overall group. If the reduction in PB CL/F is indeed caused by a
a modest role in explaining the variation in PB pharma- decrease in renal or metabolic clearance or both, the half-
cokinetics, suggesting that other factors have greater im- life of the drug also may be longer in the elderly, leading
portance. Among the latter, AED comedication was iden- to prolongation of the time required to reach steady state
tified as significant. In particular, concurrent administra- after initiation of therapy or adjustments in dosage.
tion of PHT was associated with a modest decrease in PB
CL/F, which reached statistical significance within the el-
derly group. A decrease in PB CL/F by PHT is consistent REFERENCES
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Epilepsia, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2005

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