Cosmos Plantsman June 2017

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New Series Volume l6Pat 2

June 2Ol7 M[Bil;,,,,,.,
Shoring the best in Gordeninq
the wild'
Often stated to be extinct in
C osmo s atros anguineus, chocolate cosmos is quite abundant
at the
has been intriguing botanists
since it Mexico. Gna'Ha-u fircn looks
and captivating gardeners
arri rei in B.itain from Mexico in .;iJ;;.. and its diversity in cultivation'
1861. A, lorrg
as 1915

enthused about it, saYing

EA Bowles
it was: 'as flowerwith the rich chocoiate- of Hidalgo' Mexico' by Benedict

dark a maroon as can exist
populariry. This is its story' *r*:*:t.E:11ff3.*"
being as black as Your boor" sender in 1g61 byryilliam
F.o --o decades seed was Thompson'founder of the
Discovery and narning

of Britain's Thorrrpson & Morgan seed

offered everyyear by one is one of36
interest Cosmos atrosanguineus also receivedby
houses then in Ipswich' Seedwas
leading seed
Cosmos species, z8 of*hittl""J at the
fadedJhe lsting left the catalogue (sr-t"'rii Eduard ortgies' head gardener
endemic to Mexico
and when enthusiasm was
tt is one oi Botanical Garden of the University
Alexantler 1q59' the
i itwas thought that the Plantwas tol"ttiot' of Zv\clt'sent to him under
only one eight species b"lo"gi"g
extinct in the wild and that subtribe'"";;;;;;'' X::3':1:"IK::"1*1ffii'-"
at Royal Botanic Discopodain
sterile clone, grown L Ortgtes rzust
The ot her specles are 'uncolor'
Gardens, Kew, was in cultivation' a prodigious piant
it C"*oo'io^'
C. ialiscensis, C. modesttu,
Roezl was Caption style n
Now, I am able to confum that coilector who' among his many positioned 2mr

never extinct, it continued to ;.t;;';;;*r'; ^td c' uabio'oidn" coilections' sent 10 tons of
o{rsites tosetherwith two 'ptti"'Jt*'it'"d illustration
srow protifically ar a numher to Europe in one shipment
in Me*ico, and has been grown from ;fi;:;;;;')"p'l'ii"'' ^'d -J(illiamFlooker (1861) gave an material. Ir

for decades' \(ith C.ramirezianus account-of the plant' before

he again colle,
seed in cultivation
Cosmos atrosanguineuswasfrtst Palmer in I
fact that later
these discoveries, and tht ali"i"' received seed from Thompson
hybrids are being collected, u, ,"ta *a "' with hls text and Hooker
new cultivars and
material,nettZimapan, in the
statt that same year', the chocolate-coioured June 2017
June 2017


Bir/ens,as B. atrosanguineus.It
was not
until 1894 that Aadreas Voss raised
it to species level,backinCosmos. as
C. atrosanguinetn.
In recent years it has been
presumed extincr; irs habirat
thought to have been almost totallv
destroyed by logging, copper
agriculrure and development. Hind
& Fay (2003) noted it as: ,believed
be extinct in the wild... This
has not been refound in the
since it was last apparently collected
in the 1860s'.

fnto the garden

Thompson & Morgan fust listed
C. atrosanguineus, as Cosmos
div ers tfo lius atros anguine rc, in their
seed catalogue oflgg5 priced
at 4d.
By 1902 two forms were listed:
Cosmos dive rsift /i u s a ! rosa ngu
i neu s,
now priced at 3d and given the
cofiunon na.rne black dah/ia,and
n the wild, cultivar'King of the Blacks,,
described simply as an ,improved
bundant in
and priced at 6d. By 1942 ody
toks at the f:T'.
'K ing oFthe Blacks'was Lrred,

jd. at
It did not appear in subsequenr
editions of the catalogue.
lexico, byBenedict By the timc it was dropped its
)(Anon. 1889. Seed relative Iy low price sugEests
f,om an unknown rhat there was no shonage ofseed
Ibyw,lr"- that it was priced ro clear stocks
funder ofthe during war-t ime ausreri
ry. However,
Morgan seed company it soon disappeared lrom cuh ivar ion.
iedwas aiso received by While Thompson & Morgan were
es, the
head gardener at popularizing the plant, Luther
den of the University Burbank began breeding work in
t to him under the Nonh America. .Ofren spoken ofas
linapanibyRoe zl. the black dahlia,'he wrore (\X/hirson
more than 200 plants. et a|.1914),,its tubers and
odigious plant strongly suggest the common dahlia
amonghis many a in miniarure. For four or five years
fii,'t|ffiy1'#'#XtiH'o11rT ;l'** '
nd cosmos atrosansuineus is arive
and weil a caption; usuaily I
irt of orchids
10 tons worked exrensively with r hs ,o_
lne shipment. rllusration derived from dried called black dahlia, not only byway
diae rsifo/ i us v at. atroJ.ngu i n e us,
loker (1861) gave arr material. In 1878 dried material was of improving the flower itself.
although wirhour living marerial but
plant, before he again colleted by E parry and CC ol: al:o in rhe arrempr ro hybridize it
C. diaersifolius
with which to
foom Thompson later Sar Luis potosi in Mexico.
Pajmer in with the dahlia proper. I succeeded
compare ir. Ortgies, with the benefit
; with his text and Hooker named the plant Cct s mos by selective breeding in enlarging
of comparative material, moved the
it to flower to about twice its original :.,.
June 2017 June 2017

size, in making the petals much

rounder and lhller, in adding exrra
petals, and in changing the color In 2007 Mexican botanist Aar6n
ofthe petals from the usual dark
purplish crimson to a Iighr crimson
approaching scarlet and in a few cases
Rodriguez of the Universidad de
Guadalajara, Mexico, began a research
project on Cosmor, whose distribution
is largely confined to Mexico, !7ith his
to a pale pint approaching white.' research students he searched Mexican
It is unclear exactlywhat Burbant herbariafor Cosmor records and found
did, as with much of his breeding I I relatively recent records of
work, or whether his pollinations led C. atrosanguineus (Castro-Castro et al. &
to interspecific or intergeneric 2014). The earliesr of thesewas a
collection made in October 1986 by
fertilizations, or which parents
Mexican botanistJerzy R zedowski.
contributed to the'approaching Having pinpointed the locations of
white'form. However, a modern earlier collections he ald his team began
cultivar,'Mexical Black', claimed to field work. They found plants of
be a hybrid betweenCosmos ancl C. atrosanguinea in the Mexican states
Dahlia,]s aDahlia (Shaw 2Olg. ofGuanajuato, Quer6taro and San Luis
There were no plants of Porosi. 'The popularions are quite E

numerous,' Rodriguez reported.'Plants

C. atrosanguineus growing at Kew -"t
grow in mired pine and oak forest.' It
when Briar I lalliwetl, an assisranr Three cultivars of Cosmc
grows from around 1,800m to 2,450m ('Hamcoec') (top teft), Dr
curator, arrived there in 1968, but and in Guanajuato growswithCosmos
he reported (Lewendon 2006) that, parutflorus aswellas species of,
each other to set a
'most likely in the 80s', he received Arbutus, Damodium, Ipomoea, Oxalis,
at this point I had
aplant of C. atrosanguineus fromthe Salaia and Stevia.
So it tums out th at C. atrosangaineus is
but discovered the
American plantsman Le Roy
not extinct and that there are records
of mutant charactr
Davidson. However, Kew records
ofthe plant from 1986 through to the needed to be got ri
note irs identiFcation as being
recent collections of Aar6n Rodriguez By 1995 Poulter
verified in 1978. Halliwell reporred and his team. satisfied with rhe q
that it grew in the Duchess Border at
Top: a herbarium sheet held at the University of Guadalajara of cosmos atrosangurneus The specimen to submit seed, un<
Kew, in rich but well-drained soil at was collecLed from the wild in Zimapan, Hidalgo, in September 2011. 'Pinot Noir'. for pl;
the foot of a sunnywall, and was still Above: a flower of Cosmos atrosanguineus photographed in the wild in [4exico.
Rights protection i
there when he retired in 1989.
It was granted in 19
Plants of this male-sterile form of Mexico, tissue-cultured plants clone whose flowers had no obvious maintaining this ser
were passed to $(/ Ingwersen in 1986 from Kevr's male-sterile clone were poilen and set no seed. But in about ever since. Poulterl
andJ Russell in 1989 (presumably sent to Mexico for a reintroduction 1990 he noticed that one plant had more that 20 years
the nurserynnen \)Tilliam Ingwersen programme. Propagation continued set rwo seeds which produced two population of C.dn
andJames Russell, but Kewonly in Mexico but the plan stalled, more plants. In the folJowingyears breeds true from ser
recorded their initials). although in 2003 research was cross-pollinations by hand produced genetic diversity. So
underway to preserve the clone a few more plants. I{owever, as he conventiona.l wisdor
A reintroduction programrne lor ltture reintroduction. using put it: 'Among the seedlings there North Americawas
In 7997 material was transferred to cryopresefvation of germplasm was quite a bit ofvariation, most of it only one clone in cu,
Kcu/s micropropagat ion unir at IY llkinson et a /. 19 9 8, 20 03). bad. Thc worst characl erisric was a
rJTakehurst Place to be never set seed, poult
bulked up for At this time a diverse population deep division in rhe petals giving a large numbers from
possible reintroduction to Mexico. ofseed-raised plants was already confused looking flower. Other poor supplying gardeners
In 1998 seedwas received at Kew in existence in New Zealand and characteristics were a blood-red After its distributi
from the National Botanic (l.arden t he planr was not, in fact, exrincr. peta.l rather than a brown,/blood-red, horticu-ltural trade, t.
of Belgium in Meise but it is unclear small flower size, and lack of scent. was grown from cutt
whethcr it germinated; the Kew Breeding developrnents Flowever, one or rwo plants had proved easy to propa
record simply states 'dead'. Russell Poulter, geneticist at Otago
a flowers with abundant pollen (very culture and became.r,
Following a request from the Universiry New Zealand, grew a few pretty against the petals). Various of Its colour, fragrance,
Nat ional Auronomous U nivcrsiry plants of the commercia.l male-sterile these 'pollen'plants crossed with ofits extinction and i
June 20'l7 June 2017

I've had n-rasses of seecl in rccent

years I've not had self-sown seedlings
but this year there are hundreds! I'm
pulling them out every day...'
Keith Hammem, bettcrknown for
his swect pea and dahlia breeding in
New Zealand, selected and crossed from Poulter's plants in
2008 for commercial propagation bv
tissue culture. Three ofthe resulting
cultivars have recently been
introduced as Dark Secret (3013/01),
tclipse ('Hamcoec) and Spellbound
Anne \Tright of Dryad Nursew
in Yorkshire, who had received seed
fiom Lesley Oox in about 2010, soon
after sold material to Thompson &
Three cultivars of cosnos atrosanguineus raised by plant breeder Keith Hammett. They are Eclipse
('t-lamcoec') (t0p left), Dark Secret ('3013/01) (bottom centre) and
Spellbound ('Hamcosp') (top right).
Dcr el6prngnl conrinucs in
England, Gelmany, New ZeaJ.and
each othcr to set abundant seed... So seed bccame part ofits popular allure. and probably cl:ewhcrc. For
at this point I had restored fertility In2O06 a hybridwith an gardcners thc lesson is that rccent
but discovered the genome was full unidentifi ed species was introduced cultivars propagated vegetatively,
of mutart characteristics thar by Thompson & Morgan. (Jalled such as Chocamocha, Dark Secret, tclipse
needed to be got rid of.' Chocamocha ('Ihomocha), it was the and Spellbound, as well as seed-raised
By 1995 Poulterwas sufficiently first widely growrr culrivar sincc cultivars, should be tried as
satisfied with the qualiqy of his plants 'King OfThe Blacks'. It soon alternatives to the older, unnamed
to submit seed, under thc name became popular for its improved clone that has bcen circulating.
mos atosanquineus.Ihe sPecimen
'Pinot Noir', for Plant Variety habit and more consistent flowering, But it is a.lso clear that rhere have
id in Mexico. Rights protection in New Ze:LIand. while retaining the chocolate been two popular mirconceptions.
Itwas granted in1997. I Ie has been lragrance and colour ofrhs rpet ies. is not cxtinct
Cos mus,t I rosanguzneas

rse flowers had no obvious maintaining this seed-raised cultivar It rather neatly revived the seed in the wild, fact that was known
J set no seed. But in about ever since. Poulter has now spcnt company's connection with the as long ago as 1986 but which was
roticed that one Plant had more thal1 20 years creating a species first grown by founder never widcly apprcciated. It is also
:eds which produced two population of C. atrosanguineus that $(iiliam Thompson in 1861. clear that while some plants, such as
rts. In the followingyears brecds (ruc lrom recd and retains Seed-raised plants of 'Pinot Noir' the onc widely propagated by tissue
linations by hand produced genetic diversity. So, while were on sale in New Zcaland garden culture, are male sterile, malv are
re plants. However, as hc convcntional wisdom in Europe and cenlrcs around 2000, sometimcs as male-fertile and seed-raised plants
nong the seedlings there North Amcrica was that there was unnamed plants. But European ar-rd have been grown since 1990.
a bit of variation, most of it onlyone ckrne in cultivation and it North American gardeners and
worst characteristic was a nrrer \et seed. P,rultcr was raising nurseries werc largelyunawarc of its The plants
sion in the petals giving a largenumbers from seed and existence. New Zealand gardener The following accounts arc
looking flower. Other Poor supplying gardene rs in New Zealand. Lcsley Cox ser-rt sced to the UK in dcscripr ions oI C. ,ttros,tnguineus
istics were a blood-red After its clistribution to the about 2010. Possibly as a result of cultivars, selections and hybrids
rer than a brown/blood-red, horticultura.l trade, the Kew clone this ar-r increasing number of that have been, or are currently,
ver size, and lack of scent. was grown from cuttings. It then gardcners wcre firrding fertilc plants, cultivated. I have l'ound mcnrion
:, one or wo pLurts had proved easy t( ) propagirl e by rissuc discussing thern on forrrms, and of further names such as 'Chocolate
rith abundant pollen (very culturc and became widelypopular. submitting secd to secd lists. By Ruffl e','Christopher','Hot
ainst the petals). Various of Its colour, fragrrncc. thc mysrirlue 2016 Coxposted on the Scottish Chocolate' and 'Pip', but without
llen' plants crossed with of its extinction and its refusa.l to set Rock Garden Club forum:'Although :ury descriptions.

June 2017 June 2017


Co smo s atros anguineus Kew :ti'ii,W

In this selection grown at Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, small,
slender, dahlia-like rubers support
rather weak, dark red stems carrying
a slightly straggly mound of glossy,
dark green leaves. The leaves are
splir pinnately once or tu i( e inro
narrowly diamond-shaped leafl ets,
sometimes with reddish tints. Each
flowering stem, reaching 40-60cm,
carries one, saucer-shaped, chocolate-
A fertile clone (left) and the infertile$ew
scented, fower,4.5cm in diameter,
comprising eight, obovate ray florets
in rich chocolate maroon and almost
black disc florets. Pollen is not
produced. Plants are late to emerge
in spring and flower fromJulY to

Cosmos atrosanguineus
unnarned, seed-raised forrns
Seed, not differentiated by cultivar
name, collected on the nursery, was
made available from Plant \7or1d
Seeds, Devon, in 2016. The
description stated:'Mature plants
vary from trght compact clumPs with
short-stemmed blooms, up to large
branching beauties withvery long
stemmed flowers which are ide al for
cutting. Flowers range from small to
opulently large, whilst the fragrant
petals vary from notched or feathered
to oval and entire.' Plalts are
gpically 30-60cm in height.
Seed is also available fromJorrna
Sudenius in Belgium, collected from
plants grown from seed she received
from Russia. Images indicate flowers
with l2 ormore rays.varYingfrom
osmos atrosanguinezs
tBlack rounded and overlapping, and
red to aimost black. Plants are C

qpically 50-8Ocm in height. Magic' sometimes lobed at the tiP. At the

This was the first widely available other extreme the rays are slender,
C osmos atrosanguinezs
tBlack seed-raised cultivar. Plants are variable in shape, and with
Beautyt variable in habit and herght, but noticeable gaps between them,
usualJy about 60cm. and it is cre ating a spidery look. The number
Cut flowering stems have been
offered under this name but this may especially notable that the flowers ofrays varies from eight to 24 and
simply be a marketing name for thc vary in three ways. At one extreme where there are fewer rays they tend
usua.1 tissue cultured form. the rays are broad, evenlY shaPed, to be broader. I ts flowers vary in

June 2017 June 20'17


colour from the rich chocolate

brown we associate with this plant
t o what is definitely red, sometimes

wth bronze tints. The foliage is

paler than that oltother selections
ard the plants relatively late into
Its origin is from a single seedhead
from a private garden in New
Zealandreceived in 2004 by Georg
Uebelhart, general manager ofJelitto
Perennial Seeds. The plant it came
fromwas said to be unrelated to
'Pinot Noir', although this seems
un1ike1y. The followingyear he
harvested 48 seeds. In the early
generations the plants were variable,
only a few carrying the required
large, rounded flowers. Crosses were
then made with existing clones and
this improved the flower form and
colour arrd enhanced the fertility.
Repeated selection reduced the
number of the less attractive forms
and, although the plants of 'Black
Magic' are variable, it was considered
sufficientlyunique to be named.

C osrnos atrosanguinezs Goco

Chanel ('3O13/O1')
Coco Chanel is the trade designation
used in New Zealand for'3013/01'.
was replaced by Dark Secret in
North America lor lear of litigation.

C osmos atrosanguinezs Dark

Secret ('3O13/O1')
The dark brown to deep wine-red
flowers of this cultivar have broad
rays, overlapping to create
significantly more impact than
many other selections, andwith

gerlapping, and
yellow pollen creating a bright
at the tiP. At the centre. The flowers are held on
rays are slender, relativelylong stems, about 50cm
andwith in height, clad in fiesh green foliage,

between them, but fragrance is relativelylight.

look. The number It was selected by Keith Hammett
eight to 24 and in2009, from seedlings derived
fewer rays theY tend from crosses with Poulter's material,
Its flowers vary in and introduced in 2015.

June 2017 1 June 2017 ll7


C osmo s atros anguinezs Eclipse small flowers, poor s

(tllarncoect) forms, weak necks a
The largest flowered of all clones, outside the normall
the deep burgundy red, 5cm-blooms
are held on unusually long stems Cosmos atrosangt
above fresh green foliage and have a Spellbound (,Hamc
good chocolate fragrance. rJ(ith its X(/ith elegant, round
large flowers, long stems to 80cm, flowers a little over 4
exceptional vigour and good scent cultivar holds them c
this is probabll rhe besr [or cut t ing. above broadlydivide
Selected by Hamme tt, it has the reaching 90cminhei
same origin as Dark Secret and was a-re strongly chocolat
introduced in 2016. most fragrant of I.Ian
available selections. I
atro s anguineus.
C o smos origin as Dark Secret ar
Fleuroselect entry 2O16 introduced in 2015.
One of the entries in the 2016
Fleuroselect trials was a seed-raised Cosmos Ghocamocht
selection of C. atrosanguineus. In the ('Thomocha') (p11i
trials, in which entries are trialled This hybrid between r

anongnously at sites across Europe, and an undisclosed sp

it was compared with'Black Magic' flowers that are more
and the familiar tissue-cultured clone. chocolate in colour, ar
I saw it at one ofthe trial sites and
the fowers are rich reddish,
Anon. (188! Benedicr
chocolate brown and well-shaped.
Cbron., ser.2,v.24,24
The colour is darkest when the
Bowles, EA 091tM
flowers fust open and then becomes Autumn and \Y/inter.'it
slightly redder as the 11ower natures. Ltd, London
The scent is good, but perhaps a Castro-Castro, A, V
little less strong than that ofthe G,Harker,M&Rod
widely grown clone. It was also An:ilisis macromorfol6
carlicr into flower,45-60cm in citogen6tico del g6nerc
Q4st era c e ae, C o re op s i de a
height, more vigorous and more
prolific. The foliage was very dark.
para su identificaci6n. I
In comparison to 'Black Magic' it Hind, NtFay, MF(
was more uniform in everyway, name, having been raised inJapan C osmos atrosanguineas'Pinot atro sanguinus (C o mp o s it
including colour and flower shape , rn2003 byTakayoshi Oku fiom Noirt Mag20:4048
and with larger flowers. It has not open pollinated seedlings (Oku This seed-raised cultivar was raised Hooker, WJ 0861) Ca
yet been introduced or named. et al. 2003). It features moderately by Poulter in order to create a dizt e rs ifo I ius v ar. atro s any
Bot. Mag.87:t.5227
fragrant, reddish flowers about selection that was as close as possible
Lewendon, S (2006) S
C osmo s atros anguinezs Mystique 4.5cm across carried prolifically to the wild form. Starting with rwo
lblltq, in Cosnos atrosang
This is the fourth of Hammett's on plants that are noticeably seeds in 1990, by i995 he was Mexican endemic specir
select ions, currently known just much wider than high, reaching sufficiently satisfied with the quality Unpublished PhD thesi
under its trade designation, and has '15cm in height. and consistency ofhis strain to Oku, T, Takahashi, H
not yet been protected or released. This cultivar was developed with submit it for Plant Variety Rights Nakamura, I &Mii, n,
the aim of incolporating resistance protection in New Zealand. The Hybridisation between <

cosmos and yellow cosm

C o smo s atros anguinens'New to powdery mildew and tolerance of applicationwas granted in 1997 nd
by phylogenetic analysis
Chocot high temperatures, and is described he has been maintaining this cultivu
subtlpe identitv (pSiD)
This was the first selection of as'reasonably tolerant' of powdery ever since. 'J7ith a height ofabout
J Sci. Bi;tuch.83:3
C. atrosanguineus to receive a cultivar mildew. 60cm, he has worked to eliminate
small fowers, poor scent, poor flower strongly ented than the first species.
st C osmos tstrawberry Choco
forms, weak necks arrd colours However, they open earLier and more Sanse 41t
outside the normal parafi)eters. consistently over a long season from This is probably the only hybrid
b ettveen C. atro s angtineus arrd
June to September or later. The roots
are less tuberous and more fibrous C. sulpbureus to progress as far as a
Cosmos atrosanguineus
Spellbound ('flarncosp') than those of C. atrosanguineus and plant variety protection application,
ril/ith elegant, rounded, rich crimson the bushy foliage is a fresher, brighter, but it was never released. The latter
Ilowers a little over 4cm across, this slightly silvery green, and develoPs was the pollen parent and the

cultivar holds them on long stems into a moundwith the upward facing resultant cultivar, 30-40cm in
above broadiy divided foliage, flowers held clearly above it. herght with red flowers, was said
reaching 90cm in height. The flowers ro diFfer from the sced parent in its
are strongly chocolate scented, the Cosmos sterile triPloid hYbrid vigorous branching, more numerous
most fragrant of Hammett's three Raised by Geertie Winsemius in flowers, rapid growth and longer
-fhompson & Morgan, floweringperiod.
available selections. It has the same 1 998 at
origin as Dark Secret and was this was an earlier hybrid between
introduced in 2015. C. atrosanguineus and another species. Conclusion
It was introduced in 2006 was The, up-to-now, unheralded
Cosmos Chocamocha recorded as 40cm in height. The diligence of Merican botanist Aar6n
('Thornocha') (p112) identity ofthe other species has not Rodriguez proves beyond doubt that
-l'his flourishing pop tlations of Co.rmos
hybrid beru een C. atrosangrineut been confirmed, but Charles Valin,
who currentlyworks as a breeder at wild.
atrosanguineus exist in the
and an undisclosed species has
flowers that are more deep red than Thompron & Morgan. susPects it Andwhile only one sterile cione
may have been C. linemifolius. was thought to bc in cultivatron.
chocolate in colour, and are less
Russell Poulter's aim in developing
a large rced rarsed population was
Anon. (1889 Be nedictRoezl. Gdrd. Shaw, (201J) Nomenclatural
JMH for his plants to be re-introduced
Chron.,scr. 2,v. 24, 24 October 1885 notes on horticultural.hybrids: D ah lia
into thewild. Althoughwe now
Bowles. EA (lqlt /rly G.trden in 'Mexican Black', Potentilla ar'd other
Tigridid. appreciate that this is not necessary,
Autumn and TC & ECJack Rosaceae, Sty lophorum, and
Ph y toneunn 2015-53, 1-5 his manyyears of diligence has led to
Ltd, London
Castro-Castro, A, Vargas-Amado, Sherff, EE & Alexander, EJ (195t some excellent recent introductions.
G, Harker, M & Rodrigue, A (201'1) C o mp o s it ae -H e li dnth a - Core op s i dina e.
e e

Andlisis macromorfol6gico y In: Sherff, EE & Alexander, EJ (eds)

citogen6tico del g6nero Cosmos N oth American F lora. Ser. 2,Pt. 2. GRAHAM RtcB is Editor-in-Chief
(Asterdcede, Coreopsideae), con una clave New York Botanical Gardens, New Ez cyclopedia ofPerennials.
ofthe R F/S
para su identificaci6n. Bot. Sci. 9213: York
I Ie also writes the New Plants blog
363-388 Thompson & Morgan (1885, 1902,
at www.rhs.
Hind, N & Fay, MF (2003) Cosmos 1942) Seed catalogues

tPinot atrosanguineus (Comp o sitae). Cuft is\ Bot. \Xlhitson,J,John, R & I(illiams, blogs/plarrts
Mag.20 4048 HS (eds) (1c)11) Luther Burbanh, his
Hooker, WJ (1861) Cosmos Methods and Discoaeries dnd their
ed cultivarwas raised Praaical Applicatirtn. Y ol. 4. Lttther
diversfo lius var. atrosanguineus. Curtis\ I would especiallylike to thank
:rder to create a Mag.87 t.5227 Burbank Press, New York
'Wilkinson, T,'Wetten, A & FaY, Sarah I .eu endon lor her impretsir e
was as close as Possible Lcwendon, S (2004, Self-incompat- research and enthusiastic helP,
rm. Startingwith two iblliv in Cosmos atrosmtguineus , a tare MF (1998) Cffopresewation of Coszas
and also Russell Poulter, Aar6n
1995 he was I'Iexcarr endemi c species of Asteraceae atrosangrineus shoot tips by a modified
, by Rodriguez, George Llebelhart and
Lrnpublished PhD thesis encapsulation/dehydration method.
nisfiedwith the qualirY Charle' Valin lor prtiently anru ering
Oku, T, Takahashi, H, Yagi, F' Cry o -Lett er s 19, 2L)3-j02
rcy ofhis strain to so many questions. I would also like
Nakamura, I & Mii, M (2008) $(ilkinson, T,'Wetten, A' Prychid, to thank Ray Brown, Lesley Cox,
Plant VarietY Rights
Hybridisation between chocolate C & Fay, MF (2003) SuitabilitYof
Morten Damsted, Nicholas Ilind,
,NewZealand. The cosmos and yellow cosmos conlirmed cryopfeservation for the long term Carlos Magdalena, Anne \(/right,
ras granted in 1997 and bvphylogenetic analvsis using plastid storage ofrare and endangered plant
the forum ofthe Scottish Rock
naintaining this cultivar subtlpe identity (PSID) sequences. species - a case history for Cosmos
Garden Club, and the Pacific
Zith a height of about Bi o t e ch. 83' 323127 atrosanguineus. Ann. Bot. 9l: 65-7 1
.1. LIon. S c i. BuJb Sociery Wiki.
sworked to eliminate

June 2017
June 2017

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