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Chapter Outline


Cartilage and Bone Development

Structure, Function, and Biochemistry

Chapter 3
of the Normal Growth Plate With
Selected Examples of Pathophysiology
Vascular Supply to the Growth Plate
Reserve Zone
Proliferative Zone
The Formation and
Hypertrophic Zone
Cartilage Matrix Turnover
The Metaphysis
Growth of Skeletal
The Fibrous Structure

Growth Plate Mineralization Tissues

Effect of Hormones and Growth
Factors on the Growth Plate
Overview Joseph P. Iannotti, MD, PhD
Systemic Hormones and Vitamins

Biomechanics of the Growth Plate

Steven Goldstein, PhD
The Mechanical Properties of Growth
Janet Kuhn, PhD
Plate Cartilage
Factors Affecting Growth Plate Louis Lipiello, MD
Fracture and Failure Strength
Morphology Frederick S. Kaplan, MD
The Effect of Age on Failure
Strength and Fracture Patterns
The Effect of Surrounding Structures David J. Zaleske, MD
on Failure Strength
Tensile and Compressive Properties
The Response of the Growth Plate to
Mechanical Stimuli

Pathologic States Primarily Affecting

the Growth Plate
Environmental Factors
Nutritional Disorders
Genetic Disorders This chapter at a glance

Selected Bibliography This chapter reviews the current knowledge about the formation,
growth, remodeling, and maturation of skeletal tissues in health and
disease, with emphasis on the basic science of the growth plate and
endochondral ossification.
78 Section 1 Principles and Methods

Introduction derived from the lateral plate mesoderm that contributes to

the formation of the limb buds. The axial and appendicular
As advances in molecular genetics and molecular biology skeletons are largely endochondral. Limb development is a
elucidate the mechanisms underlying morphogenesis and particularly good model system for studying endochondral
cytodifferentiation, a fundamental understanding of carti- bone formation at several levels.
lage and bone formation is also evolving. Bone formation Aristotle noted that the embryogenesis of the chick could
and skeletal growth constitute an intricate program of mol- be observed by removing part of the shell. Darwin com-
ecular, biochemical, and cellular processes. These process- pared the similarity in limb development among different
es occur as an entire program in the embryo, constituting species. The chick limb has been used for experimental
cytodifferentiation and morphogenesis of the muscu- embryonic surgery with tissue ablations and transplanta-
loskeletal system, and are modulated somewhat during tions that produce various dysmorphologies such as failure
fetal development to produce fetal growth. Fetal growth, in of formation of parts and duplication of parts. From these
turn, is transformed into the postnatal growth of the imma- experiments, mechanisms underlying morphogenesis were
ture skeleton, with similar primordial events recapitulated formulated. The Saunders-Zwilling hypothesis, that pattern
in remodeling and fracture healing. results from an interaction between the ectoderm and
This chapter will review current knowledge about the mesoderm of a limb bud, provides a basis for understand-
formation, growth, remodeling, and maturation of skeletal ing vertebrate limb development at the tissue level and for
tissues in health and disease, with emphasis on the basic reinterpretation at the molecular level.
science of the growth plate and endochondral ossification. The vertebrate limb begins as an outpouching from the
Hyaline cartilage is a heterogeneous tissue with 2 distinct lateral body wall of surface ectoderm and underlying meso-
types: articular cartilage and growth plate cartilage. This derm. Molecular information obtained from organisms
distinction may be made at several levels including nutrition- even earlier in the phylogenetic tree indicate that the basic
al supply, cellular subpopulation characteristics, molecular developmental mechanisms are widely conserved through-
and biochemical markers, and terminal differentiation out phylogeny. Data obtained from a variety of organisms
under normal conditions. have direct relevance to humans. In humans, limb develop-
The bony skeleton is formed along 2 pathways: intramem- ment begins at 4 weeks of gestation and limb morphogene-
branous and endochondral bone formation. Although the sis is completed at 8 weeks (Fig. 1). The Saunders-Zwilling
distinction between the pathways can readily be seen at the hypothesis, using the chick as a model, combines experi-
level of light microscopy, the bone ultimately formed has mental data along the 3 cardinal axes of the limb bud as it is
been regarded as the same tissue. Intramembranous bone first forming. A genetic and epigenetic network is estab-
formation occurs at the periosteal surfaces of all bones and lished along these axes. Outgrowth along the proximodistal
in parts of the pelvis, scapula, clavicles, and skull, when (PD) axis is governed by the interaction between a thicken-
osteoblasts form a calcified osteoid matrix within a collage- ing of the ectoderm at the distal end of the limb bud, the
nous framework; this process begins with the differentia- apical ectodermal ridge (AER), and the underlying meso-
tion of primitive mesenchymal cells. Endochondral bone derm secretes an apical ectodermal maintenance factor.
formation occurs at the growth plates and within fracture The underlying mesoderm adjacent to the AER is main-
callus when osteoblasts form osteoid on a cartilaginous tained in an undifferentiated, rapidly proliferating state.
framework. The growth plates are formed within a cartilagi- From this region, termed the progress zone, mesenchymal
nous mass of mesenchymal cells during embryonic and condensations are sculpted by a combination of different
fetal development. The elucidation of fundamental molecu- factors operating locally and diffusing through the limb bud
lar pathways in bone differentiation provides an increasing- across various gradients. These mesenchymal condensations
ly robust understanding of mechanistic switches underlying are the first recognizable precursors of skeletal elements
these pathways. or anlagen (Fig. 2).
The formation of limb buds and the function of the AER
have been studied at the molecular level. Fibroblast growth
factors (FGF-1, FGF-2, and FGF-4) can induce ectopic limb
Cartilage and Bone buds on the flanks of chick embryos. In a mouse limb bud
Development culture system, FGF-4 was shown to replicate the PD axis
outgrowth shown to reside in the AER in tissue level experi-
Three lineages of vertebrate development have been ments. The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) also are
described over the course of centuries. The craniofacial part of the signaling mechanism at the progress zone. BMP-
skeleton is derived from the neural crest and brachial arch- 2 inhibits the outgrowth, and BMP signaling is required for
es. It is largely intramembranous bone; however, the base of cell death to separate the digits during embryonic formation.
the skull is endochondral. The axial skeleton is derived from Homeobox genes were originally described in Drosophila
the sclerotome of the somites. The appendicular skeleton is as the genes controlling body segment morphogenesis. The

Orthopaedic Basic Science American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 79

Figure 1
A, Diagram of a 4-week-old human
embryo, side view. B, Enlargement of
limb bud with axes (PD, proximodis-
tal; AP, anteroposterior; DV, dorso-
ventral). (Reproduced with permis-
sion from Zaleske DJ: Development of
components of the skeletal system
(bone, cartilage, snyovial joints,
growth plate), in Dee R, Hurst LC,
Gruber MA, Kottmeier SA (eds): Prin-
ciples of Orthopaedic Practice, ed 2.
New York, NY, McGraw Hill, 1997, p 4.)

genes have subsequently been demonstrated to be highly sequential expression of the HoxD. The mechanism of gene
conserved phylogenetically and to serve roles in vertebrate action is not yet known, but the activity of the homeobox
development analogous to their roles in Drosophila. The genes correlates with the mass of mesenchymal cells pro-
products of these genes are transcription factors, which grammed to condense for the sheketal elements of the
contain a highly conserved 60-amino-acid sequence, or digits and their subsequent growth.
homeobox, that binds to DNA and regulates its transcrip- Along the dorsoventral axis of the limb bud, ectodermal
tion. These genes are organized along the genome in clus- and mesodermal interactions again specify the induction of
ters. Their geographic location along the genome correlates another homeobox gene by the secreted protein WNT7a.
directly with the sequence of their expression during Pattern of the limb and its skeletal elements is the epiphe-
embryogenesis. Homeobox genes located at the 3´ end of a nomenon that results from a specific pattern of gene inter-
cluster are expressed earlier in time and more anteriorly on actions mediated by transcription factors for downstream
the body during embryogenesis. Their expression antedates genes, signaling molecules, receptors, local growth factors,
mesenchymal condensations that are the first recognizable and both receptive and responsive cells. Mesenchymal con-
precursors or anlagen of skeletal structures. Nomenclature densations are the tissue-level manifestation of this molec-
for homeobox genes has been standardized to reflect their ular and cellular information network. It might be antici-
relationships throughout the vertebrates and to earlier pated that such a complicated system could be disturbed
ancestors. The abbreviation hox (HOX in humans) is reserved by very slight changes upstream in the information cascade
for those homeobox genes occurring in clusters related to the that could have increasing repercussions downstream.
Drosophila antennapedia and bithorax complexes. Conversely, information and network redundancy could
The formation of digits is specified along the anteroposte- repair or bypass a change that might be predicted to have
rior (AP) axis of the limb bud. From earlier experiments in otherwise major morphogenetic consequences. These the-
tissue ablation and transplantation in the chick, a zone of oretical predictions about mechanisms in morphogenesis
tissue at the posterior border of the limb bud, the zone of have been experimentally confirmed with knockout mice.
polarizing activity (ZPA), was crucial in ordering the num- Such phenomena are also apparent in naturally occurring
ber and type of digits. When the ZPA was transplanted ante- mutations in clinical practice, which will be discussed.
riorly, extra digit duplications were produced. More recent- During the sixth week of human embryonic development,
ly, at the molecular level, a vertebrate gene Sonic hedgehog the mesenchymal condensations chondrify; that is, the
(Shh), related to the Drosophila gene Hedgehog, was mesenchymal cells of the anlagen differentiate into chon-
demonstrated to mediate the activity of the polarizing zone. drocytes. Initially these chondrocytes are all the small,
The HoxD genes (HOXD in humans) correlate with the round cell phenotype. During the seventh embryonic week,
specification of the digits along the AP axis. A developmen- at the central region of the cartilaginous anlagen, the chon-
tal cascade initiated by Shh and retinoic acid activates the drocytes become hypertrophic and local matrix begins to

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Orthopaedic Basic Science

80 Section 1 Principles and Methods

calcify. Simultaneously, a periosteal sleeve of bone forms cir- osteoblasts produce an osteoid matrix on the surfaces of the
cumferentially around the midshaft of each cartilage anlage; calcified cartilaginous bars and form the primary trabeculae
by direct ossification of a collagenous matrix, intramembra- of the endochondral (or enchondral) bone. The osteoclasts
nous bone formation occurs. At the end of the eighth week, remove the primary trabecular bone to form a medullary
capillary buds extending through the peripheral sleeve of canal. From the process of advancing endochondral bone
bone invade the central portion of the hypertrophied and formation and trailing osteoclastic resorption, the primary
calcified cartilaginous anlage, expanding the primary center center is enlarged. The cartilaginous regions at either end of
of ossification formed by replacement of the cartilage by the primary center of ossification become the growth
endochondral ossification (Fig. 3). Vascular invasion into the regions, growing away from the advancing ossification
cartilaginous anlagen occurs first at the humeri but in rapid fronts at either end.
succession, primary centers of ossification form throughout The cytodifferentiation within these growth regions
the skeleton. The formation of the primary center of ossifi- becomes characteristic of growth plates or physes, which
cation of the humerus establishes the transition from the subsequently will be described in detail (Fig. 3). Interstitial
embryonic period to the fetal period. The vascular invasion division within the cartilaginous growth plates is precisely
brings to the cartilaginous anlagen the blood-borne precur- met by appositional deposition or growth of bone at
sors that differentiate into osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The the metaphyseal side. The continual recapitulation of
lineage of bone cells is often debated, but it is clear that this process initially occurring at the central region of the
the marrow/hematogenous component is crucial. The original cartilaginous anlage produces the growth of each

Figure 2 Figure 3
Hindlimb from a 13-day mouse embryo. Mesenchymal condensations are Development of a typical long bone. Formation of the growth plate and
forming the anlagen or first recognizable precursors of skeletal elements. secondary centers of ossification. (Reproduced with permission from
(Hematoxylin and eosin, ⫻ 40.) (Reproduced with permission from Zaleske Brighton CT: The growth plate. Orthop Clin North Am 1984;15:571.)
DJ: Development of components of the skeletal system (bone, cartilage,
synovial joints, growth plate), in Dee R, Hurst LC, Gruber MA, Kottmeier
SA (eds): Principles of Orthopaedic Practice, ed 2. New York, NY, McGraw
Hill, 1997, p 5.)

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 81

individual bone as an organ and the collective growth of all chondroepiphysis, it flattens on the surface adjacent to the
the bones produces skeletal growth at the organismic level. longitudinal growth plate and becomes more hemispheri-
This process continues until closure or obliteration of the cal. For a long bone, the rate of interstitial cartilage division
growth cartilage with bone at skeletal maturity. within the longitudinal growth plate is much greater than
At the time of morphogenesis, the mesenchymal conden- the rate of division within the chondroepiphyseal cartilage
sations are recognizable as discrete yet contiguous masses directing the growth of the secondary center of ossification.
of cells. At the time of chondrogenesis the interzone regions The relative rates of division lead to the final contour of
between adjacent anlagen begin to break down in the each joint and the overall body proportions. The small or
process of joint cavitation (segmentation or cleft forma- round bones also have proliferating cartilage but this
tion). Nomenclature may be used by different authors in remains as a roughly spherical growth plate.
different ways; the cartilaginous terminus may be called the
chondroepiphysis. At specific times in the development of
each long bone (usually postnatally, the sole exception Structure, Function, and
being the distal femoral secondary center, which develops
at 36 weeks of gestation), a secondary center forms (or mul-
Biochemistry of the Normal
tiple secondary centers form and eventually coalesce) with- Growth Plate With Selected
in the chondroepiphysis of each bone. The development of
the secondary center of ossification or bony epiphysis and Examples of Pathophysiology
its initially spherical enlargement within the chondroepi-
physis provide centripetal growth to accompany the longi- Overview
tudinal growth of the plate. The contacts between adjacent The process of endochondral bone formation, which
chondroepiphyses at their articular surfaces constitute the occurs in all growth plates, is unique to the immature skele-
articular cartilage of diarthrodial joints of the body (Fig. 4). ton. This process comprises a series of events that occur on
The proliferating cartilage populations within the chon- a daily basis in a well-defined sequence.
droepiphysis have many of the characteristics of the longitu- The function of the growth plate is related to its structure
dinal growth plate and can be the characteristic site of patho- as an organ, which depends on the integrated function of 3
physiologic markers of genetic, mechanical, or hormonal distinct tissue types. The growth plate is composed of a car-
clinical conditions. tilaginous component that has 3 histologically distinct
As the secondary center of ossification enlarges within the zones: reserve, proliferative, and hypertrophic; surrounded
by a fibrous component; and bounded by a bony metaphy-
seal component. Each component has a unique structure,
biochemistry, and function; together, these result in longi-
tudinal and latitudinal growth and remodeling of the devel-
oping skeleton (Fig. 5). The vascular supply of the growth
plate results in unique biochemical properties and is inte-
gral to normal function.

Vascular Supply to the Growth Plate

There are 3 major vascular supplies to the growth plate
(Fig. 4). The epiphyseal artery enters the secondary center
of ossification. The terminal branches of this artery pass
through the reserve zone cartilage of the upper growth
plate, terminate at the uppermost cell of the proliferative
zone, and supply oxygen and nutrients to the proliferative
zone chondrocytes. These vessels do not penetrate into
the proliferative or hypertrophic zones. The main nutrient
artery of the long bone enters at approximately the
mid diaphysis, then bifurcates, sending an arterial branch
within the medullary canal toward each metaphysis. The ter-
minal branches in each metaphysis adjacent to the hyper-
Figure 4 trophic zone of the growth plate constitute the metaphyseal
blood supply. Its capillary loops end at the last cartilaginous
Structure and blood supply of a typical growth plate. (Reproduced with
transverse septum of the bone-cartilage interface of the
permission from Brighton CT: Structure and function of the growth plate.
Clin Orthop 1978;136:24.) growth plate. These vessels turn back on themselves to

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82 Section 1 Principles and Methods

form a venous return. This is an area of venous stasis and clear. These data indicate that the reserve zone chondro-
low blood flow; the vessels do not penetrate the hyper- cytes have the capacity to produce a cartilaginous matrix,
trophic zone of the growth plate. The structure of this vas- but remain relatively inactive in cell or matrix turnover.
cular supply results in an avascular lower proliferative and The reserve zone does not actively participate in longitudi-
hypertrophic zone, which is a major factor influencing nal growth through cell proliferation, matrix synthesis, or
growth plate chondrocyte physiology. The periphery of the calcification. Although most growth plate abnormalities
growth plate is supplied by metaphyseal arteries with impact the reserve zone secondarily, no known disease
periosteal arteries providing a collateral supply. A perichon- state originates primarily from cytopathology unique to
dral artery supplies the perichondral ring of LaCroix. this zone alone.

Reserve Zone Proliferative Zone

The reserve zone, located just adjacent to the secondary The proliferative zone is characterized histologically by lon-
center of ossification, is histologically characterized by a gitudinal columns of flattened cells. The cytoplasm of these
sparse distribution of single or paired round cells in an cells contains glycogen stores and an abundance of endo-
abundant matrix. These cells contain a well-developed plasmic reticulum, suggesting a rich source of nutrients for
endoplasmic reticulum characteristic of active protein syn- aerobic glycolysis and a high capacity for protein synthesis.
thesis. However, cellular proliferation in the reserve zone is Of the 3 zones, this zone has the highest rate of proteogly-
sporadic. The reserve zone chondrocytes have the lowest can synthesis and turnover. The total intracellular calcium
intracellular and ionized calcium content, and they do not content is approximately equal to that of the reserve zone,
contribute to longitudinal growth. but the ionized calcium concentration is significantly
The collagen content (type II collagen) is highest in the greater in the proliferative zone, suggesting that the prolif-
matrix of the reserve zone, and the collagen fibers are in an erative zone chondrocyte is not actively accumulating
irregular pattern. There are a large number of matrix vesi- calcium for matrix mineralization.
cles in the reserve zone matrix, but they do not participate The uppermost cell in each column is the progenitor cell
directly in mineralization. The matrix proteoglycans are in for longitudinal growth of the cell column. This cell is not
an aggregated form, which is inhibitory to matrix mineral- derived from the reserve zone cells. Longitudinal growth in
ization. Although vascular channels pass through the the growth plate is equal to the number of cell divisions
reserve zone, they do not supply it with oxygen, and as a multiplied by the maximum height of the last hypertrophic
result the oxygen tension is low (20.5 ± 2.1 mm Hg). zone cell. In addition, total longitudinal growth for the life
The role of the reserve zone in growth plate function is not span of the growth plate depends on the total number of
progenitor cell divisions of each daughter cell derived from
each progenitor cell division. The rate of cell division
is influenced by hormonal and mechanical factors; the dif-
ferential growth by growth plates at different anatomic
locations is a function of multiple parameters including the
size of the cellular population originally recruited to the
proliferative zone as well as the chondrocyte kinetics.
The distribution of collagen fibrils and matrix vesicles in
the matrix of the proliferative zone is nonuniform. The
highest volume fraction and number of matrix vesicles is in
the interterritorial matrix of the lower proliferative and
upper hypertrophic zones. These matrix vesicles partici-
pate in matrix mineralization in the lower hypertrophic
zone. The proteoglycans of the proliferative zone are in an
aggregated form and, in this zone, they inhibit matrix min-
eralization. The oxygen tension is higher in the proliferative
zone than in any other zone (57 ± 5.8 mm Hg). This high
Figure 5 oxygen tension appears to be secondary to the rich vascular
Zonal structure, function, and physiology of the growth plate. A = reserve supply of the proliferative zone. The presence of rich glyco-
zone; B = proliferative zone; C = hypertrophic zone; the black ring encir- gen stores and a high oxygen tension supports aerobic
cles the ossification groove and the perichondrial ring (hematoxylin-eosin, metabolism in the proliferative zone chondrocyte.
× 500). (Reproduced with permission from Brighton CT: Clinical problems The functions of the proliferative zone—matrix produc-
in epiphyseal plate growth and development. American Academy of
tion and cellular division—together contribute to longitu-
Orthopaedic Surgeons Instructional Course Lectures XXIII. St Louis, MO, CV
Mosby, 1974, pp 105–122.) dinal growth. All disease states that affect matrix will

Orthopaedic Basic Science American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 83

also have an impact on this zone. Achondroplasia is the along the hypertrophic zone. Energy production occurs by
prototypical example of a condition whose origin is in anaerobic glycolysis of the glycogen stored in the prolifera-
the chondrocytes of the proliferative zone. The molecular tive zone. Mitochondria can either form ATP or store calci-
basis for this is an abnormality in fibroblast growth factor um but not both. In the upper hypertrophic zone there is
receptor-3. Unlike the molecular heterogeneity that under- a switch from ATP production to calcium storage. In
lies osteogenesis imperfecta, the molecular basis for achon- this region, the energy derived from electron transport is
droplasia is remarkably homogeneous; most cases result used primarily in the accumulation, storage, and release of
from a single amino acid substitution in the receptor. calcium rather than for ATP production. The upper hyper-
trophic zone chondrocytes contain the largest amount of
total cellular calcium and the greatest labile pool of stored
Hypertrophic Zone calcium in their mitochondria. This zone also has the highest
The hypertrophic zone is characterized by cells that are 5 to concentration of cytosolic ionized calcium.
10 times the size of the proliferative zone cells. In early elec- In the lower hypertrophic zone, glycogen is completely
tron microscopy studies in which aqueous fixation tech- consumed. Both ATP production and calcium storage by
niques were used, the lowest cells of the hypertrophic zone the mitochondria require energy. Following exhaustion of
were found to be fragmented and nonviable. Results of the glycogen energy supply, the mitochondria in the chon-
more recent morphologic studies, in which anhydrous drocytes of the lower hypertrophic zone release calcium.
fixation techniques were used, suggest that all of the hyper- One of the primary functions of the hypertrophic zone is to
trophic zone cells maintain cellular morphology compati- prepare the matrix for calcification and then to calcify it.
ble with active synthetic cellular functions. Data from many The region of the hypertrophic zone adjacent to the meta-
biochemical studies support the active role of hypertrophic physis where matrix mineralization occurs is sometimes
zone chondrocytes in synthesis of novel matrix proteins. distinguished as a subzone, the zone of provisional calcifi-
Although hypertrophic zone chondrocytes are metabolical- cation. The zone of provisional calcification is critical to
ly active, the data do not suggest or support the concept normal function of the growth plate. Dysfunction of these
that the hypertrophic zone cell survives the process of cells results in specific pathologic changes of the entire
vascular invasion or transforms to another cell type in the growth plate.
metaphysis. The ultimate fate of the hypertrophic zone cell The regulation of conversion from the small cell chondro-
is cell death. cyte phenotype to the hypertrophic phenotype with the
Biochemical analysis shows that the hypertrophic zone associated extracellular matrix changes is therefore an
cells are metabolically active. Of the 3 zones, the hyper- important control mechanism in the growth plate. A nega-
trophic has the highest content of glycolytic enzymes. tive feedback loop governing this conversion has been
Hypertrophic zone chondrocytes synthesize alkaline phos- demonstrated during limb development by the gene Shh. A
phatase, neutral proteases, and type X collagen, thereby related gene, Indian hedgehog (Ihh), is expressed in the pre-
participating in matrix mineralization. hypertrophic chondrocytes of the cartilaginous anlagen.
The hypertrophic zone is avascular and, as a result, the Ihh indirectly slows the rate at which chondrocytes differ-
oxygen tension is quite low (29.3 ± 2.4 mm Hg). In the nor- entiate into the hypertrophic phenotype. Ihh signals the
mally mineralized hypertrophic zone the diffusion coeffi- perichondrium to release another signaling molecule,
cient is very high, resulting in a high barrier to the diffusion parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP). The recep-
of oxygen and nutrients from the metaphysis. tor for PTHrP also responds to parthyroid hormone (PTH).
In most normal cells, glucose is converted to pyruvate This PTH/PTHrP receptor is present in several tissues
(through glycolysis), which is subsequently converted to including bone, kidney, and proliferating chondrocytes.
glycerol-3-phosphate mediated by cytoplasmic glycerol PTHrP completes the negative feedback loop by direct
phosphate dehydrogenase. The glycerol-3-phosphate so action on the chondrocyte to slow the conversion from pro-
formed can readily enter the mitochondria (glycerol phos- liferating to hypertrophic chondrocytes. This Ihh-PTHrP
phate shuttle) and efficiently serve as a fuel for further gen- negative feedback loop represents an example of auto-
eration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by the Krebs or crine/paracrine control; signaling molecules are produced
tricarboxylic acid cycle. Chondrocytes from all zones of the and act on the same cell or on cells close to their site of pro-
growth plate lack glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase and duction. A mutation in the PTHrP receptor that results in a
are therefore incapable of forming glycerol-3-phosphate. constitutively active state is the molecular basis for Jansen
Pyruvate can enter the mitochondria but does so less effi- chondrometaphyseal dysplasia. Jansen dysplasia has
ciently than glycerol-3-phosphate. In the proliferative and a radiographic similarity to rickets with widening of
upper hypertrophic zones, mitochondria are generating the hypertrophic zone. Because this abnormal receptor is
ATP; however, lactate accumulates in the presence of ample also the shared receptor for PTH, hypercalcemia and
oxygen tension while electron transport and the Krebs cycle hypophosphatemia with normal levels of PTH also occur in
continue in the mitochondria. Oxygen tension decreases Jansen dysplasia.

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84 Section 1 Principles and Methods

Cartilage Matrix Turnover cartilage. Between the capillaries and the osteoblasts lie
Various genetic, humoral, and mechanical factors stimulate polymorphic osteoprogenitor cells. The osteoblasts pro-
macromolecule and matrix vesicle biosynthesis in the duce a bone matrix on the calcified cartilage bars. This area
growth plate. These factors are discussed later in this chap- of sparse bone formed on a central core of calcified carti-
ter. Several enzymes, along with tissue enzyme inhibitors lage is termed the primary trabecular bone or primary
and activators that regulate matrix degradation, are synthe- spongiosa. The osteoblasts progressively lay down bone on
sized by the chondrocyte. The degradative enzymes found the cartilage template and more distally in the metaphysis.
in the growth plate include a class of metalloproteinases The initial woven bone and cartilage bars of the primary
that depend on zinc and calcium for enzyme activity. The trabeculae are resorbed by osteoclasts and are replaced by
enzymes found in the growth plate are collagenase, gelati- lamellar bone to produce the secondary trabecular bone or
nase, and stromelysin. The growth plate chondrocytes pro- secondary spongiosa in a process termed histologic or
duce these enzymes in a latent (inactive) form, but the internal remodeling.
enzymes can be activated by interleukin-1 and plasmin. The remodeling process at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal
When activated, these enzymes, singularly or in combina- junction requires the synchronized functions of osteoclas-
tion, can degrade both the collagenous and proteoglycan tic bone resorption and osteoblastic new bone formation.
components of the matrix. Their activity also is regulated by This process of external or anatomic remodeling occurs
a locally produced tissue inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of met- around the periphery and subperiosteal regions of the
alloproteinase (TIMP), which can bind irreversibly to these metaphysis, and results in narrowing of the diameter of the
enzymes to make them inactive. The presence and amount metaphysis to meet the diaphysis of the bone; the process is
of metalloproteinases and their inhibitor (TIMP) vary called funnelization. In the process of anatomic remodeling,
among different zones of the growth plate. In addition, the osteoclasts remove bone from the periphery of the metaph-
factors produced in 1 zone can act at more distant sites ysis, and new bone is formed at the endosteal surfaces.
within the growth plate. Thus, the activation of the enzymes
is differentially regulated by interleukin-1 and TIMP. The
coordinated effects of these factors within the growth plate,
The Fibrous Structure
therefore, are complex and, at this point, remain incom- Surrounding the periphery of the growth plate are a wedge-
pletely elucidated. shaped groove of cells, the ossification groove of Ranvier,
and a ring of fibrous tissue, the perichondrial ring of
LaCroix (Figs. 4 and 5). The cells in the groove of Ranvier are
The Metaphysis active in cell division and contribute to an increase in the
The metaphysis functions in the removal of the mineralized diameter, or latitudinal growth, of the physis. Three cell
cartilaginous matrix of the hypertrophic zone, the forma- types constitute the groove of Ranvier. An osteoblast-type
tion of bone, and the histologic remodeling of the cancel- cell forms the bony portion of the perichondrial ring at the
lous trabeculae. It is characterized by anaerobic metabo- metaphysis; a chondrocyte-type cell contributes to latitudi-
lism, vascular stasis, and low oxygen tension (19.8 ± 3.2 mm nal growth, and a fibroblast-type cell covers the groove and
Hg). The vascular stasis and low oxygen tension result from anchors it to the perichondrium above the growth plate.
the arteriovenous loops at the cartilage-bone junction and The structure of the perichondrial ring of LaCroix varies
low blood flow. The metaphysis begins distal to the last greatly among species, among different growth plates in the
intact transverse septum of each cartilaginous cell column same species, or with age of the animal. The basic structure
of the hypertrophic zone (Fig. 4). The unmineralized last is a fibrous collagenous network that is continuous with the
transverse septum is removed by lysosomal enzymes, the fibrous portion of the groove of Ranvier and the periosteum
cartilaginous lacunae are invaded by endothelial and of the metaphysis. The perichondrial ring functions as a
perivascular cells, and the hypertrophic zone cell is removed. strong mechanical support at the bone-cartilage junction
The factors that induce vascular invasion of the last of the growth plate.
hypertrophic zone cell are still being explained. The classic
explanation of histologic data suggested that mineraliza-
tion of the cartilage matrix is a prerequisite step in vascular
invasion. The extremely orderly histologic progression from
small cell chondrocyte to hypertrophic chondrocyte main-
Growth Plate Mineralization
tained in columnar array in the growth plate is the tissue The mineralization of growth plate cartilage is unique and
level manifestation of genetic and epigenetic events medi- significantly different from the mineralization of bone
ated through transcription factors, messengers, receptors, (osteoid). The difference is based on the unique handling of
and ultimately, cell biology. intracellular calcium stores by the growth plate chondro-
After the last transverse septum is removed, osteoblasts cytes, the hypoxic environment, which results from the
from the metaphysis line the calcified longitudinal bars of unique blood supply of the growth plate, its unique energy

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 85

metabolism, the presence of matrix vesicles as the initial matrix calcification. In fact, the growth plate chondrocyte
vehicle of mineralization, and the coordinated functions of mitochondria seem to be specifically adapted for calcium
several unique matrix macromolecules. transport. Electron-dense granules of calcium phosphate
The many factors that play a role in growth plate mineral- appear in hypertrophic zone mitochondria. Localization of
ization (Fig. 6) may be divided into 4 major groups: intra- mitochondrial calcium shows accumulation in the upper
cellular calcium homeostasis, microenvironmental factors, two thirds of the hypertrophic zone and depletion in the
the systemic hormonal milieu, and the extracellular matrix lowest chondrocytes. The loss of mitochondrial calcium in
vesicles and macromolecules. The growth plate chondro- the lower hypertrophic zone is associated with matrix vesi-
cyte plays a central role in the process of matrix mineraliza- cle hydroxyapatite crystal nucleation (Fig. 7). These data
tion through intracellular calcium transport; the synthesis, suggest a transfer of intracellular calcium to extracellular
secretion, and postsecretion modification of the matrix sites during the process of hydroxyapatite crystal formation.
macromolecules that participate in mineralization; the In isolated growth plate chondrocytes and mitochondria,
ability to respond to systemic and microenvironmental there is a metabolic specialization for calcium transport. In
factors; and the biogenesis of matrix vesicles. comparison with nonmineralizing cells, the chondrocyte
Intracellular calcium apparently plays a significant role in mitochondria have a greater capacity for calcium accumu-

Figure 6
The factors influencing growth plate
chondrocyte function and matrix
mineralization. (Reproduced with
permission from Iannotti JP: Growth
plate physiology and pathology.
Orthop Clin North Am 1990;21:1–17.)

Figure 7
Zonal structure, function, and intra-
cellular calcium transfer in the
growth plate. (Reproduced with per-
mission from Brighton CT: Structure
and function of the growth plate. Clin
Orthop 1978;136:24.)

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86 Section 1 Principles and Methods

lation and a greater ability to maintain these stores in a tion. Histochemical stains of the growth plate indicate that
labile form for calcium release. In cells where the endoge- the hypertrophic zone matrix contains disaggregated pro-
nous calcium stores are low, the endoplasmic reticulum is teoglycan. Electron microscopy reveals that the length of
the major intracellular regulator of cytosolic (cytoplasmic) the proteoglycan aggregates and the number of subunits of
ionized calcium concentration. This is the situation in all the aggregate decrease from the reserve zone through the
nonmineralizing cells as well as in the reserve and prolifer- hypertrophic zone (Fig. 9). It is suggested that in vivo the
ative zone chondrocytes. As the hypertrophic zone chon- disaggregated form of proteoglycan participates in matrix
drocytes accumulate calcium, the capacity of the endoplas- mineralization by binding and localizing calcium to the
mic reticulum to accumulate calcium is saturated, and matrix. The disaggregation of proteoglycan in vivo results
the mitochondria become the major source of calcium from enzymatic degradation by lysozyme or neutral pro-
accumulation and regulation. Under high calcium-loading tease. In vitro, aggregated proteoglycan inhibits calcium
conditions, the mitochondria buffer the cytosolic ionized phosphate crystal formation. This inhibitory capacity is
calcium concentration at an increased level. This ionized reduced by the treatment of the aggregates with physeal
calcium pool is a major regulator of cellular metabolic enzymes that digest the aggregates.
function, and changes in the labile calcium pool have a pro- Although the major collagen in the hypertrophic zone is
found effect on cellular functions. The high concentration type II, the terminal hypertrophic chondrocytes also pro-
of intracellular ionized calcium in the hypertrophic zone duce and secrete type X collagen into the matrix. The
chondrocytes is correlated with matrix vesicle secretion abrupt appearance of this unique collagen heralds the
from the plasma membrane of the isolated growth plate onset of endochondral ossification. Mutations in type X col-
chondrocytes. lagen are the molecular basis for the Schmid-type chon-
In summary, within the proliferative zone the oxygen ten- drometaphyseal dysplasia. Abnormalities in type II colla-
sion and glycogen stores stay high, the cells have a low ion- gen underlie a variety of conditions currently described.
ized and total calcium content, and the mitochondria are These include achondrogenesis II/hypochondrogenesis,
primarily involved in ATP production. The cells are actively some types of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Kniest dyspla-
involved in division and matrix production. In the hyper- sia, and some forms of Stickler syndrome. Ascorbate (vita-
trophic zone the oxygen tension and nutrients are low, the min C) may play a role in mineralization by stimulating
mitochondria are initially active in calcium accumulation, matrix vesicle formation and type X collagen synthesis. (For
and the cells secrete matrix vesicles. In the lower hyper- more information on collagen types refer to Chapters 17
trophic zone, mitochondrial calcium is released and matrix and 18.)
mineralization occurs (Fig. 8). The factors that initiate The initial nucleation site for matrix calcification is con-
mitochondrial calcium accumulation and induce calcium troversial, although most data would support the primary
release are poorly understood at this time. role of the matrix vesicle in this process. Matrix vesicles are
Several other factors within the matrix affect mineraliza- 100- to 150-µm trilamellar membrane structures produced

Figure 8
Metabolic events in the growth plate.
The growth plate showing the rela-
tive oxygen tensions in the various
zones in the left-hand column, the
change in glycogen storage and uti-
lization in the center column, and
the role of mitochondria in the right-
hand column. (Reproduced with per-
mission from Brighton CT, Hunt RM:
The role of mitochondria in growth
plate calcification as demonstrated
in a rachitic model. J Bone Joint Surg

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 87

by the chondrocyte plasma membrane; they are rich in maturation, macromolecule synthesis, intracellular calci-
alkaline phosphatase and neutral proteases. Alkaline phos- um homeostasis, or matrix mineralization. Research in this
phatase may participate in mineralization by hydrolysis of area of growth plate physiology recently has led to new
pyrophosphate, a mineralization inhibitor. Hydrolysis of information and development of many new concepts.
pyrophosphate, ATP, and other phosphodiesterases results Although many more factors influencing the growth plate
in a local increase in phosphate. The neutral proteases of have been defined, the integrated view of all of these factors
the matrix vesicles help degrade aggregated proteoglycans, in the overall function of the growth plate is presently incom-
producing disaggregated proteoglycans, which promote plete. Some of the factors (systemic hormones, vitamins, and
mineralization. The matrix vesicles can actively accumulate growth factors) are produced at a site distant from the growth
calcium by energy-dependent transport and are rich in plate and, therefore, act on the chondrocytes through a clas-
calcium-binding phospholipids. The accumulation of calci- sic endocrine mechanism. Other factors are both produced
um in the vesicle and the local increase in phosphate con- by and act within the growth plate and, therefore, function as
tribute to a local increase in the calcium phosphate product paracrine or autocrine factors. Paracrine factors are pro-
and thereby promote mineralization. duced by a particular cell within a tissue and affect a differ-
Other proposed sites of initial mineralization are associat- ent cell in that tissue. Autocrine factors are produced by and
ed with proteoglycans and a calcium-binding protein, affect the same cell in the tissue. Many of these factors that
chondrocalcin (C-propeptide of type II collagen). Chondro- have a role in fetal and postnatal regulation of chondrocyte
calcin has been shown to be associated with the initial site function were also an integral part of the histogenesis of
of calcification, and is produced by the hypertrophic zone cartilaginous anlagen during embryogenesis.
chondrocyte in response to stimulation by the vitamin D In the different zones of the growth plate, cells are distin-
metabolite, 24,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. The precise rela- guished by their involvement in the processes of division,
tionship among these factors, mineralization, and matrix maturation, and hypertrophy. Therefore, some factors have a
vesicles is not clear. The initial form of mineral deposition is specific effect on a particular zone (Table 1). In addition, the
also not clearly established although it has been studied sensitivity of each zone of the growth plate to hormone stim-
extensively. ulation can vary with the age of the animal. Some hormone
effects may qualitatively or quantitatively depend on the
species. To make matters even more complex, a combination
Effect of Hormones and of factors, acting in concert, influence the function of indi-
vidual cells. Available evidence strongly suggests that each
Growth Factors on the growth plate zone may be specifically targeted by 1 or more

Growth Plate agents to mediate the cytologic characteristics unique to that

zone (Fig. 8). This differential hormonal or growth factor sen-
sitivity provides for a continuum of maturational events cul-
Overview minating in the accretion of bone tissue at the metaphyseal
Many hormones, vitamins, and growth factors affect side of the growth plate. The total accretion over time is
the growth plate by influencing chondrocyte proliferation, manifested as skeletal growth at the organismic level.

Figure 9
Scaled diagram showing the average
relative size and form of aggregates
from the three different regions of
the growth plate. Aggregates from
the epiphysis and reserve zone are
not only larger, but also they have
much closer spacing between sub-
units. (Reproduced with permission
from Buckwalter JA: Proteoglycan
structure in calcifying cartilage. Clin
Orthop 1983;172:207–232.)

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88 Section 1 Principles and Methods

Table 1
Effect of Hormones and Growth Factors on the Growth Plate

Biologic Effect
Hormone/ Systemic/Local Proliferation Macromolecule Maturation Matrix Zone Primarily
Factor Derivation Biosynthesis Degradation Calcification Affected
Thyroxine Systemic (thyroid) + (T3 with IGF-I) 0 + (T3 alone) 0 Proliferative zone and
upper hypertrophic

Parathyroid Systemic + ++ (proteoglycan) 0 0 Entire growth plate


Calcitonin Systemic (thyroid) 0 0 + + Hypertrophic zone and


Excess cortico- System (adrenals) — — — 0 Entire growth plate


Growth Systemic (pituitary) + + (slight) 0 0 Proliferative zone

hormone (through IGF-I

Somatomedins Systemic + + (slight) 0 0 Proliferative zone

Local paracrine (liver,

Insulin Systemic (pancreas) + 0 0 0 Proliferative zone

(through IGF-I

1,25 (OH)2D3 Systemic (liver, 0 0 + (indirect effect Hypertrophic zone

kidney) serum [Ca] × [PQ])

24,25 (OH)2D3 Systemic (liver, + + (collagen II) 0 0 Proliferative zone and

kidney) hypertrophic zone

Vitamin A Systemic (diet) 0 0 – 0 Hypertrophic zone

Vitamin C Systemic (diet) 0 + (collagen) 0 + (matrix vesicles) Proliferative zone and

hypertrophic zone

EGF Local paracrine + – (collagen) 0 0 Metaphysis

(encothelial cells)

FGF Local paracrine + 0 0 0 Proliferative zone

(encothelial cells)

PDGF Local paracrine + + (noncollagenous 0 0 Proliferative zone

(platelets) proteins)

TGF-β Local paracrine ± ± 0 0 Proliferative zone and

(platelets, hypertrophic zone

BDGF Local paracrine 0 + (collagen) 0 0 Upper hypertrophic

(bone matrix) zone

IL-1 Local paracrine 0 – ++ activates tissue 0 Entire growth plate

(inflammatory cells, metalloproteinases

Prostaglandin Local autocrine ± + (proteoglycan) 0 Bone resorption Hypertrophic zone and

– (collagen and osteoclasts metaphysis
alkaline phos-
Effects are (+) increase stimulation; (0) no known effect; (–) inhibitory; (±) depending on the local hormonal milieu. Hormones/factors are epidermal growth factor (EGF);
fibroblast growth factor (FGF); platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF); transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β); bone-derived growth factor (BDGF); interleukin-1 (IL-1),
insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I).

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 89

Systemic Hormones and Vitamins growth retardation, cretinism, and abnormal degradation
of mucopolysaccharides.
The thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and 3,5,3´ triiodothy- Parathyroid Hormone
ronine (T3) are peptide hormones produced by the thyroid PTH, an 84-amino-acid protein produced by the parathy-
gland and transported to the target site on server proteins. roids, acts primarily on the proliferative and upper hyper-
T4 is the primary secretory product of the thyroid, and 80% trophic zone chondrocytes (Fig. 10). Although PTH is found
of T3 is formed from deiodination of T4 in the liver and kid- primarily bound to cells in the hypertrophic zone, it has the
ney. Although there is less T3 in the circulation, it has 3 to 4 same qualitative effect on cells from different zones. This
times greater biologic activity than T4. The thyroid hor- hormone has a direct mitogenic effect on epiphyseal chon-
mones act on the proliferative and upper hypertrophic drocytes and stimulates proteoglycan synthesis. Its effect
zone chondrocytes through a systemic endocrine mecha- on proteoglycan synthesis is mediated by an increase in the
nism (Fig. 10). intracellular ionized calcium concentration and stimula-
T4 is essential for cartilage growth; it increases DNA syn- tion of protein kinase C. PTH has a synergistic effect that
thesis in cells from the proliferative zone. T4 has a second enhances the mitogenic effect of local growth factors.
and independent effect on cell maturation, increasing gly-
cosaminoglycan and collagen synthesis and alkaline phos- Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein
phatase activity. Its effect on cartilage growth is mediated This protein was originally described in patients with
by a synergy between thyroxine and insulin-like growth humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy with normal levels
factor/somatomedin-C (IGF-I/SM-C). For example, anti- of PTH. PTHrP shares significant amino acid sequence
IGF-I antibodies inhibit cartilage growth stimulation by T3 homology with PTH. Eight of the first 13 amino acids in
but do not inhibit chondrocyte maturation as monitored by PTH and PTHrP are identical. Moreover, the amino termi-
alkaline phosphatase activity. Administration of T4 alone to nal portions of both PTH and PTHrP have nearly identical
thyroidectomized and parathyroidectomized animals actions; both PTH and PTHrP share a common receptor.
results in hypertrophic chondrocyte maturation, but little PTHrP is present in many tissues but apparently is not
growth; administration of growth hormone alone does not released into the circulation. Thus, although PTH has an
affect maturation, but generates normal cellular prolifera- endocrine function, PTHrP is a cytokine with autocrine or
tion. Both agents together restore growth and maturation. paracrine action. The common PTH-PTHrP receptor may
T3 does not stimulate IGF-I synthesis by chondrocytes; it be especially important in cartilage and bone. Its role in
simply enhances the growth effects of IGF-I. Excess T4 regulating the rate of conversion of small cell chondrocyte
results in protein catabolism, and a deficiency results in to hypertrophic phenotype via the Ihh loop has already

Figure 10
Schematic representation of the
growth plate demonstrating the
proposed site of action of local and
systemic hormones, growth factors,
and vitamins.

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90 Section 1 Principles and Methods

been described under the zones of the growth plate. An Growth Hormone
abnormal, persistently active PTH-PTHrP receptor as the Growth hormone (GH) is a peptide hormone produced by
molecular basis for Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia the pituitary. GH and its mediators, the somatomedins, act
has also been discussed under that topic. throughout the growth plate and primarily affect cellular
proliferation. Hypophysectomy results in delayed or
Calcitonin reduced osteogenesis, a decrease in mineralization, reduc-
Calcitonin, a peptide hormone produced by the parafollic- tion in cartilage differentiation, and cessation of growth.
ular cells of the thyroid, acts primarily in the lower hyper- GH is essential for growth plate function, but its mecha-
trophic zone (Fig. 10). It has been documented to accelerate nism of action remains unclear. The effects of GH are medi-
growth plate calcification and cellular maturation. ated by the production of a group of peptide factors termed
somatomedins or, in current terminology, IGF. It is uncer-
Glucocorticoids tain whether the effects of GH are indirect and result from
Adrenal corticoids (glucocorticoids), 4-ring steroid hor- the production of serum-derived IGF by the liver or
mones produced by the adrenal cortex, primarily affect the whether there is a direct GH effect to induce chondrocytes
zones of cellular differentiation and proliferation. Supra- to produce IGF locally (paracrine or autocrine effect). Earli-
physiologic amounts of glucocorticoids adversely affect er work suggested that GH effects were indirect, and were
growth and regeneration of epiphyseal cartilage, resulting mediated only by the GH-dependent serum IGF. However,
in growth retardation. Excessive amounts of glucocorticoid when GH binds to epiphyseal chondrocytes there is a local
from either endogenous or exogenous sources inhibit both synthesis of IGF. Hence, the direct effect of GH creates tar-
the mitotic and the synthetic activity of chondrocytes. This get cells in which IGF-I induces a selective multiplication
catabolic effect of glucocorticoids has been documented at (clonal expansion) of differentiated cells.
high concentrations where the growth rate of long bones is Receptors for 2 members of the somatomedin family,
inversely correlated with hormone concentration. This IGF-I (somatomedin C or SM-C) and IGF-II (multiplication
metabolic suppression is attributed to a depression of gly- stimulatory activity), have been found in the growth plate.
colysis and a reduction of energy stores. The primary influ- A complex pattern of graded specificity of receptors for
ence of glucocorticoids is a decrease in proliferation of each exists; cells in the zone of differentiation bind IGF-I,
chondroprogenitor cells in the zone of differentiation. An but the greatest binding is in the proliferative zone. GH reg-
adverse effect of corticosteroids, apparent in the growth ulates both the number of cells containing IGF receptors
apparatus of young growing animals, is suppression of lon- and the local synthesis of IGF-I by the chondrocytes in all
gitudinal growth and skeletal maturity. zones of the growth plate. A “functional heterogeneity”
exists in chondrocytes in the proliferative and hypertrophic
Sex Steroids zones, in that the cellular response to IGF-I declines with
Androgens (C19 steroids) function primarily in the lower maturation and hypertrophy of the cells. IGF-II appears to
portion of the growth plate to stimulate mineralization. be a more potent clonal growth effector during fetal life,
Androgens are considered to be anabolic factors, and they and IGF-I has a greater effect during postnatal life. The
stimulate proteoglycan synthesis in epiphyseal chondro- structure and function of these factors are described in the
cytes in vitro. This effect is age-dependent insofar as ani- chapter about articular cartilage.
mals do not respond after reaching skeletal maturity. The
anabolic effect of androgens is also manifested as an Insulin
increased deposition of glycogen and lipids in cells and an Patients with juvenile diabetes may exhibit a decrease in
increase in proteoglycans in cartilage matrix. Supraphysio- growth despite elevated levels of GH and normal IGF-I and
logic doses of androgens depress growth and accelerate IGF-II levels. It has been suggested that there is a decrease
growth plate closure. According to results of recent studies, in a circulating growth plate factor, which contributes to
testosterone and dihydrotestosterone can stimulate DNA growth retardation. Insulin can cross-react with IGF-I
synthesis in chondrocytes of male growth plate tissue, receptors and, therefore, may have some minor anabolic or
whereas only dihydrotestosterone is active in female tissue. permissive effect at physiologic insulin levels.
In both tissues, receptors were found only for the dihy-
drotestosterone metabolite, suggesting that this is the pri- Vitamin D Metabolites
mary active androgen metabolite. The active metabolites of vitamin D are the 1,25 and 24,25
Estrogens (C18 steroids) decrease tibial length by specific dihydroxylated forms of vitamin D3, both of which are pro-
inhibition of metaphyseal bone resorption, and thus, endo- duced by the liver and kidney. Vitamin D deficiency results
chondral growth, increasing the thickness of the growth in an elongation of the cell columns of the growth plate.
plate. It has been suggested that the acceleration of cell This effect is considered to be secondary to a vitamin D-
hypertrophy induced by estrogens may be interference in induced decrease in systemic calcium and phosphorus and
proteoglycan processing for extracellular transport. the subsequent inhibition of mineralization. A direct mito-

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 91

genic effect of vitamin D has been reported with 24,25-dihy- generally a potent mitogen for cells of connective tissue
droxy vitamin D (24,25(OH)2 D3), but not with 1,25(OH)2 D3. origin. Its activation during injury such as fracture is an
The 24,25 (OH)2 D3 metabolite significantly increases DNA important initiator of the inflammatory and cellular
synthesis as well as inhibiting chondrocyte proteoglycan response that leads to healing and bone formation.
synthesis. The 1,25 (OH)2 D3 inhibits the proteoglycan syn- FGF is a family of polypeptides derived from multiple
thetic response to local growth factors. The vitamin D areas, including endothelial cells. It will be recalled that in
metabolites are bound to cells in all growth plate zones limb development FGF mediated the outgrowth of the limb
except the hypertrophic zone. The highest levels are found bud along its longitudinal axis. FGF also upregulates chon-
in the zone of proliferation. Vitamin D excess is associated drocyte replication as well as promotes neovascularization,
with atrophic changes mediated by an effect on the normal both crucial functions in growth plate physiology. Basic
differentiation pattern. The pathologic effects of vitamin D fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and IGF-I appear to interact
excess and deficiency are discussed later in this chapter. to regulate growth. A more immature chondrocyte pheno-
type is apparently supported by bFGF, whereas IGF-I has a
Vitamin A general anabolic role throughout the growth plate.
The carotenes are essential for epiphyseal cartilage cell The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily
metabolism. A deficiency state results in impairment of includes a variety of growth factors including the bone
cell maturation phenomena of the growth apparatus. This morphogenetic proteins. TGF-β generally upregulates bone
deficiency culminates in suppression of growth and in and cartilage components such as collagens and proteogly-
abnormal bone shape. Excessive vitamin A leads to bone cans. Release of TGF-β is stimulated by PTH, but the overall
weakness resulting from increases in lysosomal body mem- effect of TGF-β appears to depend on constituent growth
brane fragility. factors in the cell. Therefore, its effects may be stimulatory
or inhibitory depending on the hormonal environment
Vitamin C when TGF-β is introduced to the chondrocytes. TGF-β is a
Ascorbic acid primarily influences the growth apparatus by potent inhibitor of IL-1 and downregulates metallopro-
virtue of its requirement as a cofactor in the enzymatic syn- teinases by this inhibition.
thesis of collagen. Ascorbate has been shown to stimulate
matrix mineralization in cultures of growth plate chondro- Prostaglandins
cytes, through its stimulation of matrix vesicle formation These ubiquitous biologically active agents are present in
and the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase and types II and nanomolar levels in growth plate cells and affect cellular
X collagen. processes by altering intracellular cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphate levels. An acceleration in DNA synthesis has
Growth Factors been observed in epiphyseal chondrocytes, as well as inhi-
The growth factors or cytokines are generally regulatory bition of alkaline phosphatase activity and collagen synthe-
peptides that are synthesized and exert their effects locally. sis and stimulation of proteoglycan synthesis. Different
They initiate their actions by binding to receptors on the types of prostaglandins are elaborated during different
surface membrane of the target cells. Thus, both the pres- phases of endochondral ossification. Some evidence indi-
ence of the factor and a cell competent to respond are cates that, at elevated levels, these factors delay prolifera-
necessary to initiate a response. Moreover, the controlled tion and maturation of cells and inhibit bone elongation
conditions of an in vitro assay are not designed to replicate and cell production rate.
the extremely complex situation in vivo where a cell popula-
tion is exposed to multiple endocrine as well as autocrine/
paracrine molecules simultaneously. As has been described
in the section covering development, the growth factors,
Biomechanics of
which generally were described in postnatal regulatory the Growth Plate
roles, are intimately involved in the histogenesis of the
tissues of the musculoskeletal system. With these complex- Overview
ities in mind, it is worthwhile to consider some general As the weakest structure in the ends of the long bones of the
effects of the growth factors. immature skeleton, the growth plate is a common site for
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is generally found at high injury. Given that the growth plate is solely responsible for
levels in platelets and glandular tissue. It also has an effect the longitudinal growth of the skeleton, the importance of
on the growth plate. It is found in endothelial lining cells in understanding both the characteristics and consequences
the growth plate, lying between invading capillaries and of growth plate injuries is clear. All injury is associated with
calcifying cartilage septa. EGF induces cell replication and failure, whether physiologic failure of systems or processes
inhibits collagen synthesis and alkaline phosphatase activ- or mechanical failure of tissues. Mechanical disruption of
ity in calvarial cultures. Platelet-derived growth factor is the growth plate can lead to physiologic failure; appropriate

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92 Section 1 Principles and Methods

treatment depends on comprehension of the mechanical the hypertrophic zone at failure is consistent with the depen-
properties of the growth plate, of the mechanical condi- dence of mechanical properties on regional morphology.
tions that cause injury, and of the ultimate effect on growth. It should be appreciated that the clinical situation is con-
When an injury will ultimately produce angular and/or siderably more complex. The status of the perichondrial
longitudinal growth disturbance, intervention is indicated ring of LaCroix, the anatomic relationship of ligaments, the
in various ways to avert, minimize, or correct the problem. nonplanar geometries of specific growth plates, and the
The biomechanical properties of the growth plate need to application of combinations of compression, tension, and
be considered at each point in the treatment protocol. shear often lead to mechanical failure with significant
undulations within or change in direction across the zones
of the growth plate. Clinical growth plate fracture classifica-
The Mechanical Properties tion needs to accommodate these issues.
of Growth Plate Cartilage
Compared to the investigations into the mechanical prop-
erties of bone, tendon, ligament, and even articular carti- Factors Affecting Growth Plate
lage, the investigations into the mechanical properties of Fracture and Failure Strength
physeal cartilage have been less numerous, at least until Growth plate injuries occur when the mechanical demands
recently. The Hueter-Volkmann law for the growth plates placed on a bone exceed the mechanical strength of the
has been more of a clinical observation than a quantitative epiphysis-growth plate-metaphysis complex. Two of the
description. This law is somewhat the inverse of Wolf’s law factors that determine the incidence of injury are the abili-
for osseous tissue remodeling. The Hueter-Volkmann law ty of the growth plate to resist failure (that is, the mechani-
notes that increasing compression across a growth plate cal properties of the growth plate as discussed above), and
leads to decreasing growth. Characterization of the many the forces applied to the bone or the stresses induced in the
properties of the growth plate is essential for understanding growth plate. The characteristics of the fracture have great
the physis as an organ of growth and as a structural element clinical significance for treatment options and predicted
within the immature musculoskeletal system. outcomes. The Salter-Harris classification system for growth
The equilibrium compressive modulus (see section on the plate injuries was proposed in an effort to relate the mecha-
biphasic nature of articular cartilage) has been measured nisms, characteristics, and prognoses of these fractures.
from cartilaginous tissues seemingly similar to the growth As originally proposed, Salter-Harris type I injuries
plate. Equilibrium moduli for articular, chondroepiphyseal, involve complete separation of the epiphysis from the
and reserve zone cartilage have been reported to be metaphysis with no associated bone fracture, and are pro-
between 0.4 and 1.5 MPa, 0.7 MPa, and about 0.35 MPa, duced by shear or tensile forces (Fig. 11, A). This type of
respectively. In recent studies, values for the equilibrium injury is most common in early childhood, when the
compressive moduli of bovine growth plate and rabbit growth plate is relatively thick. The fracture line propagates
growth plate have been found to be approximately 0.17 to principally through the lower hypertrophic zone, leaving
0.9 MPa and 0.044 MPa, respectively. Presently, no data exist the reserve and proliferative zones attached to the epiph-
to describe the failure, tensile, or shear properties of growth ysis. In this situation, the cells responsible for interstitial
plate cartilage. growth within the physis and the epiphyseal vessels supply-
Although differences in mechanical test parameters, ing these cells are left largely undisturbed. The prognosis
anatomic position, age, or species of test specimens may for type I injuries for normal growth generally is quite good.
account for some of the large variation in modulus values, (There are always clinical exceptions. For example, type I
the intimate relationship between morphology and mech- injuries with displacement of the distal femoral growth
anical properties, or structure and function, must certainly plate carry a more guarded prognosis. This growth plate is
play a significant role. Although the basic building blocks of large and nonplanar. In displacing, the proliferative zone
cartilage, namely chondrocytes and matrix, appear com- may also be injured. For a different reason, displaced type I
mon to articular, chondroepiphyseal, and physeal carti- injuries of the proximal femur carry an extremely guarded
lages, specific cell and molecular types, amounts, and prognosis. Here epiphyseal vessels must travel along the
arrangement do vary among these cartilages and with femoral neck where they are vulnerable to direct disruption,
developmental age. The relationship between growth plate leading to osteonecrosis of the entire chondroepiphysis.)
morphology and tensile failure has been investigated using A type II injury (Fig. 11, B) is also thought to be produced
the proximal tibiae of growing rats. The weakest region by shear or tensile forces and is the most common injury. It
within the growth plate was found to be the hypertrophic consists of fracture along the growth plate with an attached
zone, in which the matrix volume is low and the cellular metaphyseal bone fragment. The anatomic position of the
volume is high. At the onset of sexual maturation in the rat, metaphyseal fragment depends on load direction. With a
the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate increases in bending or angulation force, the metaphyseal fragment is
width, and the tensile strength decreases. Cleavage through normally located on the compressive or concave side,

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 93

whereas periosteum is torn on the tensile or convex side. zone, whereas shear forces produce fractures through both
The reserve and proliferative zones remain with the epiph- the proliferative and hypertrophic zones. Even with the
ysis, the circulation is usually preserved, and again, as a gen- application of the same type of load, both the gross fracture
eralization, the prognosis for continued growth is excellent. pattern and the histologic fracture pattern (zones involved)
The type III injury (Fig. 11, C ) is intra-articular and attrib- can vary depending on the load direction.
uted to shear forces at the joint. The fracture passes from As alluded to previously, unlike controlled laboratory
the joint surface to the growth plate and out toward the tests, clinical fractures occur under multiaxial loading con-
periphery along the lower hypertrophic zone. Accurate ditions, and failure is ultimately determined by the inter-
realignment is required for displaced fractures to restore nally induced stresses in the bone and growth plate. These
the joint surface. This also implies reapproximation of the stresses must be distinguished from the externally applied
physis. As long as the epiphyseal blood supply is left intact, load type. An externally applied compressive, tensile, or
prognosis is good. shear load cannot be expected to have the same effect on
The type IV fracture (Fig. 11, D and E ) is similar to the type bones of different geometry and growth plate curvature,
III; however, the fracture crosses the growth plate and prop- because these loads, singly or in combination, induce a
agates across the metaphysis. If there is displacement, complex 3-dimensional stress state within the structures.
reduction must be performed accurately to minimize the Any of these loading modes can induce all types of stresses
formation of a physeal bar or bone bridge and subsequent (compressive, tensile, and shear) throughout the entire
growth arrest. growth plate (Fig. 12) and, therefore, cause variable fracture
A type V injury (Fig. 11, F and G) results from a large com- patterns. In short, it is difficult to correlate fracture patterns
pressive force that leads to necrosis of the proliferative to externally applied loads without consideration of other
zone. The occurrence of type V injuries as “pure” or isolated
compressions as depicted in the figure have been ques-
tioned; they are certainly uncommon. However, this
demonstrates another difference among tissue failure as
defined in the laboratory, as illustrated by a medical artist,
and as encountered in clinical practice. When a type I or II
fracture displaces as the result of a high-energy accident
such as vehicular trauma, the impaction of the growth plate
against the metaphysis very well may also cause a sec- A B
ondary violent compression and terminal cellular damage
within the growth plate. Therefore, the following caveat is
worthwhile to remember.
Although the Salter-Harris classification is useful clinical-
ly, caution always needs to be exercised in conveying prog-
nosis. It is important to reiterate that growth plate fractures
are complex. Accurate assessment of the detailed histolog- C D
ic pattern of fracture is important because the location of
damage determines the fate of proliferative cell activity and
the status of the epiphyseal blood supply, and thus future
growth. Although a consistent plane of separation through
the hypertrophic zone has been seen in several experi-
ments, other studies have revealed a more variable histo-
logic pattern of fracture. It has been demonstrated that
transphyseal fractures of the lower extremities of rats and
rabbits did not exclusively produce damage to the hyper-
trophic zone. Although the greater proportion of each frac-
ture involved the hypertrophic zone, damage was also
noted in the proliferative and reserve zones. Only 15% of rat Figure 11
proximal tibiae tested in a separate study failed uniformly
A, Type I epiphyseal plate injury: Separation of the epiphysis. B, Type II
at the level of the growth plate-metaphysis junction, where- epiphyseal plate injury: Fracture-separation of the epiphysis. C, Type III
as 85% of the specimens displayed crack propagation epiphyseal plate injury: Fracture of part of the epiphysis. D, Type IV epi-
through the upper proliferative and reserve zones. physeal plate injury: Fracture of the epiphysis and epiphyseal plate. E,
The type of load applied to a bone also affects the fracture Bone union and premature closure. F, Type V epiphyseal plate injury:
Crushing of the epiphyseal plate. G, Premature closure. (Reproduced with
pattern. It has been shown that tensile forces applied to the
permission from Salter RB, Harris WR: Injury involving the epiphyseal
rat proximal tibiae produce separation through the reserve plate. J Bone Joint Surg 1963;45A:587–622.)

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94 Section 1 Principles and Methods

factors, including regional geometry and local material New clinical imaging modalities, specifically magnetic res-
(tissue) properties. onance, may become important as early warning systems
The majority of studies on the biomechanics of growth of cellular jeopardy. Once this could be demonstrated reli-
plate injuries have been conducted on a macrostructural ably, treatment protocols to avert growth disturbance could
whole bone level, in which the observed fracture or failure be logically assessed.
properties reflect the combined effects of the bone geome-
try and size, the growth plate topology, and the bone and
growth plate cartilage mechanical properties. Experiments Morphology
on isolated specimens of growth plate cartilage control for The growth plate adapts its form to follow the contours of
differences in the geometric and structural variables and principal tensile stresses. These contours allow the growth
reveal a relationship between mechanical stress and frac- plate to be subjected mostly to compressive stress. The
ture pattern for growth plate cartilage alone. Isolated rec- avoidance of shear stresses provides an optimal geometry
tangular specimens of bone-growth plate-bone from the for strength of the mechanical interface.
bovine femur and tibia have been tested, and the correla- The gross morphology of the distal femoral bovine physis
tion between stress and histologic fracture pattern reported was studied and found to exhibit 3-dimensional undula-
(Fig. 13). Tensile stresses cause the greatest damage in the tions. The primary contours correspond to the 4 ridges and
upper proliferative zone. Shear stresses induce failure valleys. The distance between the apices is about 50 mm, and
between the proliferative zone and the hypertrophic zone. the amplitude is 10 mm. The secondary contours are a finer
Such damage may be deleterious to the activity of the divid- pattern of undulations within the primary contours, with a
ing cells of the growth plate and can affect future growth. spatial periodicity of 5 mm and amplitude of 1 mm. The ter-
Under compressive stress, damage is found primarily in the tiary contours have an even smaller spatial periodicity (0.5
metaphyseal trabeculae. This finding needs to be interpret- mm) and amplitude (0.1 mm). The primary and secondary
ed with the clinical observation previously discussed, contours are the same on the epiphyseal and metaphyseal
namely “pure” type V injuries are uncommon. However, cel- sides of the physes. The tertiary contours, however, are unre-
lular damage from compression could occur in association lated on either side and appear to reflect the randomness of
with other types of fracture pattern and/or could occur physeal growth. Radiographically a layer of dense trabecular
without a change in conventional radiography or histology. bone is adjacent to and parallel to the primary contour of the
growth plate on the metaphyseal side (Fig. 14).

Figure 12 Figure 13
If the type of externally applied force is differentiated from the internal- The histologic zone of failure varies with the type of load applied to the
ly induced stresses, it can be better understood why different failure pat- specimens. (Reproduced with permission from Moen CT, Pelker RR: Biome-
terns can easily result when the same type of force is applied to different chanical and histological correlations in growth plate failure. J Pediatr
bones and growth plates. Orthop 1984;4:180–184.)

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 95

The Effect of Age on Failure Strength characteristics of the growth plate begin to account for a
and Fracture Patterns larger part of the biomechanical properties of the region.
Yet the coordination of this load sharing has clinical signif-
Mechanical tests on human cadaveric femoral heads of var- icance. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (idiopathic) is an
ious ages (from younger than 13 months to older than 15 entity that generally occurs during the growth spurt. Many
years) have shown that the shear strength of the capital
femoral epiphysis increases with age. This increase in
strength can be attributed both to the increasing overall
size of the femoral head and to the developmental changes
to the growth plate topology (Fig. 15). With increasing age,
the growth plate becomes thinner and exhibits an
increased number of mamillary processes and curves,
thereby creating an undulating surface that imparts an
increased resistance to shear. This finding has been report-
ed consistently regardless of the type of applied force (shear
or tension), the type of bone, or the species.
Experimental data have also been presented to support
the fact that age or stage of skeletal development influences
the growth plate fracture pattern. Under controlled shear
tests on human and rabbit proximal femurs, it has been Figure 14
shown that the transphyseal fracture (type I) occurs most
Radiograph of plate and trabecular bone structure in parasagittal section.
frequently in the very young as proposed by Salter and (Reproduced with permission from Cohen B, Chorney GS, Phillips DP, et al:
Harris; however, it may not pass exclusively through the The microstructural tensile properties and biochemical composition of the
lower hypertrophic zone. In older bones, fractures tend to bovine distal femoral growth plate. J Orthop Res 1992;10:263–275.)
pass through both the growth plate and the metaphysis or
epiphysis (types II–IV).

The Effect of Surrounding

Structures on Failure Strength
The growth plate is surrounded circumferentially by the
perichondral region, which is composed of a dense cell
layer, a loosely packed cell layer, an overlying fibrous tissue,
and in some cases, an inner bony ring. The strongly orient-
ed collagen fibers of the perichondral region are firmly
anchored to the epiphysis and metaphysis, immediately
adjacent to the growth plate. These characteristics of loca-
tion and microstructure suggest a function of mechanical
support, in which the perichondral region serves as a limit-
ing membrane, providing lateral constraint to the growth
plate cartilage. The perichondral region is included in
Ogden’s classification scheme for growth plate and epiphy-
seal injuries; an Ogden type VI injury describes the poten-
tial for osseous bridge formation and angular deformity as
a result of damage to these peripheral structures.
In tension and shear tests on the proximal tibiae of rats, an
intact periosteum/perichondral region has been shown to
increase the failure strength significantly. It has also been
demonstrated, using human cadaveric femoral heads, that
an intact perichondral region can improve shear strength.
As a result of continued skeletal growth, generally the rel- Figure 15
ative contribution of the perichondral region to the
Shear stress (τ) for 18 control specimens versus age. The straight line rep-
strength of the growth plate region diminishes. As the
resents a least-squares fit of the data. (Reproduced with permission from
absolute and relative thickness and size of perichondral Chung SM, Batterman SC, Brighton CT, et al: Shear strength of the human
region decreases, the topologic and histomorphometric capital epiphyseal plate. J Bone Joint Surg 1976;58A:94–103.)

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96 Section 1 Principles and Methods

mechanical factors, including body habitus, femoral neck- vivo studies on developing tissue have confirmed that
shaft angle (changing from relatively valgus to varus), and mechanical factors can influence bone development dur-
femoral torsion, are changing at this time as well as the ing the earliest stages of endochondral ossification. At the
diminished contribution of the perichondral region to end of the embryonic and beginning of the fetal periods,
strength. For some adolescents, this entity can cause a plas- primary ossification centers form and advance toward
tic deformation through the proximal femoral growth plate either end of the long bones until the proliferative cartilages
(clinical correlate, “chronic or stable slip”) or failure (clini- that are the growth plates are reached. From that time until
cal correlate, “acute or unstable slip”) that needs to be skeletal maturity, the advance of the primary center will
addressed surgically. In addition to idiopathic slipped capi- be matched by growth away from the ossification front at
tal femoral epiphysis, slips are known to occur with increas- the metaphysis.
ing incidence in endocrine conditions. In particular, in An alternative way to regard this is that the physeal
renal failure with associated hyperparathyroidism that regions are providing the motive force for internal distrac-
weakens the attachment of the perichondral ring to the tion osteogenesis. The interface between the metaphyseal
metaphysis, displacment of growth plates is common, not ossification front and the adjacent proliferative cartilage or
only at the proximal femur but at other locations as well. developing growth plate may, in part, be determined or
modified by mechanical forces. Initially, these forces are the
first muscle contractions and joint reactive forces of devel-
Tensile and Compressive Properties opment, and eventually they are the forces of the postnatal
The microstructural tensile properties of the bovine distal environment in which the organism will have to compete.
femoral growth plate have been determined by controlled Secondary centers within the chondroepiphyses are gener-
uniaxial tension tests. The tensile properties obtained from ally an evolutionary advance of mammals supporting the
the stress-strain curves of such tests are shown in Table 2. relatively fragile chondroepiphysis. As the secondary cen-
The ultimate strain at failure (average 13.8%) has been ters of ossification grow, initially spherically to occupy a
noted to be fairly uniform throughout the growth plate. larger volume of the chondroepiphysis, they advance and
However, a significant difference has been noted among the flatten at the reserve zone of the physis, which then is a
anatomic sites for ultimate stress and tangent modulus. “plate” albeit with undulations. Generally in humans the
The anterior region of the growth plate seems stronger and appearance of secondary centers of ossification are postna-
stiffer than other sites. The growth plate is also stronger and tal events, the single exception being that of the distal
stiffer at the periphery than in the interior. These findings femur, which appears at 36 weeks of gestation. In mam-
correlate with biochemical studies showing that the colla- malian quadrupeds, secondary centers of ossification may
gen content is also highest in the anterior regions. appear in utero.
Compression studies on uniform cylindric specimens also Experiments have suggested that growth plates develop in
have been performed on distal femoral growth plate speci- a way that reduces shear stress at the bone-growth plate
mens. The boundary conditions during fluid flow through interfaces. Such a condition is attained by a growth plate
the bony interfaces on either side of the growth plate are contour that runs perpendicular to lines of principal com-
unknown; therefore, no assumptions on the boundary con- pression or tension. These same studies further implied
ditions have been made. Three models representing the dif- that growth plates composed of hyaline cartilage are sub-
ferent possibilities of boundary conditions have been used jected predominantly to compressive stresses, whereas
to analyze the experimental data: (1) both sides are com- growth plates or portions of growth plates composed of
pletely permeable; (2) the metaphyseal side is free draining fibrocartilage primarily experience tensile stresses. These
and the epiphyseal side is impermeable; and (3) both sides latter growth regions have sometimes been termed traction
are impermeable. apophyses. However, the concept of a traction apophysis as
The compressive modulus (equilibrium stress/applied a different type of growth plate needs to be considered with
strain) of growth plate has been found to be higher for the caution. A clinical situation may illustrate the problem. The
interior sites (0.90 MPa) than for the periphery (0.71 MPa). anterior extension of the proximal tibial growth plate of
This difference between the interior and the periphery has humans is exposed to considerable tension through the
been found to be independent of the boundary conditions. patellar tendon, which inserts on the tibial tubercle on the
proximal side of the growth plate. Yet, this region is
contiguous with the remainder of the proximal tibial
The Response of the growth plate, which would function in a more compressive
Growth Plate to Mechanical Stimuli environment.
It has long been recognized that mechanical forces can The influence of mechanical factors is exhibited through-
influence the shape and length of growing bones for a given out development and growth of the immature skeleton. The
organism within limits selected over time and established secondary centers of ossification are an excellent example.
by the genetic and epigenetic program. Both in vitro and in Finite element modeling techniques have been used to

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 97

Table 2
Tensile Properties by Various Anatomic Groupings (mean ± SD)

Region Ultimate Stressa (MPa) Ultimate Strainb Tangent Modulusa

Anterior (n = 20) 4.0 ± 0.97 0.137 ± 0.05 48.6 ± 25.1

Posterior/lateral (n = 30) 3.05 ± 0.80 0.123 ± 0.04 37.9 ± 16.7

Posterior/medial (n = 29) 2.30 ± 0.68 0.160 ± 0.06 23.5 ± 14.9

Center (n = 7) 2.16 ± 0.79 0.1117 ± 0.06 27.0 ± 11.8

Average 2.97 ± 0.80 0.138 ± 0.06 34.6 ± 17.7

Periphery (n = 30) 3.50 ± 1.06 0.132 ± 0.06 44.5 ± 26.1

Interior (n = 56) 2.68 ± 0.96 0.141 ± 0.06 29.3 ± 14.2

Significantly different, p < 0.01
Not significantly different, p > 0.1

(Reproduced with permission from Cohen B, Ghorney GS, Phillips DP, et al: The microstructural tensile properties and biochemical composition of the bovine distal femoral
growth plate. J Orthop Res 1992;10:263–275.)

evaluate the stress patterns in immature human bones. No boundaries or ranges on the magnitudes of these forces
Specific functions of the calculated stresses have been have been identified, and because both compressive and
found to correlate with the propensity for cartilage to be tensile forces exist simultaneously within the skeleton, it is
replaced by bone. One hypothesis proposes that intermit- doubtful that all compressive forces inhibit growth and all
tent shear stresses tend to accelerate, and intermittent tensile forces stimulate it.
hydrostatic compressive stresses tend to inhibit endochon- Despite these shortcomings, experimental evidence for
dral ossification. This hypothesis was used along with a the general theme of the Hueter-Volkmann law is abun-
series of geometric and analytical assumptions to predict dant. Many animal studies have been performed in which
formation of the secondary ossification center. With further some alteration is made to the “normal” mechanical envi-
experimental verification, this theory has the potential to ronment of a growing bone, and the resultant changes in
be a powerful tool. Although many clinical correlates could bone growth measured. Metal staples applied asymmetri-
be drawn, the proximal femur in pediatric orthopaedics cally across growth plates have been successfully used to
provides several examples. In developmental dysplasia of treat angular deformities, especially valgus at the knees.
the hip, displacement of the proximal femur from the Casting and bracing are time-honored methods of treating
acetabulum will delay the appearance of the secondary some problems in pediatric orthopaedics. Generally these
center of ossification and alter its location within the chon- are more helpful in treating deformations and averting sec-
droepiphysis. In neuromuscular problems, the lack of mus- ondary growth problems than in addressing malformations
cle balance around the hip and abnormal function of in which the growth problem has its origin in abnormalities
the joint lead to abnormal growth of both the proximal of the genome and/or morphogenesis. Thus, a Pavlik har-
femur and the acetabulum and can eventuate in patholog- ness generally works well in treating typical hip dysplasia,
ic dislocation. and casting generally is effective in treating positional
The concept that mechanical factors can influence growth clubfeet. Teratologic hip dislocations in association with
plate behavior is embodied in the previously mentioned syndromes and stiff congenital clubfeet are harder to
Hueter-Volkmann law. Although certainly an oversimplica- address with external mechanical treatments and even
tion, this law states that compression forces inhibit growth, prove challenging to correct with surgical realignments.
and tensile forces stimulate growth. Although some clinical Periosteal/perichondral stripping has been used as a
treatments for bone deformities are predicated on it (the means of stimulating growth by releasing the presumptive
very name “orthopaedics” originates from the quest to form compressive forces across the growth plate. In view of the
a straight child), this description of the interaction between complex relationship of this region to the normal physiolo-
mechanics and growth plate behavior lacks quantification. gy of the growth plate, the response to this intervention

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98 Section 1 Principles and Methods

would be difficult to predict in theory. That has been the

case in practice. External fixators have been applied across
growth plates to apply tension and thereby stimulate
growth. Chondrodiastasis is an example of such a proce-
dure. Experimental and clinical results have been variable.
The relationship between the ultimate number of divisions
of chondrocytes of the proliferative zone (as opposed to the
rate of divisions over a period of time) and all perturbations
(physical force, endocrine/paracrine/autocrine factors,
nutrition) has not been well defined. Therefore, at the pre-
sent time, clinical practice for lengthening is largely being
conducted as distraction osteogenesis.
An alternative principle has been proposed in which cer-
tain increases in both tension and compression can inhibit
growth. This chondral modeling theory is described graph-
ically by a chondral growth-force response curve (Fig. 16). It
is an attractive theory because of its ability to describe
many of the clinical findings noted. However, it also suffers
from the same limitations that apply to the Hueter-
Volkmann law. Figure 16
The variability seen in outcomes from clinical attempts to Growth response of cartilage types to physiologic loads. (Reproduced with
alter growth and the lack of conclusive experimental data permission from Frost HM: A chondral modeling theory. Calcif Tissue Int
might be explained by a limited understanding of the 1979;28:181–200.)
mechanics that control the response. In vitro experiments
on the effects of mechanical stress on the biosynthetic and
mitotic activity of chondrocytes may aid in elucidating
these mechanisms. Although no definitive conclusions Pathologic States Primarily
have been reached, data from recent studies indicate that
high static compressive stresses decrease the biosynthesis
Affecting the Growth Plate
of extracellular macromolecules, whereas low intermittent The primary function of the growth plate is longitudinal
compressive stresses increase matrix synthesis. Again, a growth, which is accomplished through cellular prolifera-
clinical example may be illustrative of the difficulty of tion and maturation, matrix production and mineraliza-
bridging the distance between the laboratory and the tion, endochondral ossification, and resorption (remodel-
patient. The gold standard of demonstrating the efficacy of ing). Several selected examples of pathophysiology were
a clinical intervention is the prospective, double-blind, included in the section on structure and function as the
controlled study. Relative to the shape that the immature prototypical examples of key disturbances in the program
skeleton will ultimately achieve, clinical intervention with innate to abnormal development. The growth plate is also
physical force such as a brace is difficult to apply in a way subject to environmental and nutritional disturbances as
that demonstrates an incontrovertible difference. For well as a broad spectrum of disturbances in cell biology,
example, bracing of various sorts has been used in an enzyme function, and structural molecules that will be
attempt to alter tibial torsion, yet the skeptic can easily subsumed under the category inheritable disorders.
question whether shape at maturity would have been the
same whether or not the device had been used. This does
not diminish in any way the need for scientific investigation Environmental Factors
into the role of physical force on the development and
growth of the immature skeleton. It does emphasize the Irradiation
rigor that will be demanded in applying such information Irradiation primarily affects longitudinal chondroblastic
clinically with credibility. proliferation; it relatively spares latitudinal bone growth.
In summary, both the function of the growth plate and Depending on dose, radiation can therefore result in short-
its mechanical properties depend on a complex interaction ened bones with relatively increased width. Such bones may
between internal structure and external influences. Contin- radiographically resemble those seen in achondroplasia.
uing research efforts are crucial for defining these mechan-
ical properties, molecular biology, and their interaction Bacterial Infection
in a manner that can be applied in clinical diagnosis and The metaphyseal portion of the growth plate is affected by
treatment. bacterial invasion. Bacteria lodge in the vascular sinusoids

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 99

and soon produce one or more small abscesses. Explana- When normal growth resumes, the growth plate moves
tions given for bacterial infection in the metaphysis include away from the dense seal, which, by contrast with adjacent
sluggish circulation, low oxygen tension, and deficiency of bone, is perceived on radiographs as a dense line. This is
the reticuloendothelial system. Extension of the infection termed a Harris growth arrest or growth resumption line.
through the haversian canals results in osteomyelitis of cor- Clinically this can be helpful in following growth after a
tical bone and subperiosteal abscess formation. In most growth plate injury. If the physis has uniformly resumed
long bones, the joint capsule and growth plate are strong growth, it will move away from the line parallel to it. If, how-
barriers to bacterial extension. In the first year of life, carti- ever, the physis has a terminally injured and nonfunction-
lage canals may still persist across growth plates and serve ing subpopulation in the center or at the periphery, the line
as a conduit for extension. Further, in those joints in which will appear depressed centrally in the former case or tilted
the involved metaphysis is intracapsular, extension into in the latter.
the joint occurs once the bacteria have eroded outside
the bony metaphysis. In the proximal femur, pyarthrosis Rickets
often is associated with hematogenous osteomyelitis. This Rickets results from several causes, including nutritional
can result in proximal femoral osteonecrosis and chon- deficiency, malabsorption, and renal disease, that interfere
dronecrosis by compromise of the vascular supply and with the normal processing of calcium, phosphorus, and
direct enzymatic digestion of the articular cartilage. vitamin D. The common end point disruption is failure to
Although the cartilaginous portion of the growth plate is mineralize the matrix in the zone of provisional calcifica-
usually a barrier to bacterial infection, it is not impenetra- tion. Histologically, the reserve and proliferative zones are
ble. Severe infection may result in local or total cessation of normal, but the hypertrophic zone is greatly expanded.
growth, even several years following the acute infection. This can be noted on conventional radiographs as widen-
Inhibited or angular growth usually results. Less commonly, ing of the growth plates. Further findings are an absent
there have been reports of stimulation of growth following zone of provisional calcification (normally denser than the
infection. metaphyseal bone as calcified cartilage has more calcium
per unit volume than bone) and flaring of the metaphysis
(Fig. 17, A). Cartilage bars persist into the metaphysis (Fig.
Nutritional Disorders 17, B). Osteoid remains unmineralized on these unminer-
Malnutrition or protracted illness, if severe enough, will alized cartilage bars and a primary spongiosa fails to form.
result in depressed chondrogenesis and stunted growth. In the rachitic growth plate, the hypertrophic chondrocyte
These disorders can also occur with growth plate injuries. mitochondria retain large amounts of calcium. These
Under such circumstances, metaphyseal bone formation mitochondria do not discharge their calcium, and the sur-
continues until complete occlusion of the marrow space rounding matrix remains unmineralized until the meta-
occurs at the cartilage-bone junction and a seal is formed. bolic problem causing the rickets is corrected. Because the


Figure 17
A, Radiographic features of rickets,
distal radius, and ulna. Note the
widened growth plates and flaring of
the metaphyses. B, Histologic features
of rickets. The zone of proliferation is
largely unaffected, but the hyper-
trophic zone is markedly widened.
(Photographs courtesy of Dr. Henry J.

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100 Section 1 Principles and Methods

matrix remains unmineralized, nutrients can diffuse more debris, and fibrous tissue result. This region of detritus is
readily than normal into the hypertrophic zone. This may called the zone of Trummerfeld. Collapse of the metaphysis
explain the expansion of the hypertrophic zone. Further, along with continued latitudinal growth result in the for-
the normal metaphyseal vascular invasion with aggressive mation of Pelkin’s lateral spurs. Because of a marked change
capillary buds transgressing the last transverse septum also in the biomechanical properties of this region, growth plate
fails to occur in rickets (Fig. 18). It has been postulated that displacement can occur.
this cannot occur in mineral-deficient matrix. Also, vascular
invasion may depend on the production of a chondrocyte-
derived growth factor such as FGF and/or further angio- Genetic Disorders
genic and angiotropic factors.
Defects in Matrix Synthesis: Chondrocytes
Scurvy Because type II collagen and proteoglycans account for
Scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency. Metabolically, vit- much of the matrix of cartilage, it would follow that distur-
amin C deficiency produces a decrease in chondroitin sul- bances in these structural molecules or in the enzymes that
fate synthesis (enzymatic impairment of the conversion of catalyze their metabolism would disturb their normal phys-
glucose to galactosamine) and a deficiency in collagen syn- iology. Such is indeed the case. Because of a great deal of
thesis (impaired hydroxylation of proline). The greatest work with clinical dysmorphology, discrete syndromes have
deficiency in collagen synthesis is seen in the metaphysis. been identified that were known to be abnormalities of car-
The microscopic appearance of the cartilaginous portion of tilage. Kindreds of these syndromes can now be analyzed
the growth plate is normal, but that of the metaphysis is with the techniques of molecular biology. Molecular expla-
quite abnormal. The deficiency of type I collagen has its nations for these syndromes are constantly being added to
most disruptive impact where it is most in demand for the the literature.
synthesis of new bone, namely the metaphysis. The calci- All the cartilage matrix defects produce some degree of
fied cartilage bars have a scant amount of osteoid, and they skeletal dysplasia with varying degrees of impact on articu-
extend deep into the metaphysis. The accumulation of cal- lar and growth cartilage. Figure 19 categorizes the various
cified cartilage at the zone of provisional calcification con- abnormalities of the growth plate. Abnormalities in type II
tinues (unlike the situation in rickets). On radiographs, the collagen underlie achondrogenesis II/hypochondrogene-
calcium-rich zone of provisional calcification persists and, sis, some types of Stickler syndrome, some types of spondy-
in contrast to the osteopenic metaphyseal bone, appears as loepiphyseal dysplasia, and Kniest dysplasia. Abnormalities
a dense white line (line of Fraenkel). The bony trabeculae in type IX collagen are found in some of the kindreds of
are sparse and thin. The osteopenia of the metaphysis on Fairbanks multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. Mutations in type
radiographs represents a true osteoporosis. The metaphy- X collagen cause the Schmid-type chondroepiphyseal dys-
seal bone is weakened. Microfractures, hemorrhages, plasia. In a subset of Stickler syndrome distinct from that

Figure 18
Vascular loops in rickets.

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 101

associated with the type II collagenopathy, a mutation has ed in this category. An abnormal branching pattern and
been described in type XI collagen. growth pattern in the human hand localized to a homeobox
The prototypical example of a defect of proteoglycan gene (HOXD13) is an example of this type of developmental
metabolism is diastrophic dwarfism. The mutation causing abnormality that impacts cartilaginous anlagen and subse-
diastrophic dwarfism is in a sulfate transporter molecule, quently the growth plates. Another developmental abnor-
the diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter. Undersulfa- mality of the human hand that has now been mapped to
tion of proteoglycans results. It will be remembered that the genome is a complex polysyndactyly that is not in the
proteoglycan size and hydration were critical to the func- homeobox cluster. Therefore, the developmental cascade
tion of the growth plate. This defect at the molecular level for cartilage morphogenesis described at the outset of this
results in short stature and several deformities, in particu- chapter still has many steps that remain to be elucidated.
lar severe equinovarus feet, which is characteristic of this
condition. Defects in Matrix Synthesis: Osteoblasts
The 6 types of mucopolysaccharidosis result from sys- Osteogenesis imperfecta is really a spectrum of entities, all
temic defects in enzymes that mediate proteoglycan of which share the common feature of osseous tissue with
metabolism. Lysosomal storage of undegraded glyco- diminished strength to failure. In clinical parlance this is
saminoglycans and large accumulations of these glycopro- manifested as bone fragility or ease of fracture. Osteogene-
teins within the cell occur as a result (Table 3). As a group, sis imperfecta, as clinical presentations, has been classified
the clinical presentation of the mucopolysaccharidoses is in several ways to split the spectrum into discrete entities.
somewhat varied by the specific enzyme defect and glyco- The spectrum ranges from skeletons so fragile that frac-
protein accumulated. Each type of mucopolysaccharide tures occur in utero and death ensues in the perinatal peri-
has a varied toxic effect on the central nervous system, od, to skeletons extremely fragile and dysmorphic but com-
skeleton, ocular, or visceral organ systems (Table 3). patible with life, to skeletons relatively unaffected except
The general clinical characteristics of this group of dis- for an increased number of fractures that seem to occur less
eases may not be specific for any type, but the pattern with increasing age. The molecular bases for the clinical
should suggest the presence of the disease. To variable entities have proved even more heterogeneous. Although
degrees they share a spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia pheno- type I collagen is usually affected in some way, the specific
type. All children have stunted growth and some degree of molecular defects can include a wide range of abnormali-
dysmorphic facies. Some have corneal clouding and mental ties in primary sequence and diminished synthesis.
retardation. Skull films may show thickening of the diploe The histologic and radiographic features of the severe,
and occasionally a “slipper-shaped” sella turcica. The chest nonlethal type of osteogenesis imperfecta are depicted in
radiographs may demonstrate paddle-shaped ribs. The Figure 20. Endochondral bone formation in the metaphysis
pelvis films frequently show coxa vara with variable degrees and intramembranous bone formation are severely affect-
of femoral capital dysplasia. The long bones typically ed. The cartilaginous part of the growth plate region is at
demonstrate diaphyseal shortening and widening. The least relatively spared. The mineralized osteoid is scant; the
metacarpals demonstrate a “pencil sharpened” proximal trabeculae are thin and few in number; the cortices are thin
epiphysis. Madelung wrist deformity may be present. and osteoporotic. Osteogenesis imperfecta ranks at the top
The developmental abnormalities with failure to recruit of the differential diagnosis for osteoporosis presenting in
and program mesenchyme appropriately might be includ- childhood. As in scurvy, there is a large synthetic demand

Figure 19
Zonal structure and pathophysiology
of the growth plate. (Reproduced
with permission from Brighton CT:
Structure and function of the growth
plate. Clin Orthop 1978;136:24.)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Orthopaedic Basic Science

102 Section 1 Principles and Methods

for type I collagen in the metaphysis, but this cannot be met The inferior mechanical properties of the osseous tissue in
with a normal supply. Unlike scurvy, in which the metaphy- osteogenesis imperfecta are exposed most in those areas of
seal region once had normal type I collagen, in osteogene- the skeleton subject to the greatest force. Lower extremity
sis imperfecta the collagen was never normal. Hence, the long bones are particularly severely affected. (In the more
diaphysis is also abnormal. There is evidence of previous mild forms of osteogenesis imperfecta, the frequent frac-
fractures and gross dysmorphology of all the bones. Frac- tures usually have had a greater incidence in the long bones
tures in osteogenesis imperfecta respond with the custom- of the lower extremities.)
ary events of fracture healing, but the callus formed also In analogy to the developmental abnormalities with fail-
has the abnormal collagen and thus the abnormal fragility. ure to recruit and program mesenchyme appropriately to

Figure 20
Histologic and radiographic features
of osteogenesis imperfecta.

Table 3
Toxic Effects of Mucopolysaccharidoses

Syndrome Skeletal Mental Corneal Deafness Inheritance Glycoproteins Enzyme Defect

Dysplasia Retardation Clouding Accumulated
Hurlers ++ ++ ++ + Autosomal Chondroitin α-L-iduronidase
(MPS-1H) recessive sulfate B

Hunters + + – ++ Sex-linked Chondroitin Sulfoiduronate

(MPS-II) recessive sulfate B + sulfatase
heparitin sulfate

Sanfilippo +– ++ – + Autosomal Heparitin sulfate 4 types–each a

(MPS-III) recessive different enzyme

Morquio ++ – + + Autosomal Keratan sulfate Glucosamine-6

(MPS-OV) recessive sulfatase

Scheie + – + + Autosomal Chondroitin α-L-iduronidase

(MPS IS) recessive sulfate B

Maroteaux- ++ – + + Autosomal Dermatan sulfate Arylsulfatase β

Lamy (MPS-VI) recessive

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 103

the cartilaginous sequence, a recent study has described sist into the metaphysis. The zone of provisional calcifica-
the abnormality in the differentiation from a pluripotent tion and the primary spongiosa do not form. This failure
mesenchymal cell to an osteoblast. Cleidocranial dysplasia occurs because of a slightly different abnormality from
results from a mutation in the transcription factor CBFA1. nutritional rickets, but the effect on histogenesis is similar,
Again this leads to the issue of intramembranous and endo- following a common pathway. Radiographically, the growth
chondral bone. Although the transcription factor CBFA1 plate is widened, and there is flaring of the metaphysis. The
has a clear role in osteoblast differentiation for intramem- end result is inhibition of growth.
branous bone, it also seems to have an effect on the osseous Hypophosphatemic familial rickets (vitamin D-resistant
lineage as it becomes involved in endochondral bone for- rickets) results in the typical skeletal changes seen in vita-
mation. This transcription factor may be involved in the min D-deficient rickets, again by a different molecular
Ihh-PTHrP signaling loop that was described in regulating mechanism that disrupts a common pathway. This disorder
the differentiation of chondrocytes from small to hyper- is a sex-linked dominant, characterized by low calcium
trophic cell phenotype. If that is the case, then a very attrac- and phosphorus, a high alkaline phosphatase activity, and
tive candidate for coordinating the linkage between the car- abnormal conversion of vitamin D to its active metabolites.
tilaginous elements of the growth plate and the osseous
elements of the metaphysis has begun to be elucidated. Defects in Cell Proliferation
Achondroplasia was mentioned under the structure of the
Defects in Calcification growth plate as the prime example of a defect in prolifera-
Hypophosphatasia is an inherited autosomal recessive tion. It has been apparent for some time that achondropla-
defect in alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme that degrades sia is a defect in endochondral bone growth. Abnormalities
phosphate esters in cartilage and bone (for example, ATP were sought in various biochemical pathways but were
and pyrophosphate). These phosphate esters inhibit carti- never found. The molecular basis has now been established
lage calcification as was discussed in the section on zones as abnormality in FGF-3. Unlike the molecular heterogene-
of the growth plate and the role of matrix vesicles in miner- ity underlying osteogenesis imperfecta, most of the cases of
alization. In hypophosphatasia, the serum calcium/phos- achondroplasia occur because of a mutation in a single
phate product is normal, but the matrix does not calcify. base pair resulting in a single amino acid substitution in the
The hypertrophic zone widens, and the osteoid formed on receptor. Interestingly, subsequent knockout studies of the
the cartilage bars does not mineralize. The histologic and FGF-3 receptors in mice indicate that the absence of the
radiographic findings in hypophosphatasia and rickets are receptor results in longer bones. Hence, the mutation
very similar. The growth plate is widened because of an underlying clinical achondroplasia is a positive mutation,
increase in the hypertrophic zone, but the proliferative and exerting a tighter brake on proliferation, not a negative
reserve zones are normal. The hypertrophic zone cells per- mutation that would presumably fail to give a needed mito-

Figure 21
Histologic and radiographic features
of achondroplasia.

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104 Section 1 Principles and Methods

genic stimulus. It is another indication that the coordina- bone is filled with chondro-osseous tissue. Radiographical-
tion of the cartilaginous and osseous elements that result in ly, osteopetrosis is characterized by uniform opacity of the
normal growth are under very sophisticated control. bones with no discernible internal architecture. In some
The typical radiographic and histologic characteristics of less severely affected individuals, transverse radiodense
achondroplasia are depicted in Figure 21. The growth plates banding may be seen in the metaphysis. Calcified cartilage
that would be most active in longitudinal endochondral has a higher mineral content per unit volume than bone,
growth are the most severely affected. The cell columns are hence the radiographic appearance. The mechanical prop-
very short, and the hypertrophic zone is narrow. The meta- erties of calcified cartilage are inferior to those of bone;
physis reveals diminished calcified cores of cartilage and therefore, fractures occur. Healing ensues, but time to heal-
scanty new bone formation. Periosteal (intramembranous) ing may be prolonged. The defect in osteoclast function
bone formation is unaffected and latitudinal growth con- appears to be caused by a defect in osteoclastic differentia-
tinues. This makes the metaphyses relatively wide. tion. This defect can be overcome with bone marrow trans-
An uncoupling of longitudinal and latitudinal growth can plantation which, if successful, reverses the histologic, radi-
be seen in other conditions. This uncoupling can produce ographic, and clinical signs of the disease.
some phenotypic similarity among conditions caused by Osteochondromas (exostosis, multiple exostoses, diaphy-
different mechanisms. Radiation was noted to inhibit longi- seal aclasis) result from a defect in the perichondrial ring of
tudinal growth preferentially. Metatropic dwarfism also LaCroix and the groove of Ranvier. In this disorder, chon-
uncouples these separable pathways of bone growth. drocytes from the cartilaginous region of the growth plate
are displaced roughly orthogonal to the axis of growth.
Defects in Bone Remodeling These cells continue to behave with the proliferative capac-
Osteopetrosis is characterized by abnormal internal or his- ity of physeal chondrocytes. They form a cartilaginous cap
tologic remodeling. The typical radiographic and histologic that is in essence a heterotopic growth plate that forms
characteristics are depicted in Figure 22. Osteopetrosis is bone at its base. While the skeleton is growing, the osteo-
also termed marble bone disease or Albers-Schönberg dis- chondroma continues to grow and may become quite large.
ease. It occurs in 2 forms: an autosomal recessive malignant A solitary lesion overwhelmingly remains benign. In multi-
form, which usually results in intrauterine death, and a rel- ple familial exostoses, many of the lesions may form and
atively benign autosomal dominant form. In this disorder, grow. Presumably because sufficient proliferative cartilage
there is an abnormality of osteoclast function and a defect is displaced from its normal alignment along the longitudi-
in resorption of the primary spongiosa. The disease is char- nal axis, angular deformity can occur. Neoplastic degenera-
acterized histologically by persistence of calcified cartilage tion can occur in this condition. Lesions in the axial skele-
bars in the diaphysis of the bone, and absence of a ton are of particular concern.
medullary cavity and marrow space. The interior of the Pyle disease or familial metaphyseal dysplasia is failure of

Figure 22
Histologic and radiographic features
of osteopetrosis.

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Chapter 3 The Formation and Growth of Skeletal Tissues 105

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American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Orthopaedic Basic Science

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