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Business Plan Format

Business Idea: Bungalon Coffee Shop

Description of your Products/Services:

Bungalon Coffee Shop creates items of exceptional quality and flavor. Currently, the company
manufactures three primary product lines: X beer, Y beer, and Z beer. All three have distinct
characteristics that will allow them to flourish in the marketplace, allowing us to be first to market and
make high-quality items at a reasonable cost.

What makes it different from competitors?

Focus is a key component of our marketing strategy. This is going to be crucial. Because we are a young
firm, we must concentrate on certain types of items and specific types of customers. Bungalon Coffee
Shop will initially focus on the local market as well as rural and previously unreachable places where our
products have a significant market. As a result, the first form of growth that will be pursued will be
organic growth, owing to limited resources and the necessity to establish faith in our products.

How will your Products/Services stand out from the competition?

Our competitive advantage will be our control of previously unreachable locations, client focus, and
traditional high-quality brew produced under strict quality control. XX Breweries dominates the local
market, but it does not reach the rural areas as effectively as we would like.

Why people should buy your products/services?

it is unique to our taste because when you buy it you will have a discount especially if what you

buy our promo and of course you won't know the promo or twist on our product if you don't


Business Name: Yele Coffe Shop

What does this name say about your business?

Is it unique? Memorable? Easy to Pronounce?

Target Market & Demographics:

Who Will Your Customers Be? Other kids? Teenagers? Men? Women?

Where do they live?

What is your target market passioniate about?

Business Operation:

How will you operate the business?

What are the processes involved in Producing products/delivering services to the customer?

Organizational Set Up:

How many Personnel/Employees needed their qualifications/their duties and responsibilities?


How will you promote your products/services?

Is your price competitive?

How will you get the word out about your Business? Online? Posters? Through the newspaper? By
email? Where Will You Sell Your Products or Services?


1. How much is your initial investments?

2. How your target return on investment?

3. How much will you make on each sale after you subtract your expenses?Profit=Income-Expenses
4.What will you do with the money you take?

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