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Throughout the process of writing this book, many individuals from the
community have taken time out to help us out. We’d like to give a special thanks
to the DepEd Educators community for actively participating in the feedback and
contributions for this All in one book via the Facebook page.

I am grateful to all of those with whom I have had the pleasure to work during our
Nationwide Review for Principals. Each of the members of our team has provided
me extensive personal and professional guidance and taught me a great deal
about both School Leadership and Management in general.

I would especially like to thank Mr. Michael L. Munoz, the publisher of this
manuscript. As my friend and mentor, he has taught me more than I could ever
give him credit for here. He has shown me, by his example, what a good person
should be.

To the following school heads that help shape this book.

To Elmer L. Meneses Ph.D, for his amusing quotes and inspiring words shared
during our national review. To John R. Quiroz for sharing his pearls of wisdom
as integrated school principal of Bataan. Special gratitude to Eduardo C. Yabut
for giving such attention and time in discussing DepEd programs and projects in
details as school head in the coastal area of Pampanga. To Romar M. Dayao for
providing necessary information regarding the project and share his life-long
experience as school head from nobody to somebody.

I would like to offer an extra special thanks to RD Benjamin D. Paragas Region

IV-B as a contributor for the essays in this book . Without your insight or
contributions, portions of this book may not have been possible.



School leadership styles are constantly changing. Are you prepared? Leading an
educational institution introduces you to the challenges and opportunities of
becoming an effective school leader. Decision-making is a core skill needed by
all school heads.

By using this book you will learn how to analyze and reflect to make informed
guided decisions while exploring your role as a School Head.

In addition to learning about the career occupation, you will also learn successful
“how-to” strategies for working with today’s developments which is unique to this
edition. Topics include School leadership, Instructional, and school management.
With coverage on school heads and full-fledged Principal that begins their
journey to becoming a professional educator.

This book tackles topics relevant to aspiring school head to the superintendent in
DepEd. This book manual is of great help for Educators taking up CESWE and
EMT dreaming of becoming superintendents in the future.

This book will serve as a guide in their everyday doings dealing with legal
matters, policy implementation, and Human Resource Management.

The book also features the Teacher’s Right, Privileges, and Welfare is
highlighting as a guide for our front liner teachers.

Research topics were also included to give wisdom on how to discern to any
situations and help school leader become more innovative.
Essays related to the integration of all government programs and projects are
also included in this book. It serves as a guide for first-time test takers in
constructing their thoughts and ideas in writing.

Information about this book manual is personally collated from DepEd, DBM,
CSC, and Republic Acts for education purposes. The Freedom of Information bill
plays a big role in searching all possible articles for this book. It makes greater
transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in governance as well.


12 Different types of leadership styles 3
5 Conflict management styles 6
An act prescribing the code of the National Flag, Anthem, Motto, Coat-of-
arms and other heraldic items and devices of the Philippines.
An Act Regulating The Packaging, Use, Sale Distribution And
Advertisements Of Tobacco Products And For Other Purposes
Basic Education Enrollment Policy 41
Code Of Conduct And Ethical Standards For Public Officials And
CSC warns government workers vs. partisan political activities 56
DepEd Strategic Directions FY 2017-2022 58
Dress code prescribed for all government officials and employees 69
Gender and Development (GAD) 70
Guidelines and Procedure on the Establishment or DepEd Gender and
Development (GAD) Focal Point System (GFPS) at the Regional, Division 74
and School Levels
Guidelines in the Filling Out of the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net
Worth (SALN) Form
Guidelines on the Establishment & Implementation of the Results - based
Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education
Guidelines on the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus for Fiscal Year
2018 under Executive Order No. 80 S. 2012 and Executive Order No. 201 92
s. 2016
Observance/Conduct of Flag Raising and Lowering Ceremonies and Proper
Sequence in Official DepEd Programs Involving the Singing of the 118
Philippine National Anthem
Preparation of Correspondence 120
FAQ on the Results-based Performance Management System 125
Revised rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RRACCS) 134
School-Based Management 181
Study Leave Benefits 186
Teacher Induction Program Policy 188
Alternative Learning System (ALS) 198
FAQ in Alternative Learning System (ALS) 200
Amendment to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2016, Otherwise Known as the
Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten Education
Assessment for Learning (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT) 204
Bloom's Taxonomy 207
Child-Friendly School 212

Classroom Observation 220
DepED Child Protection Policy 223
Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2016 Every Child a Reader Program
Funds for the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program: 228
Professional Development Component
Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2017 Every Child a Reader Program
Funds for the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Program: 233
Professional Development Component
Handling conflict in the workplace 234
Historical Perspective of the Philippine Educational System 238
Implementing Guidelines on the Administration of the Revised Philippine
Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI)
Lesson Plan 248
National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers
Policy Guidelines on the Administration of the Revised Philippine Informal
Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI)
School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD)Guide 256
The Learning Action Cell (Lac) as a K To 12 Basic Education Program 284
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 303
Transcript of Teachers' Quadrant 317
Common Government Transactions 321
DepEd Budgeting System 325
General Guidelines on the Opening of Classes, Including Collection of
School Contributions, Enrolment, Student Uniforms and Release of MOOE
Implementation of the Flexible Working Hours for the Non-Teaching
Implementation of the Second Tranche Compensation Adjustment for
Civilian Personnel, and Military and Uniformed Personnel in the 362
National Government
Implementation of the Third – Fourth Tranche Compensation Adjustment for
Local Government Personnel
Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release of Maintenance and other
Operating Expenses (MOOE) Allocations of Schools to the respective 380
implementing units
Liquidation of cash advance 2018 384
Multi-Year Implementing Guidelines on Early Registration 395
Policy and guidelines on healthy food and beverage choices in schools and
in DepEd offices
2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 9184 (
Government Procurement Reform Act)
Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) for DepEd 488
Revised Guidelines on the Use of the Special Education Fund (SEF) 495
Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Operation and Management of
School Canteens in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
School Calendar for School Year 2017-2018 519
School Calendar for School Year 2018-2019 523
School-based Financial Management 535
What are the Legal Bases underlying Government budgeting 559
CSC Human Resource Management and Development Policies 574
Procurement and Asset Management 583
An act to strengthen the Regulation and Supervision of the practice of
teaching in the Philippines and prescribing a licensure examination for 593
Teachers and for other purposes.
Board/Bar Eligibility (RA 1080) 603
Granting Civil Service eligibility to college honor graduates 598
Revised Guidelines Governing Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs) at
the School Level
Guidelines for the conduct of elections of the Parents-Teachers
Associations (PTAS) at the school level and their Federations
An act amending certain Secs of Republic Act numbered Seventy-Eight
Hundred And Thirty-Six R.A. no. 7836), otherwise known as the “Philippine 618
Teachers Professionalization act of 1994”
An act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an Integrated
System of Education
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9155
(Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001)
An act enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by strengthening
its Curriculum and increasing the number of years for basic education, 661
appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes
An Act increasing maternity benefits in favor of women workers in the
Private Sector, amending for the purpose Section 14-a of Republic Act No. 670
1161, as amended, and for other purposes section
An Act granting Paternity Leave of seven (7) days with full pay to all married
male employees in the private and public sectors for the first four (4)
deliveries of the legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting and for other
An act providing for benefits and privileges to Solo Parents and their
Children, appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes
Frequently asked Questions in the Solo Parent’s Welfare Act 677
Teacher’s Leave 682
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers 684
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 692
An act requiring regular Publication of existing vacant positions in
Government Offices, appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes
An act instituting a frame work of governance for basic education,
establishing Authority and Accountability, renaming the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports as the Department OF Education, and for
other purposes
FAQ on the enhanced GSIS Conso-Loan Plus Program 713
Retirement under PD 1146 719
Retirement under Republic Act 7699 (Portability Law) 720
Retirement under Republic Act 1616
(Take All Retirement Mode)
Retirement under Republic Act 8291(GSIS Act of 1997) 721
Retirement under Republic Act 660 (Magic 87) 722
Enhanced Conso-Loan Plus 724
The Revised Guidelines on Selection, Promotion and Designation of School
Promotion and Reclassification of DepEd Personnel 732
Equivalents Record Form (ERF) 736
What is Research 741
What are the types of Research 743
Qualitative Research 744
What is the purpose of Research 745
Experimental 748
Causal-comparative 750
Quantitative Methods 751
Correlational 752
Evaluation 753
Data Interpretation 754
Qualitative Data Interpretation 756
Quantitative Data Interpretation 756
The Importance of Research 759
Part VI CESB / EMT 760
The Four-Stage Career Executive Service (CES) Eligibility Examination
CES Written Examination 762
CES-WE Checklist of Documentary Requirements 764
Assessment Center 766
Validation of On-the-Job Performance 768
Panel Interview 770
Original Appointment to a CESO Rank 772
Promotional appointment to a CESO rank 774
The Career Executive Service 778
Leadership and Management Proficiency (LAMP) Program 779
Salamin ng Paglilingkod (SALAMIN) Training Course 779
Diwa ng Paglilingkod (DIWA) Training Course 780
Integrated Gabay ng Paglilingkod (GABAY) Training Course 780
Community Engagement Module (CEM) 781
About the CESPES 786
Schools Division Superintendents Examination (EMT) 792
Conduct of the Schools Division Superintendents Examination 792
Administration of the 2015 Schools Division Superintendents Examination 794
Change in and additional information to DepEd Memorandum No. 30, S.

Administration of the 2017 Educational Management Test 797
Policy Perspective of K to 12 799
Advise for first time school managers 800
Current issues in Policy Action and Strategic Planning 798
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act 805
5 Advantages of ASEAN Integration in the Philippines 800
Amalgamation 808
Typology and Outcomes-Based Quality Assurance 809
Philippine Qualification Framework 809
Higher Educational Reform Agenda (HERA) 810
ASEAN Community by 2015 810
The Washington Accord 811
Importance of Educational Administration 812
Part VI ESSAYS 815
1 The revolutionized K to 12 Basic Education Program 816
2 The employability of Senior High School TVL graduates 819
3 The roles of the SDO in the Learning Action Cell sessions 821
4 Strategic Plan for School-based Management with respect
5 A letter to a stakeholder requesting for assistance 823
6 A Superintendent is a good leader and a public servant 825
7 Issues/ problems encountered in the creation of CID and
SGOD during the initial stage of rationalization
8 Preparing a plan on a pressing need in the Division to
ensure that attainment of the vision-Mission of the DepED
9 Crafting Programs/ Projects on each dimension of SBM-
PASBE using the template and communicating it to all 828
10 Illustrating through a conceptual framework the
implementation of Senior High School
11 Preparing a division memorandum informing the field
re: Organized SHS Planning Team
12 Describing SDO X and charts its future for improvement
using the following profile and performance indicators
Practical Test 1 852
Practical Test 2 899
Practical Test 3 981
Practical Test 4 1034
Practical Test 5 1077
Key to correction 1131
References 1137


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