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Ejercicios de writing (temas con ejemplos)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The only effective way for
the government to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of
gasoline and electricity (40)
Due to the surge of population, the use of energy is significantly increasing. Whether
changing in prices is a good way to make people concern using the energy, it has side
effects to many groups of people, especially the poor. I disagree with the statement that
increasing the price of gasoline and electricity is the right way to support energy

To begin with, raising the price has an effect to the cost of production. Many companies
have been using the energy in many processes, especially in the stage of production. If
the price of the investment is higher, the companies inevitably increase the price of their
products. This can come to the inflation when everything is more expensive and people
are not able to support their cost of living. For example, in some country, the price of food
suddenly up warded after the declaration of raising in gasoline price.

Secondly, the price of energy is increased, but the wage is still the same. Some producers
will pass on an increase in the cost of energy to consumers by changing the price of goods
and services. As a result, people will not be able to support their cost of living and this can
bring to a big difference between rich and poor people. For instance, many people who are
from suburb coming to work in a big city, having to rent a costly apartment, and struggling
with high cost of living will be in a hard time and lost motivation on their job.

In conclusion, I am an opinion of that increasing in prices is unable to be an effective way

to control the use of energy. It is because the increased price will have an effect on the
cost of production and the companies will be likely to pass on the surge prices to

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should not
provide financial support to artists (like painters, writers, musicians, etc) because
arts do not improve people's life. Instead, they should let artists support themselves
A group of people believe that governments should provide subsidies for unpopular or
amateur artists, while other people think that artistic people should be subsidised from
another resource. The following essay will discuss both opinions, but in my personal
opinion, I believe that governments should fund them before they are sponsored by
alternative sources.

Several people believe that creative artist such as street painters and musicians should
not be subsidised by the governments. They think that art activities are not the basic need
of human beings, and governments should focus on more important matters. For example,
rather than spending some budget for these street artists, the fund could be allocated for
improving the public education sectors, public transportations or public facilities. They think
that creative artist should seek sponsorship from private institutions or private companies.

For several reasons, some people believe that creative artist should be funded by
governments. Firstly, many amateur painters have painted some of the public areas, and
they have changed the look and the atmosphere of these places from a negative aura into
a positive one. Secondly, some talented artists have made artistic sculptures and placed
them in public areas such as in the parks, and they have made the parks become more
beautiful and attractive. Thirdly, many amateur musicians who are performing in public
areas, such as in subways or in bus terminals have entertained the public with their music.
Therefore, it is undeniable that the existence of these artists brings benefits for the society
and governments should subsidise them.

In conclusion, people have different opinions about funding creative artists. Some people
think that they should be funded by governments, while others believe that they should be
subsidised by other resources. In my point of view, I think governments should allocate
some budget for amateur artists as they bring benefits for individuals and communities, but
once they have become professional, they should seek sponsorship from other resources,
and the government should stop providing the subsidy.

Some people think that if companies prohibit sending emails to staff on weekends
or during other times out of office hours, staff dissatisfaction with their companies
will decrease. Others think that will not reduce the overall dissatisfaction among
staff. What is your opinion and why? (38)
It is critically important for a company to make sure that its employees are satisfied with
their work. I believe that companies could not increase staff satisfaction by simply
forbidding emails on weekends. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the
following essay.

To begin with, preventing emails during the time out of office hours is not practical for
global companies. Thanks to the trend of globalization, nowadays more and more
companies are building sites over all the world. The staff on these sites mostly live in
different time zones. To keep business ongoing, they rely heavily on emails to exchange
ideas and information. They can't send emails only during office hours. Imagining an
employee based in New York wants to discuss an issue with an employee based in
Shanghai, it will be extremely hard to find a common time to communicate, for Shanghai
will be at the night while New York is at the day. In this case, emails are essential for the
daily operation of modern companies. Ensuring emails only during office hours is just

Furthermore, many other factors would influence the way employees think about their
companies. For instance, pay and benefits will play a significant role. I know from my
personal experience that many people do not mind reasonable work out of their office
hours as long as the job pays them well. In addition, many young people, especially those
working in startup companies in China, are willing to use their spare time to do some extra
work to move further in their careers. Their passion will be ruined if companies simply
prohibit overtime work or emails. In other words, people always have different needs. They
will only feel contentment when they have the freedom to choose whatever working style
they like.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that stopping emails outside of office hours is not a
feasible solution to make people feel happier about their companies. The idea won't work
for big companies located in different time zones, and it would discourage those
hardworking young people who are ambitious about their future.

As a leader in a group of more than three people, which of the following do you
think is the most important quality when choosing your teammates? (37) (FALTA)
Do you agree with the following statement? People are obsessed with buying or
acquiring material things (such as expensive clothes, cars) because people judge
others by what they possess (36)

Do you agree with the following statement? It is important to make sure that others
know about your strengths and accomplishments, if you are not so, you will be
never successful in life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing
condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a
job or a field to study (34)
There has been a lot of debate recently about whether the ability to adapt is more
important than having excellent knowledge of a job. Personally, I tend to agree that for
success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or
circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or a field to study
since communication skills, good social network and the ability to cooperate are essential
to success in school and work.

First of all, communication skill plays an important role in success, and the ability to adjust
to a changing condition can bring about outstanding communication skills. For example,
when students are able to adjust to the various teaching styles of different teachers at
school, they can fully express their opinions in class. What’s more, by exchanging
thoughts with other classmates, students can benefit most from class, and even stand out
among their peers. On the other hand, if students choose to only indulge in professional
knowledge, they might not often have the chance to participate in heated discussions. In
addition, they might find it hard to express their viewpoints, even if they have really good
ideas. As a result, they would totally blend in with the wallpaper in class.

Secondly, people need good social network to succeed in school and work, and the ability
to adapt can provide people with good networking. For instance, when people can adapt
themselves to different teams and people from different background, they can get along
well with almost everybody. Moreover, by changing themselves a bit in different
circumstances, they are regarded as easy-going and comfortable to work with. Therefore,
these people would know a lot of people and enjoy an extremely strong network. On the
contrary, a person who has a lot of professional knowledge but who might not be able to
adapt to different ideas that much, might seem stiff and awkward to others. Eventually,
they might suffer from loneliness in the long run. Apparently, it is important for people to
possess the ability to adapt because it can help develop good social networking.

Finally, it is significant for people to cooperate well with other people, and the ability to
adjust to a changing condition can cultivate good team-working skills. Take myself as an
example. When I worked with a team of Taiwanese colleagues, I often talked about
examples about food, and we made a great team together. Yet, when I worked with people
from the US, I discussed my business ideas over a few drinks, and the American people
explicitly stated that it was a pleasure to work with me. In the end, by adapting to different
conditions, I successfully persuaded both the Taiwanese team and the Americans to work
together on a business project. Indeed, the ability to adapt has much more relevance than
excellent knowledge when it comes to good cooperation skills.

In conclusion, I would say that to succeed in both school and work, the ability to adjust to
changing conditions is much more crucial than possessing excellent knowledge since
people place emphasis on communication skills, social network and the ability to

Do you agree with the following statement? Nowadays, it's easier to maintain good
health than it was in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your
answer (33)
The world is changing very fast and the main reason for that is a human activity. people
always improve everything that can make their life easier and healthier. If we take a look
on people’s health, particularly, it advanced dramatically in half of the century. The length
of humans’ life increased significantly from 35 to 65 years, and it keeps growing. From that
point, it is undeniable that to maintain a good health nowadays is easier than it was in the
past. I will broach some reasons that validate my opinion.
To begin with, technological progress and scientific discoveries are the main causes of
such a significant enhancement of human longevity. The health organizations in different
countries around the world do everything to boost up the availability of medications and
vaccinations to eliminate the epidemic of variety diseases. our generation didn’t have to
deal with smallpox or polio; those diseases take thousands of lives away. some people
might argue that our generation is fighting different diseases pretty harsh one like cancer
or Ebola viruses, but considering modern technology and recent advancement in
medicine, the humanity is on the right path of finding treatments to those illnesses. With
our technology and today’s science, human beings will eradicate those sicknesses;
inevitably, it just takes time to find the solution.

What’s more, the society tends to show the importance of the care about a human health
today. Anyone can find hundreds of articles and books about diets, gurus of healthy
lifestyles, a lot of information is being provided on the internet how to keep fit, it is sort of
bandwagon. The array of diets, food supplements, physical activities, sports, and
promotion of avoiding the deleterious habits bring the profound impact on human’s health.
people began to take care of their healthiness; they prefer more advantageous habits for
themselves in order to get a long and enjoyable life. this kind of appropriate attitude to own
life span improves it drastically. Of course, some people will say that it is hard to keep this
fast life in balance, but I strongly disagree with that opinion. Many people have successful
life and their health is one of the firsts to put on the table because it is obvious that health
is a primary factor in any kind of success.

In the other words, the human life has been extremely refined, its quality allows live longer,
accessibility of medicine and propaganda of the healthy lifestyle helps to sustain
healthiness in all extents. You can see the main reasons shown above which strongly
support my position.

Nowadays, it is said that government should give financial support to people.

However, people often argue about which group the government should give
support to. Which of the following groups do you think is the most important for the
government to support? Older people who no longer work (eg. those who are more
than 70 years old ); young families with small children; workers who have recently
lost their jobs (32) (FALTA)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only movies that can teach
us something about real life is worth watching (31)
It is no secret that, movie companies play a pivotal role in the GDP of each country due to
numerous spectators who follow the movies which produced by these companies. In this
regard, there is an inevitable question which has always caused heated debate among the
audiences which is which movies are worth watching and which are not worth it. A plethora
of people possess the conviction that people should not watch movies that won't learn
something about life from them while others look at this concept through a different lens. I,
nonetheless, assert the contention that it is not important to watch movies so as to learn
something carries more weight. In what follows my self-evident rationales will cogently
substantiate this perspective.
One of the primary reasons striking my mind is people tend to watch movies in order to
spend their free time, feel free from their hectic lives. An empirical study in the psychology
department of the University of Tehran indicates that approximately 78% of employees
watch movies, no matter what it is, when they are back to their home from work to lessen
their stress and rest for some hours. So do I. By way of example, after I finish a hard exam
which I study hard for it I prefer to watch a comedy movie either at home or a cinema so as
to forget about the adversities that I passed.
Another equally important reason is that although some movies do not directly teach us
about the actual life, they could indirectly affect each person’s subconscious. For example,
movies about wars or the results of wars have indirect messages. When people watch
these kinds of films, they will be disgusted by consequence of wars. Hence people will
avoid having wars. As a consequence, we will have a society which prefers peace instead
of war. This means that if a government decides to invade other country people will protest
against it to prevent the government from doing it.
The last but not the least reason is that movies as an example science-fiction genre help
one grows his imagination. A Higher level of imagination help people to be creative; thus,
be more successful in their life. To illustrate my point of view I can mention a movie like
Interstellar in which the producer is trying to show space, wormhole, black hole and the
efforts to save humanity in the future. If one watches this film, undoubtedly, he would
imagine black hole furthermore he would think what would happen in this area. Maybe it
would lead him to continue his education in this field if he had not chosen his major or
maybe if the person is an artist the movie will provide some inspiration for him. Or at least
could give him a chance to improve his imagination by picturing black hole and so on.
To sum up, taking all the aforementioned into account, it can be concluded that In some
cases, I recommend that people watch movies which have no lesson for real life. However,
that was the story in a nutshell; actually, there are some other reasons and examples,
supporting the claim which are not mentioned above. All in all, it is suggested that a survey
be conducted to find out more information about this issue.

Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young
child(5-10 years old)? 1.being helpful 2.Being honest 3.Being well organized (30)
Educating young children is of importance, especially share values with them. Child is
supposed to acquire valuable qualities as young as possible since they are willing to
eliminate right behavior than getting order. From my point of view, among these three
values, being honest is the most crucial and basic virtue.

Though being helpful is an essential value for anyone, it is not a good time to catch this
quality when children are too young to offer help. Being helpful requires people do have
abilities so that they can give a hand, and actually young children are someone who need
help. Children at this age are usually not physically or mentally mature to comprehend
complex issues or figure out feasible solutions. It can be dangerous if a child has a
tendency to help with people whether they are really in trouble or mean to kidnap the child.
A large number of this kind of cases happen every year. I have seen a plenty of news
which said some evildoers take the young child away through pretending for help, such as
asking helpful children for carrying boxes and suddenly push them into the car and quickly
run away. Thus, teaching young children to recognize good and bad people in society
before teaching them to be helpful is the best way to avoid danger.

As for being well organized, it will lead young child to form good habits for making work
plan more efficient and stay away from making mistakes, because children learn to act
flowing the precise and pre-prepared process. On the contrary, this will strongly restrict
children’s free-thinking and not benefit to improve their curiosity and imagine. Actually,
coming up with something fancy at this age of lives is much more significant than being
well organized. Take my own experience for example, my parents did not require me to be
organized since I was a child. They suggested me to attempt to think of novel ideals and
do what I wanted in freedom. So, when I grow up, I am able to initiate unfamiliar approach
frequently to solve problem during my daily life. Being well organized is relatively not
necessary for young child.

When it comes to honesty, there is no doubt that it is the basic principle virtue. The best
way to foster this value is doing everything honestly from childhood. Being honest plays an
important role at any stage in life and any identity in society. As a student, honesty
signifies do not lie to the teacher when you forget your assignment; as a employee,
honesty stands for telling the truth to your boss that you unfinish the tasks; as a child,
honesty means admit your fault in front of parents such as lose a new book. It is not a big
deal with anyone but essential and indispensable.

To put it in a nutshell, although both being helpful and well organized are excellent values,
being honest is the most important one to share with a young child. People can be less
helpful or not organized, but being dishonest would be disastrous. Therefore, it is
imperative to educate children to be honest; the earlier, the better.

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