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Jed Gabriel Magsino 21st Century Literature

Grade XII – STEM 1201


Karl, a 19-year old Architecture student, spends his semester break at a Condo
Unit owned by his favorite uncle, Santi. A neighboring room is occupied by a certain
Miss Anna, where Vladimir, a film making student boards. Vladimir has an elder sister
by the name of Judit, a very close friend of Miss Anna.

In order to raise some money to pay for his rent, Karl secures a job as a film
writer where he expects to receive a salary of $100 dollars. While working one day on
his task, Karl felt very irritated with the loud noises coming from Vladimir’s unit. Karl
gently begged Vladimir to tone down the music but the latter made it even louder.

Unfortunately, although Karl has accomplished the job, his client refused to pay
him. The landlord was asking for the rental payment. The next day Karl decided to call
up his agent but the signal inside his condo unit was weak so he had to go out to get a
better reception. While Karl was outside, his room was invaded by Vladimir, who was
trying to escape from his sister who arrived to visit him. Vladimir begged to stay in
Karl’s room until Judit has left. Soon, Vladimir found the occasion to leave but Karl
refused to let him go unless he would be searched thoroughly. While Karl was pressing
Vlad’s body, Judit saw them from the room’s door which was left slightly open. Judit
thought that the two boys were engaged in a homosexual affair. The two boys were
terribly embarrassed and tried to explain that there was no such relationship between

When Judit attempts to call their mother; Vlad suddenly grabs Karl by the neck to
his side and tells his sister that they are indeed lovers. Vlad also promises to help Karl
with his problem with the rental. Judit issues a check for the amount.

Karl agrees to take Vladimir in as a housemate in his condo unit on the condition
that they will both share in the upkeep, cleaning of the room and other chores. At first
Vladimir became very irresponsible and this irritated Karl very much. Soon they started
to quarrel. On many occasions Karl threatened to drive out Vladimir, who would call up
former friends and ex-lovers for a place to spend the night. But, they were able to patch
things up. Karl later felt jealous about Vladimir’s escapades and became physically
attracted to him. Gradually, Karl fell in love with Vladimir but his heart refused to admit
that he was gay. On the other hand, Vladimir was never ashamed about his feelings
towards Karl.

One day after spending some moments together in the swimming pool Karl and
Vladimir were both surprised by a sudden visit from Judit. As they entered the condo
unit, they also found Karl’s uncle Santi inside waiting. Karl was surprised to know that
Vladimir was also his uncle’s former lover. Karl could not hide his feelings and lost his
appetite to eat. He felt bad that his uncle was a part of Vladimir’s past too. During their
dinner Judit asked Karl if he was in love with Vladimir. Karl tried to evade the question
and stood. At the same time Santi asked Vladimir if he was in love with Karl and he said

Shocked by the intriguing question, and in order to calm down and gain his
composure Karl decided to go to the condo gazebo downstairs where he saw the video
clips prepared by Vladimir. They showed scenes about their activities and romantic
moments inside the condo. Vladimir followed Karl to the gazebo and sat down beside
him. Karl felt very happy about what he saw and decided to give Vladimir an intense
kiss. Judit, Anna and Santi saw everything and they all left the two alone. Karl felt bad
that he was finally discovered to be gay.
After staying together for a month, Karl and Vladimir have to part ways because a new
school term is beginning. Vladimir started to pack up his belongings and leave the
condo unit with the help of his sister. Karl was left alone in the condo unit trying to
remember and recall the happy memories he had with Vladimir, Karl’s uncle who was a
gay engineer and who owns the condo unit consoled Karl in his loneliness. Karl finally
confessed to his uncle that he was really gay and that was afraid to reveal the truth to
his father.

While Karl was resting in the sofa, someone started pounding hard the door of the
condo unit and was trying to enter. Karl got a long stick just in case the intruder would
turn out to be violent. When Karl opened the door he was surprised to see Vladimir, who
was very drunk and messy, Karl cleaned up Vladimir who vomited into his arms. When
Vladimir somehow got a little sober Karl admitted that he could now accept the fact that
he was gay and truly in love with Vladimir. Vladimir was happy about the admission but
challenged Karl if he would have the courage to admit it publicly.

Filled with sincere hope that the two of them can stay together forever and relying on
Vladimir’s promise to take him everywhere, Karl gradually realized especially when
advised by Anna that he should not be afraid to reveal his real sexual orientation not
only to the people close to him but also to others. After all the story of his life which he
intends to portray in the film will not really have full meaning if he is afraid to be judged
by others.
Based on the FREYTAG’S PYRAMID, I believe that……

Words written in BLUE are part of the Exposition in the story.

Words written in GREEN are part of the Rising Action.

Words written in ORANGE are part of the Climax

Words written in RED are part of the Falling Action

Words written in VIOLET are part of the Denouement

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