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European Network for

Rural Development Countryside study
Working document

In 2016, the Finnish government carried out the ‘Smart Countryside’ study of the challenges facing its rural areas
and the opportunities offered by digitisation. This provided a wide range of recommendations for improving digital
innovations in rural services. The results are being used to inform both existing and new programmes: for example,
tailoring support under RDP Measures 7 (Basic Services) and 19 (LEADER/CLLD), the national strategy for broadband,
and the new governmental decision for Rural Digitisation 2017.

Introduction Why launching a study?

One-third of the Finnish population (1.6 million people) live The Finnish government passed a comprehensive reform
in rural areas, but the population density and demographics of State-financed research funding in 2013, which
vary according to the type of rural area. established a strategic research funding instrument for
The population of sparsely populated rural areas, rural multidisciplinary research on major societal challenges.
heartlands, and local centres in rural areas is decreasing and In addition, in order to promote knowledge-based policy-
aging, while rural areas close to urban areas are experiencing making, the research activities supporting government
population growth. At the same time, however, the service decision-making were centralised within the prime
infrastructure in rural areas has declined. The number of village minister’s office.
shops dropped by 20 % between 2012 and 2015, around
60 village schools close annually (1), and the number of post
offices in rural areas has decreased steadily since 1990s.
In rural municipalities, 77 % of residents have internet
connection at home, compared 80 % of city dwellers or 88 % Policy making
of those in the country’s capital. Rural residents often rely Research activities were re-focused to fit the five
on wireless internet connection, with broadband coverage strategic priorities of the government:
at its weakest in remote rural areas. 81 % of rural residents • Employment and competitiveness;
use the internet, two-thirds of them several times a day.
• Knowledge and education;
Typically, people use the internet to communicate, to shop,
and to follow the news. Most people under 55 years of age • Health and wellbeing;
use the internet. Usage is lowest amongst those over 75. (2) • Digitisation, experimentation and deregulation;
Digitisation is high on the Finnish government’s agenda, • Reforms.
as it is considered to be an important contributor to social Open calls for research proposals fitting the
and economic development. For rural areas, digitisation strategic priorities of the government are issued
is important because of demographic changes and rural annually by the prime minister’s office. The
out‑migration, especially from the most remote areas. calls reflect the annual strategic research plan,
Digitalised services are considered to be fundamental for which is drafted by a working group made up
maintaining a living countryside. Digitisation can help to of representatives from each ministry and then
ensure equal opportunities, regardless of where people live agreed by the government. For each topic included
in the country. It can also help deliver cost savings in the in the annual research plan, a responsible ministry
public sector and create new business opportunities and and participating ministries are assigned.
spawn innovative solutions to local challenges.

1 Rural Survey 2017,

2 Rural Survey 2017,

Funded by the
In 2016, the strategic research plan included the topic Main findings of the study
of development and diversification of rural services The study found that rural residents and businesses are
through digitisation and experimentation. This fell under willing and ready to use digital services. Digitisation can
the digitisation, experimentation and deregulation bring services nearer to the customer, reduce costs and have
priority and had an assigned budget of € 250 000. The a major impact in the countryside, where structural change
ministry responsible was the ministry of transport is rapid and distances to physical services are increasing.
and communications. Participating ministries included However, not all citizens or companies have the willingness
the ministry of education and culture, the ministry of or the skills to benefit from the opportunities presented by
agriculture and forestry, the ministry of economic affairs and digitisation. Therefore, it is important to familiarise people
employment, the ministry of social affairs, and the ministry with digital tools and invest in building the capacity and
of the environment. A total of ten proposals were received. willingness of people to use digital services.
Main objectives and methodology To reduce the risk of digital exclusion (by area, age,
The study, ‘Smart countryside – development and education, income, etc.), support for functioning data
diversification of rural services through digitisation connections (broadband) and low threshold digital guidance
and experimentation’  (3), was conducted between April services are needed. When developing digital services for
and December 2016 by the Consultancy for Regional rural areas, the solutions must be based on local knowledge
Development (MDI) (4), the Centre for Regional Research at and local needs. Here the public sector plays a crucial role
the University of Eastern Finland Spatia (5), the University of in creating platforms and providing access to its databases,
Vaasa (6), and the Finnish Environment Institute (7). and by compiling and disseminating information and
experiences on digitalised practices.
The goal of the study was to explore possibilities for
developing and diversifying rural services through digitisation It is also vital to develop ways to measure the economic
and experimentation. The project produced information to benefits of digitalisation, to encourage more businesses
support and provide ideas for topics of further research. digitalise their services and to ensure people to see
the benefits.
The study included a literature review (final reports
of projects and research projects, web pages of digital In addition, innovative
services), interviews, an assessment of digitisation solutions for rural mobility
strategies in Canada and Scotland, and surveys of rural and transport challenges
residents, businesses and municipal decision-makers in should be found through
three regions. The national register and GIS information was local experiments.
also used to assess the housing and service structure and The study also encourages
possibilities for combining different modes of transport. Rural digital experiments in
residents’ views on digitisation were collected in so-called the fields of social and
digital cafés, which were organised in three municipalities healthcare services and
in the study regions. Workshops mapping out future digital remote working and studying. The concrete suggestions for
services were organised in three cities. experiments are as follows:
• Digital advisory points in local service centres;
• Strengthening digital skills through voluntary peer
support organised by NGOs;
• Training digital ambassadors in municipalities and
government offices;
• Transmitting voluntary help, peer support or
neighbourhood help by digital means;
• A return of multi-actor, multi-functional and digitalised
village schools;
• Developing the digital capital of rural businesses.


Implications of the study Smartest Village 2020 competition
The Smart Countryside study triggered responses at the The ‘Smartest Village 2020’ competition will be launched in
government and rural development programme (RDP) level. early 2018 (9). The goal is to inspire villages to look forward,
The most prominent examples include the government cooperate for the common good, and develop services using
resolution on promoting rural digitisation, the Strategy broadband infrastructure.
for Digital Infrastructure, and the Smartest Village 2020 These services can, for example, be in the field of healthcare,
competition. The study also informed projects supported education, energy, mobility, retail sales, hobbies, and culture.
under Measure 7 (cooperation) and Measure 19 (LEADER) Funding for cooperation projects can come from all the
of the RDP. ESI funds and other sources. The competition is organised
by the Finnish Rural Network, together with
Government resolution on promoting rural digitisation the ESF, ERDF, ministry of transport and
The Government resolution of 9 November 2017 is based communications, Council for Rural
on the results of the Smart Countryside study. The resolution Policy, Association of Finnish Local
stresses the need to develop digital services and promote and Regional Authorities, and
experiments. The resolution also underlines the potential to the Village Action Association
support rural populations and businesses, and create new of Finland.
livelihoods and possibilities for rural economic development The winner will be selected at
with the help of digital solutions that take local specificities the end of 2019. The criteria
into account. The resolution has four sections: considered by the jury will include:
1. Developing digital infrastructure and creating the the increase in the supply and
conditions for its use in rural areas; standard of services, innovative solutions,
2. Combining electronic services and rural transport; and the number of actively participating
villagers. The main prize will be an innovation camp, which
3. Location-free working and studying; will pave the way for future development of the village.
4. Digitisation of rural employment and entrepreneurship.
The actions put forward by the resolution are budgeted RDP projects with a focus on digitisation of services
within the government’s existing finances, which may imply The mainland Finland RDP 2014-2020 has a budget of
a re-prioritising of current operations and a redirection of € 8.2 billion (EU and national funding). Priority 6 addresses
resources. EU funds are also used to support the resolution. services in rural areas, and has an allocation of 9.3 % of the
Measures requiring a specific budget will be decided within RDP budget. Through this priority, a set of measures support
the annual budget planning. the revitalisation of rural services through digitisation and
social innovation. These include M06 - Farm and business
Strategy for digital infrastructure development (€ 257 million), M07 - Basic services and
The ministry of transport and communications is preparing village renewal in rural areas (€ 80 million), and M16 -
the strategy for digital infrastructure (8). A stakeholder Cooperation (€ 35 million) and LEADER. These measures
hearing was held in mid-November 2017, and an are operationalised through sub-measures.
inter‑governmental consultation is due to be launched by M06- Farm and business development, supports
the end of 2017. services through offering start-up aid and investments in
The strategy will include the Finnish broadband targets non‑agricultural activities (M6.2 and M6.4).
for 2025, as well as measures for reaching these targets.
The main aim is to ensure high quality and reliable digital
infrastructure as a basis for new services and innovation. It
must also ensure access to services for citizens.
The strategy will be technology neutral, meaning that it
includes fixed and mobile internet. It will take account of
global trends, such as virtual reality, automatisation and
the internet of things.


M6.2 - Business start-up aid for non-agricultural M16.10 - Other measures supporting programme
activities in rural areas: this sub-measure supports new priorities: support under this sub-measure aims to support
businesses in the start-up stage or those launching a new projects that are jointly implemented by businesses
product or service, or otherwise renewing their operation. It (including farms), forest owners, market actors, research
also supports businesses in carrying out experiments that institutes, experts, universities, higher education institutions
promote market-driven and customer-oriented innovations. and other development organisations. Examples of projects:
Examples of projects: start-up aid for a company specialising guidance and consulting on planning, product development
into digitisation capacity building and services, digitisation of and the use of digital services for a group of businesses.
emotional and psychological training services (e-learning). M16.2 - Pilot projects and the development of new
M6.4 Investments in non-agricultural activities in products, practices, processes and technologies in
rural areas: this sub-measure supports investments in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors: support is
facilities, machinery, equipment and tools required by provided for the development of new products, practices,
businesses, as well as intangible investments. The RDP processes and technologies in the agriculture, food and
text also specifies: ”Support may also be granted for an forestry sectors and to provide actors with possibilities
investment by a company offering mobile services to micro for testing new activities or products in a real operating
and small enterprises operating in rural areas”. Examples environment, by means of a study, a development project
of projects: digitisation of existing services (ticket sales, or an investment.
newspapers, printing). Examples of projects: mainly related to dairy and forestry.
M07 - Basic services and village renewal in rural areas
supports services through broadband measures, as well as
by improving local services and related infrastructure. This
measure has six sub-measures, out of which two are the LEADER projects
most relevant for rural services. Lappish Health Kiosk (Lappilainen terveyskioski)
M7.3 Broadband infrastructure and access to was a preliminary study funded by LAG Pohjoisimman
broadband and public e-government: support under Lapin Leader. The study focused on providing
this sub-measure aims at projects for planning, studying, digitalised medical service in remote areas through
developing and building local data connection infrastructure, a health service kiosk with diagnostic equipment (e.g.
e-government services offered online, and their deployment laboratory tests, blood pressure monitoring, EKG)
and utilisation. It also covers small scale data connection that the customer used independently. The kiosk also
infrastructure investments (so-called village network had a video connection to a nurse or a doctor. The
projects) in rural areas. results of the preliminary study were positive, yet
Examples of projects: pilot project for listing and marketing it became clear that a more diverse and complex
digitalised services in seven municipalities; digitisation of service is needed, as well as support for the use of
municipal services (including municipal customer service digital services.
via videolink); a project promoting the use of digital Abilities to make a digital leap (Valmiudet
opportunities by removing obstacles. digiloikkaan) is a one-year project funded by the
M7.4 - Improvement of local services, including leisure LAG Varsinais-Suomen Jokivarsikumppanit. The goal
and culture, and the related infrastructure: Support under is to build the capacity of local businesses, NGOs
this sub-measure aims to support projects seeking to plan, and residents to utilise digital services. The project
study or improve services for the rural population. combines training, information and demonstration
events. Topics covered by the capacity building include
Examples of projects: projects creating a service portal video conferencing for businesses, marketing on
and supporting companies in digitisation; a feasibility study social media, search engine optimisation, information
on remote health services. security, the use of digitalised services by the elderly,
M16 - Cooperation: this measure has eight sub‑measures, as well as virtual reality as a means of enhancing
out of which two are the most relevant for rural services. remote working.

ENRD Contact Point

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1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
European Network for Tel. +32 2 801 38 00
Rural Development

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