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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Preparatoria 8

Mi conexión al Mundo en otra Lengua II

Grupo 453

Teacher: Gina Lizeth Ambriz

Pedro Angel De Luca Salinas
On the other hand
Actividad Requisito
Paso 1. Ingresa a la plataforma NEXUS, curso Mi Conexión II,
posteriormente a la sección de Estructura / Evaluación diagnóstica
de la etapa 2 y contesta el examen, con base en tus conocimientos

Paso 4. En tu libro de texto Mi Conexión al Mundo en Otra

Lengua II, lee el vocabulario conectores (linking words) que se
encuentra en la página 30 y anótalo en tu libreta.
• In My View. En mi punto de vista
• I Believe. Yo Creo
• It Seems Likely. Parece Probable
• In Spite Of. A Pesar De
• Further. Además
• Likewise. Igualmente
• Therefore. Por Lo Tanto.
• Furthermore. Además
• Undoubtedly. Sin Dudas
• On the Whole. En Conjunto
Television Internet
advantages desdvantages advantages desdvantages
• Some • It has a • Easy to • Fake news
channels schedule. brow • Weak
are free. • Some • Isn’t limited signal
• Real chrannels to a
Information requires schedule

• Television has real information; therefore, I prefer to see the news on

• Television is very boring, so I don’t watch it.
• television like older people more than millennials people.
• television the news that happens in particular is true with evidence.
• Internet will surely replace everything that is newspapers and
magazines to books Likewise, the internet can have problems ending
and we could all return as before.
• In my opinion the internet is like something that is very valuable to
human beings and some take it to harm those people

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