Syndicate Whitepaper 1

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Syndicate 893


The Syndicate is a secret organization, operating in the trade of highly valuable NFT's. The Syndicate
specializes in gathering market information via its agents and uses its powers to negotiate exclusive deals
to grow the reach and power of the syndicate.

To be in The Syndicate is more than just owning a jpeg, it is being part of a movement. NFT’s will usher in a
dramatic societal transfer of wealth and The Syndicate aims to establish itself as a powerful entity in the
NFT space, feared and followed by many.

Through strategic alliances the syndicate aims to grow its reach in the months and years to come. Members of
The Syndicate enjoy many benefits that will aid them in their NFT journey but more importantly are part of a
tightly organized and supportive community that can share and benefit from the dissemination of valuable
information within the group. Clan members will have access to exclusive alpha information and tools to
support their trades.

Syndicate893 - @syndicate893 -

4 pillars
of Value
Membership will provide primary value to token holders in 4 distinct ways. Through a series of partnerships with
top tool developers called “The Arsenal”, through curated alpha research called “The Boardroom”, through
educational resources called “The Training Grounds”, and an organisational support fund called “The War Chest”.

The Arsenal
All tradesmen need the correct tools to do their work. All clan members will need weapons in
order to make the best of their membership. The NFT space is no different and even the
smallest edge can often provide an advantage that can make the difference. All Syndicate
token holders will have access to the following suite of tools to ensure that they are
equipped with what they need to maximize success.

Icy tools 5 min alerts in discord + Whale wallet movement

Spr3dsh33t alert and on demand discord bots
Custom Bots and Tools that overperform the rest of the traders
Nft Nerds 6 or 12 months group buy at 30 or 40 % discount

In addition, members will have regular promotions and exclusive

member only deals. To start 20% discount on premium

The Syndicate management team will also maintain a reserve fund to allocate towards custom
tool development based on the feedback we receive from our community.

The Boardroom
The Boardroom is where business is conducted. Here our members can gather privately to
discuss opportunities and receive regular curated briefings from our in-house analysts.
It is important to note here that at no point will the Syndicate or any of its members
provide financial advice. The Boardroom is strictly for the sharing and discussion of
highly sensitive project information. If it’s worth knowing about, this is where you’ll
find it. All members will have access to :

Daily market update reports

Weekly curated alpha updates provided by researchers and analysts
Monthly detailed spotlight reports on high value long term projects
Moderated private trading Voice Chat channels
Moderated private Discord channels with Q&A access to analysts
Real time market update, activity, and mint trackers powered by
programmable Discord bots

Not all aspiring NFT traders have the time to spend hours researching and vetting out
every new project that hits the market. Our goal is to be able to provide the average
trader with high quality professional research so that they have the data at their
fingertips to make the most informed trading decisions possible.

The boardroom is also the place where all members will have the opportunity to get
access to exclusive whitelist spots negotiated by the Syndicate for its agents. No
effort will be spared to get the best deals and access to the most hyped project for
our agents.

Syndicate893 - @syndicate893 -

The Training grounds

Now that our members have the tools of the trade and the knowledge to be dangerous we want
to help you make the best of it. Enter the Training Grounds. Here you will find guided
educational resources to make sure that you are making the best use of both The Arsenal and
The Boardroom.

Syndicate members can train themselves in various disciplines to polish their skills:

Educational resources including blockchain, trading strategies, and

Webinars, resources and video training for all available tools and bots
AMA’s and other exclusive content from established NFT trading experts.
Hacks and quick tips to improve trading skills
Using tools to analyze wallet and contract activity

Syndicate Treasury

It takes money to make money. Upon successful minting of the project the Oyabuns will create a
War Chest with 100 ETH. The War Chest will be used to support and expand The Syndicate’s
interests and influence. We will actively act in the market based on our own alpha to grow
the funds. Profits will be reinvested back into the syndicate via:

Development of additional tools & bots

Investments into new projects
Expansion into the Metaverse
Setup incubator fund for community projects
Marketing activities to grow Syndicate influence
Live events and meetups.

The True Value of Syndicate Membership

Where opportunities arise, the Syndicate will be present. The
true power of The Syndicate lies in its members. Being part of
The Syndicate is like having 893 pairs of eyes and ears canvasing
the Crypto space daily for the most unique and fruitful
opportunities. The individual value of each member that
culminates in collective power creates something greater than a
sum of its parts.

Syndicate893 - @syndicate893 -

The Syndicate

The Syndicate leadership is upholded by the Three Oyabuns, or the Three Fathers.
“The Three” are responsible for the day to day management of the collection and membership benefits. The Three
will be assisted by a team of “Wakagashira”, or lieutenants, that function as paid moderators, researchers and

The Three:

King / AI / Musicman

The Art &


Our masks are all hand drawn by internationally renowned tattoo

artist Oscar Hove. Based out of Barcelona, Hove’s deep
appreciation for Japanese culture and art has heavily influenced
his own artistic style. For this collection he drew inspiration
from the masks of Noh theater based on Japanese folklore. The
masks are a combination of Hove’s appreciation and
interpretation of traditional Japanese masks through the lens of
his own tattoo art style.

Find our more at

Syndicate893 - @syndicate893 -


The Syndicate NFT will be a 893 token collection. All 893 members are given the starting rank of “Shatei” or
little brother. This rank provides full access to all tools and information, bots , private discord channels
etc. that are available to the group.

Through member contributions, a Shatei can earn the status of “Kyodai” or big brother. Kyodai will have
elevated member status and will act as unofficial community leaders in the organization. Kyodai will be
rewarded by the Oyabuns privately for their contributions to the organization. For example they may get higher
chances or priority on whitelist opportunities or access to special limited placement events.

The highest rank in the organization that a member can achieve is “Shatei Gashira” or second lieutenant. Only
60 will ever exist and they will receive a unique 1/1 NFT. This special rank and NFT also comes with an
exclusive lifetime membership to The Syndicate and thus would carry over from one cycle to the next.

The Shateigashira will have the following distribution :

5 will be raffled to the initial minters

40 can be earned by high ranking Kyodai
5 reserved for demonstrations of honor and loyalty
10 reserved for the Oyabun and Wakagashira

The Syndicate will never have more than 893 members. We are purposely keeping the project small as we believe
larger organizations cannot give real value to all members. 893 were chosen as 893 can be read as "ya-ku-za”
The word yakuza (“good for nothing”) is believed to have derived from a worthless hand in a Japanese card game
similar to baccarat or blackjack: the cards ya-ku-sa (“eight-nine-three”), when added up, give the worst
possible total.

Mint details

While Syndicate893 will be an exclusive member only community and gaining access will not be easy, we do
believe in fair pricing for its agents.

This is why we have decided to offset the initial mint cost providing tools and benefits exceeding the mint

The current retail cost of the tools provided with the initial membership would value the membership close to
1 Eth. This gives all holders immediate day 1 return on their investments even if they do nothing more than
hold the token as membership access to our suite of tools.

Exact membership fee and mint details to be announced early Feb

Syndicate893 - @syndicate893 -

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