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Maaf telat ngumpul,

Level 0:

ssh -p 2220

pass: bandit0

Level 1

cat readme

Pass: boJ9jbbUNNfktd78OOpsqOltutMc3MY1

Level 2

cat < -

pass: CV1DtqXWVFXTvM2F0k09SHz0YwRINYA9

Level 3

ssh -p 2220

cat spaces\ in\ this\ filename

pass: UmHadQclWmgdLOKQ3YNgjWxGoRMb5luK
Level 4

“ls -al

cat .hidden”

pass pIwrPrtPN36QITSp3EQaw936yaFoFgAB

Level 5 -p 2220

lihat tipe file yang ada pada dir inhere dengan command ‘file inhere\*’

ascii text di -file07

pass: koReBOKuIDDepwhWk7jZC0RTdopnAYKh

Level 6 -p 2220

find inhere –readable -size 1033c ! - executable

pass: DXjZPULLxYr17uwoI01bNLQbtFemEgo7

Level 7 -p 2220

clue = somewhere on the server

cd .. till pwd == /pwd

command ‘find . -user bandit7 -group bandit6 -size 33c’

ada ./var/lib/dpkg/info/bandit7.password

pass: HKBPTKQnIay4Fw76bEy8PVxKEDQRKTzs

Level 8

Mencetak semua yang bisa dibaca pada data.txt dan mengambil baris yang mengandung
string millionth

Command: strings data.txt | grep "millionth"

Pass: cvX2JJa4CFALtqS87jk27qwqGhBM9plV
Level 9

Clue: line of text that occurs only once  unique

Use uniq -u command but file has to be sorted first

 Strings data.txt | sort | uniq -u’

Pass: UsvVyFSfZZWbi6wgC7dAFyFuR6jQQUhR

Level 10 -p 2220

clue: preceded by several ‘=’

using grep, cari line yang mengandung ‘=’

 strings data.txt | grep '==*'

pass = truKLdjsbJ5g7yyJ2X2R0o3a5HQJFuLk

Level 11 -p 2220

cat data.txt | base64 --decode

pass: IFukwKGsFW8MOq3IRFqrxE1hxTNEbUPR

Level 12 -p 2220

gunakan tar untuk mengganti …

cat data.txt | tr '[a-mn-z]' '[n-za-m]' | tr '[A-MN-Z]' '[N-ZA-M]'

pass: 5Te8Y4drgCRfCx8ugdwuEX8KFC6k2EUu

Level 13 -p 2220

xxd -r > data0

file data0  gzip compressed data

mv data0 data0.gz

gzip -d data0.gz

file data0  bzip2 compressed data

mv data0 data0.bz2

bzip2 -d data0.bz2

file data0  gzip compressed data

mv data0 data0.gz

gzip -d data0.gz

file data0  POSIX tar archive (GNU)

tar -xvf data0  menghasilkan data5.bin

file data5.bin  POSIX tar archive (GNU)

tar -xvf data5.bin  menghasilkan data6.bin

file data6.bin  bzip2 compressed data

bzip2 -d data6.bin  mengasilkan data6.bin.out

file data6.bin.out  POSIX tar archive (GNU)

tar -xvf data6.bin.out  menghasilkan data8.bin

file data8.bin  gzip compressed data, was "data9.bin"

gzip -d data8.bin

cat data8.bin

pass: 8ZjyCRiBWFYkneahHwxCv3wb2a1ORpYL

Level 14 -p 2220

note: localhost is a hostname …//

ssh -i sshkey.private bandit14@localhost

Level 15

Find current lvl (14) pass:

Cd /etc/bandit_pass

Cat bandit14

Pass: 4wcYUJFw0k0XLShlDzztnTBHiqxU3b3e

Connect to port 3000 on localhost:

echo "4wcYUJFw0k0XLShlDzztnTBHiqxU3b3e" | nc localhost 30000

Pass: BfMYroe26WYalil77FoDi9qh59eK5xNr

Level 16

openssl s_client -connect localhost:30001


pass: cluFn7wTiGryunymYOu4RcffSxQluehd

Level 17 -p 2220

Find which ports have a server listening to them: nmap -p31000-32000 localhost

openssl s_client -connect localhost:31790  coba satu-satu port yang ada di list

dapet rsa priv key  simpen:

mkdir /tmp/trybandit17

cd /tmp/trybandit17

touch private.key

vim private.key  i  copas RSA  esc :wq

chmod 400 private.key

Level 18 -p 2220
ssh -i private.key bandit17@localhost

diff passwords.old


< kfBf3eYk5BPBRzwjqutbbfE887SVc5Yd


> w0Yfolrc5bwjS4qw5mq1nnQi6mF03bii

Pass: kfBf3eYk5BPBRzwjqutbbfE887SVc5Yd

Level 19 -p 2220

Can’t login using bash shell

 use another shell, cat /etc/shell

 use sh shell

pass: IueksS7Ubh8G3DCwVzrTd8rAVOwq3M5x

Level 20 -p 2220

./bandit20-do cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit20

Pass: GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j

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