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Rozzano Locsin’s Technological Nursing as Caring Model

Caring in Nursing
When I came home from Dumaguete after
Typhoon Odette and my niece and my cousin
had a fever, we had them check up at the
hospital near our barangay when they checked
up, the nurse was the first to ask us questions
and took their temperature after We went to
the doctor and asked when their fever started,
they said I don't know, but my grandmother said
it had been a week, so many medicines were
prescribed for them.

Technologies in Nursing Human beings as persons

When we go the clinic to have an The unitary human beings and their
ultrasound with my brother's wife, the current circumstance are one. Nursing
equipment used to see the gender of centers around individuals and the
the child was ultrasounds and appearances that rise out of the
sonography, that was the first kit for common human environmental. All
that equipment. And after that they patients need a good environment so
also gave us the result and it says when
that their feelings don't get worse.
the expected due date of her delivery is,
if the child is healthy and the child itself
with its gender written.

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