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What is the best

to cook a Soft
z Boiled Egg?

By: Eileana Varela

What is the best cook time to boil a perfect
soft boiled egg?

▪ How many minutes will it take

to cook the perfect soft boiled

▪ What temperature does the

water need to be at?

▪ How much does the yolkiness

in the egg vary from minute to

▪ In my personal experience
the best soft boiled egg is
cooked for 7 minutes long
then put into cold water.

▪ If I boil my egg for (X

amount of time) will it be
a perfectly soft boiled egg?

▪ I know that if you boil an egg

for not long enough it will be
raw on the inside and if you
overboil it, it will be light
yellow and overcooked.
What you will need for the Experiment

▪ Stove

▪ Thermometer to test the

waters temperature

▪ Eggs

▪ Timer/Clock

▪ Knife
Procedure Steps
▪ Boil your water in a pot to at least 250
Degrees Fahrenheight

▪ Put 3 Eggs in all at the same time when the

water reaches boiling point

▪ Set different timers at the 4 minute mark, 6

minute mark, and 8 minute mark

▪ After they are done boiling you take out the

egg at the specific time and put it in cold

▪ Then you cut open the eggs and determine

which one is cooked best

▪ I cooked three eggs one for 4

minutes, one for 6 minutes, and one
for 8 minutes

▪ Left egg is 8 minutes, Far right egg is

6 minutes, and bottom egg is 4

▪ The 4 minute one is very yolky runny,

it tasted too raw to be considered a
perfect soft boiled egg

▪ The 8 minute one was too cooked

and was barely runny at all

▪ The 6 minute one was the perfect egg

it was cooked just right while still
being a little runny.

▪ If I boil my egg for (6 minutes) will it be

a perfectly soft boiled egg? The
answer is yes.

▪ I learned that the perfect time to cook

an egg is 6 minutes and how an egg
can vary from a few minutes of less or
extra cook time.

▪ Would some 5 minute and 7 minute

eggs possible be the perfect soft
boiled egg as well.

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