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Air Travel



Wynes, S., Donner, S. D., Tannason, S., & Nabors, N. (2019). Academic air travel has a limited
influence on professional success. Journal of Cleaner Production, 226, 959-967.

Wynes and his collogue narrate how their research on air travel has received different opinions in
controlling climatic change. The authors have collected views of about seven hundred people
who argue that frequent air travel contributes to the success of their profession. The respondents
believe that while controlling greenhouse effects, air transport should not be controlled since it
contributes to their daily livelihood. However, the writers say greenhouse effect contributes to
climate change and that air travel contributes to greenhouse effects.

This article is relevant to the study on air travel in explaining how man does not value the
environment and the future adverse effects of climate change. Ignorance of people has
contributed to low consideration of conserving the environment. However, the government of
nations globally should formulate policies to control air travel in regulating emission of gases in
the air.

Gössling, S. (2019). Celebrities, air travel, and social norms. Annals of Tourism Research, 79,

Through this study Gössling articulates how the accountability needs to be taken in bid for air
travel. The article Annals of Tourism Research explains the advantages and the greenhouse
effects of air travel. The writer states that air travel is a rising means of transport and it should be
controlled since airplanes release dangerous gases to the environment. The writer also cites the
importance of accountability of greenhouse effect in the context of air transport.

This article can be used to sensitize the youths and the aviation schools of the importance of
regulating air travel. The society can therefore be able to understand the need to conserve the
environment for the future generations. When we live in healthy environment, then human
beings become productive and resources become sustainable for other generations.

Garrow, L. A. (2016). Discrete choice modelling and air travel demand: theory and
applications. Routledge.

Garrow a known expert in the field of air transport commercial business explains the theory of
designing new methods of accommodating passengers. The author says discrete methods should
be integrated in airports to ease air travel and collect more revenue by air planes. The writer
argues that planes should be able to travel through various places in the globe and that the
nations should collaborate to allow free trade. The writer also argues that the designed choice of
travel enables a passenger enjoy several privileges to choose air travel as the best option.

The article defines how air travel business should be developed in order to improve efficiency
and competitiveness over other means of travel. This article helps the transport industry learn on
the technologies available in the air transport sector in improving tourism and business.


Wynes, S., Donner, S. D., Tannason, S., & Nabors, N. (2019). Academic air travel has a limited
influence on professional success. Journal of Cleaner Production, 226, 959-967.

Gössling, S. (2019). Celebrities, air travel, and social norms. Annals of Tourism Research, 79,

Garrow, L. A. (2016). Discrete choice modelling and air travel demand: theory and
applications. Routledge.

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