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Semi Detailed LESSON PLAN

Learning Area: ARTS Quarter: Duration:

DLP No.: 5 Grade Level: 7
First 1 hour
Learning Competency/ies: Creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials,
guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc). A7PR-Ic-e-1

Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Create a sample art objects incorporating the design and forms
1. Objectives
Describe the design, form and spirit of the Calabarzon Tagalog & Bicol region
Create a sample art objects incorporating the design and form of Bicol
Attitudes Demonstrate creativity in designing highland/lowland artifacts.
Display productivity and creativity in generating an artifacts and art objects of
Calabarzon & Bicol Region
Southern Tagalog & Bicol ( Design, form and spirit of the highland/lowland
2. Content/Topic
artifact and objects)
3. Learning Resources/ Learner's material pages 160, art materials, MAPEH Activity Notebook,
Materials / Equipment Powerpoint Presentation
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes
each step will consume)
Routine. Prayer, Greetings, Arrangement, Attendance, Presentation of
4.1 Introductory 1. Review on the past lessons of the various arts and crafts discussed.
Activity 2. Show sample pictures of the arts and crafts of Calarbazon and Bicol
(5 minutes) Region.
a. What can you say about the arts and crafts that are being shown?
b. Describe the different arts and crafts of Calabarzon and Bicol Region
1. Let the learners think of the different designs of crafts from Calabarzon and
4.2 Activity
Bicol Region
( 5 minutes )
2. In your activity notebook, answer the activity on page 162
3. Randomly call five (5) learners to share their works in the class.
1. What are the arts and crafts of Calarbazon and Bicol Region?
4.3 Analysis
2. How can these products help the economy of the region?
(5 minutes)
3. As a students, how can you help promote our local products.

4.4 Abstraction Power point presentation of Calabarzon and Bicol Region

(5 minutes)
4.5 Application LM page 163, RUBIC page 171
(25 minutes)

5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or

Analysis of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Analysis of Ask for volunteers to showcase their work in front of the class. The teacher
Learners' Products will asses the learners output based on the agreed criteria.
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson and/or Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
Preparation for a
Research about "higantes" and bring the following materials : LM page 168
new lesson
7. Wrap-Up/ Concluding Reflect on this concluding quotation:
Activity 3 Minutes " Even in the midst of imperfection or mistakes, you can appreciate and draw
strength." -Jason Scotts

Prepared by:
Name: Rowena Z. Ambata School: BPTMNHS
Position/Designation: SST-1 Division: NEGROS ORIENTAL
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09056398824

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