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● Introduction

● Prejudice

● Discrimination

● Example of Bias in Behavior


Bias is a tendency to learn in a certain direction,

either in favor of or against a particular thing.To be
truly biased means to lack a neutral viewpoint on
a particular topic.Somewhere along the line,bias
took on a negative connotation.We need to think
it’s a bad thing but that’s not always true.
Prejudice refers to a preconceived opinion or
feeling toward a person based solely on their
affiliation with a group,If often casts an
unfavorable light on someone simply because
they a member of some ethnic group,religion or
For example,millions of people around the world
consider Tom cruise to be a very talenled
actor.He’s also labeled as one of Hollwoods nicest
guys,purporledly treating his cast and crew with
the utmost kindness and respect.However,his
affiliation with scientology prompts all kinds of
negative press,as many people are prejudiced
against scientology.
Discrimination come into play when one starts
acting upon a prejudice they possess regarding a
certain group of people.

For example,during the time of slavery,white men

and women held unfavorable views against
African,Americans and in turn discriminated
against them throught slavery,segregation,and
other heirous acts.Prejudice is the opinion or
viewpoint; Discrimination is the action.
If someone has a bias about woman, they

Can take two different approaches .If they’re

biased toward women,they might hire only woman

because they feel they make better employees for

some gender-related reason conversely ,if they’re

biased against women,they might hire a man over

a more-qualified female candidate.

➔ Biases toward certain religions can also manifest

in two different ways. If someone is biased toward

their own religion. They will think their beliefs and

practices are superior to any other form of

religion.If however,they’re biased against a certain

religion, they might show it by making rude or

insensitive comments,or go as far as vandalizing

religious buildings.
➔ If someone is biased toward a political affiliation

they will tend to speak more positively of

politicians belonging to the same party .If that

same person is biased against a different political

affiliation, He or she might show their bias by

grickly dismissing or disagreeing with anyone who

aligns with that oppossing political view.

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