Buncad, Kane

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Kane Q.

Buncad BSED Science 2A

Unit 2


Go over the photograph

Photo Credits: https://www.kwentongofw.com
and accompanying
news excerpt to answer
Iah Bantang Seraspi 1.
the questions that
graduated Valedictorian in
High School and Cum 1.
Laude in College. But her
success didn’t end with 1.
that. Seraspi garnered 2nd
place during the
Secondary School

1. What do you think made Iah succeed in school in spite of family poverty?
What does it mean to you as a learner? Explain in not more than 200 words.
Iah succeeded because of her determination to be successful with her
family being her inspiration in her studies, as a learner this goes to show that
everyone can succeed in life even if There are many obstacles in our way.
2. There is a saying “It is not the kind of school you go to, but the determination
you have in succeeding in your study.” Whether or not you agree to this
statement, explain in not more than 200 words.
This means that even if you attended at a prestigious school with many
achievements to it’s name, or a Public school without those achievements, it
still depends on the Learner whether they listen and do their best despite of
the poor education quality, they can still learn a lot and become successful .
To check how you
understood what you Activity 1. Guided by the graphic organizer below, list in
read, try to perform the your own words the major concepts or actions to follow
following activities. in facilitating learning. Make a textual discussion of the
graphic organizer.

Cognitive factors in learning involve various cognitive components like attention, perception,
executive function, and reasoning. It also involves various strategies that one uses to learn
something.meanwhile, metacognitive factors involve the monitoring and evaluation of cognitive
factors. Metacognitive factors involve the monitoring and evaluation of cognitive factors.
C&MF Metacognition is the ability that enables us to implement the most effective and efficient
strategy to learn.

This relates to a person's own motivation to act, complete a task, pursue a goal, learn and master a skill, or
just to explore without being coerced or pushed by others. The amount to which someone can complete the
activities they set out to do depends on how motivated they are. Affective factors are emotional factors
which influence learning. They can have a negative or positive effect. Negative affective factors are called
M&AF affective filters and are an important idea in theories about second language acquisition.

Development and Social factors affects learning. Byusing different strategies and creative
activities inteaching we can develops their physical, intellectual,emotional, and social
domains.In addition, working in agroup will help to improve their collaborative skills andrespect
others opinion. Individual Difference FactorsWe should bear in our mind that students
aredifferent with each other there are some late bloomer inlearning and there are some
students who areadvanced. By applying different approaches andstrategies we can able to

D,S&IDF identify their strength,weaknesses, and skills that need to improve. Also,knowing the students
cultural and social backgroundswill be helpful on what approaches need to apply.Assessment
and evaluation help to identify studentsstrengths, weaknesses, limitations, and areas
ofdifficulties. Moreover it used to improve teachers'strategies and techniques in teaching

Activity 2. Guided by the graphic organizer below, cite classroom practices or

teaching strategies related to your area of specialization that illustrates the
application of the learner-centered principles. Give at least two practices/strategies
for every category of factors cited in this lesson.


Cognitive and
Concept Problem
Metacognitive Solving

Students for
their good work

Motivational Chaning the

Motivational Environment of
Speaking and affective the class to suit
factors the students

Activities that
Show the
towards the

Concept Social and Multicultural
Learning individual Teaching


Let us find out how you

could apply the
concepts and principles
Activity 1. “Variety is a spice of life.” How is this statement applicable in the
selection of instructional strategies? Explain.

There are different approaches in learning, one way is using variety to increase
the student engagement in the study, and by variety, I mean promoting a variety of
instructiona resources that provide multiple perspectives or methods of delivery.

Activity 2. “This subject is my Waterloo” – a statement most learners attribute to

subjects they find difficult. If you were the teacher, what motivation and affective
strategies would you use to alter this perception and attitude? Explain in not more
than 300 words.
I will encourage my students to work harder to learn the subjects, and I will also
give rewards that entices them to study more so that they will get rewarded, I will
also find more ways of delivering the Topics to them and find what delivery best
suits them and where they can learn faster.

Let us find out how

much you learned from

Set A. Read and analyze the statements. If True, write YES before the item; if False,
write NO.

YES 1. Differentiated instruction attempts to resolve the diversity of learners in the


NO 2. The motivation of a learner from the urban community is similar to that from
the rural area.

YES 3. Development of higher order thinking skills is attainable among the lower

YES 4. Making learning alive and active initiates students’ positive love for the

NO 5. Verbal reinforcements, as they seem to fit for the elementary level, are
avoided in the senior high school level.

YES 6. The practice of unlocking difficulties for a difficult lesson provides a scaffold
to the learners.
YES 7. The assistance of a more advanced student to a slow learner in explaining the
lesson is defeating the purpose of active engagement of the learner.

YES 9. Praising a slow learner for a little effort exerted is a stepping stone for his

NO 10. Using new technologies in the classroom has more disadvantages and
advantages, as learners are overwhelmed.

Set B

Put a check mark before each item if the teaching practice satisfies the development
and social factors, and individual differences of learning; put an X mark if not.

__X_1. Teacher varies the level of difficulty of the same task for bright and slow
___/_2. Teacher allows a learner in Social Science to explain the answer to the
question in the dialect in which the learner is fluent and the class understands.
__X__3. Mr. Ramos asks far-sighted learners to be seated in front.
___X_4. Mrs. Jurado tolerates minor misbehavior of a learner.
__X__5. Miss Renante discourages the use of local materials in the Arts projects of
her learners.
___/_6. Teacher cites cultural practices of the students as examples for learning.
__/__7. Mr. Ruma asks the fast learners to coach or mentor the learners needing
___/_8. Miss Pascual tells Rema, the class singer, to enroll in the Special Program
for the Arts track.
__X__9. Girlie was told by the teacher to concentrate on academics, not in the
school paper assignment.
__/_10. The Science teacher asks the help of the school nurse to explain

This far, you have worked hard to study about the learner-centered psychological
principles of teaching and learning. You are now asked to summarize and reflect
about what you learned and how you learned.
1. Fill up the information required in the Exit Ticket below. There is no right
and wrong answer here, so be sincere about your skills and feelings.

I am certain that I I think I still have to I could apply what I

learned about learn more about learned by:
Choosing the
The 14 Learner Cognitive and correct principle to
centered Metacognitive use in class.
Psychological factors.

2. What three aspects and features of the lesson did you find helpful in your
study of this lesson?

The 3 aspects that I found useful in my study of this lesson is the Definitions that are
clear and concise, The Presentation of Informations are smooth and the activities
are Challenging.


Answer the short
version of Approaches Directions: This questionnaire has been designed to
and Study Skills allow you to describe, in a systematic way, how you go
Inventory for Students about learning and studying. Please respond truthfully,
(ASSIST) to determine so that your answers accurately describe your actual
how you learn and ways of studying, and work your way through the
study. questionnaire quite quickly, making sure that you give a
response to every item. Check the cell that corresponds
to your agreement to the statements.

SA means Strongly Agree, A means Agree; D means Disagree; and SD means Strongly

Statements SA A D SD
1. I often have trouble making sense of the things I have to /
2. When I’m reading an article or book, I try to find out for /
myself exactly what the author means.
3. I organize my study time carefully to make the best use /
of it.
4. There’s not much of the work here that I find interesting /
or relevant.
5. I work steadily through the term or semester, rather than /
leave it all until the last minute.
6. Before tackling a problem or assignment, I first try to /
work out what lies behind it.
7. I’m pretty good at getting down to work whenever I need /
8. Much of what I’m studying makes little sense: it's like /
unrelated bits and pieces.
9. I put a lot of effort into studying because I'm determined /
to do well.
10. When I'm working on a new topic, I try to see in my /
mind how all the ideas fit together.
11. I don't find it at all difficult to motivate myself. /
12. Often I find myself questioning things I hear in lectures /
or read in books.
13. I think I'm quite systematic and organized when it /
comes to revising for exams.
14. Often I feel I'm drowning in the sheer amount of /
material we have to cope with.
15. Ideas in course books or articles often set me off on /
long chains of thought of my own.
16. I'm not sure what's important in lectures, so I try to get /
down all I can.
17. When I read, I examine the details carefully to see how /
they fit in with what’s being said.
18. I often worry about whether I'll ever be able to cope /
with the work properly.
Source: Entwistle, Noel & Tait, Hilary. 2013. Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for
Students (ASSIST) (incorporating the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory - RASI)

Interpreting the Results

To determine your approach of study, follow the Scoring Procedure: Add your scores
for Deep Approach: Items 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17; add your scores for Strategic
Approach: Items 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13; and add your scores for Surface Approach: Items 1,
4, 8, 14, 16, 18. The approach where you scored highest is the dominant approach
you use in studying and learning.

Deep Approach:19
Strategic Approach:16
Surface Approach:20
Most Dominant: Surface Approach

Let’ check how you 1. Use the Frayer vocabulary definition model to
understood the define the three metacognitive knowledge (e.g.,
concepts and principles declarative knowledge as shown below). With
presented in the this as a guide, explain to the class your
readings. Perform the definition.
tasks presented. Characteristics:
These are the knowledge required of Involves Factual information that can be
themselves as learners and strategies, Both spoken or handwritten
Skills, and Learning resources Knowledge
Examples: Non-examples:
The History and the different elements Opinions about the different societal
which comprises the periodic table of issues

Definition: Characteristics:
Know how to use what is known in Information on how to do something or
declarative knowledge that the learning How to perform the procedural
activities, allowing us to Procedural
S task
Perform tasks more automatically Knowledge
Through variety of strategies
Examples: Non-examples:
Performing Laboratory Experiments Performing an Experiment without
with the proper guidance from the procedures
procedures given

Definition: Characteristics:
An Understanding of when and how to Requires the application of critical
use something we already know Thinking and problem solving
Conditional Skills that demonstrate a deeper
Knowledge Mastery of declarative and
Procedural knowledge
Examples: Non-examples:
Using different strategies in Trying to become a Reporter when
Different situations youre needed as a Guide in youre

1. With a partner, fill up the needed details in the graphic organizer. Use it to
explain metacognition regulation and control to other groups in the class.
Metacognitive Regulation is how we
Control our thinking to facilitate our
Learning, Like picking tbe best
learning strategy to Learn

Planning Monitoring Evaluating

Selection of Refers to one's Assessing
appropriate strategies ongoing awareness of knowledge or
and the allocation of comprehension and Learning
resources task performance

2. Why is metacognition important to a teacher and a learner? Cite at least two

points in your explanation.
It is important because it provides the teacher a basis on how to execute a
task and also gives the teacher the chance to Monitor and Evaluate the

3. Is prior knowledge essential in developing metacognitive knowledge? Justify

your answer.
Yes, Prior knowledge helps you in planning on what to do in the task given
and also the monitoring

4. What is the importance of metacognitive experiences and metamemory in

metacognitive regulation and control?
Metamemory enables a person to reflect on and monitor her memory, in
addition, metamemorial knowledge plays an important role in planning, allocation of
cognitive resources, strategy selection, comprehension monitoring, and evaluation
of performance.

Hey, you are

progressing alright! For 1. Using available search tools, read about
more appreciation of organization, rehearsal, and elaboration strategies
the concepts and
principles you learned,
perform the activities to
determine facilitation
as learners’ tools to enhance the content of the metamemory. With the
diverse types of learners in the classroom, how would you use these strategies
to benefit your learners?
I will use the Strategies as my framework in class, helping me improve my
overall teaching skill and also help the Learners to gain more knowledge in
the Learning process
2. Using your search tools, read about the differences between novice and expert
learners? With this knowledge, identify facilitating strategies to scaffold the
novice learners?
Novice Learners are New Learners that still have difficulties coping up with
the Lessons, Meanwhile Expert Learners are those who are knowledgeable to
the Lesson.

There is a saying, “The

test of the pudding is Set A
the tasting.” In teaching,
the test of knowing Directions: Identify if the following thoughts are more a
whether or not students declarative, procedural, or conditional knowledge.
learned is to give them Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
assessment tools.
Answer the following
test items well so that
you can claim Victory in
this lesson.
1. The context of this problem is not suited to the theory I know.
2. There are three ways to solve this problem.
3. This fact is essential to recall for the situation presented.
4. ROYGBIV makes it easy to remember the colors of the rainbow.
5. This is an irregular verb, thus, adding -ed to the word to make it past tense
does not apply.
Set B

Directions: Classify the following questions/statements if the learner is engaged in

planning, monitoring, or evaluating phases of metacognitive regulation and control.
Write your answer on a separate sheet.
1. Is this strategy leading me to the correct answer?
2. My answer does not meet the standards in this scoring rubric?
3. What strategy is best for this type of problem?
4. What is this task expect me to produce?
5. The teacher is nodding as I speak. I am right in organizing my answer.

You have learned that while you are at study, you think about how you think.
Metacognition is part and parcel of any learning activity. Thus, you as a teacher
have to facilitate the lesson by assisting learners monitor their thoughts as they
are engaged in the lesson. Try to reflect on your learning experience and
determine your realizations about the lesson and how you learned.

1. Fill up the information required in the Exit Ticket below. There is no right
and wrong answer here, so be sincere about your skills and feelings.
I am certain that I I think I still have to I could apply what I
learned about learn more about learned by:
I learned about The Metacognitive Applying it in my
Metamemory and Knowledge Future Class
The Types of

2. What three aspects and features of the lesson did you find helpful in your
study of this lesson?
The 3 aspects that I found useful in my study of this lesson is the Definitions
that are clear and concise, The Presentation of Informations are smooth and the
activities are Challenging.

Instructions: Read the statements

and decide which of the given choices would answer the question correctly or
complete the statement. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. When Mary ponders on whether or not she knows the answer to the teacher’s
questions, and then realizes that she has no idea at all to the question. She is
in the process of –
a. Strategic thinking c. Problem solving
b. Metacognition d. creative thinking
2. Which of the following best describes an intentional learning environment?
a. The school is complete with modern day facilities and equipment.
b. Learners are aware of the learning process and use tools to enhance it.
c. The teachers are experts in their fields and finished post-graduate
d. Teachers utilize technology in lesson presentations and activities.
3. Which is the very heart of Constructivism?
a. New knowledge is created from old knowledge.
b. Social interaction creates meaningful learning experiences.
c. Use of contrived experiences creates meaningful learning situations.
d. Group activities mean more active engagement of everybody.
4. Ruben is reading a selection. He finds some words that he does not
understand, which hinders his comprehension of the story. If you were Ruben,
in what way would find a way to get the meaning of ambiguous words?
a. A. use contextual clues to the meaning c. call a friend to help
b. repeatedly read the word aloud d. look for configuration clues

5. Which is NOT a characteristic of a strategic thinker?

a. does not easily give up even in difficult situations
b. uses knowledge in different ways to solve problems and address
c. uses experiments and trial and error methods to find the best solution
to a problem
d. asks the others for possible solutions to problems before thinking of his
6. Which is NOT an intrinsic motivation?
a. to make one’s parents happy c. personal gratification
b. avoidance of punishment d. to prepare for one’s
7. Kenneth is aware that he is hard up in Math, but he motivates himself to strive
by not going out at night to have enough time to read his lessons. Such action
demonstrates the concept of -
a. self-regulation c. metamemory
b. meta-attention d. metacomprehension
8. Which statement best fits the concept of metacognition?
a. Knowing how to solve problems presented in novel ways
b. The awareness of what is known and how to use it appropriately.
c. The ability to manipulate knowledge to arrive at the correct answer.
d. Sufficient knowledge about facts, procedures, and conditions to use them.
9. Which is NOT a part of the modes to address diversity of learners?
a. Multiple Intelligences c. Learning Styles
b. Differentiated Instruction d. Dale’s Cone of Experience
10. As Kenneth multiples a binomial term, he was initially confused. Suddenly, he
remembers the acronym FOIL (First Outer-Inner Last). What is in operation at
that instance?
a. declarative c. conditional
b. procedural d. contextual
11. Which is the best purpose of assessment?
a. School leaders use assessment results as a basis for the re-hiring of
b. Assessment results improve students’ learning and teachers’ teaching
strategies and techniques.
c. Assessment results help determine the number of students to be
retained and promoted in a particular grade level.
d. Assessment results are used for school planning and teacher support

12. Cognition is involved in metacognition. In what way does cognition work

a. memorizing concepts and rules c. solving the problem
b. monitoring the progress of work d. recalling rules to apply
13. According to research, learning is best developed when the ____.
a. learners are pressured to do their tasks
b. expectation for success is set high
c. learners compete with each other
d. teacher reprimands those with low scores
14. Who among the students is a novice learner?
a. Rose uses tries out a strategy; revises it when it does not fit to the
b. Jose reads through the difficult problem and solves it right away.
c. Edna tries to recall information and procedures related to the problem.
d. Dexter recalls the procedure he used previously to a similar problem.
15. Which of the following teacher prompts indicates that the learner is engaged
the planning stage of metacognition process??
a. Is my classification of the plants correct?
b. Do I have to take this plant out of this group?
c. Do I know the differences of all these plants to classify them?
d. Am I consistent in using the same criteria to classify all these plants?

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