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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

MODULE NO: The Theory of Atoms


(Enumerate the topics to be delivered in the module)

1. Structure of the atom
2. Atomic number and Mass number
3. Isotopes
4. Atomic weights


Atoms and molecules are basic constituents of matter, which can be weighed,
can be counted and one can have a quantitative relationship between them. An
English chemist named John Dalton developed the first modern theory of the atom as
the smallest particle of element and molecules as the smallest particle of the

Study Guide

1. Recognize some characteristics of the fundamental subatomic particles

2. Use the periodic table

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Learning Competency

(Refer to your syllabus for the Learning Outcomes)


Topic Presentation

A. Daltons Atomic Theory

1.The Law of Conservation of Mass
Mass of all the reactant molecules=mass of all the product molecules
2.The Law of Constant Composition
The percentage composition of any sample of a substance is the same.
3.The Law of Multiple Proportions
The ratio of masses of one element that combine with a constant mass
of another element can be expressed in small whole numbers.
B. Subatomic Particles

Name Symbol Charge Location

Proton p+ 1+ Nucleus
Neutron n0 0 Nucleus
Electron e– -1 Outside Nucleus

C. Atomic number and Mass number

1.Atomic no.= no. of protons in an atom
2.Mass no. =no. of protons + no. of neutrons
For any element
No. of protons = Atomic no.(Z)
No. of electrons = No. of protons = Atomic no.
No. of neutrons = Mass no. - Atomic no.
D. Isotopes - The same element may contain varying nos. of neutrons.
These atoms of an element are called isotopes.
E. Atomic weights - To get the A.W. of an element take the sum of the
products of

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

The natural abundance and atomic mass of each isotope.

A.W. = Z (Natural Abundance) (Atomic mass) i
where i = each isotope
A.W. of Oxygen = (15.9949amu) (0.99762) + (16.9991amu) (0.00038) +
(17.9992amu) (0.00200) = 15.9994amu

Guided Exercises / Learning Activities

Indicate which particle (proton, neutron or electron) or particles correctly match

Each of the ff statements.
a. Has a positive charge
- Proton
b. Has no charge
- Neutron
c. Has a -1 charge
- Electron
d. Has the lowest mass of the three particles
- Electron
e. Is located outside the nucleus
- Electron

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