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Cell Cycle 14:2, 172--178; January 15, 2015; Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Cell cycle control (and more) by programmed ¡1 ribosomal

frameshifting: implications for disease and therapeutics
Ashton T Belew and Jonathan D Dinman*
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; University of Maryland; College Park, MD USA

L ike most basic molecular mecha-

nisms, programmed –1 ribosomal
frameshifting (¡1 PRF) was first identi-
available to actively translating ribosomes.
Increased mRNA degradation, decreased
transcription, translational silencing, and
fied in viruses. Early observations that the storage of mRNA are the hallmarks of
global dysregulation of ¡1 PRF had dele- decreased expression.
terious effects on yeast cell growth sug- The center of this spectrum between
gested that ¡1 PRF may be used to mRNA synthesis and protein degradation is
control cellular gene expression, and the translation, the timely and high-fidelity pro-
cell cycle in particular. Collection of suf- cess of bringing together mRNA, aminoa-
ficient numbers of viral ¡1 PRF signals cylated- tRNA, and the ribosome. Cellular
coupled with advances in computer sci- functions are generally not impacted by
ences enabled 2 complementary compu- sense errors, but nonsense, missense, and
tational approaches to identify ¡1 PRF errors which change the reading frame tend
signals in free living organisms. The to be deleterious; the translational apparatus
unexpected observation that almost all has evolved to ensure that these are
¡1 PRF events on eukaryotic mRNAs extremely rare. Simultaneously, the com-
direct ribosomes to premature termina- plex interplay of factors which effect transla-
tion codons engendered the hypothesis tion suggest that the ribosome is a likely
that ¡1 PRF signals post-transcription- post-transcriptional regulation nexus of
ally regulate gene expression by function- gene expression. Most evidence gathered
ing as mRNA destabilizing elements. thus far concentrates primarily on cis-acting
Emerging research suggests that some elements in the 50 and 30 untranslated
human diseases are associated with global regions (UTRs) of mRNAs, and the trans-
defects in ¡1 PRF. The recent discovery acting factors with which they interact.
of ¡1 PRF signal-specific trans-acting Coding sequences have more recently been
regulators may provide insight into novel examined for effects on post-transcriptional
therapeutic strategies aimed at treating control, and multiple cis-acting mRNA ele-
Keywords: aging, cancer, frameshifting, diseases caused by changes in gene ments have been found which cause elon-
miRNA, pseudoknot, ribosomopathy, expression patterns. gating ribosomes to recode the mRNA
Ribosome, SCA26, telomere, translation sequence.1-4 In all kingdoms of life, these
© Ashton T Belew and Jonathan D Dinman elements include, but are not limited to,
*Correspondence to: Jonathan D. Dinman; Email:
Introduction sequences responsible for C1 and ¡1 pro-
grammed ribosomal frameshifting, termi-
Submitted: 10/07/2014 nation codon suppression, stop-start
Cells regulate gene expression via
Accepted: 11/14/2014 diverse mechanisms. From mRNA tran- elements, selenocysteine incorporation, and scription to protein degradation, many in archaea, pyrolysine incorporation.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the regulatory systems affect the timing, local-
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non- ization, and rate of each reaction. Gene Reading frame definition and
Commercial License ( expression is primarily concerned with the maintenance
licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted abundance and translational activity of Translational reading frame mainte-
non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is prop-
mRNA; therefore expression is increased nance is a primary determinant of the pro-
erly cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) when a message is transcribed more rap- teome. If the specificity of this process is
have been asserted. idly, stabilized by the cell, or more lost or degraded, cells will almost certainly

172 Cell Cycle Volume 14 Issue 2

die. This is a central point of attack by databases15,16 ( con- suggested that ¡1 PRF may play a role in
many antibiotics, which capitalize on tinue to categorize and describe these viral cell cycle control.24 Thus began the search
small but distinct differences between bac- signals. for ¡1 PRF signals in eukaryotic
terial and eukaryotic ribosomes.5,6 Read- A PRF signal is defined as a cis-acting genomes.
ing frame is determined by recognition of mRNA element that stochastically redi- There are 2 complementary
a start codon by an initiator tRNA in the rects translating ribosomes into an alter- approaches when searching genome
ribosome’s decoding center and is main- nate reading frame. The most well databases for potential frameshift sig-
tained through the consistent transloca- characterized ¡1 PRF signals follow a rel- nals. The first is to search for genes har-
tion by 3 nucleotides during elongation. atively consistent pattern of stimulatory boring conserved overlapping open
The three stop codons do not correspond element proximally downstream of a reading frames.25 This approach has
to any tRNAs, this enables the release fac- group of weakly pairing bases (the been highly successful in identifying
tor complex to initiate translation termi- “slippery heptamer”) comprised of new viral ¡1 PRF signals, and con-
nation. Translational recoding comprises Nx NxNxWy WyWyHz; the spaces delin- served C1 PRF signals in ornithine
the spectrum of events which occur when eate the incoming reading frame, NWH decarboxylase genes.26 However, while
canonical translation is disrupted. This refer to the IUPAC definitions, and xyz this enables identification of novel PRF
ranges from mechanisms which subvert denote identical nucleotides. There is signals, it enforces the assumption that
initiation,7 alter the equilibria of events some debate regarding the relative contri- frameshifting results in a new functional
during elongation,8 and affect the termi- butions of the slippery heptamer, down- protein. The second method is to search
nation process9 generally resulting in sup- stream stimulatory element, and the space for sequence motifs that conform to
pression or reinitiation. This document between them; but all models of ¡1 PRF known PRF signals. Though limited to
mainly focuses on a particular recoding agree that the downstream mRNA struc- one class of signal, this method does
event called programmed ¡1 ribosomal ture causes elongating ribosomes to pause not assume that frameshifting results in
frameshifting that occurs during while tRNAs are positioned over the slip- a C-terminal extension product.
elongation. pery site. The nature of the codon:antico- The efforts of our laboratory have
don interactions at the slippery site focused on this latter approach. In partic-
facilitates slippage of a fraction of paused ular, ¡1 PRF was chosen because there
Programmed ¡1 Ribosomal ribosomes backward (50 ) by one base are sufficient viral examples to enable the
Frameshifting through pairing at the non-wobble posi- generation of heuristics. This is in contrast
tions. The weak homopolymer nucleotide to C1 frameshifting, which appears to be
Programmed ¡1 ribosomal frameshift- sequences (poly-U or poly-A) are of par- idiosyncratic. The basic strategy is to per-
ing (PRF) is a recoding mechanism histor- ticular interest in ¡1 PRF, as they are form a pattern-match based search for
ically associated with viruses10 and often coupled with pauses in translation allowable heptameric slippery sequences
retrotransposons.11,12 This is due at least in order to effect the frameshifting followed by strong downstream structure;
in part to the much smaller and compact event.17 H-type mRNA pseudoknots are this search is NP-complete27 and therefore
nature of viral genomes and the relative the most common stimulatory structure, computationally difficult. The initial
simplicity in searching their kilobase scale but other structures, including proteins study using this approach pressed the
genomes as opposed to megabase bacterial bound to stem-loops,18 variously sized available CPU limits at the time, taking
genomes or gigabase eukaryotic genomes. stem-loops,19 and RNA triplexes20 can significant time for relatively small num-
When the gag amber termination of the also promote efficient frameshifting. The bers of sequences.28 Later searches against
Rous sarcoma virus was found to be general mechanism and structure of a typi- the yeast genome refined this strategy and
bypassed in favor of translation of a down- cal ¡1 PRF signal is diagrammed in used significantly greater computational
stream ¡1 reading frame, 2 relatively sim- Figure 1. resources, allowing the yeast genome to be
ple and testable possibilities were exhaustively searched in months.29 Fur-
considered: either a splicing event or the Genomic ¡1 PRF ther refinements, increases in memory/
programmed shift of ribosomes into the Examination of the history of modern CPU, and larger computational resources
new reading frame.10 Sequencing of molecular genetics shows that most basic made it possible to complete approxi-
the relevant region of the genome and in- molecular mechanisms were first observed mately one genome per week30 along with
vitro transcription/translation experiments in viruses. Therefore, it was reasonable to comparisons against randomized sequen-
supported the latter hypothesis and sug- hypothesize that ¡1 PRF is also used to ces. Analysis of multiple genomes reveals
gested that ‘shifty tRNAs’ caused the control expression of cellular genes. that approximately 10% of annotated
actual frameshift events. Shortly thereaf- Indeed, the serendipitous discoveries of genes contain at least one high-confidence
ter, reports described new RNA structures ¡1 PRF signals of viral origin in the potential frameshift signal. A searchable
called pseudoknots, which when present mammalian PEG1021,22 and Edr123 database of predicted eukaryotic ¡1 PRF
in viral mRNAs could either repress mRNAs suggested that more of these ele- signals is available in the Predicted Ribo-
translation13 or stimulate efficient ments were hidden in eukaryotic genomes. somal Frameshift Database (PRFdb,
ribosomal frameshifting.14 The Recode Simultaneously, genetic studies in yeast Cell Cycle 173

An unexpected result: cells use ¡1
PRF to control mRNA abundance
As noted above, a motif based search
removes the assumption that frameshift
events produce functional extended pepti-
des. This led to the surprising observation
that only 0.07% candidate ¡1 PRF con-
taining sequences extend more than 30
codons beyond the frameshift event,
regardless of the cellular genome exam-
ined (Fig. 2A). The observation that the
vast majority of frameshift events direct
translating ribosomes to premature termi-
nation codons engendered the hypothesis
that ¡1 frameshift signals function as
mRNA destabilizing elements through the
nonsense mediated mRNA decay pathway
(NMD)31 (Fig. 2B). This was initially val-
idated in yeast cells using a well-defined
viral frameshift signal and further analysis
suggested a role for No-Go decay (NGD)
as well.32 More recent studies in our labo-
ratory demonstrate that this general rule is
also true in human cells.33

¡1 PRF and gene expression

If »10% of cellular mRNAs are con-
trolled by ¡1 PRF, what is the biological
significance of this phenomenon? As
noted above, the first hint that ¡1 PRF
may have a physiological role came from
the observation that mutants that promote
global increased rates of ¡1 PRF appeared
to disrupt the cell cycle in yeast.34 Indeed,
a general observation in our laboratory
over the past 2 decades has been that
mutations that globally alter rates of ¡1
PRF compromise cell growth and
The serendipitous discovery of a C1
PRF signal in the yeast EST3 mRNA,
which encodes a component of telome-
rase,36 prompted a search the PRFdb for Figure 1. ¡1 PRF signals: structure and mechanism. (A) A typical ¡1 PRF signal is composed of 3 ele-
¡1 PRF signals in additional mRNAs ments. 1) a heptameric “slippery site," 2) a short spacer, and 3) a stable mRNA structure, e.g., an H-
encoding proteins involved in telomere type pseudoknot. (B) The pseudoknot forces an elongating ribosome to pause with its A- and P-site
maintenance. Operational ¡1 PRF sig- tRNAs positioned at the slippery site in the 0-frame. (C) Slippage of the tRNAs by one base in the 5’
(¡1) direction enables non-wobble base pairing. (D) The ribosome denatures the pseudoknot, and
nals (defined as promoting 1% frame- translation elongation resumes in the ¡1 reading frame.
shifting) were identified in 4 mRNAs
encoding proteins critical for yeast telo-
mere maintenance. These are: EST2, shortened telomeres. These were all PRF efficiency and mRNA destabilizing
encoding the reverse transcriptase com- shown to function as NMD-dependent activity:
ponent of telomerase; EST1, encoding mRNA destabilizing elements. The wide
the protein that “docks” telomerase to range of ¡1 PRF efficiencies (from 2% - f .x/ D e ¡ 0:05x
chromosome ends; and STN1 and 70%) promoted by these elements
CDC13 mRNAs, which encode proteins enabled characterization of a simple where x denotes PRF efficiency and
involved in recruiting telomerase to exponential decay function between ¡1 mRNA abundance is a function of x.

174 Cell Cycle Volume 14 Issue 2

The net effect is to “immortalize” telo-
meres, resulting in longer lifespans, but at
the cost of genome integrity. As shown in
Figure 3, we propose that ¡1 PRF is used
to maintain the correct stoichiometric
ratios of telomerase components critical
for telomerase recruitment. Changes in
the expression of any one of these compo-
nents, e.g. by abrogating ¡1 PRF in
EST2 or overexpressing any single compo-
nent, has dominant-negative effects on tel-
omerase recruitment resulting in the
observed increased rates of telomere short-
ening, consistent with the intermediate
telomere lengths observed in these
mutants. We further propose that chang-
Figure 2. ¡1 PRF signals function as mRNA destabilizing elements. (A) Data from the programmed ing the expression of all of the ¡1 PRF
¡1 ribosomal frameshift database ( plotting the number of ¡1 frame encoded C-
containing mRNAs, e.g., by globally
terminal extensions (y-axis) versus their lengths in codons (x-axis) reveals that >99% of ¡1 PRF
events direct ribosomes to termination codons within 30 codons. (B) Model: a ¡1 PRF event directs changing rates of ¡1 PRF or by inactiva-
a ribosome to a premature termination codon. This triggers recruitment of the Nonsense Mediated tion of NMD, has an even more dramatic
mRNA Decay (NMD) complex to the mRNA, clearing the ribosome and initiating deadenylation of effect, accounting for the very short telo-
the 3’ end followed by decapping of the 5’ end. . The mRNA then becomes a substrate for exonu- meres observed in these classes of mutants.
cleolytic degradation.

Regulation of ¡1 PRF
If ¡1 PRF is normally employed to
Abrogation of ¡1 PRF in the EST2 limitation of telomerase levels is required control gene expression, it stands to reason
mRNA (leading to increased expression of for telomere length homeostasis.42 Cur- that ¡1 PRF itself should be subject to
this protein) yielded cells with telomeres rent models43,44 posit that telomeres exist regulation. As suggested above, since
of intermediate length, consistent with in a range of states, from long, and fully global changes in ¡1 PRF tend to be det-
prior studies showing similar effects upon capped (by Rap1p, Rif2p, Rif1p trimers) rimental to cells, regulation of ¡1 PRF
overexpression of this gene, or STN1 or to short and uncapped, and that the small should be sequence-specific. Given that
CDC13.37-40 Importantly, abrogation of fraction of short uncapped telomeres pres- ¡1 PRF is directed by cis-acting elements
NMD resulted in cells with very short ent in any given cell cycle are preferen- in mRNAs, sequence-specific interactions
telomeres, consistent with NMD being tially repaired. As shown in Figure 3, as could be mediated by either base-pairing
epistatic to ¡1 PRF. Microscopic exami- telomeres age, they progressively shorten, interactions with trans-acting RNAs, or by
nation of these cells revealed that a large and at some point reach an intermediate, highly specific interactions with trans-act-
fraction were arrested at the G2/M uncapped status. This recruits a complex ing proteins. Indeed, examples of both
boundary characterized by large mother containing the MRX complex (Mre11p, cases have been recently documented. The
cells attached to equally large daughter Rad50p, Xrs2p) plus Tel1p, which in turn human CCR5 mRNA harbors a ¡1 PRF
cells. Indeed, many of these cells had addi- recruits the CST complex (Cdc13p, signal that functions as an mRNA destabi-
tional buds , characteristic of cell cycle Stn1p and Ten1), inducing checkpoint lizing element by directing elongating
“escape” mutants. In unpublished studies, arrest at the G2/M boundary. Phosphory- ribosomes to premature termination
operational frameshift signals have been lation of Cdc13p by Tel1p enables codons, and we recently demonstrated
identified in at least 2 human messages recruitment of telomerase through Est1p, that sequence specific interactions between
encoding proteins required for telomere stimulating telomere repair, and releasing this element and at least 2 micro-RNAs
maintenance; suggesting that ¡1 PRF cells from checkpoint arrest. Failure to (miRNAs) promote increased rates of -1
may also play a role in human telomere recruit telomerase leads to further telo- PRF.33 Mapping of the miRNA/¡1 PRF
maintenance and aging. mere shortening, where they eventually signal interaction suggested that formation
resemble double-stranded breaks (DSB). of an RNA-triplex structure stabilizes the
Model: how ¡1 PRF may control These short telomeres recruit the DSB frameshift-stimulating mRNA pseudo-
telomere length repair machinery, resulting in strong knot, leading to increased ribosome pause
In yeast, telomerase abundance is checkpoint arrest at the G2/M boundary. times at the slippery sequence, further
strictly limited: it is estimated that diploid Eventually, these short telomeres are enhancing frameshifting. With this in
cells, which contain 64 chromosome ends, maintained by this machinery, resulting in mind, it is also possible that trans-acting
only contain »29 telomerase molecules,41 telomere end joining, and bypass of check- RNAs that destabilize ¡1 PRF stimulat-
consistent with observations that point arrest, i.e. multiply budded cells. ing pseudoknots may also exist, i.e., these Cell Cycle 175

would have ¡1 PRF inhibitory activity.
Trans-acting proteins can also stimulate
¡1 PRF: in the porcine reproductive and
respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV),
both ¡1 and ¡2 PRF are stimulated by
the virus-encoded nsp1b replicase subunit
that specifically interacts with sequence
containing the slippery site.45

Emerging evidence for a role

of ¡1 PRF in human disease
To date, no direct connection has been
established between changes in ¡1 PRF
and human disease. However, a growing
body of evidence suggests that such link-
ages may be forthcoming. The DKC1
gene encodes dyskerin, the protein that
catalyzes conversion of uridines into pseu- Figure 3. Model: telomerase recruitment to uncapped telomeres is controlled by the relative stoi-
douridine in ribosomal rRNAs. Patients chiometries of telomerase components in yeast. Top left depicts a fully capped telomere. As telo-
harboring mutations in this gene present meres shorten, they become uncapped (middle left), recruiting the MRX-Tel1p complex, which in
turn recruits the CST complex to the telomere end. Phosphorylation of Cdc13p by Tel1p recruits tel-
with X-linked dyskeratosis (X-DC), a con-
omerase via Est1p. Est2p is the reverse transcriptase component of telomerase. If telomeres con-
genital disease characterized by bone mar- tinue to shorten, they resemble chromosomes with double stranded breaks (DSB-like, lower left),
row failure, dystrophic nails, mucosal recruiting DNA repair machinery. This results in cell growth arrest at checkpoint (G2/M). If cells can-
leukoplakia, mottled rashes, congenital not repair the defect, they undergo “crisis” and a subpopulation will bypass arrest, maintaining their
anomoalies and additional clinical presen- chromosome ends by DSB repair. Operational ¡1 PRF signals have been identified in the STN1,
CDC13, EST1 and EST2 mRNAs. We propose that their relative abundances are controlled by ¡1
tations.46 Hypo-pseudouridulated yeast
PRF. In optimal conditions, precisely controlled rates of ¡1 PRF ensures that these proteins are pres-
and human ribosomes have lower affinities ent in the correct stoichiometries, maximizing telomere repair (bold up arrow), and minimizing pro-
for tRNAs, resulting in greater rates of gression to the DSB-like state. When expression of any one of these genes is altered, e.g.
tRNA slippage at ¡1 PRF signals.47 In telomerase recruitment is less efficient and more telomeres progress more rapidly to the DSB-like
unpublished work, we have shown that state. When expression of all 4 are altered, e.g., by global changes in ¡1 PRF or by abrogation of
NMD, telomeres progress rapidly to the DSB-like state.
these mutant yeast cells have shortened
telomeres, consistent with the progeria
like symptoms of this disease. Indeed, X-
DC is a member of a general class of dis-
eases called ribosomopathies, which are patients with T-cell lymphoblastic leuke- links global defects in ¡1 PRF to a grow-
caused by mutations in ribosomal protein mia (T-ALL) also promotes increased rates ing number of human diseases. Recent
genes and genes involved in ribosome bio- of ¡1 PRF (by promoting decreased ribo- studies in yeast revealed the importance of
genesis.48 Unpublished yeast based studies somal affinity for aminoacyl-tRNA) pro- this mechanism in telomere maintenance
in our laboratory suggest that translational vides evidence that somatically acquired and cell-cycle control, and current
fidelity defects including altered rates of mutations that affect ¡1 PRF may con- research suggests that may also be applica-
¡1 PRF, may play important roles in this tribute to at least some cancers.51 ble to human cells. The recent finding of
general class of diseases. Spinocerebellar ¡1 PRF signal-specific regulation by miR-
ataxia 26 (SCA26) is caused by a mutation NAs has solved one of the central ques-
in eukaryotic translation elongation factor Summary and Perspectives tions in the field, and in combination
2 (eEF2), the GTPase that translocates with the telomerase studies, provokes the
ribosomes along mRNAs.49 ¡1 PRF can Like many basic molecular regulatory hypothesis that aging may be programmed
occur during translocation, and inhibition mechanisms, while ¡1 PRF was discov- in part by ¡1 PRF. The ability of trans-
of this process can stimulate this.50 ¡1 ered in viruses it has now been found to acting factors to manipulate ¡1 PRF also
PRF is elevated In yeast cells expressing be involved in the expression of a signifi- suggests therapeutic approaches including
mutant forms of eEF2 harboring the cant number of eukaryotic genes. Surpris- recombinant proteins, and synthetic non-
SCA26-equivalent mutation,49 and in ingly, unlike viruses, where ¡1 PRF is coding RNAs/RNA analogs. Other more
unpublished work, we have observed that used to expand the genomic coding con- global approaches may include use of
this also occurs in cells derived from tent, it appears that ¡1 PRF signals are small molecule modulators of ¡1 PRF, or
SCA26 patients. The finding that the used to post-transcriptionally regulate targeting of downstream pathways, e.g.
same mutation in ribosomal protein L10 gene expression by functioning as mRNA nonsense mediated mRNA decay. The
(eL16) found in a significant fraction of destabilizing elements. Emerging evidence new paradigms described here will

176 Cell Cycle Volume 14 Issue 2

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