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Assessment Templates

BSBREL502 Build international business networks

Student ID Student Name

  BV025501 First Name: Barbara

Last Name: Bernal

Student’s declaration:
By submitting this assessment, you acknowledge and agree to the following conditions. Check
all boxes if you agree.
 I have read and understood the details of the assessment

I have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals process

and understand I may appeal if I believe the assessment is not equitable, fair or just

 I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed

I declare that the attached is my own work or in collaboration with other members

of a group as required
I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with Greystone
 College’s Academic Integrity Policy, and I believe other group members have done
the same

Submitting your assessment:

Complete all assessment tasks, upload the Templates document and submit in Moodle for
grading. Videos and information on how to submit work through Moodle are in the FAQ section
of your VET Orientation course. Once your assessment is graded, you will receive an email
notification. Check your grades and submission feedback on Moodle.
Assessor’s acknowledgement:
Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer
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Authentic: I am assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s
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Valid: I am assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as
described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment
Current: I am assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current
competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the
very recent past
Sufficient: I am assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment
evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency

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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template
Please provide answers to the following questions:

1. Provide definitions for the following:

Associates Colleague business associates. A person who shares

actively in anything as a business, enterprise, partner,
Business Associations Click here to enter text.The business association meaning
refers to membership organizations that are engaged
in and supports the business interests of their

Business Relationships Relationships with business and members of business.

Communication Channel of comunication as what’s app, phone, e-mail

Conferences Events of business

Cultural Awareness Cultural knowledge. Habits of an specific country for


Emotional Intelligence Knowing how to deal(emotionally) with difference


Network Change of contacts or informations

Networker Person that participate in a network

Mutual Benefit When both parts of a something(example: business) will

be beneficiate by something(business relationship)

Rapport Rapport is a good sense of understanding and trust. If you

have good rapport with your neighbors
Referral Someone that you know introduces you to another
person, he is your referral.

Trade Fairs an exhibition at which businesses in a particular industry

promote their products and services

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2. List five (5) places or organisations that provide opportunities to build international
business networks.
 Conferences
 Trade Fairs
 Key events
 Industry or business association events.
 Company sponsored travel overseas

3. List three (3) professional development activities or events.

 Joining a project;
 Receive a request to lead a presentation or meeting;
 Learning about a new business or industry

4. Why are international business networks useful? Provide 2-3 reasons.

When you start making connections with people that either has good contacts and
knowledge about something you start gaining value and knowledge. Connections are often
a win win situation to develop new ideas and make your business grow in general.

5. What useful information or industry knowledge can you gain through international
business networks? Provide 2-3 reasons.
Knowing about other cultures and getting information and different opinions about
something. When you met someone and maintain a good connection you can exchange

6. List at least three (3) potential sources of international business network information.
 Business database;
 Associates past business experiences;
 Cultural/ Political Information

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7. In a short paragraph, describe the steps you would follow to research, identify and join
an international business network.

The first step would be a research about the market and people that are going to attend on this
business network. After get some information I would prepair a list of topics that is important
for my business and all the information and people that I could meet there.

8. List five (5) sources of information on cultural facts for specific countries.
 IMF data site, data mapper and IMF Article IV reports
 The World Bank’s World Development Indicators
 UNDP’s Human Development Index (HDI)
 IBGE: (brazil statistical information
 (usa open data)

9. Outline the process you would follow to build cultural awareness when developing an
international business network.
 Search on the internet;
 Exchange information with my associates;
 Often read the news about the country you are focus on;
 Make connections with people and companies in this country;
 Start making some tests to check the availability of business

10. In a short paragraph, explain what is Communication Theory and how does it relate to
cross-cultural communication.

Communication theory provides a way of talking about and analyzing key events, processes,
and commitments that together form communication
Cross-cultural communication theories explain phenomena related to cross-cultural
research. Cross-cultural research compares and contrasts people's communication across
diverse cultures and explains the consequences of these differences.

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11. Provide five (5) key organisational policies, procedures and processes that relate to
participation in networks.
 Do not share personal business information with other outside the company;
 Code of conduct;
 Internet and e-mail policy
 Anti-discrimination and harassment policy
 Mobile phone policy

12. How does the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 affect business operations, codes of
practice and national standards of Australian trade?

The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) covers most areas of the market: the
relationships between suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. Even though each
country has your own rules and codes all of them have to find a way to follow the CCA
It covers anti-competitive conduct, price fixing, unconscionable conduct and other issues,
such as advertising.
The Act also sets out consumers' rights and responsibilities. It covers areas such as returns,
refunds, warranties, contracts, marketing and advertising.

13. How does the World Trade Organization affect business operations, codes of practice and
national standards of Australian trade?

Australia's economy relies on a strong and open global trading environment. The Australian
Government is strongly committed to the WTO and its framework of rules, which helps
promote and protect the open global trading system.
As the WTO operates by consensus, every member's opinion have the same weight, and all
Members must agree before a decision can be made.
Australia is also committed to reforming the WTO to ensure it can function more effectively,
and continues to meet the needs of Members and business in today’s modern global trading
The way it can affect business is that some countries could be more benefit than other
depending on each rule.

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Total 13 Questions

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Task 3 - Networking Report Template




Attending in an event of food and beverage industry

Make connection and learn more about how does it works to open a new business or try to reach a
new market in australia.

Our main focus during this time in Australia is to meet and create connections in general with people
in this field(food and beverage).

We are going to promote our new product xxx and we aim to reach more awareness during the next
6 months. During this time we want to do some tests with the costumers to check if our product
could be easily accept and how much we are going to spend with market activities.

Networking opportunities identified 

Event Name  Date  Cost  Brief summary of purpose and objectives 
 1. Australia network 20/10/20 AUS  
event 21  2.000   make connections and partnerships
 2. Meeting with one 22/10/20  AUS  
of our possible 21  100,00  talk about how we can develop a market strategy together to
partnerships in the present our brand and increase awareness.
 3. Intern meeting  24/10/2  AUS  
  021 -  Analyse and discuss about possible strategies
 4. Australia food and 30/10/20  AUS  
beverage event 21  4000  Bring all of our team to this event after have a more solid project
  and try to get some new informations and connections

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BRAZIL / Source / Name of Social and cultural
Source Background
AUSTRALIA organization information
- Sense data
Government page where you
- Diagnosis of the
BRAZIL can find services or
search for desired information.
- Economic
The Brazilian Institute of
Geography and
Statistics or IBGE is the agency - Demographic IBGE
responsible for - Sense data
BRAZIL (Brazilian Institute of
official collection of statistical, - Statistic
Geography and
geographic, cartographic, information
geodetic and environmental
information in Brazil.
The ABS is Australia’s national
statistical agency, providing
trusted official statistics on a - Demographic
AUSTRALIA wide range of economic, social, - Senses data
ABS (Australian Bureau
population and environmental - Economic
matters of importance to
The Australian Trade and
- Education sector
https:// Investment Commission is the
AUSTRALIA - Sense data Australian
- Investment
Government's international

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ILSC Virtual Meeting – 2020

On July 29th, 2020, with COVID-19 and quarantine happening all over the world, our

company was happily surprised by the invite to be part of the ILSC Virtual Networking

Meeting Event along with many other companies in the field.

It was an amazing opportunity to our company to share our values, goals, to make

valuable networking contacts, to fully understand how the market operates in Australia.

Important networking discussing all the top trends in Australia, how the market operates, the
demand of the consumers and its currently offers as well as introducing our company and finding
new potential clients and business partners.

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Subjec ILSC Network Opportunity – ASKOV VODKA
Dear Andrey, how are you?

I am reaching you to discuss about a business opportunity in my company HINOMOTO.

I represent HINOMOTO company and we are pleased to ask you to check and analyze our
project attached. We have so many ideas and want to share that with you. We believe that
we can create a wealthy and solid relationship between our companies and we are more than
happy if you could meet us for a quickly brainstorm meeting next month, Anytime, any day.

Looking forwarder to hearing from you. Best regards

Barbara Bernal

Subjec ILSC Network Opportunity – ASKOV VODKA
Dear Jon, how are you?

I am reaching you to discuss about a business opportunity in my company HINOMOTO.

I represent HINOMOTO company and we are pleased to ask you to check and analyze our
project attached. We have so many ideas and want to share that with you. We believe that
we can create a wealthy and solid relationship between our companies and we are more than
happy if you could meet us for a quickly brainstorm meeting next month, Anytime, any day.

Looking forwarder to hearing from you. Best regards

Barbara Bernal

Subjec ILSC Network Opportunity – ASKOV VODKA
Dear Mary, how are you?

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I am reaching you to discuss about a business opportunity in my company HINOMOTO.

I represent HINOMOTO company and we are pleased to ask you to check and analyze our
project attached. We have so many ideas and want to share that with you. We believe that
we can create a wealthy and solid relationship between our companies and we are more than
happy if you could meet us for a quickly brainstorm meeting next month, Anytime, any day.

Looking forwarder to hearing from you. Best regards

Barbara Bernal

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Due to covid-19 this event is going to be online so there won’t be any costs.


It was definitely a good opportunity to make connections and meet people that can help us to
improve our business opportunities. We are going to keep in touch with everyone in order to make a
partnership with some of the people that we met there.

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