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Practical Research 2

Quarter 2 – Module 14:

Sampling Procedure and Sample
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Master Teacher I, Mintal Comprehensive High School Davao City



Group Leader
Crossing Bayabas National High School


Master Teacher III, F. Bangoy National High School


Education Program Supervisor




Information about this ADM learner’s material

I. Objectives: The learners demonstrate an

Ia. Content Standards understanding of:

description of sample
Ib. Performance Standard Data collection and analysis
Ic. Learning Competencies/ Describes sampling procedure and
Objectives the sample (CS_RS12-IIa-c-2).

II. Content / Topic Sampling Procedure and Sample

Good day! Welcome to the Practical Research 2 Alternative Delivery
Mode (ADM) Module on Sampling Procedure and Sample.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning
resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering
the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Lets Try This before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are
through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in
mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful
learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies.

You can do it!

This module is about sampling procedure and sample.
Specifically, this will help you:
1. Define sampling and sample
2. Identify the appropriate probability sampling techniques
in a given research

Your learning in Grade 11 Probability and Statistics on random
sampling is of great relevance as you explore this module. Definitely,
you were able to learn that random sampling gives everyone an equal
probability or chance to be selected. At the same time, you had
understood why sampling is considered when doing research. Sampling
permits the researcher to do the research faster at lesser costs. Imagine
doing a research with a huge number of respondents!
Determining the correct sample size and how the samples are
selected are crucial in ensuring the accuracy and precision of an
estimate leading to valid research findings (Prieto, Naval & Carey)
But how do we get the desired sample when doing quantitative
research? What are the sampling procedures? These questions will be
answered as you continue to venture on this module. So, enjoy learning
and always have fun!

Instruction: Read the paragraph provided in the box below. As you are done
reading, kindly answer the questions that follow.

Alex Dave, as an incoming freshman college student for this

school year 2020 – 2021 plans to buy a laptop in preparation
for the online class. He is not sure as to the specification of
the laptop that will best suit to the demands of online
schooling. In order to get idea, he decided to do an online
survey (asking from his 700 facebook friends) to help him
decide in buying the right one at an affordable price. His
facebook friends consist of the following:
15 - 20 21- 25 26 – 30
Male 270 85 45 400
Female 200 75 25 300
TOTAL 470 160 70 700

Answer the following questions:

1. To whom should Alex Dave plan to conduct a survey?

2. What does the “700 facebook friends” represent for?
3. How many male and female students are there?

Hi! How was it? Were you able to get the right
answer? If you don’t, never feel bad! That was just a
brain exercise!
Now, let us think deeper. Please go back to the
previous activity before answering the questions.
below and recall the process in answering the
Instruction: In a long problem.
bond paper you may copy and answer the guide
questions as directed.

Guide Questions:

1. If Alex Dave will decide to get a certain number from male and
female, how do you call this representation?

2. If you want to conduct survey, do you need to ask all your 700
facebook friends? Why or why not ?

Your score in the activity above tells your background information of
the topic in this module which is sampling procedure and sample.
. Again, don’t feel bad if you were not able to answer correctly
because I am sure for the next activities you will get it right since you
have learned some important keywords from this module! Hence,
learning the topic here will now be easier!

Lesson: Sampling Procedure and Sample

Now that you have probably a grasp of the content of this module, your focus on this
topic is highly needed. Again, enjoy as you explore the content of this module!

Describing sampling and sample

Population v. sample
In your probability and statistics subject, you have learned the difference
between population and sample. Population refers to the entirety or group of people
you intend to generalize the results of your study. These people or objects must
possess some common characteristics defined by the sampling criteria utilized by the
researcher/s. Again, population does not only refers to persons, it could be objects or
any subject of interest. For example, the entire number of students in your school
refers to the population. In the previous activity, the population refers to all of the
facebook friends of Alex Dave.
In quantitative research, collecting any sort of data whether through surveys or
from secondary data, a researcher needs to decide which data to collect and from
whom these data will be collected. This is called the sample.
Sample refers to part of that population. This is the group of individuals who
actually participate in your study. In the activity provided, this refers to the individuals
who will respond to the online survey of Alex Dave. In other words, a sample is a
subset of the population.

To understand better the difference between sample and population, the examples
are provided below:

Example 1:
The school librarian of a certain university is interested in the number of books
and other media that student borrowers check out from the library. She examined the
checkout records of 100 randomly selected students.

The population is all the students borrower of that certain university; while the
sample is the 100 students selected.

Example 2:
The Land and Transportation Office of Mapagmatiyag City wants to know about
how many jaywalking incidents occur in a day in several highways with pedestrian
lane. A camera installed photographs every fifth person who passes through the street
without using the pedestrian lane.

The population is all of the persons that passes through the street while the
sample is every fifth persons who passes through the street without using the
pedestrian lane.

It would be ideal if a researcher would be able to study the entire population to
determine the value of a population parameter or some characteristic of the
population. However, this is not generally feasible. Instead, the researcher can usually
study only a sample of a population. (Chan Sio & Reyes, 2017).
When selecting a sample from a population, bear in mind that the sample must
appropriately represent the population. As much as possible, we want to eliminate
biases in selecting the sample. Since sample can really affect the outcome of your
study, there are factors to consider such as: target population; sample frame; sampling
method; and the sample size. In order to derive the desired sample size, a researcher
must learn the process of sampling.

Sampling is a process in which a researcher chooses his/her sample. The
researcher assumes that samples are drawn from the population when utilizing
(Faltado, Bombita, Boholano & Pogoy, 2016) defined sampling as a process of
getting information from a proper subset of population. The fundamental purpose of
all sampling plans is to describe the population characteristics through values obtained
from a sample as accurately as possible. It is therefore evident that if one were to draw
conclusions based on a small sample then the sample must imitate the behavior or
characteristics of the original population as closely as possible.

Using Appropriate Probability Sampling Technique

In selecting the sample, a researcher has two methods to choose: probability

sampling or non-probability sampling. Probability sampling or random sampling
means every individual is given equal chance to be selected. This method provides
the most valid or credible results because it reflects the characteristics of the
population from which they are selected.
On the other hand, non-probability sampling disregards random selection of
subjects. The subjects are chosen based on their availability or the purpose of the
study, and in some cases, on the sole discretion of the researcher. This is not a
scientific way of selecting respondents. Neither does it offer a valid or an objective way
of detecting sampling errors. (Edmond 2013).
But in this module, we will only be focusing on the different probability sampling
techniques as discussed below:
A. Simple random technique - is the most frequently used type of probability
sampling technique where the chance of selection is the same for every
member of the population
This technique can be done through draw lots, the very common one. The
following are the procedures:
1. Write all the names of the possible respondents in a sheet of paper.
2. Put these names in a box.
3. Pick one sheet at a time until you get the desired sample size.

B. Systematic random sampling -follows specific steps and procedures in
doing the random selection of the samples. It requires a list of the elements
and every nth element in the list is drawn for inclusion in the sample.
The following are the procedures:
1. Divide the population by the desired sample size.
2. Choose a random number between one and the value you obtained from
step 1.
3. Starting with the number you picked for example 5, take every tenth
(10th) and you use 5 as your starting point.

C. Stratified random sampling - also sometimes called proportional or quota

random sampling, involves dividing your population into homogeneous
subgroups and then taking a simple random sample in each subgroup. In
stratified random sampling, the subjects are initially grouped into different
classifications such as gender, level of education, or socioeconomic status.
It’s important to note that these classifications should not have any
overlapping subjects. The following procedures may be performed:
1. Divide the population into subpopulations (strata)
2. From each stratum, obtain a simple random sample of size proportional to
the size of the stratum; that is, the sample size for a stratum equals the total
sample size times the stratum size divided by the population size
3. Use all the members obtained in Step 2 as the sample.
D. Cluster random sampling is conducted when the size of a population is
too large to perform simple random sampling. It is a way to randomly select
participants when they are geographically spread out. For example, if you
wanted to choose 300 participants from a particular city like Davao City, it is
likely impossible to get a complete list of everyone. Instead, the researcher
randomly selects areas like barangay, purok, etc.
The following are the procedures:
1. divide population into clusters (usually along geographic boundaries)
2. randomly sample clusters
3. measure all units within sampled clusters

To better understand these different probability sampling techniques, the
graphic illustration below will help you out!

The result of your study will greatly be affected with the sampling you will be using.
Remember that sample and population have differences, hence sample errors might
occur. As a researcher, it is very important that you have to consider the objective of
your study, nature of your study, the characteristics of your population where your
sample will be taken and of course the cost.

This time challenge yourself to take a higher

task. I’m sure if you get it, it’s worth-fulfilling!

A. Identify the population and sample in the given settings. Write your
answer on the space provided after each given item.

1. The school principal of DZP National High School surveyed a random sample
of 100 of their senior high school students to see how they felt about the food
offerings at the school canteen.

2. The Department of Health of Davao City conducted a surprise visit to 10

establishments in the city to determine if they have followed the minimum health
protocol issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) relative to the corona
virus pandemic.

B. Identify the types of sampling technique being described in each

Types of Sampling Situation
1. Jonathan has identified that the population where he will
conduct his study is composed of 120 Grade 7 students
from which 50 students is to be selected. Each student’s
name is put on a list with the corresponding number from 1
to 120 written in a separate piece of paper and then shuffled.
Finally, Jonathan was able to pick up 50 pieces of paper and
the number of paper determined the 50 participants.
2. A researcher conducts a survey regarding awareness on
solid waste management in a barangay. Part of the research
plan calls for describing and comparing the opinions of
respondents according to educational attainment :
elementary graduate, high school graduate, college level,
college graduate, non-graduate for elementary and high

school. For a total of 400, the researcher selects 90
respondents from each of the predetermined subgroups.
3. In order to determine the average performance in
Mathematics of grade eight students in Davao City’s public
schools, a sample of 500 was taken. The average grade
eight enrolment in the city is 50. Thus, 10 schools were
randomly selected and within each of those schools, all
grade eight students were tested.
4. A researcher is interested on the level of implementation on
solid waste management in a particular city. The researcher
uses the following procedures to obtain a sample: (1) a
random sample of barangay is drawn, (2) within the
barangay selected, puroks are randomly drawn; (3) within
each purok, blocks are randomly sampled, (4) within blocks
selected, houses are randomly drawn, and (5) all residents
within the buildings selected comprise the sample.
5. Arnold prepares the list of 150 students which comprised
the population. He desired to get a sample of 40 students.
By getting every 8th element from the list starting from a
specific number.

How was it? Were you able to get the right answers? I
know you did well in the activity! For you to thoroughly
master the concept in this module, you can always go
back to the activities!
Sampling, as well as the research results, is expected to
speak about the entire population. Hence, it is important
that getting the right sample following the sampling
procedure is very important.

Key Concepts

1. Sampling is a process in which a researcher chooses her sample and sample

is the group of individuals who actually participate in your study

2. The different types of probability sampling techniques are: (1) simple random
sampling, (2) stratified random sampling, (3) systematic random sampling and
(4) cluster random sampling.

A. Multiple choice: Read each item carefully. Encircle the correct answer
in each question.

1. This refers to the entire units or group of individuals that a researcher is

interested to conduct his/her study .
A. Population B. Sample C. Sampling frame D. Sampling technique

2. It might be difficult to study every unit of the entire group of individuals. Thus, a
researcher frequently selects a representative subset of that entire group. This
subset is called _____
A. Population B. Sample C. Sampling frame D. Sampling technique

3. A safety inspector conducts air quality tests on randomly selected group of 10

classrooms of one of the biggest public high school in Davao City. Identify the
population and sample in this setting.
A. The population is all classrooms in the cluster; the sample is the 10
classrooms tested.
B. The population is all classrooms in the said public high school ; the sample
is the 10 classrooms tested.
C. The population is all high school students in Davao City; the sample is the

10 classrooms tested.
D. The population is all high school students in Davao City; the sample is the
10 high school students in the schools selected.
4. Which of the following shows a random sampling procedure?
A. Jeff, directly get the names of his classmates as respondents of his study.
B. Liza, asked her classmates to raise their hands who wants to be part as
respondents of her study.
C. Jessica, wrote the names of her classmates, and decided to get those who
are in the first thirty (30) in the list.
D. Alfred, ask his classmates to write their names on a sheet of paper, then put
all of those in a box, and pick one by one from the box until it reaches the
desired sample.

5. This is a scientific way of selecting respondents which can be part of the

samples of the study.
A. Sampling C. Probability sampling
B. Non-Probability sampling D. Sampling frame

B. Identify the probability sampling technique described or illustrated in each of

the following situation. Choose your answer from the given options below by
writing the sampling technique.
A. Simple random sampling C. Systematic random sampling
B. Stratified random sampling D. Cluster sampling

1. Mrs. Del Rosario wanted to find out if there is a significant difference on the
student’s performance in mathematics ad a foreign language course. To do this,
he decided to obtain a list of all the students in each of the eight sections of
their school’s batch. He then randomly selected two sections, and collected the
math senior high and foreign language grades of each student in these two
2. Mr. Alicaya is deciding which of his 50 students to call for recitation for
tomorrow’s class. He decides to put all his student’s name in a bag, shakes it
well, and then draws five names at random.
3. You wish to examine the effect of socio-economic status on diet. To do this,
you decide to randomly sample from all employees or patients at a local hospital

for the study. However, it is known that more individuals in this group are from
higher, rather than lower, socio-economic status.
4. The researcher chooses an entry at random from the phonebook, and select
every 50th number thereafter.
5. The researcher divides the city into city blocks, then choose a simple random
sample of 10 city blocks, and interview everyone who lives there.

Answer Key

Let’s Try This!
3. Sample
1. Population 4. Possible answer: No, because
2. 400 male, 300 female it would take time to
interview all the 700
respondents and it is costly
as well.

Let’s Do This!
1. The population is all the senior high school students of DZP National
High School; while the sample is the 100 senior high school students
2. The population is all the establishments in Davao City; while the
sample is the 10 establishments randomly visited.

1. simple random sampling
2. stratified random sampling
3. cluster sampling
4. cluster sampling
5. systematic random sampling

Let’s test Ourselves!

A. B.

1. A. 1. Stratified random sampling

2. B. 2. Simple random sampling
3. B. 3. Stratified random sampling
4. D. 4. Systematic random sampling
5. C. 5. Cluster sampling


Barceros, E. (2016). Practical Research 2 (2st Edition). Manila: Rex Book Store.

Chan Shio, C.P. O., Reyes, M.A. T. (2017). Statistics & Probability for Senior High
School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Pogoy, A.M. . (2016). Practical Research 2
Quantitative Research. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc. .

Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., & Carey, T.G. . (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High
School (Quantitative). Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Incorporated.

Electronic Resources

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Department of Education – Region XI Davao City Division

DepEd Davao City, Elpidio Quirino Ave., Davao City

Telefax: 224-3274

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