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Aviation legislation - II

1-category B2 licence holder can holder can issue CAR on

(a) Following maintenance on avionics and electrical system of an specific types of aircraft
(b) Following maintenance on avionics and electrical system of an aircraft endorsed on licence(c)Following
maintenance on avionics and electrical system of aircraft
Ref-CAR66 A.20

2-the AME licence becomes invalid an

(a)2years (b) 3years (c) 5years

Ref-CAR66 A.20

3-aircraft in group 2B is

(a) Single piston engine helicopter

(b) non pressurized piston engine
(c) single piston turbo prop engine aeroplane
Ref-CAR66 A.05

4-an applicant for an AME licence shall be at least

(a)21 year (b) 18 year (c) 25 year (d) both (a)and (b) Ref-CAR66 A.15

5-application for medical certificate

(a)19-01 (b) 19-05 (c) 19-06 (d) 19-08 Ref-CAR66 page


6-basic knowledge examination is conducted by

(a)DGCA (b) (a)and (c) (c) CEO (d) none Ref-CAR66 -


7-Credit is granted accordance with

(a)AMP- chapter 15 (b) AMP- chapter 7 (c) AMP-chapter 17

Raf-CAR66 A.25

8- Evidence of qualification should be present with in

(a)1 week (b) 15 days (c) 1day (d) 1 months Ref-CAR66 A.55

9-The basic experience for AME license is

(a) For Category A or B1.2 and B1.4 is 3 years

(b) For category B2 and B1.1 and B1.3 is 5 years

(c) For category C wrt large aircraft is 3 years which are already exercising in category B1.1 or B1.3 or BE (d) All
Ref-CAR 66a.30 page 13

10- The eligibility for AME license

(a) The applicant must have passed 10+2 exam In physics mathematics and chemistry

(b) As in (a), applicant shall be at least 18 years of age

(c) as in(a) ,applicant shall be at least 21 years of age

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ref-CAR66 page- 11

11-The holder of AME license may not exercise certification privileges unless.

(a) In compliance with applicable requirements of CAR M and /or CAR 145

(b) In the preceding 2 year period he has either acquired six months of maintenance experience.

(c) He has adequate competence to certify maintenance on the corresponding aircraft

(d) All of the above

Ref-CAR66 page no.12


(a) The aircraft maintenance engineer’s license becomes invalid after 5 years of its issue.
(b) As in a) the holder of AME license shall complete a CA form 19-05 for the renewal of license.

(c) As in b) the license is only valid when issued and /or changed by DGCA and when the holder has signed the

(d) As in c) and the license becomes invalid when the certification authorization is invalid.
Ref-CAR66 page-15

13-The certification authorization shall be valid

(a) For a period 1 year

(b) As in b) and he has been assessed medically fit

(c) as in a) and may be renewed by DGCA

(d)All of the above

Ref-CAR 66a.220

14- For the renewal of certification authorization the person (ref :page21)

(a) Has exercised the privileges of authorization for a minimum period of 3 months in the preceding 12 months

(b) He has been assessed medically fit

(c) Has undergone refresher course in the preceding 24 months
(d) All of the above


15- A certification privilege of an AME license is invalid when

(a) AME license is invalid

(b) When any mistake is done by him/her During maintenance

(c) Done any misdeed during flight

(d) All
Ref- CAR66a.40

16-A failed module may not be retaken for At least 30 days

(a)At least 90 days (c)30 days (b) 90 days (d) none

Ref-page no 83

17-The time allowed to give AME examination for ph question is

(a) 75 second (c)90 second (b) 120 second (d)60 second

Ref-CAR66 page no 83

18-A4 category license is given for

(a) Aero plane turbine (b) aeroplane piston (c)Helicopter piston (d) Helicopter turbine

18-Personal exercising certification privilege must produce their licence as evidence of qualification if required by
_______ with 24 hours

(a) Authorized person of the organization

(b) Authorized person of the DGCA

(c) QCM

(d) None of these Ref-CAR66 page no 16

19-Choose the correct answer — For category B1, B2 or C the relevant aircraft ratings are the following:
(a) For group 1 aircraft, the appropriate aircraft type rating.

(b) For group 2 aircraft, the appropriate aircraft type rating, manufacturer sub-group rating or full subgroup

(c)For category B3, the relevant rating is ‘piston-engine non-pressurized aero planes of 2000 kg MTOM and below


Ref-CAR66 page no.14

(a) 12 years of practical experience gained outside a civil aircraft shall be accepted

(b) As in A) and at least 6 months of recent experience

(c) As in A) the maintenance experience gained in defense environment in the preceding 15 years shall be

(d) None
Ref-CAR66 page -14

Question bank - CAR-21

21.A design organization approval shall be issued for a limited period of a

a)not exceeding 2year
b) not exceeding 1year
c) not exceeding 5year
d) None
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page No.49
22. Which of following certificates has unlimited validity
a) Type certificate
b) Supplemental type certificate
c) Restricted type certificate
d) All the above
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 SUBPART D
23.Which of the following parts of the CAR-21 deals with design organization approval?
c) SUBPART JB d) Both b) & c)
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page iv
24.Who will validate the statement of conformity/ authorized release certificate of organization engaged
in production without production organization
a) Authorized signatory b) QCM
c) Licensed AME d) Inspector incharge
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page No.139
25.Supplemental type certificates deals with which part of CAR-21
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 Page no. 125
26.A statement of conformity should be issued no more than ______ before presentation of aircraft to
a) 30 days b) 45 days
c) 60 days d) None
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page No. 40
27. Application for Indian Technical Standard Order Authorization (ITSOA) is made on
a)CA-24 b) CA-25
c) CA-34 d) CA-35
level:1 Ref. CAR-21
28.Reports regarding malfunctioning, failure & defects should be dispatched to dgca
a)Not later than 24 hrs after identification of defect
b) Not later than 48 days after identification of defect
c) Not later than 07 days after identification of defect
d) Not later than 72 hrs after identification of defect
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 3
29.Only the type-certificate holder may apply for approval of a major change to a type design under
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 Page no. 14
30.Any organization applying for a type-certificate or restricted type-certificate shall demonstrate its
capability by holding a
a) Design Organization Approval As Per
b) Design Organization Approval As Per
c) Production organization as per
d) Parts & appliances as per subpart-K
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 20
31.Application for production organisation approval under CAR 21, Subpart G
a) CA-45 b) CA-50
c) CA-53 d) CA-34
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 28
32.Application for Permit to Fly
a) CA-21 b) CA-25
c) CA-23 d) CA-22
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 65
33.Noise certificates is detailed in which part of CAR-21
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 40
34. Other than type-certificate holder may apply for approval of a major change to a type design under
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 14
35. The authorized signatory of an organization approved in production without production organization is
approved by
a)QCM b) Operator
c) DGCA d) None
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 152
36.Indian technical standard order authorizations
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 page no. 250
37.No part or appliance (except a standard part), shall be eligible for installation in a type certificated
product unless it is
a)Accompanied by an authorized release certificate
b) Marked in accordance with subpart Q
c) Both a) & b)
d) None
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 SUBPART K
38.Upon surrender or revocation, the type-certificate and restricted typecertificate shall be returned to
a)Regulatory country of manufacturer
c) Manufacturer
d) None
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 SUBPART B page No 11
39. An application for an aircraft typecertificate or restricted type-certificate shall be accompanied by
a)three-view drawing of that aircraft
b) preliminary basic data
c) proposed operating characteristics and limitations
d) all the above are correct
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 SUBPART B page no. 5
40. The production organization shall
nominate a manager who is accountable
b) QCM
d) None
level:1 Ref. CAR-21 SUBPART G page No. 31

CAP 3300

41.Proving flight …… (CAP 3300/CH.3/Pg.18)

A) First issued of non –schedule operator
B) First issued of schedule and non-schedule
C) The introduction of new aircraft type in the organization
D) Both B and C
42. Fax no. Is on (CAP 3300/APD.E/Pg.4)
A) C of a
B) C of r
D) none
43.Which of the following involved in phase 1 (CAP 3300/CH.3/Pg.1)
a) Pre application
b) Formal application
c) Document evaluation
44.MTCS (CAP 3300/CH.3/Pg.19)AOP certificate
a) Certificate true copy of an AOP along with operational specified shall be carried on board each
A/C operatedby the operator
b) Certificate true copy of an AOP along without operational specified shall be carried on board each
A/Coperated by the operator
c) Certificate true copy does not require
d) NTA
45. How many phases are there for certification procedure for AOP (CAP 3300/CH.4/Pg.16)
a) Three phases
b) Four phases
c) Five phases
d) Pre application for initial studies
46.MTCS AOP (CAP 3300/CH.1/Pg.1)
a) AOP carried on board wit operational specifications
b) AOP carried on board
c) AOP carried on board without operational specifications
47.Document evaluation (CAP 3300/CH.2/Pg.1)
a) During this phase, the applicant is required to submit the complete application.
b) During this phase, the DGCA will undertake a detailed study of the applicant’s manuals and
other documents.
c) During this phase, the applicant conducts initial studies, prepares plans
48.CAP 3100 certification phase-1 (CAP 3100/CH.2/Pg.10)
a) pre-application phase
b) formal application phase
c)doc evaluation phase
49.)Failure to comply to AOP requirement (CAP 3300/CH.1/Pg.5)
a) Administrative penalties
b) cancellation, suspension and revocation of AOP
c)All the Above
50.MTCS about [3300, ch.3, pg.19]
AOP certificate
a) Certificate true copy of an AOP along with operational specified shall be carried on board
each A/C operated by the operator
b) Certificate true copy of an AOP along without operational specified shall be carried on
board each A/C operated by the operator c) Certificate true copy does not require
d) NTA
51.The applicant/ operator will be required to conduct proving/ validation flights for purpose
[3300, ch.3, pg.18]
a. First issue of an AOC/ AOP for scheduled or non-scheduled operations.
b. The introduction of a new Aircraft type in the organization.
c. Prior to commencing any special operations
d. All case of proving flight, Issuance of approval letter for the Special operations is done by
[3300, ch.3, pg.19]
b. POI
53.An applicant who is a holder of an AOP shall apply for the renewal, to the DGCA
[3300, ch.3, pg.19]
a. At least a minimum of 90 days prior to the date of expiry
b. At least a minimum of 30 days prior to the date of expiry
c. None of these
54.Amendment to Ops Specs will be required for but not limited to [3300, ch.3, pg.20-21]
a. Addition of new type of Aircraft in the organization
b. Addition of same type of Aircraft in the organization.
C. Special operation
d. All
55. The POI and the PAWI are responsible for [3300, ch.4, pg.1]
a. O/P related matters for the issuance of an AOP/AOC
b. A/w related matters for the issuance of an AOP/AOC
c. Both
56. The purpose of an AOC/AOP is to certify that [3300, ch.1, pg.2]
a. General aviation o/p are authorized
b. commercial air transport operations are authorized by DGCA
c. Both
57.The operator shall have a FDTL Scheme approved as per [3300, ch.1, pg.3]
a. limitations for flight time
b. Flight duty periods
c. Duty periods
d. All
58. an accident victim relief programme has been drawn up as per guidance of [3300, ch.1, pg.4]
a. ICAO CIR- 280/AN/166
b. ICAO CIR- 285/AN/166
c. ICAO 9683
d. Annex 10
59. The AOC is Issued In accordance with the provison of __________
CAIP3100 chapter 0 pg no.5 level-1
a) Annex6 Part2 b) Annex7 Part2
c) Annex7 Part1 d) Annex6 Part1
60.The DGCA issues The AOC in ___________. Ref -CAIP3100nChapter 1 pg No. 2 level-1
a) Two b) Three c)Four d) single parts

61. 147.A.40 is
a) Examination. (c) MTOE
b) Maintenance Training Manual (d) Privileges of maintenance training organisation Ref -CAR 147 pg-1
62. for initial/change of 147 organisation approval
a) CA Form 10 (c) CA Form 15
b) CA Form 12 (d) None Ref- CAR147 pg-51

63. Level 1 findings –

(a) any significant non-compliance with the examination process (c) the lack of accountable manager.
(b) A significant non- compliance with the training process (d) All of the above Ref - CAR 147 Pg -5
64. Approval recommendation report for CAR 147

(c) CA form 6 (c) CA form 13

(d) CA form 22. (d) none Ref – 147 appendix -lll

65. Instructional Equipment –

(a) 147.A.120. (c) 147.A.125

(b) 147.A.115 (d)147.A.110. Ref - CAR147 pg – 1 index

66 . An approval shall be issued for a period of 5 years , it shall remain valid subject to –

(a) The objection remaining in compliance with this CAR in accordance to the provision related to the handling
of findings as specified under 147.A.160(b) (c) the certificate not being surrendered or revoked
(b) the dgca officials being granted acess to the organization to determined continued compliance with this
CAR. (d) AOA Ref-CAR147 PG – 5

67 . MTCS –

(a) The independent audit procedure should ensure that all aspects of CAR-147 compliance should be checked
at least once in every 12 months and may be carried out as one complete single exercise or subdivided
over a 12-month
period in accordance with a scheduled plan. (c) The independence of audit system should be established
by always ensuring
that audits are carried out by personnel not responsible for the function or procedure being
(b) Where the maintenance training organization is also approved to another part requiring a quality system,
then such quality systems may be combined. (d) AOA Ref – CAR 147 PG-278.
68. The number of post holders for CAR 147 approved organization may depend upon –
(a) size. (c) complexity

(b) both a & c. (d) NOTA

REF – CAR147 PG – 32

69. CAR 147 Applicability –

(a) Approved aircraft /engine manufacturing and maintenance organizations registered outside India and intends
to impart basic aircraft maintenance training on aircraft , powerplant and it’s system . (c) the existing
training organization approved under CAR section 2 series E may be considered for approval under CAR 147
provided they make short term viable arrangement with AMO for imparting practice to cover the scope of

(b) both a &c are correct (d) None

Ref – CAR 147 PG - 7

70. Which form made an approval of continuing airworthiness management organization

ref. car m 116 m.a. 702 level-1
a) CA form 1 b) CA form 6
c) CA form 3 d) CA form 2
71 .Who signs continuing airworthiness management exposition
ref. car-m M.A. 704
a) Quality manager b) DGCA
c) Accountable manager d) Both a and b
72.Who will approve any amendments in continuing airworthiness management exposition ref.
CAR – M , M.A 704 9B LEVEL 1
a) RAO b) Head quarter
c) Quality manager d) DGCA
73. Provided the minor amendments in CAME are submitted to DGCA local office at least _____ days
before their affectivity and the procedure is documented. Ref. M.A. 704,
9c , level 1
a) 3 days b) 9 days c) 15 days d) 30 days

74. Continuing airworthiness management organisation

Ref. PAGE NO 116 ,
level 1
a) Subpart D of CAR M b) Subpart G of CAR M c) Subpart H of CAR M d) Subpart I of CAR M
75.Who nominate a person to compliance the management and supervision of continuing airwothiness
activities. Ref. M.A. 706, d , level 1
a) DGCA b) Quality manager
c) Organization d) Accountable manager
76. Application for production organisation approval under CAR21 Subpart G be Submitted On
a)CA form 50 b) CA Form 60 c) CA form 80A d) CA form 80B
Ref – CAR21 Subpart G Pgno.28 level-1
77.). Which Subpart deal with production without production organisation approval
Ref- CAR21 Genral Layout level-1
a)Subpart E b) Subpart I c) Subpart G d) Subpart F

78. Mark the correct statement

a) Every aircraft shall be weighed before the issue of Certificate of Airworthiness
b) In case a new aircraft is imported from outside the country, weight schedules issued by the state of
c) both.
Series x pt-II,page -2, level-II
79.. Mark the incorrect statement
a) Aircraft weighing less than 2000 kg. need not be reweighed on routine basis
b) Aircraft weighing more than 2000 kg. shall be re-weighed every five years
c) An aircraft shall be required to be reweighed if it has undergone major repair, or major alteration
d) none
Series x pt-II,page 3, level-II
80. Who shall prepare weight schedule of a/c
a) A person specifically approved by DGCA for the purpose in any organization
b) A person specifically approved by Quality Manager in an organization approved under CAR 145
c) A Category "B" licensed AME d) anyone of the above
Series x pt-II,page 3, level-II
a) An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land should it become either impossible
or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing is called en route alternate.
b) An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land in the event that a diversion
becomes necessary while en-route is called take off alternate.
c) An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land should this become necessary
shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure is called destination
alternate. D)none
ref CAR: section 8 series O, part-II, page no 2 level-1
82. MTCS related to ELT (AD)
a) An automatically activated ELT which is rigidly attached to an aircraft but readily removable from the
b) An ELT which is rigidly attached to an aircraft and which is automatically deployed and
activated by impact, and, in some cases, also by hydrostatic sensors. Manual deployment is also
c) An ELT which is removable from an aircraft, stowed so as to facilitate its ready use in an emergency,
and manually activated by survivors. d)
ref CAR: section 8 series O, part-II, page no 5-6 level-1
83. Fuel and oil records shall be retained by the operator for a period of
a) five year b) one year c) two year d) six months
ref CAR: section 8 series O, part-II, page no 29 level-1
84. The operator shall maintain records so that the total cosmic radiation dose received by each crew
member over a period of
a) five year b) one year c) two year d) six months
ref CAR: section 8 series O, part-II, page no 30 level-1

85) MTCS (engine change) (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.2)

a)Reinstallation of same engine on the same aircraft in its original position would not constitute an engine change
b) Remove from same position and fitted to same position and fitted to same position on same aircraft
c) None
86) The” observed actual climb performance” shall in no case be lower than………. of the expected climb
performance figure for the purpose of acceptable of test flight report (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.5)
b) 3%
c) 2%
87) Mandatory modification MTCS (SERIES-M PART-1/Pg.3)
a)Airworthiness directive including SB, SI, SL required DGCA approval
b) Airworthiness directive including SB, SI, SL is not required DGCA approval C) Both A and B
88) Fuelling of aircraft MTCS (SERIES-H PART-2/Pg.6)
a)Fuelling during electrical storms fuelling shall be continued during severe lighting
b) Fuelling during electrical storms fuelling shall be suspended during severe lighting disturbance in vanity of
aerodrome or helipad
c) None
89) During test flight incident and accident occurred will report to ……………… (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.3) A) a)DGCA
b) Quality department
c) RAO
a)Temporary C Of R for purpose of bringing the aircraft by air
b) Valid till first landing at custom aerodrome in India
c) Both A and B
d) Tem c of r is valid for 1yr
91) weighing must be done (SERIES-X PART-2/Pg.2)
b) 2years
c) AT the time of CofA
92)weighing shall be done (SERIES X PART-2/Pg.3)
a)By operator
c) Officer or any person authorised by DGCA
d) QM
93) Mandatory modification (SERIES M PART 1/Pg.1)
a)Means the modification incorporated in A/C , accomplishment and item of equipment
b) After type certification to maintain it in an A/W condition
c) Both a& b

94)Test flight is done for (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.4)

c) Both a & b

95)Shall be responsible for recording the result of the test flight (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.4)
a) PIC
b)Person authorize by the operator
c)Both a & b
96) The actual weight of passenger is (SERIES-X PART-2/Pg.5)
a)A/C weight up to 2000 kg
b) A/C weight less than 2000 kg
c) A/C weight more than 2000 kg
About refuelling of A/C during electrical storm
a)Refuelling should be stopped
b) Refuelling should be carried out until the damage will occur
c) Refuelling should be done until the next flight

98) When the new type of A/C imported in India first time (SERIES-F PART-23/Pg.8)
a)Maintenance station should be available accordance with CAR 145
c) The type certificate must be approved by DGCA
99) Which of the following not required DGCA approval (SERIES-M PART-1/Pg.3)
a) AD
c) Service bulletin
d) All
100) Who is responsible for recording the result of the test flight and for making such comments in writing as
considered necessary for a further test flight. (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.3) a) PIC
c) person authorised by operator
d) Both A and C
101) Who record the test flight (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.4)
a). PIC
b) operator
c) QCM
102) At the time of issue of CofA to a new type of a/c imported into the country, operator shall insure that
a)AD’s issued by regulatory authority of state of manufacturer are compiled
b) must have a maintenance organisation
c) must have a CAMO

103) Engine change is (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.2)

a)removes from one place then install at that place
b) removes from one side of wing and install
another side of wing
c) none of these
104) service bulletin issued by (SERIES-M PART-1/Pg.2)
b) dgca
c) operator
d) all of the above

105) Copy of weight schedule is retain for a period of (SERIES-X PART-2/Pg.4) a.

b) when aircraft permanently withdrawn
c) until fresh schedule come
106)......shall be responsible for recording result of test flight (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.4)
a) PIC
b) any other person authorised by
107)Limit of CG is mentioned in (SERIES-X PART-2/Pg.1)
a)C of A
b)Flight manual
c)C of A and Flight manual
108) To satisfactory determine the cause of defect what is required (SERIES-T PART-2/Pg.3)
a) Ground test
b) test flight
c) RAMP test
109) CAME and its amendment approved by (SERIES-O PART-14/Pg.4)
b) dgca
c) operator
110) Who shall issue taxi permit (series X part 8 page 3)
a) quality manager
b) operator
c) CAR-66 licensed engineer
d) none
111) A/C technical log preserved for (CAR M/Pg.68)
a)12 month
b)36 month
c) 36 months after date of last entry
112) TECHNICAL LOG SECTION-1 should contain (CAR M/Pg.68)
a) details of the registered name
b) address of the operator
c) both A and B
113) - The responsibility of component classified as unsalvageable its custody may transfer
(CAR M/Pg.86)
a. to an org. for training or research without mutilation
b. cannot transfer it custody
c. to any maintenance origination
114) The applicable maintenance data is (CAR M/Pg.72)
a. any applicable requirement, procedure, standard or information issued by DGCA,
b. any applicable airworthiness directive,
c. applicable instructions for continuing airworthiness, issued by type certificate holders
d. all of above
115) Maintenance of a/c will be done according to (CAR M/Pg.21)
a. maintenance program
b. maintenance data
c. IPC
116) operator technical log not include (CAR M/Pg.68)
a. continuing airworthiness of aircraft
b. CRS
c. airworthiness directives
117) Operator technical log approved by (CAR M/Pg.68)
a. RAO
b. dgca
c. QM
d. all of the above
118) CA form 2 is (CAR M/Pg.90)
(a) An application for issue or variation of CAMO approval
(b) An application for issue or variation of MO approval
(c) Both
119) Continuing airworthiness management exposition and its amendments shall be approved by
(CAR M/Pg.117)
(b) RAO
(C) Local airworthiness office
120) Minor amendments of CAME are submitted to (CAR M/Pg.117)
(a) DGCA headquarter at least 15 days before their affectivity
(b) DGCA local office at least 30 days before their affectivity
(c) RAO at least 15 days before their affectivity
(d) DGCA local office at least 15 days before their affectivity
121) Subpart G of CAR M is (CAR M/Pg.115)
(a) CAMO
(b) AMO
122) Qualification of airworthiness review staff for aircraft above 2730 kg MTOM and except balloon
is/are (CAR M/Pg.124)
(a) At least 5years experience in continuing airworthiness
(b) Formal aeronautical maintenance training
(c) Appropriate CAR 66 licence
(d) All of the above
123) In order to keep the validity of the airworthiness review staff authorisation, the airworthiness
review staff should have (CAR M/Pg.128)
(a been involved in continuing airworthiness management activities for at least six months in every
two-year period
(b) conducted at least one airworthiness review in the last twelve-month period.
c) either a or b
(d) None
124) The airworthiness review can be anticipated by a maximum period of (CAR M/Pg.136)
(a) A maximum period of 30 days without loss of continuity
(b) A maximum period of 90 days without loss of continuity
(c) Not less than 90 days without loss of continuity
(d) Not less than 45 days without loss of continuity
125) A copy of any airworthiness review certificate issued or extended for an aircraft shall be sent to
(CAR M/Pg.136)
(a) RAO within 10 days along with requisite fees
(b) RAO within 15 days along with requisite fees
(c) DGCA local office within 10 days along with requisite fees
126) Any discrepancies found at the time of airworthiness review shall be informed to(CAR M/Pg.136)
(a) DGCA in any case within 36 hours
(b) DGCA in any case within 72 hours
(c)RAO in any case within 36 hours
127. Existing aircraft and approved organisation shall demonstrate compliance with………………of
A. Three months
B. Six months
C. One year. Ref page 18
D. Two year
128. Who is responsible for airworthy of aircraft
A. Owner
B. Operator. 21
C. Flight crew
D. All
129. The maintenance of aircraft is performed in accordance with approved maintenance
program as specified in
A. M.A.301
B. M.A.302. 21
C. M.A.304
D. M.A.305
130.Pre-flight inspection must be carried out by
A. Pilot or another qualified person
B. Approved maintenance organisation. 21
C. CAR 66 certifying staff
D. None
131. When the operator is not continuing airworthiness management organisation approved
itself than the operator shall establish a written contract in accordance with………. With such
A. Appendix 1
B. Appendix 2
C. Appendix 3. 22
D. Appendix 4
132. Other than complexmoterPower aircraftused for limited operations……….is responsible for
the ensuring that no flight takes place unless the condition defined are met
A. Owner
B. Operator
C. Both 23
D. None
133. Which section and series operator produce SMS manual
A. CAR section-1 series -C part 1
B. CAR section-1 series- D part 1 23
C. CAR section-2 series- C part 1
D. CAR section-2 series- D part 1
134.Commercial ATO refers to ………… to certified in accordance dgcq regulation
A. Operator
B. Flying training organisationref. page 25
C. Owner
D. None
135.The accomplishment of modification and repair in accordance with
A. M.A.301
B. M.A .302
C. M.A.304. . Ref. Page 30
D. M.A.305
136. For……….. and /or inspection,for all complex moter powered aircraft used by air operator
certified in accordance with schedule 11 of aircraft stablishment of an embodiment policy
A. Modification repair
B. Mondatarymodification
C. Non mondatary modification. Ref.page30
D. None
137.. Where the task are contracted of other organisation how there accomplishment to the
quality system of point
A. M.A.710
B. M.A .715
C. M.A.712. 31
D. None
138.. The training standard for personal performing the pre-flight inspection should be described
in the…………….
B. Technical logbook. ref page 31
C. Both
D. None
139. When ever possible deferred defect rectification should be known to
A. Operator
B. Pilot/ flight crew. Ref page 31
C. Owner
D. None
140.When ever maintenance check cannot be performed within the required time limit/it’s
postponement is allowed in accordance with a procedure
A. Acceptable by DGCA
B. Approved by DGCA
C. Agreed by DGCA. 32
D. None
141.. The aircraft maintenance program and any subsequent amendment Shall be
A. Acceptable by DGCA
B. Agreedby DGCA
C. Approved by DGCA. 33
D. None
142. For complex moter powered aircraft the maintenance program is based on
A. Maintenance steering group logic
B. Condition monitoring. Ref page 34
C. Both
D. None
143. Aircraft maintenance program either comply with
A. Minimum inspection programme
B. Non mandatory service information.
C. Both
D. None
144.. AMP reviewed by the person who performs the airworthiness reviewe of the aircraft
accordance with point
A. M.A.710(ga)
B. M.A.712. Ref page 35
C. M.A.715
D. M.A.701
145.. The AMP shall be reviewedatlist
A. 3 year
B. 2 year
C. 1 year. Ref 35
D. 4 year
146.. Owner shall be amend maintenance program as
A. Agreed by DGCA
B. Approved by DGCA
C. Acceptable by DGCA
D. None.
Ref page 35

Q1 write about the distinct phases of certification process for Air operator certificate?
Q 2 write down the purpose of AOC/AOP
Q.3 What are the policies of design assurance system?
Q.4 short note on
Q.5 what are the planned and systematic action for design organisation carry out type investigation of products?
Q.6-what are the different Licence categories of AME?
Ref-car66 A.03
Q.7Define Aircraft groups according to CAR66
Q.8 Write the document carried on board the aircraft.
Q.9. What are the information given in a weight schedule ?
Q.10 What is taxi permit?what are the requirement of issuance of taxi permit.
Q.11 Write down short note on Noise certificate and Radio licence.
Q.12 explane the requirements for the airworthiness review Of an aircraft Ref-CAR-M page 136
13- Write short note on:
(c). ACAS (d). TCAS
14-Classification of unsalvageable components
(Ref-car m pg-82
15-define the classification of components (C 1 – C 22)

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