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Benefits of Bike Riding

Looking for cardiovascular exercise but don't feel like running? Riding your bike is more than
just an old childhood pastime! Bicycling is considered a low-impact exercise because it is not as
stressful on your joints, but the benefits are still limitless.

Biking helps improve your overall health, including mental and emotional well-being. According
to the American Council on Exercise, people who bike 2.5 hours or more per week are 44% less
likely to develop heart disease than those who don't ride.

Biking can also help with arthritis, weight loss, and more. Here are some examples of these
positive benefits of biking.

It builds a better heart!

Cycling is a great way to build up your cardiovascular system, which will help you keep a
healthy heart. The more you ride, the stronger your heart will become, and the more calories
you'll burn each day!

It can also improve endurance and stamina as well as increase your resting pulse rate (RPR),
allowing for better blood flow through the body. This means that cyclists have an increased
capacity for oxygen delivery while riding to provide enough energy to last longer during their

Increases leg strength!

One of the main reasons people enjoy cycling is because it helps them strengthen their legs.
When you ride a bike, your body has to work harder than usual to maintain momentum and
balance. This can increase your heart rate, which means burning calories and strengthening
muscles throughout your body! More muscular legs can help prevent knee pain by improving
circulation and range of motion in joints like knees and ankles and helps prevent disease such as

It helps with weight loss!

Bike riding helps you get in shape and lose weight. The average person burns up to 200 calories
per hour biking, which means you can burn up to 2,000 calories weekly by biking just one mile.
That's equal to 1/3 of your daily caloric intake!
Biking also helps you build muscle because it requires more effort than walking or running on
flat ground. If you're overweight or obese, cycling can help improve your cardiovascular health
by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which are linked with heart disease and stroke

Stay smart!

Biking helps with memory and concentration as well as prevents dementia. It can also enhance
sleep quality and reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Exercise can also be good for your heart by reducing blood pressure levels that cause
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

improves your balance and posture

Cycling improves your balance and posture. When you're riding, you must keep your head up
and focus on what is in front of you. This helps keep your body upright, not only while cycling
but also when walking or running around town! Cycling also helps improve flexibility in the hips
and lower back, which will help prevent injuries like back pain from occurring over time.

Bike riding is good for everyone's well-being.

Biking is good for your health. It increases blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the
risk of developing heart disease. Biking also improves flexibility and helps you maintain a
healthy weight by making you more active. In addition to these physical benefits of biking, it can
help reduce stress levels by improving your mental health and helping you sleep better at night.

Biking is excellent for the environment as well! Bikes emit less carbon dioxide than cars when
used on roads – which means less pollution in our air! And if you take care of your bike
correctly, it will last longer since bikes don't need gasoline or oil like cars do when driving on

Where to get help

Cawley Physical Therapy is dedicated to providing patients with the most comprehensive and
personalized professional physical therapy services. Our physical therapists are skilled in treating
neurological ailments that affect balance, walking, headaches, and jaw disorders. Contact us via
email at or call 570-208-2787

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