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Name:____________________ Section: _____________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write
CAPITAL LETTERS only on the space provided.

____1. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information as by speech, signals, writing or

A. communication C. language
B. feedback D. message

____2. These are considered forms of communication.

1. talking clearly 3. sending emails
2. chewing gum 4. looking bored
A. 1234 B. 134 only C. 342 only D. 1 only

____3. This body language shows that one is listening.

A. nodding and making eye contact C. turning away from the speaker
B. looking out of the window D. whistling while biting nails

____4. It is the sender of the message.

A. barrier C. receiver
B. originator D. sender

____5. It is a good indication that good communication occurs.

A. destructed C. unreceived
B. confused D. shared

____6. It is shown when there is an understanding in the communication.

A. Each gets a chance to be the sender and the receiver.
B. Each party is able to provide feedback.
C. Each party is able to say what they want to without the other person interrupting.
D. Each party has different languages.

____7. It is the content of the communication.

A. jargon C. message
B. media D. noise

____8. This communication type is characterized by a certain look or gaze.

A. non-verbal Communication C. verbal Communication
B. oral Communication D. written Communication
____9. It is the definition of communication.
1. Communication involves a transaction.
2. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.
3. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the mind of the other.
4. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to
A. 1234 B. 234 only C. 124 only D. 4 only
____10. This is the BEST way to continue communication.
A. active listening C. not interrupting
B. asking questions D. making good eye contact

____11. It is known when the receiver gives a verbal or non-verbal message.

A. answer C. response
B. feedback D. none given

____12. It is an indication that communication really takes place.

A. when the message enters the channel
B. when the message leaves the channel
C. when the receiver understands the message
D. when the sender transmits the message

____13. This is to be avoided for effective communication.

A. ambiguity C. politeness
B. listening D. sharing of activity

____14. This is essential to an effective communication.

A. three-way process C. one-way process
B. both a one-way and a two-way process D. two-way process

____15. This refers to the responsibility of the person who receives the message
for communication to take place.
A. feedback C. perception
B. non-verbal clues D. self-concept

Test II. Read each item carefully and identify the word/s that is/are described by the following
_________________ 1. This is the process of transmitting words from one person to another person.
_________________ 2. These are the barriers in communication which hinder the sender’s message to
be understood by the receiver.
_________________ 3. This is the response of the receiver to the sender’s message.
_________________ 4. This refers to individual or individuals to whom the message is directed to.
_________________ 5. The receiver interprets the stimulus or the message and assigns to it based on
their own set of experience to make communication meaningful.
_________________ 6. This refers to means that convey the message.
_________________ 7. This is the statement conveyed by one person to another.
__________ ______ 8. This is the process of translating information into a message in the form of
symbols that will represent the ideas or concepts.
_________________ 9. This pertains to a person or group of persons that initiates the communication.
________________ 10. This refers to the environment surrounding the communication act.
________________ 11. A function of communication that is witnessed when someone presents
preferable behavior in doing something.
_________________ 12. A function of communication that pertains to the exchanging of information to
establish and maintain relationships or even in the interactions when a family is eating, bonding or even
simply talking to each other that help strengthen relationships.
________________ 13. A function of communication that portrays an important role in our lives as it
brings out the best in every individual and allows him/ her to do his best in everything he does.
________________ 14. A function of communication that pertains to the collection, delivery,
processing, dissemination of news, data, images, facts and messages.
________________ 15. A function of communication that conveys emotional experience through both
verbal and nonverbal behavior.
_________________16. This model of communication was developed by Shannon and Weaver in
_________________17. A model of communication which views that communication is an ongoing
_________________18. This model of communication assumes that communication only goes in
one direction.
_________________20. It is known as the pathway or route for communication.
_________________21. This pertains to the failure of transmitting message from one person to another.
_________________22. A type of noise which is from preconceived notions such as stereotypes,
reputation, biases, and assumptions.
_________________23. This occurs when there are people talking in thebackground, loud background
music, startling noise etc.

_________________24. It is caused by transport, industrial and recreational activities.

.________________25. A type of noise which is caused by one of the speaker’s usage of grammar that is
unfamiliar with the receiver of the message.

._________________26. This is caused by irregularities in one’s bodily processes like headache,

stomachache, toothache, etc.
_________________ 27. It refers to one of the 7Cs of communication which says that effective
communication must be complete, hence, there is no need for any follow-up question.
_________________28. One of the 7Cs of communication which helps the receiver focus on what is
_________________29. This refers to one of the 7Cs of communication which considers the receiver’s
background and his/ her points of view.
_________________30. One of the 7Cs of communication which ensures that the message is specific,
tangible and vivid.

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