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By :Davin,9Pre-Ib,6

English Journal

Books, newspapers,magazines,newspaper,internet are the same. They are the

world’s window. Through all of them we can learn many things, we can get a lot of
information about others country and information about our daily life. With purpose to
gain knowledge, I create this journal. It is consist of 4 newspapers articles.4magazines
articles, and 1 novel.This journal is really help me to know about many things that I have
ever know before.

The Jakarta Post,Tuesday,September2,2008,page 15

Australian Watchdog Tells Qantas to Improve

Australian Biggest airline was told to improve the maintenance of its fleet after
the national aviation watchdog examined the carrier following a series of mechanical
problems. Australian watchdog (CASA, The Civil Aviation Safety Authority) said it had
found evidence of emerging problems. One of the most serious problems is a mid-air
blast caused by an exploding oxygen bottle that blew a hole in the fuse large of a jet
bound for Australian in July. However, Qantas shows their responsibility by recent delays
for adding the arline’s policy of safety before the schedule is continued.

My opinion
Nowadays many air-flight accidents occur tragically worldwide. Interestingly,
even in well-developed countries, air-flight accidents are unavoidable. In this article, I
find an air-flight problem in Australia. The biggest airline in Australia,Qantas, had shown
a poor quality of work. We can see the facts from the article. In this article, I notice a lot
of problems which make CASA required Qantas to improve their quality. The biggest
problem that occurred was a mid-air blast in July.
However, eventhough Qantas did a lot of mistakes, it also had the responsibility
for what they had done. It is shown by recent delays for adding the airline’s policy of
safety before they continued their schedule. This condition is very different compared to
Indonesian air-flight. Indonesian air-flight, such as Adam Air (which was already closed),
puts money as the first priority. They do not put their priority upon the passengers’ safety.
As a matter of fact, in Indonesia, there were a lot of air-flight accidents, namely the
incident that happened on Adam Air. The airplane was lost with all of its passengers.
There were more incidents that happened because Adam Air did not pay attention to its
airplane condition. This condition created a bad image on Adam Air which at the end led
to its bankruptcy.
Thus, in my opinion, Indonesia should take more heed on its flight safety to avoid
more horrible accidents. In this case, the government needs to work hand in hand with all
airplane companies in Indonesia with the need of passenger safety in their mind.


1.Retract : take back something, Pull out

-He retracts his promise.
-She can’t retract the stuck door.

2.Ongoing : keep going

-That ongoing demonstration is held by the workers to ask for a raise in their salary.

The Jakarta Post,Tuesday,September2,2008,page 3

A Mother’s Affection

Rescuers uncover the bodies of a woman shielding her child in a collapsed house,
after a catastrophe in the form of earthquake hit the town of Li Xi in Sichuan province,
South-west China, on Sunday. Rescuers appealed for temporary housing and tents on
Monday after the weekend earthquake, which killed at least 23 people and injured

My opinion
A mother’s affection is something that we cannot get with money. It means that it
is more precious than money. After I read the article, I realized that mostly, all mothers in
this world love their children. Nonetheless, I have to admit that there are some mothers
who are not happy with their children existence. For example, nowadays there are a lot of
child abuse, which is caused by their mothers. I have ever read an article about a kid who
had mental disorder because of her mother. She didn’t get any foods. In fact, the mother
was ashamed of her.
Nevertheless, there are also a lot of mothers who love their children, for example
this mother from Li Xi. She shielded her child in a collapsed house at the risk of her own
safety. It shows that she loved her child more than her own life.
This article makes me remember about my mother who always protects me. When
I was a child I had ever thought about why my mother did not allow me to go to the mall
with my friends. At first I thought that my mother did this thing to punish me, but it was
totally wrong. She did that to me because she loved me and she didn’t want something
bad happen to me.
Reading this article and comparing it to my mother’s love, I know that my mother
would do the same to me if she were in the same situation. This has made me love my
mother more and understand that when she does something, it’s always on the basis of
her affection to me.


1.catastrophe : disaster
-That catastrophe caused the death of millions of people.

2.Affection : love
-Affection and care are both significant in raising children.

The Jakarta Post,Tuesday,September2,2008,page 11

Woman Lured into S’pore Prostitution

Three weeks after having her appendix removed last year, a Filipino girl, Camille,
was forced by her pimp back to work as a prostitute in Singapore. She said that she must
have sex with men in The Tyrst Hotel arranged by her pimp who took most of the
money,until she sought shelter at the Philippine embassy. She also said “The pimp had no
pity, the men had no mercy.” Most of them were promised jobs as entertainers.

My opinion
In fact, a woman can be used as a “tool” to gain money by many bad people who
use them for business. In Indonesia, woman trafficking often happens. As you can see,
there are a lot of “PSK” (prostitutes) everywhere. Surabaya is the city in Indonesia that
has the most selling of women. Based on the religion, this must not be allowed. However,
Indonesian government allows this thing (they do not close “Gang Dolly” which is well
known as the biggest prostitution place in South East Asia). When I asked this problem to
my teachers, they said that the government did not close this business because they got a
lot of money from it.
Most women that work on this job are cheated by the pimps. Based on the article
it is known that most of them were promised jobs as entertainers. On the contrary, they
are forced to become a prostitute. Eventhough they get a lot of money from becoming a
prostitute, mostly they only get some of the money because most of the money is taken
by their pimps like what the article states.
I have never had my own experience about this matter, but I have learned this
thing from many sources. Mostly I get the information about this from school and adults.
Reading this article makes me remember about ”Jugun-Ianfu”, Indonesian women that
were forced to have sex with the Japanese in the past. The pain that the Jugun-Ianfu felt
could not be described by words. They did not only experience physical wound but also
mental wound that they would never forget. Their pain cannot be cured. I can have this
opinion because I have ever watched a TV program about a Jugun-Ianfu that still keeps
her grudge until this day. She asks the Japanese to pay her back.
To close my opinion, I feel my deepest sympathy to all prostitutes who are
cheated by their pimps. I hope that there will be justice for them soon.


1.Lured : persuaded
-He lured her to accompany him to go to the party.

2.Indentured : tied by a written agreement

-They were indentured as slaves to pay back their debt.

The Jakarta Post,Tuesday,September2,2008,page 24

Obama’s Grandmother: a Force that Shaped Him

Madelyn Lee Payne was born in October 1922 in Kansas. Madelyn loves playing
bridge. She has four siblings and she is the oldest in her family. A couple of weeks before
her high school graduation in 1940, Madelyn dropped a bob shell (She’d gotten married
without her parents’ permission).
Madelyn has one grandson who is getting more famous now because of his
attempt to be elected as the next US President, named Barrack Obama. Obama was born
in 1961. He spent much of his childhood in Honolulu with his grandparents. Obama said
that Toot (Madelyn) took a secretarial job at Bank of Hawai “to help defray the cost of
my unexpected birth”. He recounted an incident in which his grandmother was upbraided
for addressing a black janitor,a word war II veteran,as “Mr Reed”. Despite the warning
given, she continued to use the honorific. On the whole, Obama acknowledged the debt
he owed his grandmother – in that which he owes the imperfect nation poised to consider
electing him its president.

My comment
In this world, there are many parents who are so busy and this makes them unable
to take care of their children well. In this case, many parents are often confused about
how they solve that problem. Sometimes, they consider to have a babysitter and they
finally encounter the fact that their children call their baby-sitters, mother. This thing
happens because the children feel more comfortable with their baby-sitters than their
mothers. This problem is a serious problem and I have seen many children who feel more
comfortable with their baby-sitters than their mothers. Mostly, parents ask their
parents(grandparents) to take care of their children. Because the grandparents love their
grandchildren, so their safety is guaranteed. In fact, grandparents also have important
effects to the children. You can see the evidence from Obama’s experience. In the article,
you can see that grandparents also love their grandchildren. It says that Madelyn
(Obama’s grandmother) worked in a secretarial job at the Bank of Hawaii to help
Obama’s parents. In addition, Madelyn was a woman that would uphold what she
considered as the right thing forever. As the evidence, you can read in the article that she
treated a black janitor with respect. In fact, during that time, there was discrimination
between the white and black people.
I agree that grandparents are also one of the aspects that shape our behavior. I
agree because when I was young, my grandparents were those who took care of me. They
taught me a lot of things, especially my grandmother. She taught me how to swim, dry
my body after taking a bath, eat by myself, ride a bike, etc. If my grandmother hadn’t
taught me about many things when I was young, I would not become a person like now.
My grandmother gave me a lot of experiences and trained me to support myself and did
not depend on others.


1.Hone : to focus someone’s attention to reach a goal

-To be successful in one area, you must hone your skills in it completely.

2.Vaguely : blurred, people don’t know for sure about something

-That country is vaguely conservative, because its government’s rules are similar to
liberal system.

Readers’Digest,September,2008.Pages 18-20

A Voice for the Disabled

On a hot afternoon in 1993, Gurdip Kaur Pritam Singh, a five-month-pregnant

woman, had an incident that caused her to be disabled. After that terrible incident, she
was treated in the hospital. During her three-month recovery in hospital, she was gripped
with depression. Luckily, she had a caring and nice sister, Jagit Kaur, who always
accompanied her. Jagid was a trained nurse, so she was really helpful for Gurdip, who
suffered from her disability.
In 2000, Gurdip and Siva(Gurpid’s 2nd husband) started the Independence
Learning & Training Centre (ILTC) in their rented home in Rawang to teach disabled
people cooking, sewing, data entry and other practical skills for free. Today their center
office offered 150 member training, counseling and assistance with job placement,
insurance management and applying for government aid.
Then, in 2002, after Shiva presented his case, the government agreed to new rules
requiring government buildings, shopping malls, offices, and public places to offer
facilities for the disabled.

My opinion

Nowadays disabled people cannot be underestimated. Many disabled people have

better work than normal people. As you can see, there are a lot of normal people that
choose to become a beggar, eventhough they are healthy and can do many jobs. This
thing should not be maintained. There are a lot of disabled people who want to try and
work hard. It is just silly if we as normal people cannot do something better than them.
One of the successful disabled people that we can see in the article is Gurpid. She did not
surrender to her condition. She even thought that even she was disabled, she would not
allow others to underestimate her. Furthermore, she taught others that had the same
condition as her not to depend on their relatives. As the proof, she created an organization
to help others, and many people are inspired by her. Then in 2002 she with her 2nd
husband did a presentation at Disabled People International Convention in Japan, which
really helped others. They were the ones who spoke to the worldwide that the disabled
people wanted to be treated the same as the normal people. Shiva said “We don’t want
public sympathy, what we want is an equal opportunity to live, work, and enjoy like
normal people”. This is only one of the disabled people’s stories that change the world,
and they have shown that we can do all things if we have a desire to reach our goal.
This article also makes me remember to Dwi Krismawan, a pilot that couldn’t
move some of his organs after having an airplane accident. He was totally burned and his
face was terrible. At first, he was rejected by the public and he was depressed. However
he did not give up and he believed that God would open a way for him, eventhough he
faced a lot of problems during his recovery time. Many people insulted him, and others
stayed away from him. At the end, he reached his goal. He could move all of his organs
and become a speaker at a lot of events (e.g.: Kick Andy), and the public receive him. He
even becomes the inspiration of other people that have the same condition as him.
If they can do it, why can’t we? We have complete organs, and we are not
disabled but why we can’t we be better than them? As we can see, there are a lot of
people that are lazy to do their job. For example, we, as the students, should be not lazy
and easily give up, including me. I always delay the time to do my homework and as the
effect my work cannot be maximum. I also often give up when I see my friends get better
mark than me, eventhough I know I should try harder but I do not do it and choose to
give up. After I see this article, I am ashamed of myself. I have all things that they don’t
have, but why I become lazy and easily give up when I face a small problem. They can
make their dream come true eventhough they are disabled. How come I as a normal
person cannot do the same thing as them. In fact disabled people give me a lot of lessons
and they inspire me more than others do.

1.Disabled : handicapped
- That disabled woman ask me to help her.

2.Sewing : stitching up
- My grandmother was sewing a cap for me,while I am playing with my friends.

Readers’Digest,September,2008.Pages 29-31

The Bot Master

Troops in Afghanistan had a problem about how to defuse the land mines and
booby-trapped stashes of weapon left behind by fleeing members of the Taliban.There
had to be a safe way than sending a soldier blindly into the cave.At first this case is a big
problem till Helen Greigner’s robot came.
Scooby-Doo(the robot’s name) was created by Greiner’s because of the soldier’s
request.Greiner said.”It was hard to make this robot,because I must learn about many
things from the military”.After a long time Scoob-Doo finally could be was very
helpful for the millitary.In fact it had been saved a marine and his buddies during 17

My Oppinion

Nowadays there are a lot of robots in this world, it even become more popular
than Tukul Arwana(indonesian actor). In fact there are many of robots things in this
world such as : movie about robots, merchandise, books about it,etc. Their technology are
always keep increasing too, year by year. As you can see in the article a robot can clear
land mines, and safe humans life. Even we not yet of course can do the same thing as
Scooby-Doo. Beside Scooby-Doo there are a lot of robots that can help human activities.
As I read on the Jawa Post newspaper,there was a robot that became a waiters in the
restaurant. If this thing keep going on, in the future human will lost their jobs and many
people would become unemployment.
After read this article and thought for a few minutes, I have come with one
question in my mind, would someday robots replaced humans on this earth?. I think like
this because I have some evidence or sign that this thing can be happen. I ever watched
on the television about a robot called “asimo”,it just like us. It can walk, respond our
voice, help us, and many other things that we do. Three or four years ago asimo was not
good as now,its’ movement still stiff and it only could do a few things. Try to imagine
asimo five or eight years in the future, it can be looks like us (humans).

1.glanced : look at something fastly.a quick look

-I glanced at my reflection as I passed the mirror.

2.Gutter : sewer

-There are a lot of rats in that gutter

Readers’Digest,July,2008.Pages 27-29

The Accidental Entrepreneur

Some people look at a hole and see empty space.Others,on the other hand,see
oportunity.That’s what Sheri Schelmezer spotted a few years ago when everyone –
including her three children – started wearing Crocs,the colorful resin clogs dotted with
“My kids and I were clowning around,and my eldest daughter,Lexie got the
sewing kit out. I grabbed one of the Crocs,pulled some buttons,rhinestones,and fabric out
of the kit,and stuck them in the holes.Lexie said “mum,I love that!”
Sheri and Lexie,then seven,spent the rest of the day filling holes in the familly’s
12 pairs of Crocs.Every look-alike shoe was suddenly unique.
When her husband,Rich,a seasoned entrepreneur with two technology start-ups
under his belt,came home later that day,says Sheri,”I could see the lightbulb go on over
his head.Crocs had sold millions of pairs of shoes,the couple figured they could create a
business simpy by riding the wave.
Six month after they found crocs in February,2006,Sheri was doing so
well that rich left his business to work with her full-time.She was making hundreds of
Jibbitz(The bross that they put on the shoes) to order,by hand,by herself,in their
Today Sheri sits in bright new digs,the chief design officer of a global
business.Even she is amazed by how far you can go with one simple idea.”All I heard
from familly and friends was ‘Gee,there are holes right there!why didn’t I think of that.

My Oppinion

As the year passes technology keep improving itself. There are also a lot of
complicated things, such as computer’s program, robots, complicated machine, etc. This
phenomenon make the others feel hard to create something new, because all new things
that succeed and worldwide are complicated and new. For the example Ipod, Asimo,
Windows Vista, etc. All of those things are complicated and need a lot of things (people,
money, materials, etc) to created it. While others new entrepreneur (small company or
fresh people) trying to create something new, the big company keep creating something
new and more complicated.
This happening make many people, especially the teenager like me and my
friends think that simple is same as meaningless. Because of this perception, most of my
friends do their work complicatedly (if the teacher ask us to make one paragraphs essay,
they will do two or three paragraphs).
However, Sheri Schmelzer had been proved that something simple can also
become worldwide. I agree with Sheri’s opinion that simple is good. Then I start to
think, and I get one statement, that something complicated arise from something simple.
For example, how would car move without its’ wheels? It's impossible right. Eventhough
wheels are more simple if it is compared with a car, both are equally important and need
each others. Furthermore my research skills teacher also agreed with my statement, she
said it when I had a class discussion.
Reading this article make me challenged to become a new successful
entrepreneurship. And to reach my goal, I must finish my school, become a nice student,
and make my parents proud of me.


1.Bound : tied,obliged
-That woman is bound with her husband because of the contract that she has signed.

Readers’Digest,July,2008.Pages 54-59

The Dad Effect

When Chris Lee’s wife got a job transfer from the US to Hongkong last year,the
senior project manager from a web marketing firm decided he would not work full-time
anymore and would stay at home with the kids : two girls aged there and one.With his
wife bringing the bacon,Lee took the challenge of being with the kids at all times.
“It is definetly rewarding having a successful career in the bussiness world where
you are appreciated by employers,customers,and co-workers,”he says.”But it is more
rewarding watching the kids grow and seeing all the changes they go trough on a daily
Many fathers around the world are starting to agree with Lee.The time fathers
spend with their children has increased considerably since the 1970s, experts say.Today’s
dads seem a lot closer to their kids than the dads of previous generations.With these
changes,fathers are suddenly a hot topic with researchers.Everthing from their sweat
glands to their play habits – is under the microscope.There’s more to dad than you knew.
My oppinion

I agree with the statement of the article" The time fathers spend with their
children has increased considerably since the 1970s,expert says. Today's dads seen a lot
of close to their kids then the dads of previous generations" I agree because I have felt the
same thing as the article says.
In the past, I and my father were not close. I just talked to him, when I went to the
school. However, now I and my father are close and our relationship is like a friend. Now
we usually go to the mall alone without my siblings and mother, for refreshing. In
addiction my course teacher also fells the same way as me. She told me that as his father
is getting older, they are closer. This also happened to my mother, she told me that my
grandfather was very strict in the past. Nevertheless when my mother become an adult,
my grandfather change to a better man (more kind).
I don’t know for sure why men change to be better as they are getting older. I just
have seen many men that the article says change to be better as the time going. And I
cannot predict, whether I would become like them in the article or not. The most
important thing is, I am happy to have my father.

1.Nurtured : to care for ,feed,nourish
-My mother nurtured me since I was a baby.

By: C.S. Lewis

The Chronocles of Narnia
Prince Caspian

Once there were four children (Peter,Susan,Edmund,and Lucy) who had traveled
into another world called Narnia. All of them were the first human kings and queens in
the Narnia. However now they had came back to England, their hometown. None of them
ever told others about Narnia except one very grown-up.
That all happened a year ago, and now all four of them were sitting on a seat at
railway stations. Waiting for train, which carry them to their home. While they were
talking and arguing about Narnia ,the Queen Susan’s magic horn was reacted (it is blow
by someone). The horn transposed them to the Narnia. And then the journey was
One year in England is same as 1.300 years in Narnia. Meanwhile during that
time there was a chaos in the Narnia,the Narnians were forced to live in the forest,
beyond the dark side by the King Miraz ,which a Telmarine (human race).King Miraz
was a cunning and greedy person, he killed his own brother to fulfill his desire, to
become a king. However even though he had killed his brother, he still couldn’t become a
king ,because of Prince Caspian. (the son of the Caspian IX,the real throne heir).
One night Miraz started his plant he asked all of the soldiers to kill Prince
Caspian. Luckily the Caspian's teacher help him to survived from the trap, however the
soldiers keep chasing Caspian. The prince was running into the Forrest, where the
Narnians lived. And somehow suddenly he blew the magical horn that the teacher had
given him. This thing was the answer about how the kings and queens transposed to the
After the terrible night that befalling Caspian, the Narnians confined Caspian,
because they thought that Caspian was a Telmarine soldiers. Luckily one of the Narnians
saw the magical horn that Caspian blew. Based on the forecast the one who blow the
Queen’s Susan magical horn would save the Narnians from this chaos.At the end all of
the Narnians didn’t have another options, they trusted the prince and agreed to help him
reach his destiny (to become a king). And then they started their journey to search others
Narnians and allies.
Meanwhile the Prince Caspian and the Narnians searching for allies, Peter and his
siblings went around and found their treasure (sword,bow,knife,magical potion).After
they clean up their things from the dust, they thought about their next destination. After a
few minutes they decided to went to the Cair Paravel through river.
When they are on the boat they saw a dwarf, which had kidnapped by
Telmarine.After they fought and rescued the dwarf they introduced themselves to the
dwarf. At first the dwarf wasn’t believe, however at the end, after they showed their
treasure,the dwarf believe in them. Then Peter asked the dwarf to lead them to the others
Narnians,and the dwarf carried them to the Cair Paravel.
In their journey to the Cair Paravel, Lucy saw a lot of things that made her
amazed and surprised. She saw the trees dancing and moving like in the past.
Furthermore Lucy saw the lion,Aslan,the king of the Narnians,which had lost with
mysteriously. However nobodies believe in her and it made her hesitate of what she had
seen (she though it just a illusions)
After a long time journey, finally Caspian and Peter were met. Then they
continued their journey to the Cair Paravel together. In Cair Paravel they started to think
about their next step. Peter and Caspian couldn’t accept each others opinions, Peter
wanted to attacked Telmarine,on the contrary Caspian willing to wait and see what is the
Telmarine next step. However at the end Caspian gave up and perforce with Peter’s
opinion, to attacked Telmarine.
In an early battle, the Narnians make strategic mistakes, many animals die, and
they are forced to retreat. Peter was regretting of his stupidity and arrogance. However in
this battle Caspian got the truth that his father was not died because of any disease, but he
killed by his own brother,Miraz.
In the second war the Narnians were on the hells of ruination. Many Narnians
died in this battle. There were no hope for the Narnians,till Lucy came up with the
lion,Aslan.Aslan summoned the dryads and the river God which helped them to reach
their glory.
After that long war Narnians and Telmarine finally lived together as one
community. And Caspian finally become the king of the Telmarine.After they had a
party,Aslan created a door in the air, a door to transposed four of them. All living things
in the Narnia was sad during that time, because once again they lost their lovely kings
and queens .
My oppinion

This book is wonderful, it contains a lot of good value. It's fit for teenager like
me, because the vocabulary is quite simple and the story is not boring. there are a lot of
fictions characters in this book, which make me interest and enjoy to read it.
Furthermore there are three important lessons that I can get from this book.
First is about falsehood, when the Miraz lied to the Caspian that his father was
died because of disease and he closing over that matter. From this thing I remember about
what my parents said “sins are cannot to be hide". I agreed with that words, because
when I was in the past I often lied and covered my sins. And at the end my mother will
know it and angry to me. My advice is,if you have did something wrong to somebody
better you confessing it to others than you keep it. Because you cannot keep your sins
forever, and the feeling of being wrong will make you uncomfortable.
Second is hesitance, when Lucy doubt herself and throw her self confidence. I
cannot count how many times I was doubt on myself and follow my friends’ statement.
And this thing make me cannot grow become a better people, and for sure it harming me.
Hesitance is make us cannot optimize our potency. I have a lot of experience in this case,
especially during the test, sometimes I doubt about my own answer and this thing make
me doing sins. Hesitance can persuaded people to cheat during the test. To be a better
man, a boy should confidence in himself and defeat the hesitance in his heart.
Third is arrogance, when Peter though that he could defeat Telmarine with small
amounts of soldiers, if compared with Telmarine’s. Arrogance is one of the biggest enemy
in our life. It destroyed us slowly and make others hate us. I have a friend that is
arrogance, and mostly of my friend don’t like him. He speak to much but in the reality he
get nothing than a big words. We must see to ourselves, are we good enough to say “I am
the best". And always remember that all that we have are from God, so we should not to
become a arrogance people, because all things in this world belong to Him.
Well after read this Novel, I realize to many happening in my life. It inspired me
in many aspects. The plot is good and organized well. This book is great, eventhough it
needs a lot of time to read it.


1.Stern : strict,have to be obbeyed

-Today the taxes are high and the laws are stern.

2.Pace :movement speed,step

-Susan and Donny are getting on at a quicker pace to catch up the school bus.

3.Sore : hurt,feel pain

-They forget their sore feet and keep running to the school.

4.Wringing : pressing and twisting wet clothes after being washed

-Susan and Shanti are wringing their clothes at the river.

5.Marshals : the leader,the king,the highest rank in millitary

-Lord Marshals is a strong and strict person.

6.Heir: the one who should take the tittle form the previous generation;or the one who
continued the kingdom after the previous king died/retired

-Prince Adam is the valid heir,he will become the king after his father retired.

7.Gleamed : Shining softly

-The morning star is gleamed like a little moon

8.Glade : a place in the forrest which is small and open

-There is a glade in that forrest.

9.Leant : depend on someone or something for support

-Sinori leant back on the wall and thingking of his mother.

10.Plodded :walk with heavy step;walk difficultly

-They had plodded on for about half an hour.

11.Throbbing : beat quickly

-My heart was throbbing last nigh because I had a nightmare.


Underline word means,the sentences which make me interest at.

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