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Covent Garden Secondary school

Social Studies
School – based Assessment

Name: Na’eema Sharief

Form: 5Arts
Topic: Teenage pregnancy

Task #1
Statement of problem:
Why is teenage pregnant so common in Kaneville Grove?

1) What is teenage pregnancy?

Teenage pregnancy is when a teen girl gets pregnant.

2) Causes of teenage pregnancy:

Sexual violence.
Child forced into marriage.
Lack of information on safe sex.
Family and community background.

3)Some effects of teenage pregnancy

They don’t get to further their education.
Could resent their child.
Higher risk of having a premature birth.
Higher health risk.

4)Some solutions:
Teach safe sex in schools.
Make it easy for your child to come talk to you if they are being pressured to have
sex or to get the right contraceptives.
Always keep your child in the right company.
They can practice abstinence.
Task #2

Teenage pregnancy normally involves girls around the age 14-19, teenage pregnancy
mostly happens because of recklessness, curiosity, parental abandonment and abuse.
Teenage pregnancy usually has a negative effect on a young girl’s life, most of the
time it keeps young girls from furthering their education and getting a proper or stable
job because they usually must drop out to take care of the child, and teen dads don’t
stay for the pregnancy or want to be a part of the child’s life leaving the mother to do
everything on her own. This is a major problem in our society, but the researchers’
goal was to find out exactly why it was so common in Kaneville Grove.
Task #3

Method used to collect data

The method the researcher used to collect the data was a questionnaire. A
questionnaire is a set preset of questions given to persons who make up the population
of the study, this questionnaire will consist of 15 questions, and it will be sent to 20
persons. They are some YES or NO questions and some questions where you just
need to tick the box that has the option you agree with.
Task #4
Instrument used to collect data

Dear Respondents,
The researcher prepared a questionnaire based on the topic
‘TEENAGE PREGNANCY’ for a social studies School Based Assessment (SBA).
This questionnaire requires no personal information, and they are no right or wrong
answers, so you are required to answer the following questions honestly.

1) Gender: Male Female Other

2) Occupation/school

3) How do you feel about teenage pregnancy

I don’t have an opinion on it
It shouldn’t happen
It’s too common\normalized
It’s their business

4) Why do you think teenagers become pregnant?

Peer pressure
Sexual abuse
Parental negligence

5) Do you think parents\guardians should be blamed for teenage pregnancies


6) In what age group do you think teenage pregnancy more prevalent?

13-14 15-17 18-19

7) What do you think is most suitable option when it comes to dealing with
teenage pregnancy
Talk to doctors about the risk if going through with the pregnancy
Find the best option for the mother

8) What do you think can be done to avoid teenage pregnancies?

Practice abstinence.
Teach safe sex in school.
Have clinics that provide contraceptives for teens.
Make it easy for teens to talk to you so you can educate them.
9) Do you think that the sex education that is thought at school to teenagers is

10) What would you say is the biggest problem teen mothers might face?
High risk pregnancy
May face troubles furthering their education

11) How often do you think safe sex should be taught in schools?
Once every 3 months
Every new school year

12) What would you say is the most affected by teenage pregnancy?
Social life

13) Why is teenage pregnancy a social problem in your opinion?

Higher risk on lower income
Lower educational achievements
Problems with housing
The often become socially isolated

14) Why do you think teenage pregnancy is risker health wise

They aren’t mature enough to handle pregnancy well
They aren’t mature enough body wise to carry the baby
It’s hard to drop habits that would be dangerous for the baby
They aren’t educated enough on pregnancy

15) How do you think the quality of life may differ for children with teem parents
Less schooling
Poorer health
They are likely to have more disadvantages in many aspects
They often don’t grow up with their actual parents but a grandparent
Procedure used to collect data

The procedure the researcher used to collect the data was random they simply gave
out questionnaires to one house then skipped 2-3 houses after that until all 20 of the
questionnaires were answered.

Diagram#1: a pie chart showing the reasons why respondents think teens become

why do teens become pregnant?

20% 20%
Sexual abuse
Reckless behaviour
Peer pressure
Parental negligence

Diagram#2: a bar graph showing how many respondents believe parents should be
blamed for teens pregnancy.
Should parents blame teens for pregnancies?




Yes No

Diagram#3: a clustered bar graph showing ways in which respondents can avoid
teenage pregnancy.

what do you think can be done to avoid teenage

Be approachable so that
teens can talk to you, and be

Contraceptives for teens

Teach safe sex in school

Practice abstinence

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

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