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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows a possible future means of home energy production.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150

Hãy viết Mở bài
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows a possible future means of home energy production. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words

Để paraphrase từ show
Give information about

Possible = potential

A way to do something
A method of doing something

Các bạn xong hãy gửi phần introduction của mình vào hộp chát.

The given diagram illustrates a potential method of generating home energy in graphic detail.
Hãy viết đoạn miêu tả quy trình từ bể chứa compost tới máy nén
khí (compressor). Bạn nên sử dụng từ vựng có sẵn trong hình vẽ,
kết hợp với một số từ vựng gợi ý dưới đây.

The fermentation of compost

organic waste (leaves, food, scraps)
be fed into | fill three quarters of
the underground tank

methane gas
be generated

rise to the top

be collected and stored
storage tank/ chamber

be compressed

Firstly (to begin with, in the first step), the organic waste which is collected and stored in the (an) underground tank, is decomposed to
generate methane gas. Then, the gas is transferred to the storage chamber before it is compressed into liquid.

Firstly, organic waste is fed into the steel tank, where it then decomposes. The fermentation of compost produces methane gas, which
rises to the top and then follows a pipe into a storage chamber. After that, the methane gas continues into the compressor where the gas
is compressed.

Firstly, organic waste which is collected and stored in underground tank is decomposed to generate methane gas. Then, the gas is
transferred to the storage chamber before it is compressed into liquid.


Hãy viết đoạn miêu tả quy trình sản xuất điện. Bạn nên sử dụng từ vựng có sẵn trong hình vẽ, kết hợp với một số từ vựng gợi ý dưới đây.

compressed gas
be led into
ignite the engine | produce mechanical energy

mechanical force
to power + something
generate electrical energy

be fed into
the grid for home use

be stored
in batteries/ in a battery

Các bạn xong hãy gửi phần bài làm của mình vào hộp chát.

Following this stage, compressed gas is led into the combustion engine to produce mechanical energy. This, in turn, powers the generator
and generates electrical energy. As the last step, electricity is fed into the grid for home use and stored in batteries.

Following this stage, compressed gas is led into a combustion engine to produce mechanical energy. This energy is then transformed into
electrical energy by the generator before being stored in a battery, ready to be fed into the grid for home use.

Compress(ed) gas is fed into a combustion engine where it generates mechanical enegery for the next step. This energy is then pumped
into a generator where electrical energy is produced before being stored in the (a) battery. Now, the electricity can (is ready to) be
distributed for home use.
After compressing (being compressed), the methano (methane) gas is led into a combustion engine, which produces mechanical energy.
Next, the mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy by a generator. This electrical energy is then transported into a battery
for storage, ready for home use.

From the compressor, compressed gas will be led into a combustion engine. This engine will produce mechanical energy. This
mechanical force generates electrical energy. The energy will be stored in battery for home use.

From the compressor, compressed gas will be piped through a tube into a combustion engine where mechanical energy is produced. This
mechanical force is then used by the generator to create electrical energy which will be stored in a battery for home use.​


Mỗi bạn sẽ viết xuống giấy 3 cụm từ diamond về chủ đề “throw-away society”
Khi thày giáo gọi bạn, bạn sẽ nói về chủ đề này với 3 cụm từ đã chuẩn bị.
Lưu ý: Tránh nói dài, 3 câu là tốt nhất.
Mục tiêu là phải chuẩn xác về phát âm, tự nhiên trong biểu cảm và chính xác về ngữ pháp. Tip: Hãy dùng câu đơn.

Coherence: Sự liên kết giữa các ý với nhau.

Cohesion: Sự liên kết giữa các câu với nhau.

Bạn nào xong hãy bỏ “ok” vào hộp chát.

It is to blame in part for


1. Do you like sports?
-To be keen on something
-To be enamored with something (Cực kỳ yêu thích cái gì)
-To find something particularly interesting
-To be a big fan of something.
-To be fond of something
-To be fanatical about something (Điên cuồng vì cái gì đó, những người khác cảm thấy bất hợp lý)
-A football/ fitness/ sports fanatic (fan cuồng cái gì đó)
-There are certain sports that I enjoy more than others, primarily (chính yếu là) football or badminton.

Soạn câu trả lời cho phần này:

Độ dài: 3-5 câu.
Các bạn xong hãy gửi câu trả lời của mình vào hộp chát.

1. What is the most popular means of transportation in Vietnam.

Topic sentence -> idea 1 -> expand on idea 1 -> idea 2 -> expand on idea 2.
Vietnamese people often travel by bus, motorbike or tram because they are cheap.

2. What sports do people in your country like to play?

1. (2) 3. (3) 5. (5)
-Vietnam has no shortage of something -And in fact, we have [a rich variety]/ [wide -And the reason for this could be that
range] of sports
-And a prominent characteristic of X that
makes it so well liked might be that
2. (1) 4. (4) 6. (6)
-There is no doubt about the fact that -However, I’d say the most commonly -As well as X, another sport worth
played sport might be mentioning might be…..
-I suppose you may be aware of the fact that
-Yet, I believe the most popular sport might -In addition to X, another sport worth our
be attention might be

Viết một câu trả lời ngắn, sử dụng các cohesive devices trên màn hình.
Các bạn xong hãy bỏ câu trả lời vào hộp chát.
Topic sentence -> nêu ra ý thứ 1 -> giải thích/ mở rộng ý thứ 1 -> nêu ra ý thứ 2 -> giải thích/ mở rộng ý thứ 2.

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