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Safety Moment

Recognition of Positive HSE Actions

The recognition and effective acknowledgment of positive HSE acts and behaviors help promote
workplace safety and workers’ well-being, and are prominent traits of an interdependent safety
culture in QatarEnergy.

Why we should Recognize Positive Who Should Give Recognition and

HSE Actions and Behaviors Who Should Receive it?
Recognition from the management or from co- It is a common belief that recognition for good deeds
workers shows how much everybody values the effort is only top-down, from managers to employees.
spent towards ensuring the safety of a job or task. However, it is important to encourage recognition
Amongst the many benefits of effective recognition between co-workers too, and also by workers towards
are improved work standards, higher employee their manager.
motivation, and increased job satisfaction, all of which
have a positive effect on performance. Reactive vs. Proactive Recognition
Principles of Effective Recognition Safety recognition may be reactive, proactive, or both.
The approach depends on the nature of the actions or
Recognizing QatarEnergy employees and contractors behaviors that are being recognized.
boosts positive behaviors to help establish world-class
HSE within the organization. Providing incentives Reactive recognition comes after incidents have
and rewards for exceptional HSE performance occurred or an unsafe situation has developed into an
demonstrates QatarEnergy’s dedication to safety by: accident. This type of recognition serves to reward the
action of minimizing the negative impact of an event,
● encouraging workers to follow HSE standards, not reducing the risk of this event happening.
get involved in HSE matters to mitigate unsafe
conditions, and show a positive attitude towards Proactive recognition is more effective as it
HSE in general; and rewards behaviors and actions that help to prevent
● rewarding those who actively promote a positive HSE incidents from happening, such as reporting
workplace HSE culture and who achieve hazardous conditions, unsafe behaviors, and near-
outstanding outcomes in this regard. misses.

Recognition may take the form of a monetary Even Simple Acts Deserve Recognition
reward and/or non-monetary award as a token of
appreciation. Monetary rewards are included in both While great performers and significant efforts to
QatarEnergy awards (see links in People Portal) and improve HSE need to be highlighted, it's also important
site-based schemes recognizing top HSE performers to recognize simple actions. Peers and managers
(refer to your HSE team). It is also the satisfaction of can show appreciation for simple HSE efforts that
winning the respect of colleagues and of an increased contribute to everybody’s safety within QatarEnergy.
self-esteem. Examples of actions that are worthy of incentives and
recognition include:


Safety Moment
● complying with QatarEnergy’s Life Saving Rules ● be specific about the behavior(s);
and safety standards; ● be public;
● reporting near-misses, incidents, and unsafe ● be consistent with the reward and recognition
behaviors and conditions; procedures within the organization; and
● stopping unsafe work; ● be extended to the entire team, when pertinent.
● making safety suggestions; and
● participating in safety committees, workshops, Remember that positive acts and behaviors which
etc. deserve to be recognized can occur anytime and
anywhere. Discuss with your team what might be
Ways to Apply Effective Recognition in the appropriate way to acknowledge these acts and
the Workplace reward those involved.

Recognition can be as simple as a verbal praise. For more information about recognizing HSE
However, to be effective, the acknowledgment of achievements, please review the corresponding
somebody’s important HSE contribution should Corporate Procedure (QP-HSE-PRC-003) and the
adhere to the following principles: Corporate Guideline (CORP-HSE-GDL-004) that are
available on QatarEnergy Connect.


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