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Gary Berntson John T Cacioppo

The Ohio State University University of Chicago


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Gary G. Berntson and John T. Cacioppo

Psychophysiology is an interdisciplinary science that seeks to of psychophysiological regulation; (3) a corresponding shift from
elucidate the relations between the mind and the body. Historically, a predominant focus on efferent processes to the recognition of
psychophysiologists have been interested in the impact of psy- reciprocal afferent–efferent interactions; and (4) a parallel transi-
chological states and processes on physiological (especially auto- tion from constructs of global influences on mind and body to more
nomic) functions, and hence have often focused on psychosomatic specific patterns of determinants.
or psychophysiological disorders. Psychophysiology is considerably
broader than this, however, and psychophysiological perspectives
From Peripheral to Central Psychophysiology
have expanded and matured considerably over the past decades.
Currently, many psychophysiologists are equally interested in the
Much of the early history of psychophysiology revolved around
impact of neural and physiological factors on psychological pro-
the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and measures of visceral
cesses. In fact, it is difficult to draw clear distinctions between psy-
function. Nineteenth-century concepts of the involuntary or vege-
chophysiology and disciplines such as psychobiology, behavioural
tative nervous system generally focused on peripheral components;
neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. There
Langley (1921) originally proposed the phrase ‘autonomic nervous
are a few general perspectives, however, that characterize the con-
system’ to refer to the visceral nerves of the thoracic, cranial and
temporary field of psychophysiology. These include an emphasis
sacral outflows. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the
on reciprocal relations between psychological and physiological
impact of this peripheral system on visceral function was recog-
domains, a focus on interactions among systems (e.g. behavioural,
nized, and opposing effects of the vagal and sympathetic branches
endocrine, autonomic, immune) and levels of neurobehavioural
on heart rate had been articulated. Both Langley (1921) and Cannon
organization (e.g. reflexive, affective, cognitive), and an interest
(1928) recognized central nervous system (CNS) components of the
in explicating higher-level psychological processes.
ANS, including the sympathetic motor neurons of the thoracic and
lumbar divisions of the cord, and Cannon specifically elucidated the
impact of psychological factors such as fear and rage on autonomic
HISTORICAL TRENDS IN PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY function. Even behavioural influences, however, were considered as
manifestations of relatively simple, reflex-like reactions that medi-
Although the roots of psychophysiology may be traced back ate peripheral adjustments to adaptive challenge and support the
thousands of years, its establishment as an independent, formal requisite energy mobilization for emergency reactions of fight or
discipline is generally pinpointed to the 1960s with the formation flight (Cannon, 1939, p. 227).
of the Society for Psychophysiological Research in 1960 and The baroreceptor–heart rate reflex is a prototypic brainstem
the publication of its official journal Psychophysiology in 1964 reflex that exerts powerful control over the autonomic outflows
(Cacioppo et al., 2000b; Sternbach, 1966). Systematic research in the service of blood pressure regulation. As depicted in
with a predominant psychophysiological perspective, however, has •Figure IX.1, baroreceptor reflexes are controlled by afferents from Q1
been pursued since the late nineteenth century. This includes pressor receptors in the heart and great arteries. An increase in
investigations of electrodermal responses and their sensitivity to blood pressure results in enhanced baroreceptor afferent activ-
psychological processes (Fere, 1888; Tarchanoff, 1890), studies of ity to the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS), which in turn
emotion and autonomic control (Cannon, 1928), and work on the issues a relatively direct excitatory projection to the parasympa-
conditioning of autonomic and visceral responses (Pavlov, 1927). thetic source nuclei in the nucleus ambiguous and dorsal motor
From these early beginnings, the field of psychophysiology has nucleus of the vagus. The resulting increase in parasympathetic
developed and matured considerably. Of note are several general outflow slows the beat of the heart and reduces cardiac output,
conceptual trends in this historical development that are relevant to thereby opposing the pressor increase. This is accompanied by a
applications of psychophysiology to contemporary psychology and reciprocal inhibition of sympathetic motor neurons in the inter-
psychiatry. This is an especially important consideration, as the mediolateral cell column of the cord. The resulting decrease in
prevailing conceptual landscape serves to frame empirical findings sympathetic cardiac outflow tends to further diminish the heart
and theoretical perspectives, and thus can powerfully shape clinical rate and to reduce ventricular contractility, which, together with
concepts, research and applications. reductions in adrenergic vasoconstrictor tone, synergistically serve
These closely related historical trends include (1) a general to compensate for the disturbance and to restore blood pressure.
shift in perspective from a peripheral to a central psychophysi- The opposite pattern of autonomic control (i.e. sympathetic acti-
ology; (2) a progressive trend from an emphasis on lower reflex vation and reciprocal parasympathetic withdrawal) is triggered by
mechanisms to the influence of higher and more complex ros- the unloading of arterial baroreceptors (e.g. during assumption of
tral neural systems, together with a related shift from simplistic an upright posture), which, provides important cardiovascular sup-
regulatory models to more complex, multidetermined conceptions port to maintain adequate blood pressure and circulation in the

Biological Psychiatry: Edited by H. D’haenen, J. A. den Boer and P. Willner. ISBN 0 471 49198 5
 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.





NTS Baroreceptor


Parasympathetic Motor
Motor Neurons
Neurons Rvlm


Heart Vasculature

Figure IX.1 Baroreflex circuits. Dashed box: classical brainstem systems underlying baroreceptor cardiac reflex. Baroreceptor afferents project to nucleus
tractus solitarius (NTS), which in turn leads to activation of parasympathetic motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguous (nA) and dorsal motor nucleus
of the vagus (DMX). The NTS also activates the caudal ventrolateral medulla (Cvlm), which in turn inhibits the rostral ventrolateral medulla (Rvlm),
leading to a withdrawal of excitatory drive on the sympathetic motor neurons in the intermediolateral cell column of the cord (IML). Upper section:
expansion of the baroreflex circuit to illustrate the ascending and descending pathways to and from rostral neural areas, such as the medial prefrontal
cortex (mPFC), hypothalamus and amygdala. Ascending systems include routes from the rostral ventrolateral medulla (Rvlm) and the nucleus of the
tractus solitarius (NTS) to the locus coeruleus (LC) noradrenergic system, and indirectly to the basal forebrain (BF) cortical cholinergic system. Adapted
from Cacioppo, J.T., Tassinary, L.G. and Berntson, G.G., Handbook of Psychophysiology, 2000, p. 466, with permission from Elsevier Science. ACh,
acetylcholine; CAs, catecholamines; NE, noradrenaline; PGi, paragigantocullar nucleus (see plate IX.1)

face of this orthostatic challenge. Although mediated by the CNS, The early focus on peripheral components and lower reflexes
baroreceptor reflexes are rather rigid in organization and expression, was natural given the existing state of knowledge, the relative
being regulated by specific baroreceptor afferent activity, and char- accessibility of the peripheral autonomic nerves and visceral organs,
acterized by a reciprocal excitatory/inhibitory control of the two and the limited methods for central physiological measurement and
autonomic branches. analysis. Consequently, the empirical database was most conducive

to the development of a peripherally focused psychophysiology, sinus arrhythmia (RSA), which reflects parasympathetic control
and this focus impacted both research and theory. (see Berntson et al., 1994a; Cacioppo et al., 1994). Further elu-
An example of this focus comes from the early work of Eppinger cidation of psychophysiological relations is emerging from more
and Hess (1915) on individual differences in autonomic reactivity, direct measures of higher neural activity, including electrophys-
which were considered to reflect distinct constitutional dispositions. iological recording and brain imaging methods, as well as from
Some individuals were reported to show relatively greater parasym- the consequences of natural (neuropsychological) or experimental
pathetic reactivity to pharmacological or physiological challenges manipulations (e.g. direct or magnetic stimulation, pharmacological
(vagotonia), whereas others displayed greater sympathetic reactiv- manipulations, selective inactivations, etc.). We consider next the
ity to the same challenges (sympaticotonia). Based on these and historical shift from a focus on lower to higher neural systems.
other findings, Eppinger and Hess formulated an early individual
differences model of psychosomatic disorders, in which these basic From Lower to Higher Levels, and from Simple to Complex
constitutional factors were seen to differentially dispose the individ- Neural Regulation
ual toward particular types of pathology (e.g. asthma in vagotonics,
Reynaud’s disease in sympathicotonics). This work spearheaded In his treatise on Evolution and dissolution of the nervous sys-
an extensive literature on individual differences and the situational tem, John Hughlings Jackson in 1878 recognized that functions are
and constitutional determinants of autonomic responses. The sub- represented at multiple levels of the neuraxis, as they become re-
sequent work of Wenger (1941) confirmed individual differences in represented and elaborated by higher-level systems in the progress
autonomic dispositions, but suggested that autonomic balance was of neural evolution. Reactions to aversive stimuli, for example, can
distributed normally rather than categorically across individuals (i.e. be seen in pain-withdrawal reflexes organized at the level of the
vagotonics and sympathicotonics). Additional research suggested a spinal cord. Elaborated systems of the brainstem, however, can gen-
further differentiation of complex but stable patterns of reactivity erate more complex and organized patterns of escape and aggressive
across multiple measures that cannot be characterized along a single reactions as evidenced by decerebrate organisms (Berntson et al.,
sympathetic–parasympathetic dimension (Lacey and Lacey, 1958). 1993a). Higher limbic structures, such as the amygdala, have been
Other early work suggested that the pattern of autonomic response shown to be important in affective processes and conditioned fear
was influenced by the specific evocative stimulus or psychological reactions, whereas cortical systems appear to be particularly impor-
state (e.g. fear v. anger, Ax, 1953; anxiety v. resentment, Wolf and tant for contextually based fear and anxiety and for cognitively
Wolff, 1947). and strategically based reactions (Berntson et al., 1998; LeDoux,
Research on these issues continues, and it is now clear that pat- 2000; Lang et al., 2000). The multiple levels of organization and
terns of autonomic response are determined by multiple factors, processing in neurobehavioural systems have substantive impli-
including individual differences in response disposition (individ- cations for psychophysiology. A comprehensive conceptualization
ual response stereotypy) as well as stimulus or situational vari- of psychobiological and psychophysiological relations will require
ables (stimulus-response specificity). Of particular importance is attention to the multiple levels of processing, as distinct levels may
the contribution of psychological states, and interactions with be differentially sensitive to specific aspects of the stimulus and
response dispositions and situational factors, in the determina- associative context, and may vary in their response repertoires and
tion of psychophysiological relations. This is an important area, access to output mechanisms. Of special relevance are interactions
because experimental interest often concerns the central psychologi- among levels of processing, and the conditions that foster expres-
cal state whereas classical measures have been primarily peripheral. sion of one of more processing levels. In view of these consider-
Because the complexity of psychophysiological mappings is likely ations, an understanding of a given functional level of processing
to increase with the number of intervening mediational steps or may require an appreciation of the broader range of neuraxial lev-
processes (Cacioppo et al., 2000a), there has been increasing recog- els of function, as well as a multilevel analysis of events in the
nition of the need for more proximal (central) as well as distal psychological, neural, cellular and molecular domains.
(peripheral) measures. The historical shift in focus across levels of neural organization
The importance of this is apparent, even at the most periph- represents an extension of the trend from a peripheral to a
eral levels. Heart rate is a common psychophysiological measure central emphasis in psychophysiology. At progressively higher
with documented relations to psychological states and processes, levels of organization, one sees an expansion in the range and
and heart rate measures have been reported to predict atheroscle- relational complexity of stimulus processing, and an increase
rosis (Manuck et al., 1997), survival after myocardial infarction in the variability and flexibility of responses. This is highly
(La Rovere, 2001), and immune responses (Cacioppo et al., 1995; relevant for the present consideration because it implies that
Cohen, 2000). The heart, however, is innervated dually by both psychophysiological mappings for higher psychological processes,
branches of the ANS, and an increase in heart rate, for example, although lawful, may be highly complex. Moreover, as noted
could arise from sympathetic activation, vagal withdrawal, or both. above, the complexity of this mapping may increase with the
This is significant, because the central processes underlying these number of intervening processing levels or steps. Consequently,
patterns of autonomic response may be fundamentally different an understanding of the autonomic psychophysiology of anxiety,
and may have distinct psychophysiological implications. Thus, it for example, may benefit from experimental methods that allow
appears to be the sympathetic component of heart rate response, for more direct measurement or manipulation of the higher central
and not the heart rate response per se, that is most predictive of systems that underlie these relationships.
the neuroendocrinological and immunological response to stress Although simple fear conditioning may be mediated at the level
(Cacioppo et al., 1995). Moreover, it is the relative sympathetic of the amygdala, cortical systems appear to be especially important
and parasympathetic control of the heart that is most predictive for contextual fear conditioning and the cognitive aspects of anx-
of recovery after myocardial infarction (Altschuld and Billman, iety (Berntson et al., 1998; LeDoux, 2000; Phillips and LeDoux,
2000). These and other findings reveal that the understanding of 1992). In addition to supporting the highest-level cognitive and
peripheral psychophysiology can be informed by knowledge of the behavioural strategies for adaptive response, these rostral process-
more central origins of these relations. This has led to the devel- ing substrates are capable of a top-down activation of lower-level
opment and deployment of more specific measures of activities of systems involved in more basic behavioural reactions as well as
the autonomic branches, including selective pharmacological block- autonomic and neuroendocrine responses. This top-down activa-
ades and non-invasive measures, such as pre-ejection period (PEP), tion can manifest even in the absence of a relevant environmental
which provides an index of sympathetic control, and respiratory fear stimulus. Mental imagery of aversive or anxiogenic contexts is

associated with cortical activation, especially in limbic, paralimbic

and associated cortical areas, as evidenced by positron emission
tomography (PET) studies (Kosslyn et al., 1996; Rauch et al., 1995;
Rauch et al., 1996; Rauch et al., 1997; Shin et al., 1999). Such
imagery can evoke autonomic responses characteristic of anxiety
(Witvliet and Vrana 1995), can potentiate startle responses in a
fashion similar to a conditioned fear conditioned stimulus (Vrana
1995), and can trigger anxiety symptoms in patients with phobias
or post-traumatic stress disorder (McNeil et al., 1993; Rauch et al.,
1995; Rauch et al., 1996).
On the other hand, particular contexts may not require, or may
even preclude, higher-level processing, and the relative contribu-
tions of processing levels may vary across conditions. Conditioned
fear stimuli have been shown to increase activity in both the
amygdala and cerebral cortex, as revealed by PET and functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (Hugdahl et al., 1995;
LeBar et al., 1998; Morris et al., 1999). Backward visual mask- Inputs/outputs
ing of a fear stimulus, however, may preclude conscious awareness (a)
and higher-level processing of the stimulus, without eliminating
lower-level processing and associated autonomic responses (Ohman
and Soares, 1994; Ohman and Soares, 1998). In this regard, a
recent fMRI study revealed that masked-fear stimuli, relative to
non-masked stimuli, preferentially enhance activity in thalamic-
amygdala circuits and decrease amygdala-cortical activity (Morris
et al., 1999). These findings are consistent with the view that pro-
cessing of fear- and anxiety-related stimuli and associations can
occur at multiple interrelated levels of the neuraxis, and illustrate
the utility of recently developed psychophysiological methods that
provide relatively direct measures of patterns of higher neural activ-
ity. These findings may help clarify the functional bases for some
complexities in the autonomic features of anxiety states.

Levels of Organization and the Complexity

of Psychophysiological Mappings

The levels of neurobiological function within the CNS are often Inputs/outputs
considered to be organized in a hierarchical fashion, with higher (b)
levels receiving inputs from, and implementing actions via, imme-
diately lower levels (Figure IX.2). Because of the afferent con- Figure IX.2 Organizational structure. (a) Classical hierarchical organi-
vergence and efferent divergence of higher levels, a hierarchical zation, with sensory inputs and motor outputs associated with low-
organization would allow for broadened and more elaborated stim- est levels, and maximal convergence/divergence at the highest level.
ulus processing and an increased range of outputs at progressively (b) Heterarchical• organization, with long ascending and descending path- Q2
more rostral levels. Furthermore, this organization would ensure ways (dashed arrows). Not illustrated are additional complexities associated
integration and coordination among levels because of the hierarchi- with the presence of lateral interactions
cal processing of ascending and descending information.
The hierarchical model is compatible with the views of Walter
Cannon, who significantly shaped early conceptions of autonomic
control and autonomic psychophysiology (Cannon, 1928; Cannon, wider range of response mechanisms, but the actions of these
1929). Cannon proposed that a primary role of the ANS was systems would be constrained by the more primitive organizations
in maintaining the constancy of the internal mileau, a regulatory at lower levels. Hence, the basic reciprocal mode of control apparent
process he termed ‘homeostasis’ (Cannon, 1929; Cannon, 1939). in brainstem reflexes might be expected to manifest in behavioural
Cannon viewed the sympathetic branch as the primary homeostatic contexts as well. However, it is now clear that while there are hierar-
regulator, with the parasympathetic branch serving to fine-tune chical aspects to neural organization, there also exist long ascending
reactions across organs. Historically, the two autonomic branches and descending projections that cross multiple levels of organi-
have been considered to be reciprocally regulated by central zation and allow far more flexibility of control by rostral neural
systems (Fulton, 1945), a view that continues to be espoused in systems, a pattern of organization that has been termed ‘heterar-
the contemporary literature (Malliani et al., 1997). There is ample chical’ (Berntson and Cacioppo, 2000). Figure IX.2(b) illustrates
evidence for such a reciprocal mode of autonomic control in simple long descending projections that extend from rostral brain regions
reflex responses such as the baroreceptor–heart rate reflex, and this such as the hypothalamus, amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex
mode of control would have considerable regulatory advantage as to lower reflex substrates of the brainstem and even directly to auto-
reciprocal changes would synergistically amplify actions at the end nomic source nuclei. Thus, higher systems may be able to bypass
organ and expand the dynamic range of control of the heart (see or override lower substrates, yielding nonhomeostatic and/or non-
Berntson et al., 1993b). reciprocal modes of autonomic control. It has now been shown that
The homeostatic model of autonomic function dominated early autonomic responses in behavioural contexts can exceed metabolic
conceptions of psychophysiology, and behavioural-autonomic rela- demands (Obrist, 1981; Turner, 1994), that conditioned autonomic
tions were often viewed as hierarchical extensions of homeostatic responses may be seen prior to homeostatic perturbations and their
processes. In a hierarchical system, rostral levels could access a associated afferent feedback (Dworkin, 1993), and that autonomic

responses in behavioural contexts may entail nonreciprocal changes index of that underlying state. In contrast, for a bivariate mode
in activities of the autonomic branches (Berntson et al., 1993b; of control, heart period is ambiguous with regard to its auto-
Berntson et al., 1994b). Moreover, under some conditions, psy- nomic origins, as evidenced by the isofunctional contour lines
chological stressors may actively inhibit homeostatic baroreceptor on the autonomic plane. These lines illustrate different locations
reflexes (Steptoe et al., 1996; Nosaka, 1996), permitting the con- on the autonomic plane that translate into equivalent chronotropic
current increase in heart rate and blood pressure often observed states of the heart. Although knowledge of autonomic states
under stress. These responses may well be adaptive, but they are could allow inferences concerning heart period, heart period mea-
certainly not homeostatic. sures do not permit ambiguous inferences concerning autonomic
Whereas lower-level autonomic substrates may be character- states.
ized by relatively fixed patterns of response, higher-level sys- In addition, there may be far greater individual differences
tems can generate a broader and more flexible range of reactions. in autonomic responses arising from the operations of rostral
This increases the complexity of psychophysiological relations. neural systems in psychological contexts. At a group level, the
Although baroreflex responses may entail tightly regulated recip- heart rate response of human subjects to orthostatic stress and to
rocal patterns of autonomic control, the autonomic branches may standard psychological stressors (mental arithmetic, speech stress,
change reciprocally, independently or coactively in behavioural reaction time task) were found to be similar (Berntson et al.,
contexts (Berntson et al., 1993b; Berntson et al., 1994b). This 1994a; Cacioppo et al., 1994). Analysis of the separate contri-
has necessitated an expansion in the simple reciprocal bipolar butions of the two autonomic branches by the use of single
model of autonomic control (Figure IX.3), in which autonomic and dual pharmacological blockades revealed that the orthostatic
states are considered to lie along a single continuum with max- stress (transition from sitting to standing) yielded a rather con-
imal sympathetic (and minimal parasympathetic) activity at one sistent response across subjects, characterized by a highly cor-
end and maximal parasympathetic (and minimal sympathetic) related sympathetic activation and parasympathetic withdrawal.
activity at the other. Although this model may apply to sim- In contrast, psychological stressors yield a more varied pat-
ple brainstem reflexes, the greater output flexibility of higher tern of response across subjects, with no overall correlation
neural systems in behavioural contexts necessitates a bivariate between the responses of the autonomic branches. Some sub-
model of autonomic space with sympathetic activity along one jects showed a predominant sympathetic activation, others a pre-
axis and parasympathetic activity along the other. As illustrated dominant parasympathetic withdrawal, and others varying com-
in Figure IX.3, this has important implications for psychophysio- binations of these responses (Figure IX.4). Although there were
logical mapping. For the bipolar model, there would be a rather considerable individual differences in the responses, individual
simple mapping between heart period and the underlying auto- response patterns were stable across the three psychological stres-
nomic state, and hence measures of heart rate would offer an sors (Berntson et al., 1994a; see also Malarkey et al., 1995). These

Cardiac chronotropic surface

Autonomic control

Bipolar model Autonomic plane

Heart period

Parasympathetic Sympathetic


Reciprocity ra

ivi ity pa

ac tiv th
tic ac et
he t et 1.0
h 0.5 c

0.0 eti

ym p ath
s m p
ra Sy Sy

(a) (b)

Figure IX.3 Autonomic space. (a) Bipolar versus bivariant representations of sympathetic and parasympathetic control. (b) Bivariate autonomic plane
and associated chronotropic effector surface. The plane bounded by the parasympathetic and sympathetic axes represents all possible combinations of
sympathetic and parasympathetic activities (on a relative scale from 0 to 1). The effector surface overlying the autonomic plane represents the chronotropic
state of the target organ, expressed in heart period, for all loci within autonomic space (see Berntson et al., 1993b for details of derivation). Parasympathetic
activation exerts relatively linear effects on the heart period, whereas sympathetic activation yields somewhat nonlinear effects. The dotted surface at
maximal levels of parasympathetic activation represents the ambiguity in effects at this extreme. For illustrative purposes, the lengths of the axes are scaled
in proportion to relative dynamic ranges of control of the autonomic branches; Beta represents the ‘intrinsic’ heart period in the absence of autonomic
input. The curved lines on the autonomic plane represent isoeffector contours projected from the effector surface on to the autonomic plane. These contour
lines illustrate loci on the autonomic plane that yield equivalent chronotropic effects. Adapted from Cacioppo, J.T., Tassinary, L.G. and Berntson, G.G.,
Handbook of Psychophysiology, 2000, p. 467, with permission from Elsevier Science

actions at the GABA/BZR receptor complex (negative GABA

modulators that decrease GABA-gated chloride flux) and have
been shown to have potent anxiogenic-like actions in a number
of paradigms (see Berntson et al., 1998). In uncontrolled human
Parasympathetic (ms)

100 studies, for example, BZR partial inverse agonists have been
reported to induce severe anxiety, fear, restlessness, and striking
autonomic reactivity (Dorow et al., 1983; Gentil et al., 1989).
0 In a series of studies, we found that the BZR partial inverse
agonist FG 7142 selectively enhances the behavioural and auto-
nomic (cardioacceleratory) defensive-like responses to contextually
−100 conditioned stimuli but not to a simple conditioned fear stimulus
(Berntson et al., 1998; Stowell et al., 2000). Because the effects
of FG 7142 interact with the behavioural context, they cannot
be considered to reflect a direct drug-induced state. Rather, this
−200 compound appears to selectively facilitate a specific class of pro-
100 50 0 −50 −100 cessing. This selectivity may be due to differences in requisite levels
Sympathetic (ms) of processing underlying contextually and explicitly conditioned
stimuli. Simple fear conditioning entails a close temporal associa-
Figure IX.4 Individual patterns of response to psychological stress tion between an explicit fear conditioned stimulus and an aversive
depicted on the autonomic plane. The intersection of the dotted lines in the unconditioned stimulus, and can be mediated at the level of the
centre of the graph represents the basal resting state, and the arrows depict amygdala. In contrast, contextual conditioning entails an aversive
the individual response vectors along the sympathetic and parasympathetic reaction to more generalized and pervasive cues, more reminis-
axes, with the peak response at the arrowheads. Vectors were derived from cent of clinical anxiety, and has been shown to depend on cortical
independent estimates of the contributions of the autonomic branches under processing.
selective pharmacological blockades. Note that some subjects responded pri- In this regard, FG 7142 has been shown to enhance cortical
marily with parasympathetic withdrawal, some primarily with sympathetic
activation, and some with reciprocal sympathetic activation and parasym- processing, and its anxiogenic effects appear to arise in part from
pathetic withdrawal. These individual response vectors were stable. Three this action. The effects of BZR agonists and (partial) inverse
stressors were used (mental arithmetic, reaction time task, speech stressor), agonists on anxiety are mediated in part by modulations of
and the error bars at the tip of each response vector illustrate the standard the basal forebrain cortical cholinergic system, which constitutes
errors of the response across the three tasks. Units on the axes are in mil- the primary source of cholinergic innervation of the cortex (see
liseconds of heart period. Adapted from Cacioppo, J.T., Tassinary, L.G. and Berntson et al., 1998; Hart et al., 1999; Stowell et al., 2000). This
Berntson, G.G., Handbook of Psychophysiology, 2000, p. 470, with permis- system constitutes an important regulator of cortical activation and
sion from Elsevier Science cortical/cognitive processing, and atrophy of this system underlies
in large part the cognitive decline and dementia of Alzheimer’s
disease (Sarter, 1994). Because the processing of contextually
considerations are important because they bear on the proba- conditioned stimuli is cortically dependent, it would be expected
ble complexity of psychophysiological relations in behavioural to be enhanced by FG 7142. In contrast, simple conditioned
contexts. fear stimuli can be processed subcortically at the level of the
amygdala, and consequently may be less subject to modulation
by FG 7142. Thus, FG 7142 appears to selectively promote the
Fear, Anxiety and Autonomic Control cortical/cognitive processing of, and autonomic reactivity to, more
anxiogenic stimuli (see Berntson et al., 1998). This is consistent
The importance of multilevel analysis in psychophysiology is illus- with emerging cognitive theories of anxiety (e.g. Eysenk, 1991;
trated by recent work on anxiety and autonomic control. Anxio- Gray and McNaughton, 2000).
genic or fear-eliciting contexts are often associated with robust Activity of the basal forebrain cholinergic system is normally
autonomic responses, and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of regulated in part by inhibitory GABAergic inputs, which serve to
Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) recognizes abnormal vis- dampen ongoing activity. Moreover, this GABAergic inhibition is
ceral reactivity as a common feature of anxiety disorders (American enhanced by BZR agonists and reduced by BZR inverse agonists
Psychiatric Association, 1994). The empirical research on the spe- or partial inverse agonists. Indeed, it is likely that the dampening
cific autonomic correlates of anxiety is complex, however, and the effects of BZR agonists on cortical cholinergic activity underlie
behavioural significance of the autonomic correlates of fear and the clinical anxiolytic actions of these agents, and account for
anxiety remain uncertain (Berntson et al., 1998; Cacioppo et al., the well-known impairments in cognitive function attendant on
1992). This is a consequential issue, because anxiety disorders rep- use of these compounds. This is supported by the finding that
resent a clear risk factor for cardiovascular disease and sudden the bidirectional modulation of anxiety-associated behaviours and
cardiac death (Hayward, 1995; Kawachi et al., 1994; Kubzansky autonomic reactivity is abolished by selective immunotoxic lesions
et al., 1998), and autonomic states may underlie these relations of the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (Stowell et al., 2000).
in part. A model of selected components of central systems underlying
As considered above, fear- and anxiety-related stimuli may be fear, anxiety and autonomic control is illustrated in Figure IX.5(a).
processed at multiple levels of the neuraxis, which may contribute An important feature of this model is that autonomic responses
to the complexity of psychophysiological relations in anxiety states. are determined by multiple processes and at multiple levels of the
Studies on the pharmacology of anxiety support this view. The neuraxis. Consequently, it is not surprising that psychophysiological
classical antianxiety agents, the benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) relations are complex, especially when indexed by peripheral
agonists such as chlordiazepoxide (CPZ, Librium), are positive visceral responses that represent the final common pathway for
γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) modulators (increase GABA-gated autonomic reactions arising from varied levels of processing. A
chloride flux) and selectively reduce anxiety reactions with minimal meaningful understanding of these relations will require attention
effects on pain sensitivity. Conversely, BZR inverse agonists or to the multiple levels of neural processing and the physiological,
partial inverse agonists, such as the beta carbolines, exert opposite behavioural and social factors that impact these processes.

Cortex Cortex




DMX Vagus
Visceral afferents
Parasympathetic Sympathetic
branch Heart branch Heart

(a) (b)

Figure IX.5 Anxiety and autonomic control. (a) Descending branch of an anatomical model of neuronal substrates by which cortical/cognitive processes
may contribute to the development and expression of anxiety and its autonomic features. (b) Ascending branch of an anatomical model of neuronal substrates
by which cortical/cognitive processes may contribute to the development and expression of anxiety and its autonomic features. Ascending pathways illustrate
the potential routes by which sympathetic activity and visceral afference may modulate rostral systems. The model is not intended to present an anatomically
complete description of relevant circuits and transmitters; rather, it is conceptually driven and focuses on hypotheses derived in part from experimental
evidence (see Berntson et al., 1998). Adapted from Behavioral Brain Research, Volume 94, Berntson, G.G., Sareter, M. and Cacioppo, J.T. Anxiety and
cardiovascular reactivity: the basal forebrain cholinergic link, 2000, p. 236–237, with permission from Elsevier Science. ACh, acetylcholine; AMB, nucleus
ambiguous; BF, basal forebrain; BLA, basolateral amygdala; CeA, central nucleus of the amygdala; DMX, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus; IML,
sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the intermediolateral cell column; LC, locus coeruleus; NE, noradrenaline; NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius; PGi,
nucleus paragigantocellularis; RVL, rostral ventrolateral medullary pressor area

From Efferent Processes to Reciprocal Interactions Schachter and Singer (1962) later proposed an alternative view
that specific emotions arise from cognitive appraisals initiated by
Much early work in psychophysiology focused on the efferent the perception of a rather undifferentiated physiological arousal.
side, with a primary emphasis on peripheral effector systems Although these theories have been challenged on both empirical
and patterns of physiological reaction to psychological states and and conceptual grounds (e.g. Cacioppo et al., 1992; Reisenzein,
processes. Although limited in perspective, this prevailing focus on 1983), it does appear that somatovisceral afference can prime or bias
outputs fostered important theory and research on the determinants affective reactions (for review, see Cacioppo et al., 1992). Somatic
of autonomic response patterns. Early theoretical models ranged flexion and extension responses have been shown to bias evaluative
from generalized autonomic and neuroendocrine reactions to stress judgments (Cacioppo et al., 1993), and adrenaline or other visceral
and arousal (Cannon, 1936; Selye, 1956) to a bipartite focus on
priming has been shown to enhance emotional memories in humans
stimulus or situational determinants on the one hand and individual
and rats (Ferry et al., 1999; McGaugh et al., 1993).
response dispositions on the other (stimulus-response specificity
versus individual response stereotypy; e.g. Lacey and Lacey, 1958). There are ample routes by which visceral afference can modu-
However important they are, efferent processes represent only late higher neural systems. The vagus nerve and its terminal site
one aspect of psychophysiological relations, and there were early in the NTS has been shown to be a critical pathway for the vis-
exceptions to the predominant efferent focus in psychophysiology. ceral priming of emotional memories, as this priming is blocked
A notable example was the James and Lange conception of the role by either vagotomy or NTS lesions (Ferry et al., 1999; McGaugh
of visceral feedback in emotion. In contrast to Cannon’s (1927) et al., 1993; Williams and McGaugh, 1993). Figure IX.5(b) illus-
thalamic theory, in which separate thalamic output pathways were trates a proposed ascending model of central systems involved in
considered to underlie emotional behaviour (via descending projec- anxiety and autonomic control (Berntson et al., 1998). A important
tions) and emotional feeling (via cortical projections), James (1884) component of this model is the paragigantocellular nucleus (PGi).
considered strong emotion to reflect the perceptual consequence of Activity of the PGi is closely related to the state of sympathetic
afferent feedback from somatic and visceral responses. Based in activity, as it receives direct afferent projections from the NTS and
part on the effects of adrenaline priming on emotional reactions, is partially coextensive with the rostral medullary pressor area that

contributes direct projections to the sympathetic motor neurons in Other early researchers considered individual differences not
the intermediolateral column of the cord (Aston-Jones et al., 1996). only in psychosomatic symptomatology but also in the individ-
The PGi also projects extensively to the noradrenergic neurons in ual pattern of autonomic response to a given stressor. Eppinger
the locus coeruleus (LC), which is known to be highly activated in and Hess (1915) observed that some individuals tend to show
emotional states (Aston-Jones et al., 1996). The LC, in turn, issues larger and more pervasive sympathetic reactions (sympathicoton-
ascending noradrenergic projections to the amygdala and cerebral ics) whereas others display more parasympathetic-like responses
cortex, the former being particularly important for visceral memory (vagotonics) to the same set of challenges. For Eppinger and Hess,
priming (Clayton and Williams, 2000). As illustrated in Figure IX.5, it was the difference in autonomic response disposition, rather than
the LC also has an additional route of access to cortical systems via end-organ vulnerabilities, that disposed toward distinct patterns of
an excitatory projection to the basal forebrain cholinergic system psychophysiological disorder. Accordingly, vagotonics were more
(Berntson et al., 1998). This may be an important route by which likely to display asthma whereas Reynaud’s disease was more fre-
visceral feedback can activate cortical processing systems, includ- quent in sympathicotonics. Moreover, different evocative stimuli
ing those of the medial prefrontal cortex that have been implicated or psychological states were also found to yield differentiated pat-
previously in anxiety and autonomic control (see Berntson et al., terns of autonomic response (Ax, 1953; Wolf and Wolff, 1947).
1998; Hart et al., 1999). Indeed, we have speculated that this may These early studies spearheaded an extensive literature document-
be a conduit by which visceral activity is able to trigger panic ing multiple determinants of autonomic response, including com-
attacks via a bottom-up activation of rostral systems. plex patterns of individual response dispositions that do not fall
It is now clear that, in addition to traditional afferent sensory along a simple sympathetic–parasympathetic dimension (individ-
systems, there are important neural and chemical signals emanating ual response stereotypy), as well as stimulus or situational deter-
from the periphery that can exert powerful control over the minants (stimulus-response specificity) associated with orienting,
operations of central networks. Even the ‘sickness response’ defensive and other contextually-specific reactions (Graham and
(lethargy and behavioural depression, anorexia, fever, etc.) to Clifton, 1966; Lacey and Lacey, 1958).
the presence of foreign antigens now appears to be triggered in An additional example comes from the literature on activation
part by a lymphocyte-derived peripheral cytokine (interleukin 2), and arousal. In the first half of the twentieth century, Cannon
which triggers a critical, vagally mediated signal to the brain emphasized the activational role of generalized sympathetic dis-
(Maier and Watkins, 1998). Contemporary psychophysiology is charge in mobilization for emergency reactions. Elizabeth Duffy
increasingly cognizant of the reciprocal interactions between central
(1951) focused attention on the role of activation as a determinant of
and peripheral processes.
motivation, emotion and performance, and suggested that this con-
struct could be indexed by autonomic and electroencephalographic
From Global to Specific Influences on Mind and Body measures. This work spearheaded the widespread application of
concepts of arousal and activation in psychology, and generalized
An additional trend that characterizes the historical development arousal became a central organizing theme in psychophysiology.
of contemporary psychophysiology is the shift from conceptual Although it was recognized that the relationship between activation
guidance by nonspecific, unitary or global influences on mind and and performance may not be simple or monotonic (e.g. the inverted
body to more realistic and useful models that include complex and U function; Hebb, 1955), it was thought that the unitary dimension
often interacting sets of more specific determinants. An example of activation exerted a pervasive impact on cognition and behav-
derives from the discussion above of the homeostatic model of
ior (Lindsley, 1957). Contributing to the notion of a generalized
autonomic function and regulation. Although the ANS may play an
dimension of activation were rapidly emerging developments on the
important role in maintaining the internal environment within limits
role of the brainstem reticular formation and the ascending retic-
compatible with life, the feedback-regulated, homeostatic model of
ular activating system (ARAS) in cortical and behavioural arousal
autonomic control is far too restrictive. Rather, as discussed above,
autonomic adjustments are far more flexible, and may entail condi- (Lindsley, 1957; Magoun, 1960). The powerful influence that the
tioned adjustments that anticipate and thereby precede perturbations construct of general arousal had on psychology and psychophysiol-
(Dworkin, 1993), may exceed metabolic demands (Obrist, 1981; ogy was due in part to the promise that the ARAS concept held as a
Turner, 1994), and may reflect an active suppression of homeostatic fundamental link between physiology and behaviour. Partly because
reactions such as stress-related inhibition of baroreflexes (Steptoe of this appeal, the concept of general arousal survived despite the
et al., 1996; Nosaka, 1996), allowing the conjoint increase in both fact that such a unitary dimension was belied by early recognition
blood pressure and heart rate often observed during stress. In each of distinct attentional processes and distinctions between phasic and
of these cases, the autonomic adjustment may be highly adaptive, tonic arousal (Pribram and McGuinness, 1975), as well as by lesion-
but they are not homeostatic. Rather than a generalized homeostatic induced dissociations of cortical and behavioural arousal (Feldman
pattern of response, the ANS is capable of a much wider range of and Waller, 1962).
context-specific adjustments. This is important because models of Neither psychophysiological nor behavioural measures of arousal
physiological regulation shape concepts of health and disease. correlate very highly across contexts, and it is now clear that arousal
In keeping with early global models, Selye (1956) proposed a and attention are multidimensional phenomena (Cacioppo et al.,
generalized pattern of autonomic and neuroendocrine response to 1996; Neiss, 1988). This does not undermine the early hope of relat-
stress, the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), which was con- ing behavioural processes to specific neural systems. Indeed, the
sidered to reflect a uniform pattern of reaction to stress. Although concept of a general ARAS is also no longer tenable from a neuro-
autonomic and adrenocortical responses were seen to have distinct biological standpoint, as recent work has documented multiple and
temporal dynamics, even these differences were thought to be con- differentiated ascending systems (adrenergic, cholinergic, dopamin-
sistent across individuals and stress conditions. The global features ergic, serotonergic) underlying sleep, arousal and attention (Robbins
of the GAS, in turn, fostered a relatively simplistic peripheral model et al., 1998; Sarter and Bruno, 2000; Hobson et al., 2000). More-
of psychosomatic disease (diathesis stress model), in which distinct over, increasingly it has been possible to relate specific ascending
disorders to a common stress-reaction were considered to reflect neural systems to particular aspects of attention and performance
specific end-organ vulnerabilities. Thus, although Selye acknowl- (Robbins et al., 1998; Sarter and Bruno, 2000). Of these multiple
edged individual differences in stress-related disorders, these dif- systems, perhaps the two related most closely to the original ARAS
ferences were considered to arise largely from peripheral end-organ concept are the activational influences of the ascending noradren-
dispositions. ergic systems and the ‘amplifying’ effects of the basal forebrain

cortical cholinergic system on cortical processing (Robbins et al., to autonomic source nuclei and regulatory systems of the brain-
1998; Sarter and Bruno, 2000). stem and cord. An additional complexity is that simple fear may be
primarily an emotional response, whereas anxiety is characterized
by salient cognitive components. These considerations, together
with the wide range of anxiety conditions, individual response
CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY stereotypy, and stimulus-response specificity in autonomic reac-
As a discipline, psychophysiology has advanced and matured con- tions, preclude a simple psychophysiological mapping of autonomic
siderably over the past several decades. Of particular importance in states and reactions in clinical anxiety. In anxiety conditions where
this development were the historical trends outlined above, which there is a focal evocative stimulus or event, such as specific pho-
served to position psychophysiology as a critical hub discipline bias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a relatively selective
between psychology, psychiatry and the neurosciences. Also influ- enhancement of autonomic reactivity to the target stimulus is often
ential has been the expanding recognition of the complex inter- observed (Davidson et al., 2000; McNeil et al., 1993; Pitman et al.,
actions between psychological processes and a range of systems, 1999). In some cases, this may reflect processing in subcortical
such as the immune system, in addition to traditionally recognized systems. Backwardly masked visual fear stimuli can trigger exag-
links with the autonomic and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) gerated autonomic responses in phobic subjects, and can support
systems. Of further impact have been the dramatic development conditioned fear responses, despite being unrecognized (Ohman
of sophisticated methods and measures, especially those related and Soares, 1994; Ohman and Soares, 1998). In accord with ani-
to the brain, that allow meaningful studies of these interactions. mal research, PET studies have suggested that these reactions are
Especially consequential have been the growing interdisciplinary mediated by a subcortical pathway entailing the superior colliculus,
collaborations between psychophysiology and behavioural and cog- pulvinar and right amygdala (Morris et al., 1999). In contrast, more
nitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, endocrinology, neurochem- cognitively mediated anxiety-like reactions appear to be depen-
istry, immunology, molecular biology and behavioural genetics. dent on cortical systems (Berntson et al., 1998; Lang et al., 2000;
At present, it is difficult to distinguish clearly the work of many McNaughton and Gray, 2000; Morris et al., 1999). As might be
contemporary psychophysiologists from other neuroscientists. Psy- expected, psychophysiological mappings, like behavioural relations,
chophysiology is no longer limited to behavioural independent become more complex with the involvement of higher-level pro-
variables and peripheral physiological dependent measures. Psy- cessing systems. Anxiety patients may show either increases or
chophysiologists are as likely to measure central events and pro- decreases in basal and reactive autonomic states, or they may show
cesses as peripheral physiological changes, and they increasingly more complex patterns of response among autonomic measures (see
employ psychological states and processes as dependent as well as Berntson et al., 1998). A decrease in high-frequency heart rate vari-
independent variables. Moreover, with the increasing understanding ability (respiratory sinus arrhythmia), an index of vagal tone and
of the integration among multiple behavioural and physiological vagal reactivity, has been reported to be diminished in a number
systems, there has been a considerable expansion of the scope of anxiety conditions, including general anxiety disorder, panic dis-
of psychophysiology into areas such as psychoneuroimmunology, order, and blood phobia (Thayer and Lane, 2000). This and other
neuropsychology and psychiatry. What continues to characterize findings have led to the suggestion that anxiety may be associated
psychophysiology is its abiding interest in psychological processes, with a diminished physiological variability and flexibility (Thayer
and how the understanding of these processes can be informed and Lane, 2000; Hoehn-Saric and McLeod, 2000).
through multilevel analysis of the interactions between psycholog- From a psychiatric perspective, however, a more relevant issue
ical and physiological systems. This includes the manner in which might be the functional consequences of autonomic and neuroen-
psychological processes are implemented in, and in turn impact on, docrine reactions for psychological states. At the extreme, it has
physiology. been suggested that frank neural degeneration resulting from excess
In summary, what characterizes contemporary psychophysiology glucocorticoids may underlie PTSD (Bremner, 2001; Pitman, 2001),
is its emphasis on reciprocal relations between psychological and although questions remain concerning this hypothesis. Prolonged
physiological domains, a focus on interactions among systems stress has been shown to result in glucocorticoid-dependent hip-
(e.g. behavioural, endocrine, autonomic, immune) and levels of pocampal degeneration in animals, and several imaging studies
neurobehavioural organization (e.g. reflexive, affective, cognitive), have reported a reduced hippocampal volume, as well as memory
and an interest in explicating higher-level psychological processes. impairments that might be expected from such damage, in PTSD
As a critical bridge discipline, psychophysiology is particularly (Bremner, 2001; Sapolsky, 2001). However, it remains unclear
relevant for psychiatry. whether the smaller hippocampal volumes in PTSD are due to
enhanced cortisol levels or even whether they are related causally
to PTSD or its symptoms (McEwen, 2001; Pitman, 2001; Yehuda,
2001). This is an important area for further study, and the impli-
SOME APPLICATIONS OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY cations of the neurotoxicity hypothesis, if confirmed, would be
IN PSYCHIATRY substantial for our understanding of psychiatric conditions.
Regardless of the resolution of this issue, evidence for other feed-
Clinical issues were often central in the early history of psychophys- back effects of autonomic or neuroendocrine responses is growing.
iology, and a clinical focus within the discipline continues in the The effects of glucocorticoids on multiple brain systems is well
contemporary literature. In this section, we consider three examples established, and reciprocal relations between the brain and adrenal
of psychophysiological approaches in clinical psychiatry, and see cortical hormones has been studied extensively. Glucocorticods, for
how these approaches have contributed to theory and research. example, have complex and dose-dependent effects on fear and
The following discussions are not intended to be comprehensive or anxiety via multiple actions at central glucocorticoid and mineralo-
exhaustive, but rather to illustrate the utility of psychophysiological corticoid receptors (Korte, 2001). In addition, brain corticotropic
perspectives and multilevel analysis. releasing hormone (CRH) systems appear to play a central role
in the orchestration of behavioural, autonomic and neuroendocrine
Anxiety responses to stress, and glucorticoids modulate these systems by
regulating a CRH-binding protein (Behan et al., 1996; Heim and
As discussed above, fear- and anxiety-related stimuli can be pro- Nemeroff, 1999). Recent developments suggest an important role
cessed at multiple levels of the neuraxis, each with distinct access for central CRH systems in anxiety. CRH acts on two receptor

populations, Crhr1 and Crhr2, with the Crhr1 receptor type pri- processiong in schizophrenia, as indicated by smaller evoked
marily responsible for the stress-like and anxiogenic actions of potentials, or by behavioural measures (Keller et al., 2000; Knight,
CRH (Heim and Nemeroff, 1999; Owens and Nemeroff, 1999). 1993). Other studies suggest a deficiency in working memory in
In view of these considerations, and evidence of CRH neuronal schizophrenia (Keller et al., 2000; Selemon and Goldman-Rakic,
hyperactivity in affective disorders and anxiety, Crhr1 antagonists 1999; Perlstein et al., 2001). The latter is in accord with indications
are currently undergoing clinical trials to determine their clinical of ‘hypofrontality’ or dysfunction in schizophrenia, as indicated
efficacy in patients with affective and anxiety disorders (Owens by structural, functional brain imaging, and behavioural measures
and Nemeroff, 1999). (Callicott et al., 2000; Hazlett et al., 2000; Perlstein et al., 2001;
As illustrated in Figure IX.5, there are also ample ascending Selemon and Goldman-Rakic, 1999; Staal et al., 2001).
routes by which the peripheral autonomic states can influence These and other psychophysiological approaches have been
higher neural systems. Although it is no longer tenable to maintain highly significant in defining the cognitive and behavioural features
that emotional feeling is merely the perceptual consequence of of schizophrenia. In view of the above findings, additional work will
somatovisceral feedback, there are a variety of ways in which be needed to characterize more precisely the nature of the cognitive
visceral afference may impact emotional reactions. Even a rather processing in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Differences in the
generalized pattern of autonomic reaction may contribute to specific literature on deficits in gating, attentional failures and working
emotional states by priming or biasing neural processing, or memory may be more apparent than real. Inability to selectively
by a ‘visceral illusion’ process akin to the distinct percepts filter or disattend may tax the processing capacity of working
that are possible with visual ambiguous figures (Cacioppo et al., memory (as would a primary working memory deficit) and lead to
1992). Empirically, it has been shown that post-training visceral attentional failures due to capacity limits, and any of these features
activation by systemic adrenaline can enhance emotional memories may manifest in schizophrenia depending on the context (Sarter,
in rats (Williams and McGaugh, 1993; Croiset et al., 2000) and 1994; Sarter et al., 2001).
increase pain sensitivity in humans (Janssen et al., 1998). Moreover, Psychophysiological studies have also been influential in high-
adrenaline administration has been reported to trigger panic attacks lighting potential neural systems underlying the cognitive and
in human subjects (van Zijderveld et al., 1999). As this effect was behavioural features of schizophrenia, and contribute importantly
not related to anxiety sensitivity or the fear of autonomic reactions, to the multilevel analyses that are essential in understanding the
it did not simply reflect a perceptual consequence of visceral activity basic neurobiology and neuropsychology of schizophrenia. Indeed,
(Veltman et al., 1998). As illustrated in Figure IX.5, a final common multilevel interdisciplinary approaches are now beginning to clar-
pathway by which visceral afference may enhance anxiety is the ify the links between underlying neuropathology and the cognitive
basal forebrain cortical cholinergic system (see Berntson et al., features of schizophrenia. Because of the therapeutic efficacy of
1998). The importance of this system in anxiety is supported dopamine receptor (D2) antagonists, schizophrenia has often been
further by the report that anxiolytic actions of the BZR agonist, considered to reflect a disturbance in dopamine systems. Dopamine
chlordiazepoxide, are mediated at least in part via an inhibition of releasers such as amphetamine or cocaine can trigger or exac-
this system (Stowell et al., 2000). Moreover, Crhr1 receptors that erbate schizophrenic symptoms, and specialized single positron
underlie the anxiogenic actions of CRH have been identified on emission computerized tomography (SPECT) and PET brain imag-
basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. Together, these findings support ing techniques have revealed sensitized mesolimbic dopaminergic
the view that basal forebrain cholinergic systems may enhance systems and enhanced amphetamine-induced dopamine release in
anxiety by promoting the cortical processing of threat- and anxiety- schizophrenics (Laruelle, 2000; Kugaya et al., 2000). Phencyclidine
related stimuli.
(PCP) and other antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glu-
In summary, psychophysiological approaches to the study of anx-
taminergic receptors, however, may provide an even better model
iety can contribute to our understanding of the nature of anxiety.
of schizophrenia than amphetamine, especially for both positive and
Moreover, conceptual models derived from multilevel analysis and
negative symptoms (Jentsch and Roth, 1999). These and other find-
psychophysiological studies can help to elucidate the neurobiolog-
ings lead to hypoglutaminergic models of schizophrenia. Additional
ical bases of anxiety, and contribute to the development of more
results have suggested a hypercholinergic state in schizophrenia.
effective pharmacological and behavioural treatment strategies.
Amphetamine and dopamine agonists can both enhance cortical
acetylcholine release, schizophrenic patients have been reported
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders to show abnormal acetylcholine receptor density in the prefrontal
cortex, and potentiation of the basal forebrain cortical cholinergic
There has been a substantial history of psychophysiological stud- system may provide the closest model of many of the cognitive
ies of schizophrenia. Although much remains to be learned about features of schizophrenia (Crook et al., 2000; Sarter, 1994; Sarter
this spectrum of disorders, a broad albeit sketchy conceptualization et al., 2001). These seemingly disparate findings are beginning to
of this disorder is emerging from the integration of multidisci- be organized by more integrative, multilevel theories and models.
plinary data and perspectives. It is now recognized that among Although there is considerable evidence implicating altered
the central cognitive disturbances in schizophrenia are disorders of dopamine function in schizophrenia, this may not be the primary
attention (for reviews, see Braff, 1993; Gray, 1998; Keller et al., disturbance. Based on extensive studies and integrative reviews of
2000; Sarter, 1994; Sarter et al., 2001). Deficits in sensory or atten- the literature, a primary cortical disturbance has been proposed in
tional ‘gating’ have been reported regularly in prepulse inhibition schizophrenia, one consequence of which is a disturbance in the
paradigms with measures that include acoustic-event-related poten- (glutaminergic) cortical regulation of subcortical dopamine systems
tials (e.g. P50) and electromyographic startle responses (Dawson (Grace, 2000; Moore et al., 1999). Reduced tonic glutaminergic
et al., 2000; Keller et al., 2000; Light and Braff, 1999), and neu- driving of dopamine systems is hypothesized to result in dopamine
roleptic medication may normalize gating deficits (Weike et al., upregulation and enhanced phasic dopamine driving, which in turn
2000). Additional studies document high basal levels of auto- can enhance cholinergic activity by disinhibiting the basal forebrain
nomic variables, low reactivity, and slow habituation of autonomic cortical cholinergic system (Sarter, 1994; Sarter et al., 2001). While
responses (Zahn, 1988; Zahn et al., 1997). much work remains to be done in this area, the emerging schema
Slowed habituation is consistent with a gating or filtering organizes a wide range of otherwise disparate findings extending
deficit, although the low level of autonomic reactivity is more from the anatomy (e.g. hypofrontality), to the neuropharmacology
consistent with additional findings suggesting deficient attentional (dopaminergic, glutaminergic, cholinergic), to the psychological

features (attentional and working memory impairments and frontal A contemporary example comes from brain imaging studies, in
lobe symptoms) of schizophrenia. which the difference in the neural maps under experimental and
What has been important to the progress in this area is the inte- control conditions are interpreted to reflect the activity uniquely
gration of information derived from multiple levels of analysis, associated with the experimental condition. If, under a sufficient
which provides the empirical and conceptual depth to allow mean- set of conditions, a consistent difference is apparent that comports
ingful hypotheses and constructive theorizing. Thus, although atyp- with a model or hypothesis (e.g. amygdala activation mediates
ical antipsychotic compounds may not have the dopamine-blocking aversive reactions to pain), then the results provide some support
effects of the conventional antipsychotics, they do share a com- for the hypothesis. This approach does not allow a strong inference,
mon effect of attenuating cholinergic activity, which may account however. The confidence in such an interpretation would be
for their therapeutic benefit on cognitive and attentional processing enhanced if the particular pattern (amygdaloid activation) was
in schizophrenia (Sarter, 1994; Sarter et al., 2001). We can look shown to arise consistently under a wide range of pain conditions
forward to additional genetic and molecular biological contribu- and could not be attributable to some other aspect of the contexts
tions to our understanding of schizophrenia, but molecular biology (i.e. well-designed control conditions). Even then, amygdaloid
alone can never yield a comprehensive account of schizophrenia activation could not be used to infer the presence of pain or
or any other psychiatric condition. For this, multilevel analyses are aversion, as other emotional states may yield the same result.
required, and psychophysiological approaches can play an impor- Moreover, even if amygdala activation was shown to be highly
tant role in these analyses. specific to pain conditions, its causal role in that psychological
state would need to be confirmed by converging evidence (e.g.
amygdaloid stimulation or inactivation, anatomical connections,
etc.). In fact, converging evidence is always important because
the subtractive method assumes that components or processes
The examples above illustrate some applications of psychophysiol-
can be inserted or deleted without altering other components or
ogy in psychiatry, and how such approaches may inform psychiatric
processes, and that may not always be true. We will return to this
issues. Psychophysiological methods can provide a unique perspec-
example below.
tive, although as with any approach there are limits to the inferences
More generally, the question arises as to how we are to under-
that can be derived. Consequently, psychophysiological approaches
stand psychophysiological relations. Below, we present a frame-
are most useful in multilevel analyses, where they can provide infor-
work for thinking about such relationships (for further development,
mation that complements and converges with that derived from
see Cacioppo and Tassinary 1990; Cacioppo et al., 2000b). We
other methods and levels of analysis. Below, we consider some of
further outline the rules of evidence for, and limitations to, psy-
the features of psychophysiological methods and designs, and the
chophysiolgoical inference.
logic of psychophysiological inference.

Psychophysiological Relations
PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INFERENCE Psychophysiological relationships are relations between two general
domains: the psychological domain, which can be represented as
Psychophysiology seeks to elucidate the reciprocal relations comprised of a set of elements ψ, and the physiological domain,
between mind and body, including the highest-level processes of which we can represent as the set φ. Figure IX.6 illustrates the
language, symbolic representation and problem solving. In psy- logical relations between elements in these two domains. All
chophysiology, ‘the emphasis is on integrating data from multiple psychological elements in the set ψ are assumed to have some
levels of analysis to illuminate psychological functions and mecha- physiological referent or physical substrate.
nisms rather that physiological structures per se’ (Cacioppo et al.,
2000b). Methodologically, this may entail measures of behavioural,
physiological or neural activity in psychological contexts. Important
advances continue to be made in measurement systems, and cur- (a) (b) (c)
rent devices for neural and physiological recording are often highly
sophisticated and precise. Regardless of measurement precision, the y f y f y f
question arises as to how signals are to be interpreted and inferences
drawn. Generally, physiological measures are of interest primarily
to the extent to which they allow one to index a psychological
One common approach in the literature is the subtractive method,
in which experimental and control or contrast conditions differ by
one element, stage or process (Cacioppo et al., 2000b). Outcome
differences between the experimental and control conditions are
then considered to reflect the impact of that single component.
In this fashion, physiological indices of particular psychological
processes can be identified, and within a hypothetico-deductive
framework, concepts and theories can be developed and tested.
This approach, for example, allowed Helmholtz to determine the
propagation velocity in nerves by the difference in reaction times
to a somatic stimulus delivered at a proximal and a more distal site
on the arm. The assumption was that all aspects of the task and Figure IX.6 Logical relations among elements in the psychological (ψ)
and physiological (φ) domains. (a) Relations between ψ elements and
neural processing were identical, except for the extra component individual physiological responses. (b) Relations between ψ and physio-
associated with the longer distance the neural signal must travel logical response patterns. (c) Relations between ψ elements and profiles of
when the stimulus was presented distally. Knowing the difference physiological response across time. Reprinted form Cacioppo, J.T., Tassi-
in reaction times and the distance between the stimulus sites, we nary, L.G. and Berntson, G.G., Handbook of Psychophysiology, 2000, p. 13,
can derive the propagation velocity (dx/dt). with permission from Elsevier Science

Figure IX.6 illustrates several types of relationships. First, there Unfortunately, one-to-one relationships that allow strong infer-
are elements within the physical domain that have no psychological ence are not common in psychophysiology. One approach to this
referent (Figure IX.6a, top row). This represents psychologically problem is to recast the φ elements of a one-to-many relationship
irrelevant sources of variance in physiological measures (e.g. into a higher-order syndrome (φ  ) that is comprised of a combi-
temperature effects on electrodermal activity or postural effects nation or pattern of φ elements (Figure IX.6b). In this fashion, a
on heart rate). These are important because they constitute a one-to-one relationship may be identified between a psychological
source of variance or artefact in physiological measures that element and a pattern of physiological responses.
needs to be controlled or accounted for. This is accomplished by Similarly, the many-to-many relations may be simplified by
careful recording methods, good research designs, and rigorous reconceptualizing the physiological elements into a syndrome or
experimental controls. In the ideal case, this effectively eliminates profile of physiological responses (Figure IX.6b). This serves to
the impact of these elements on the results (Figure IX.6b, top row). simplify a many-to-many relation to a many-to-one (or even a
As illustrated in Figure IX.7, there are five general relations that one-to-one) relation. Adding additional dimensions (φ  ) to the
could characterize the mapping between elements in the sets ψ definitions of the physiological elements or profile (e.g. amplitudes,
and φ: temporal dynamics, etc.) may allow further simplification to a one-
to-one relationship (Figure IX.6c). Complex psychophysiological
• One-to-one, in which an element in ψ is associated with one, relationships, however, may not always be reducible to a one-to-one
and only one, element in φ. or even a many-to-one relation.
• One-to-many, in which elements in ψ are related to more than
one element in φ.
• Many-to-one, in which two or more ψ elements are associated Psychophysiological Inference
with a single element in φ.
• Many-to-many, where two or more ψ elements are associated When a psychological factor serves as the independent or blocking
with overlapping φ elements variable and a physiological factor the dependent variable, the
• Null, in which there is no association between elements in ψ experimental design can be conceptualized as examining the
and φ. P (φ/ψ), or the probability of φ given ψ. In contrast, when
a physiological factor serves as the independent or blocking
Of these relations, only the first and third allow logical inferences variable and a psychological factor the dependent variable, the
concerning psychological states or processes (ψ) from physiological experimental can be conceptualized as investigating the P (ψ/φ),
measures (φ). This is important, because psychophysiological or the probability of ψ given φ.
research often entails manipulation or blocking of elements in For illustration, we return to our brain imaging study of pain and
the psychological domain and measurement of elements within the amygdala. If differences in amygdala activation φ (assuming
the physiological domain. Consequently, the basis for theoretical that the imaging method is actually measuring activation) are
interpretations in psychophysiology can be enhanced if relationships found during aversive reactions (ψ) to pain compared with control
between ψ and φ could be specified in terms of one-to-one or even conditions, the data are often interpreted prematurely to indicate
many-to-one. that φ (the amygdala activation) is associated with ψ (aversive
reactions). These types of results are also sometimes treated
as if φ were manipulated directly (amygdala activation as the
independent variable) and ψ was measured (aversive reaction as
the dependent variable). This form of interpretation, however,
assumes an isomorphism between ψ and φ that may not be true
y f (Sarter et al., 1996). Causal hypotheses regarding the involvement
of a brain structure (φ) in a psychological process (ψ) are of
One-to-one the form ψ = f (φ). This implies that the occurrence of φ (e.g.
amygdala activation) is a sufficient condition for ψ (aversive
reaction), but it does not imply that ψ is necessarily preceded by
φ. Moreover, brain activity is often of interest as an index of a
psychological state or process, and the desired inference is of the
One-to-many form ψ = f (φ) rather than not-ψ = f (not-φ). Consequently, the
goal of psychophysiology may be characterized by the conditional
probability of ψ given φ:

Many-to-one P (ψ|φ) = 1

But imaging studies are generally of the form:

P (φ|ψ) = ?

Psychophysiological measures provide information on φ as a

function of ψ, but the conditional probabilities are equivalent
[P (ψ|φ) = P (φ|ψ)] only if there is a one-to-one relationship
between the physiological element φ (e.g. amygdala activation) and
the psychological element ψ (e.g. aversive reaction) (Cacioppo and
Figure IX.7 Possible relationships between elements in the psycholog- Tassinary, 1990). This cannot be assumed but must be tested. In
ical (ψ) and physiological (φ) domains. Reprinted form Cacioppo, J.T., the present example of aversive reactions and the amygdala, the
Tassinary, L.G. and Berntson, G.G., Handbook of Psychophysiology, 2000, isomorphism does not exist, as aversive reactions do not depend on
p. 13, with permission from Elsevier Science amygdala activation (although data discussed earlier suggest that

conditioned aversive reactions may, and that redefining the ele- the only relation in which P (ψ|φ) = P (φ|ψ) and P (not-ψ, φ) =
ment ψ may be in order). In interpreting psychophysiological data, P (not-φ, ψ) = 0. Invariant relations allow for strong inferences
isomorphism between a psychological variable and a physiological in psychophysiology. Unfortunately, however, invariant relations
variable (one-to-one relationship) must be tested, and deviations are sometimes assumed, rather than established, which can lead
from isomorphism must be considered. In this regard, interdisci- to specious interpretations and obfuscations. Although invariant
plinary, multilevel approaches are particularly useful as they can relations afford the most powerful basis of inference, as considered
also provide complementary and converging evidence from direct above, some psychophysiological inferences can be derived with
manipulations of the physiological variables (φ as independent other categories of relation. It is crucial, however, to be cognizant
variable). of the differences.

Categories of Psychophysiological Relationships

In addition to the mappings illustrated in Figure IX.7, psychophys- Psychophysiology is the study of the relations between the mind
iological relations can vary in terms of their generality, yielding and the body, or between psychology and physiology, hence it is
four general classes of relations: outcomes, markers, concomitants extremely relevant to psychiatry. Its emphasis on multilevel analysis
and invariants. and the explication of psychological processes offers an important
A psychophysiological outcome is a many-to-one, situation- approach to the understanding and treatment of psychiatric disor-
specific relation. If a physiological element (φ) is shown to vary ders. The multilevel, interdisciplinary nature of psychophysiology is
as a function of a psychological element (ψ), then there is at least particularly viable in view of increasing documentation of extensive
an outcome relationship among the variables. This is often the first links and reciprocal interactions between psychological processes
level of findings in psychophysiology. If that relation can also be and autonomic, neuroendocrine and immune systems. The utility
shown to be isomorphic (one-to-one), then it becomes at least a of psychophysiological approaches, however, is dependent on the
marker, whereas if it is shown to be independent of context, it is at recognition and application of the logic and principles underlying
least a concomitant. If it proves to be both isomorphic and context psychophysiological inference.
independent, then it is an invariant relationship.
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