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Micro2 entrepreneur

There are self-employed individuals or self-employed teams who work collectively, and

no one works for each other. Over 75    percent of all entrepreneurs are the most common type of

entrepreneur. Most of them work individually without a formal association, with 97 percent

becoming sole proprietors .Types of micro2 entrepreneur includes

Sole proprietors: The sole proprietorship is the simplest form of company under which a

business can be operated. Single ownership is not a legal entity. This simply refers to an

individual who owns the company and is personally liable for its debts Ignited by freedom,

control from multinational corporations without advantages over financial and prestige

accomplishment, and outsourced.

Urban entrepreneurs: An urban entrepreneur is anyone who begins without resources and

makes a successful business or brand; and someone who uses the perfect blend of books and

street smarts to run their business well."

There is usually no innovative about this form of business where they usually find a

position where demand>supply or to provide quality pricing than competitiveness with the goal

of Get enough clients for your sales targets or your time. The initial investment typically depends

on small savings from businesspersons. Their promotion involves word of mouth and references,

cheap flyers/newspaper advertisements, and high-quality work is a competitive advantage. The

type is not productive to venture in as it lack creativity in operation thus not preferable in


Micro entrepreneur

Is a small business with not more than 10 employee and certain limit of turn over usually

$ 2 million? They have small access to commercial banking sector often rely on micro loans for


It is a sole trader or a one-person company registered under the name of the contractor.

As such, there is no difference between the owner and the company, meaning that the

entrepreneur is responsible for the company's debts. Micro entrepreneur may enjoy the benefit of

exemption from VIAT. The marketing involve innovativeness as well as creativity for

maximizing the profit. The required capital is general average rise generally I prefer the type as

help an entrepreneur grow in managing the small staff as well as gaining experience in the


Small entrepreneurs

This are small business owned and operated privately with a limited number of workers

and extremely low sales levels. Small businesses are typically companies, partnerships or sole

proprietorships owned by private companies. It is also possible to identify small companies

according to other methods, such as revenue, assets, or net income.

In my view, those boutiques, hair salons, yoga centers, etc. that you walk through

downtown are small businesses. A brick-and-mortar location connotes "small business" to me.

Even if it is your wife and daughter, workers are necessary. Instead of social media and the

internet, small businesses may use more "old school" types of marketing, such as print

advertisements or television ads. Is good to work ideally in as second alternative i.e. side hustle.

It has small turnover, thus you cannot depend on it


Growth venture

Small businesses are trying to accomplish rapid development and strong income growth.

These businesses also develop products and promotion plans to achieve profit and growth goals

with a number of investors providing cash flow. Quite definitely, the idea of probably going

public or transferring ownership for it to expand requires an ambitious business idea, new service

or product, and something in the value chain would need to raise capital from outside investors.

You need organizational strategy, concept creation, analysis, and national and international

viewpoint integration to start a growth company. Growth venture entrepreneurs' success will

depend on the creators of the high-growth venture plans appeared to have professional

experience and/or specialized training in their businesses. Second, business plans for future high-

growth projects were proposed mainly by categories of individuals versus individuals. Angels,

private placement, Venture Capital and Banks

Context of entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneur

A social entrepreneur is an individual who is searching for innovative applications that will

have willingness to address community-based concerns. These individuals chose, by their efforts,

to take on the risk and commitment of making changes for the better society. The widespread use

of ethical principles such as expenditure of effect, mindful consumer culture and sustainable

development initiatives promotes the success of social entrepreneurs. Many of these

entrepreneurs are not profit oriented rater service deliver to the society

A social entrepreneur is concerned in opening a business not just for profit  but for the

greater social goodSocial enterprises may attempt to create goods that are environmentally

friendly, reflect an underprivileged community, or concentrate on philanthropy. In socially

responsible investment (SRI) and ESG investing, social entrepreneur is a growing activity.. The

type of entrepreneur is not preferable by the new entrepreneur as mainly cannot be crassfies as

the investment. It require time and capital for expenses of the society

Corporate entrepreneur

Corporate Entrepreneurship is a strategy often used come up with a business, goods,

services provided by the organization within an available industry to generate value and generate

sales growth by entrepreneurial for entire action. Corporate entrepreneurship provides the history

of creativity in business.

The objective of corporate entrepreneurs is to establish capabilities that allow

organizations to drive the development of new companies. That is why corporate

entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship is being practiced by 65 percent of the top 100 most

innovative firms. It is good context to venture as it enable new entrepreneur to grow together in

decision making for the growth of their company

Technological entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship in innovation is an engagement in a project that brings together talented

people that are closely linked to developments in scientific and technological knowledge to

create and capture value for a company.


Technological entrepreneur applies as well to newly founded or developed companies as

well as to small or large companies. Just as start-ups do, existing and large corporations will

participate in technology entrepreneurship. It requires specialist human resources, the

opportunity to explore and leverage scientific and technological progress in partnership to

support the organization. Therefore, technology entrepreneurship is better defined as a joint-

production process that derives from a group of skilled people from different fields, some or all

of whom are rooted in the technology direction they are trying to form in real time (Garud and

Karnøe, 2003).

Entrepreneurship in technology is not for a single person or the innovations they

introduce. It is about joint discovery and exploitation management, in which each individual has

duties and responsibilities in moving forward collaborative manner and cooperatively towards

achieving shared objectives (Lindenberg and Foss, 2011)

International entrepreneurs

International Entrepreneurship is a combination of creative, constructive and risk-seeking

conduct that crosses national boundaries and is structured to generate value for organizations

(McDougall $ Oviat, 2012). When an entrepreneur goes to other nations to run and run their

business, it is referred to as International Entrepreneurship. These sectors cross their nation's

territorial boundaries. Exporting products, licensing and opening a sales office in other countries

are these forms of entrepreneurship. Under this, an entrepreneur conducts all business operations

beyond the borders of the nation and implies the international growth of the company.

To create value and develop the business, most companies across the national border. A

different set of groundbreaking activities carried out by most companies around the borderlines

and enhancing certain possibilities for developing such creative goods and services

It is the dream of anybody to operate this type of entrepreneurship.


Roles of small business loan officer

Test credit worthiness within defined limits by reviewing loan applications and


To assess financial eligibility and viability of granting loans, interview applicants

Determine all ratios and metrics applicable and create debt payment plans

Interact with customers either to request or to provide data

Rationalize, and report on, decisions (approvals/rejections)

Roles of economic development

Jobs creation: By design and interpretation, entrepreneurs are work creators, as opposed

to job seekers.

Balanced development: Entrepreneurs launching new companies and industrial units by

investing in the less advanced and disadvantaged communities assist with regional growth.

Industry and industry development in these areas leads to an improvement in infrastructure, such

as improved roads and rail connections, airports, reliable supplies of electricity and water,

schools, hospitals, shopping malls and other public and private facilities that would not otherwise

be available.

Provision of GDP and per captor income: in country like India it comprised of over

35 million units, which provide with over 75 million people with jobs, now accounts for over

38 percent of GDP in the country. Every new addition to these over 38 million units allows use

of even more resources to produce goods and services that contribute to the country's national

revenue, national product and per capita income, such as property, labor and capital. Again, this

increase in GDP and per capita income is one of the basic priorities of economic development.

Standard of living: Enhancing the health and wellbeing of people in a society is another

key aim of economic development. Again, entrepreneurs play a key role in raising a society's

quality of living..

Roles of venture capitalist

Due to the extreme crucial role played in supporting economic growth by leveraging vast

and untapped potential and overcoming challenges, venture capital is becoming increasingly

common in various parts of the world.

Venture capital supports emerging companies and new projects of current ones with

funding as well as expertise focused on high technology advances. Even in the pre-start stage, it

offers seed resources to support innovations

Venture capitalist creates a business strategy (in collaboration with the entrepreneur) in

the planning stage that follows the conceptual process, describing the market potential, the brand

management and financial needs


The venture capitalist helps business transition to the level of exploitation, i.e. the launch

of innovation. The venture capitalist would try to create a timeline for meeting the defined

marketing, revenue and benefit objectives of production during the launch of the innovation.

Roles of professional services

Promoting sales, such as collaborating with sales to draft a job statement and creating

trust that the business can solve the issue of the client

Help the Customer Success team to maintain/expand existing business, either by restoring

blown implementations or by introducing new or expanded implementations for existing

customers. This could require anything from a "save" to a basic extension, but skilled services

optimize business services either way.

Help the partner ecosystem do both by allowing them. Professional services are important

for empowering partners which can both provide clients with quality installation guide and who

can expand the reach of the provider through go-to-market partnerships.




Hayes, A. (2020, September 28). Social Entrepreneur Definition. Retrieved December 10,

2020, from

Patriotta, G., & Siegel, D. (2019, March 21). The Context of Entrepreneurship. Retrieved

December 10, 2020, from

Role Descriptions in Venture Capital (VC). (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from


Roles of an Entrepreneur. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from


Top 10 Types of Entrepreneurs – Explained! (2014, May 20). Retrieved December 10,

2020, from


What Exactly Do Loan Officers Do? (2020, September 03). Retrieved December 10,

2020, from

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