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School Philippine Science High School - Argao Grade Level Grade 11

LESSON PLAN Teacher John Nerlo M. Dequiña Learning Area Modern Physics
MODERN PHYSICS Teaching Date and Time March 17, 2021 , 1:00pm

I. Objectives
a. Content At the end of the lesson, learners can demonstrate an understanding of:
Standard 1. Einstein’s postulate of Special Relativity.
2. Concept of time dilation, length contraction and twin paradox.
b. Performance At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to solve problems in theory of relativity using the concepts of Einstein Postulate of
Standard relativity, time dilation and length contraction and interpret the answer from the problem.
c. Learning 1. Explain the theory of relativity.
Competency 2. Discuss and relate the time dilation, twin paradox and length contraction.
3. Derive formula from the concept of time dilation and length contraction.
4. Apply the time dilation and length contraction formula to the problem.
5. Develop problem solving skills and strategy.
6. Interpret and relate the computed answer to the problem and concept of special relativity.
II. Content Special Theory of Relativity (Postulates, Time Dilation, Length Contraction, Twin Paradox)
III. Learning Concept of Modern Physics 6th Edition by Arthur Beiser
University Physics (with Modern Physics) 11th Edition by Young & Freedman
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities (2 mins)

 Prayer
One of the students leads.
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
Introduction of the topic Students answer the question and discuss what the movie all about.
 Ask question about the given assignment last
meeting to watch the movie entitled “Interstellar”
 Ask the learners what comes to their mind when we
talk about special relativity.
 Provide background/history of the topic.
 Establish the purpose of the topic.
 Ask related real life events or fictional story that is
related to special relativity
Discussion Students give some laws of physics from their previous lessons.
Einstein postulate of special relativity
 Explain the two (2) postulate of Einstein of
special theory relativity.
Time Dilation and Twin Paradox Students answer the example problem. (Note: Students answer may
 Discuss the concept and derive formula of time differ.)
 Provide problem solving example.
 Provide a short time for the student to analyze
and solve the problem first before you provide
them the correct answer. (Note: Student’s
answer may differ in different students. Always
recognize the student’s answer. Let them
analyze and realize what/where part of their
solution is wrong.)

Example Problem. An astronaut is in a ship traveling at

80% of light speed (velocity: 0.8c) for 1 year. If the ship
moves at this constant speed, how long would it be for
someone on earth?
c = 2.998 x 108
to= 1 year
Use the formula in getting the time dilation and substitute
the given variables.

1− 2
1 year

t= (0.8 c)
1− 2
1 year

t= 0.64 c
1 year
√1 – 0.64
1 year
√ 0.36
1 year
o .6
t = 1.67 years
The time interval travelled by the astronaut in the
outer space is 1 year but for someone on earth, it is 1.67
year or 1 year 8 months and 11 days.

 Solve the correct answer to the student’s

 Resolve the twin paradox by explaining the
concept of time dilation and relating problem
solving example.
Length Contraction Students answer the example problem. (Note: Students answer may
 Discuss the concept of length contraction. differ.)
 Derive the formula to be used in solving problem
related to length contraction.
 Provide problem solving example.
 Provide a short time for the student to analyze and
solve the problem first before you provide them the
correct answer. (Note: Student’s answer may differ
in different students. Always recognize the student’s
answer. Let them analyze and realize what/where
part of their solution is wrong.)

Example Problem. An astronaut inside a spacecraft

moving at 0.85c measures the length of the ship as being
100m. How long does it look to someone on earth?
v = 0.85c
Lo = 100m


L = Lo 1−

L = 100 m 1−
√ (0.85 c )2

0.7225 c
L = 100 m 1−
L = 100 m √ 1−0.7225
L = 100 m √ 0.2775
L = 52.7 m
The actual length of the ship is 100m but for
someone on earth looking at the ship moving, it is 52.7 m,
which is almost half of the actual length of the ship. The
observer on earth experience the length contraction.
 Solve the correct answer to the student’s

 Give a brief summary of the concept of the topic and
provide tips/strategies in solving problems.

V. Assessment Provide 5 item assignment with increasing difficulty from Students answer the assignment.
item #1 to item #5.
1. An observer on a spacecraft moving at 0.700c
relative to the earth finds that a car takes 40.0 min to
make a trip. How long does the trip take to the driver
of the car?
2. A certain particle has a lifetime of 1.00 􏰊 10􏰉7 s
when meas- ured at rest. How far does it go before
decaying if its speed is 0.99c when it is created?
3. An astronaut whose height on the earth is exactly 6
ft is lying parallel to the axis of a spacecraft moving
at 0.90c relative to the earth. What is his height as
measured by an observer in the same spacecraft? By
an observer on the earth?
4. An astronaut is standing in a spacecraft parallel to its
direction of motion. An observer on the earth finds
that the spacecraft speed is 0.60c and the astronaut is
1.3 m tall. What is the as- tronaut’s height as
measured in the spacecraft?
5. A woman leaves the earth in a spacecraft that makes
a round trip to the nearest star, 4 light-years distant,
at a speed of 0.9c. How much younger is she upon
her return than her twin sister who remained behind?

VI. Remarks

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