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Lecture Summary (11 August)

Summary of Lecture on 11 August

• For a Newtonian fluid, if the local velocity gradient du/dy
is known, the shear stress can be determined using
  (2.2.4)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS1-1

Fluid Shear Stress
 

• u = constant; u is not a function of y:

0   0

• u is a function of y:
0   0

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-2

Lecture Summary (11 August)
Summary of Lecture on 11 August
 Flow Between Parallel Plates:

• No-slip conditions on top and bottom walls:

(i) u = 0 at y = 0
(ii) u = V at y = h
• Linear velocity profile:
u V (2.2.5)
• Uniform shear stress across gap:
du V
   (2.2.6)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
dy h LS1-3
Lecture Summary (13 August)
2.2.9 Flow Between Parallel Plates

Maurice Couette

• Fluid at bottom experiences equal and opposite shear

force to the left
• Note: flow is also called a Couette flow
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS1-4
Lecture Summary (13 August)
Tutorial 1, Problem 1
As shown in Figure P1, a thin flat plate is sandwiched between
two parallel plates. The thin flat plate is separated from the top
stationary plate by a constant gap h1 filled with a fluid of
viscosity 1. A constant gap h2 filled with another fluid of
viscosity 2 separates the thin flat plate from the bottom flat
plate moving to the left at a velocity of 2V. The contact area
between the thin flat plate and each fluid is A. Determined in
terms of the given quantities
(i) the force F required to pull the thin flat plate to the right
at a velocity of V.
(ii) the location in the fluid of viscosity 2 where the fluid
velocity is zero.

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS1-5

Lecture Summary (13 August)
Tutorial 1, Problem 1

Figure P1

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS1-6

Tutorial 1, Problem 1

• Shear stress experienced by fluid with viscosity 1:

du  0 V  1V
1  1  1  
dy  h1  h1

• Wall shear stress acting on upper surface of thin flat plate:

 u  1  1
h1 T-7
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
Tutorial 1, Problem 1
• Shear stress experienced by fluid with viscosity 2:
du  V   2V   32V
 2  2  2  
dy  h2  h2
• Wall shear stress acting on lower surface of thin flat plate:
l   2 
• Total force on plate:
 1 32 
F   u   l  A  AV   
 h1 h2 
• To locate where u = 0, use similar
2V V

h h2  h
h 3
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-8
Tutorial 1, Problem 2
As shown in Figure P4, a thin film of liquid of viscosity  and
density  flows under the action of gravity down a wide plate
inclined at an angle  = 30 with respect to the horizontal. The
velocity distribution of the liquid film is given by
u  y  y
 A   B    C
V h h
where h is the film thickness and V is the surface velocity.
Assume that the shear stress is zero on the film’s free surface y =
(i) Determine the values of A, B and C.
(ii) Obtain an expression for V in terms of the other given
(iii) Determine the magnitude and direction of the shear stress
that the liquid film exerts on the fixed inclined plate.

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-9

Tutorial 1, Problem 2

Figure P4

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-10

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
Part (i)
• Velocity distribution of liquid film:
u  y  y
 A   B    C
V h h
• Need 3 conditions to solve for 3 unknowns: A, B and C:
(a) At y  0, u  0:
0  A  0  B  0  C
C 0
(b) At y  h , u  V :
V h h
1 A   B    A  B
V h h
 A B 1 (4.1)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-11

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• Velocity gradient:
du   2y  B 
 V  A   
dy 2
 h  h
du du
(c) At y  h ,     0 . Since   0 ,  0:
dy dy
2 B
A    0
h h
2A  B  0 (4.2)

• (4.2) – (4.1) yields:

A  1

• Substituting A  1 into (4.1):


TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-12

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• Hence, the velocity distribution of the liquid film is given by:
u  y  y
    2 
V h h
Part (ii)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-13

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• Consider a column of liquid of thickness h, of width a parallel to
the inclined direction and of unit thickness into the plane of the
page. The layers of liquid parallel to the inclined plane, albeit
having different velocities, are not accelerating. The net force
acting on this column of liquid must thus be zero.
• Considering equilibrium of forces on this column of liquid:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-14

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• The weight of this column of fluid is W, whereas the shear
stresses  along the bottom surface of the liquid column (due to
the inclined solid surface) act along a direction which resist the
flow of the liquid down the incline.
• Shear stress:
 
du V   y 
2 1   h  
dy h   
V   y 
  2 1   h  
h   

• Wall shear stress at y = 0:

2 V
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-15
Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• For equilibrium, the component of weight acting parallel to the
incline must be balanced by the shearing force developed
along the plate surface y = 0.
• Equilibrium of forces along direction parallel to incline:
W sin     a 1
2 Va
Mg sin  
2 Va
g sin  
where  is the volume of the column of liquid
2 Va
  h  a 1 g sin  
 gh 2 sin 

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-16

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• For   30,
 gh 2 sin 30  gh 2
V 
2 4
gh 2
where  =/ is the kinematic viscosity
Part (iii)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-17

Tutorial 1, Problem 2
• Solid inclined plate exerts a shear stress on fluid indicated by
blue arrows. By Newton’s Third Law, fluid exerts an equal and
opposite shear stress on surface of solid inclined plate
indicated by green arrows. Direction of shear stress acting on
plate is thus parallel to plate and down the incline.
• Magnitude of shear stress:
2 V
2    gh 2 sin  
  
h  2 

   gh sin 
• For   30 ,
 gh

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-18

Lecture Summary (18 August)
Summary of Lecture on 18 August
• Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Submerged Surfaces

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS2-19

Lecture Summary (18 August)
Summary of Lecture on 18 August
Resultant hydrostatic force:

FR  PC A   ghC A
FR   gyC sin  A
PC: pressure at centroid
Line of action:
Resultant hydrostatic
force FR passes through
center of pressure (CP)

I xx,C
yP  yC 
yC A
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS2-20
Tutorial 1, Problem 3
Figure P3 shows a semi-circular gate AB hinged at B and held by
a horizontal force P applied at A. Determine the force P required
for equilibrium.

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Figure P3 T-21

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Hydrostatic pressure increases linearly with depth
• Pressure forces act inwards and normal to the solid surface:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-22

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Replace parallel system of hydrostatic pressure forces acting
on gate with a single resultant force FR:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-23

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• To find magnitude of resultant hydrostatic force  locate the
centroid C:

hC  yC sin 
hC  yC sin 90
hC  yC

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-24

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Geometric properties of a semi-circle:

• Depth of centroid C:
 4R 
hC   H  R  m
 3 
 4  5 
hC   8  5  m
 3 
hC  10.88 m
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-25
Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Area of semicircle:
 R2
• Magnitude of hydrostatic force acting on semicircle:
FR  PC A   ghC A

 4 R    R 2
FR   g  H  R    
 3   2 

 4  5     52 
FR  1000  9.81  8  5    
 3   2 

FR  4.191106 N

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-26

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Resultant hydrostatic force does not pass through centroid C
• Resultant hydrostatic force passes through center of pressure
CP which is deeper than centroid C

hP  yP sin 
hP  yP sin 90
hP  yP

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-27

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Second moment of area about x-axis (horizontal axis) passing
through centroid C:
I xx,C  0.1098 R 4

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-28

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Location (depth) of center of pressure CP:
I xx,C
hP  yP  yC 
yC A
yC  hC

 4R  0.1098 R 4
yP   H  R  +
 3   4R    R2 
H R   
 3   2 

yP   8  5 
45   
0.1098 54
 3 
 45    
  52
8  5  
 3   2 

 
hP  yP  11.039 m

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-29

Tutorial 1, Problem 3
• Taking moments about hinge B:
FR   H  R  yP   P  R
4.191106   8  5  11.039   P  5
P  1.644 106 N

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-30

Lecture Summary (25 August)
Summary of Lecture on 25 August

• The horizontal component of hydrostatic force acting on a
curved surface is equal to the force on the plane area formed
by the projection of the curved surface onto a vertical plane
normal to the component. It acts through the center of pressure
(not centroid) of the projected area
ME2134E/TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS3-31
Lecture Summary (25 August)
Summary of Lecture on 25 August

FV  W

• The vertical component of pressure force on a curved surface

is equals in magnitude to the weight of the entire fluid column
above the curved surface, and acts through the center of
gravity (centroid) of the fluid column
ME2134E/TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS3-32
Tutorial 1, Problem 4
Figure P4 shows a container with an unusual shape which is filled
with a liquid of density  up to a height H above the base.
Determine the horizontal force, the vertical force, as well as the
magnitude and direction of the resultant force acting on the
curved surface AB. Assume that the container is of unit width
perpendicular to the plane of the paper, and OAB as an exact
quadrant of a circle. In addition, determine the point through
which the resultant force acting on curved surface AB passes

Figure P4

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-33

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Hydrostatic pressure increases linearly with depth
• Pressure forces act inwards and normal to the solid surface

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-34

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• To determine horizontal component of resultant hydrostatic
force on curved surface  project curved surface horizontally
onto vertical plane

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-35

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• To determine horizontal component of resultant hydrostatic
force on curved surface  project curved surface horizontally
onto vertical plane  obtain rectangle of length 1 and height R
• Horizontal component of resultant hydrostatic force FH is given
by horizontal force acting on projected area:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-36

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Depth of centroid C of projected area:
hC = H – R/2
• Area of projected area (rectangle):
A = R(1) = R (unit width)
• Magnitude of horizontal force:
FH  PC A   ghC A
 R
FH   gR  H   
 2

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-37

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• No liquid lying above curved surface  shift curved surface
horizontally inwards so that there exists a column of liquid lying
above imaginary curved surface:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-38

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Original and imaginary curved surfaces are subjected to same
hydrostatic pressure distribution because they are at the same
depth  can find vertical component of hydrostatic force acting
on original curved surface by analyzing imaginary curved

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-39

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Vertical component FV of hydrostatic pressure force acting on
imaginary curved surface is given by weight W of column of
liquid vertically above imaginary curved surface:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-40

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Vertical component FV of hydrostatic pressure force acting on
imaginary curved surface:
FV  W  Mg  Vg
  R2 
FV   H  R   1 g
 4 
 R
FV   gR  H  
 4 

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-41

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Magnitude of resultant hydrostatic force F acting on curved

F  FH2  FV2
2 2
  R     R 
F    gR  H       gR  H  
  2    4 

R2 2
2 2
2  HR  R
F   gR H  HR  H  
4 2 16
  R 2 
F   gR 2 H 2  HR 1    1  
 2 4  4 
 

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-42

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Direction of resultant hydrostatic force F acting on curved
tan  

1  FV
  tan  
 H
  R
  gR  H  4  
 tan 1   
  gR  H  R  
   
  2  
 R 
 H 
1 4
 tan 
R 
 H 
 2 
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-43
Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• All the individual hydrostatic pressure forces act normally (at
90) to the curved surface AB at every point  they thus act
along the radial direction  all the individual hydrostatic
pressure forces must thus pass through O (center of quadrant
AB) and have no moment about O:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-44

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• If a force F passes through a point O, the force F has no
moment about O:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-45

Tutorial 1, Problem 4
• Since all the individual hydrostatic pressure forces acting on
curved surface AB (quadrant of circle) pass through O and
have no moment about O, resultant hydrostatic force F must
also have no moment about O  resultant hydrostatic force F
must also pass through O:

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-46

Tutorial 1, Problem 5
Three different gate designs of negligible weight are used to hold
back water in a channel of width b as shown in Figure P5.
Determine the force of the gate against the blocks for each of the
three gates.

Figure P5

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-47

Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Part (c)

• Resultant hydrostatic force acting on upper half curved

portion which is a quadrant passes through hinge 
Hydrostatic force acting on upper half of gate has no
moment about hinge  Only consider lower vertical half
of gate
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-48
Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Part (c)

 yC


TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-49

Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Depth of centroid C of lower vertical half of gate:
h 3h
hC  yC  h  
4 4
• Area of lower vertical half of gate:
• Magnitude of hydrostatic force acting on lower vertical
half of gate:
FR  PC A   ghC A
 3h   hb  3
 FR   g       gbh 2
 4  2  8
• Second moment of area:
1 h bh3
I xx,C  b   
12  2  96
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-50
Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Location (depth) of center of pressure:
I xx,C
yP  yC 
yC A
 yP 
• Taking moments about hinge:
FR  yP  FB  h
7  gbh 2
 FB 

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-51

Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Part (b)

 yC

• Depth of centroid:
hC  yC 
• Area of gate:
A  hb
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-52
Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Magnitude of hydrostatic force acting on gate:
FR  PC A   ghC A
 FR   gb
• Second moment of area:
1 3
I xx,C  bh
• Location (depth) of center of pressure:
I xx,C
yP  yC 
yC A
 yP 
• Taking moments about hinge:
FR  yP  FB  h
 gbh 2
 FB 
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I 3 T-53
Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Part (a)

• Resultant hydrostatic force acting on upper half curved

portion which is a quadrant passes through O and NOT
through the hinge  Hydrostatic force acting on upper
half of gate has clockwise moment about hinge  Have
to consider entire gate (both upper curved half and lower
vertical half of gate)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-54
Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Part (a)

 yC

• Horizontal component of hydrostatic force and its line of

action on entire gate are the same as for Part (b):
 gbh 2
FH 
yP 
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I 3 T-55
Tutorial 1, Problem 5

• Vertical component of hydrostatic force on curved

section of gate (quadrant of circle):
• Magnitude corresponds to weight of fluid extending from
curved surface to the free surface:
 1  h 2   gbh 2
FV  W        bg 
4 2  16
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I   T-56
Tutorial 1, Problem 5
• Line of action of vertical hydrostatic force on curved
section of gate lies along
h 4  h 2  h 2h
xP    
2 3 2 3
from hinge

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-57

Tutorial 1, Problem 5

• Taking moments about hinge:

 FH  yP    FV   xP   FB h
7  
 FB   gbh   
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
 32 24  T-58
Tutorial 1, Problem 6
As depicted in Figure P6, a triangular gate of height h and base
0.5h inclined at an angle of 30 with respect to the horizontal
prevents liquid of density  from flowing out of a canal. The base
of the gate is hinged and the liquid is filled to an inclined height of
0.4h above the hinge. A solid block of uniform density 0.25 is
attached to the apex of the gate via a cord. Neglect the weight of
the gate. Determine the minimum volume of the solid block
required to open the gate.

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-59

Tutorial 1, Problem 6

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I

Figure P6 T-60
Tutorial 1, Problem 6
• Geometric properties of triangle:

• For this problem, a = h, b = 0.5h. Hence,

0.5h  h3 h 4
I xx,C  
36 72
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-61
Tutorial 1, Problem 6

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-62

Tutorial 1, Problem 6
• Surface area of triangular gate:
1 h2
A   h  0.5h 
2 4
• Location of centroid C:
h 11h
yC  0.4h  
3 15
• Magnitude of resultant hydrostatic force:
FR  PC A   ghC A
FR   g  yC sin 30  A
 11h 1   h 
FR   g    
 15 2   4 
FR   gh3
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-63
Tutorial 1, Problem 6
• Location of center of pressure CP:
I xx,C
yP  yC 
yC A
11h 72 89h
yP   
15  11h   h  110
   
 15   4 

• Let T represent tension in cord and N represent normal

reaction force acting on apex of triangular gate
• Neglect weight of gate
• Taking moments about hinge:
FR   yP  0.4h   T  h cos 30  N  h cos 30

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-64

Tutorial 1, Problem 6
• When gate is on the verge of opening, N = 0. Hence,
FR   yP  0.4h   T  h cos 30
FR   yP  0.4h 
h cos 30
11  89h 
 gh3    0.4h 
120  110 
h cos 30
T  0.0433 gh3

• W corresponds to weight of solid block, whereas U

corresponds to upthrust force acting on solid block
• Consider equilibrium of forces acting on solid block:
T W  U

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-65

Tutorial 1, Problem 6
• Let V represent volume of solid block:
T  0.25 Vg  Vg
0.75 Vg  T
0.75Vg  0.0433 gh3
V  0.0577 h3

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-66

Tutorial 1, Problem 7
A 15 cm diameter, 30 cm long cylinder floats in an open tank
containing a liquid having a specific weight . A U-tube
manometer is connected to the tank as shown in Figure P2.
When the pressure in pipe E is 3000 Pa above atmospheric
pressure, the various fluid levels are as shown. Determine the
weight of the cylinder. Note that the top of the cylinder is flush
with the fluid surface.

Figure P2

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-67

Tutorial 1, Problem 7

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-68

Tutorial 1, Problem 7
• z is measured to be positive in the vertically upward
 Approach 1
PE  Patm   PE  P1    P1  P2    P2  P3    P3  Patm 
 1000 g  z E  z1   0.85 1000 g  z1  z2 
1.5 1000 g  z2  z3     z3  zatm 
  1000  9.81 0.25    850  9.81 0.15 
 1500  9.81 0.38     0.53
 3000 Pa
• Liquid specific weight:
   g  9223.4 N m3
•   density of liquid in tank

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-69

Tutorial 1, Problem 7
 Approach 2
PE  1000 g z E  z1  0.85 1000 g z1  z2
1.5 1000 g z2  z3   z3  zatm  Patm
PE  Patm  1000 g z E  z1  0.85 1000 g z1  z2
1.5 1000 g z2  z3   z3  zatm
 1000  9.81 0.25    850  9.81 0.15 
 1500  9.81 0.38     0.53
 3000 Pa
• Liquid specific weight:
   g  9223.4 N m3
•   density of liquid in tank

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-70

Tutorial 1, Problem 7
• Cylinder floats on liquid in tank  weight of cylinder
balances buoyancy force:
W  FB
W   gVsub
 2 
W  g  D H 
4 
 
W  9223.4    0.152  0.30 
4 
W  48.9 N

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-71

Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
 Mass and Volume Flow Rates

• : fluid density
• V: uniform flow velocity normal to area A
• Volume flow rate (Q) = volume of fluid passing through area A
per unit time

• Q  AV (uniform Flow); Q  VdA (non-uniform flow)
 ) = mass of fluid passing through area A per
• Mass flow rate (m
unit time

   AV (uniform flow); m  VdA (non-uniform flow)
• m
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I A LS4-72
Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
• Control volume  A region in space selected for
applying conservation laws or principles; species (in this
case fluid) enter and leave control volume

Steady Flow
(Mass of fluid m
within Control
• Conservation of mass (Continuity Equation):
m1  m 2  1 A1V1   2 A2V2
• Incompressible fluid ( 1   2 ):
A1V1  A2V2  Q1  Q2
• Area A  Velocity V  and vice versa
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS4-73
Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
• Conservation of mass  In 1 second, the net mass
transfer to or from a control volume (CV) is equal to the
net change (increase or decrease) in the total mass
within the CV

 m   m  dt
in out

  AVn    AVn  dt
in out

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS4-74

Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
• Bernoulli equation may be derived by applying Newton’s
second law on a fluid particle moving along a streamline
• Between any 2 points on the same streamline:
Steady, incompressible, inviscid flow:

P1 V12 P2 V22
  gz1    gz2 (4.5.7)
 2  2

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS4-75

Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
• Individual terms in (4.5.7) have units of energy per unit
P V2
  gz  constant (along a streamline)
 2

Flow Kinetic Potential

energy energy energy
Daniel Bernoulli
• Bernoulli equation can be viewed as a restatement of
conservation of mechanical energy
 The sum of the kinetic, potential, and flow energies of
a fluid particle is constant along a streamline during
steady flow when compressibility and frictional effects
are negligible
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS4-76
Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
• Bernoulli equation (4.5.7) can also be written as
P   gz  constant (along a streamline) (4.5.8)
• Each term in (4.5.8) has same units as pressure:
 P: static pressure  represents actual thermodynamic
pressure of fluid
 V2/2: dynamic pressure  represents pressure rise
when fluid in motion is brought to rest
 gz: hydrostatic pressure  accounts for elevation
• Total pressure (PT)  sum of static, dynamic and
hydrostatic pressure
• Bernoulli equation  total pressure (PT) along a
streamline is constant:
P   gz  PT = constant (along a streamline)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS4-77
Lecture Summary (1 September)
Summary of Lecture on 1 September
• Bernoulli equation (4.5.7) for negligible changes in elevation:
V12 V22
P1   P2 
2 2
• When fluid velocity , pressure ; and vice versa

 Nozzle:  Diffuser:

• Converts pressure  • Converts velocity or

velocity or kinetic energy kinetic energy  pressure
• Mass Conservation: A ↓  • Mass Conservation: A ↑ 
V↑ V↓
• Bernoulli: V ↑  P ↓ • Bernoulli: V ↓  P ↑
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I LS4-78
Lecture Summary (3 September)
Tutorial 2, Problem 1
Two rivers merge to form a larger river as shown in Figure P1.
At a location downstream from the junction before the two
streams completely merge, the non-uniform velocity profile is
as shown. Determine the value of V.

ME2134E/TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I

Figure P1 LS4-79
Tutorial 2, Problem 1

• Integral form of Mass Conservation Equation (Continuity

Equation) is:
  AV    AV 
dt (2.1.1)
in out
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-80
Tutorial 2, Problem 1
• Flow is steady: (1.1) becomes
  AV    AV  0
in out
 AV   AV  0
in out
 AV   AV
in out
A1V1  A2V2  Q3
5  0.5 1  8 1 4  7 1 V  3 1 0.7V
9.1V  34.5
V  3.79 m/s

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-81

Tutorial 2, Problem 2
A 4 m high, 3 m diameter cylindrical water tank whose top is
open to the atmosphere is initially filled with water. At time t =
0, the discharge plug near the bottom of the tank is pulled out,
and a water jet whose diameter is 5 cm streams out (Figure
P2). Estimate how long it takes for the water level in the tank
to drop to 2 m from the bottom.

Figure P2

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-82

Tutorial 2, Problem 2

At time
instant t
Dtank = 3 m
djet = 5 cm

• Integral form of continuity equation:

  AV    AV  dt (2.2.1)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
out T-83
Tutorial 2, Problem 2
• Mass of fluid (water) in control volume at time t:
  D2 
mCV   Atank h    tank  h
 4 
 
• Time rate of change of mass of fluid in control volume:
dmCV   D 2  dh
  tank 
dt  4  dt
 
• Net mass flow rate through control surface:
d2 
jet 
  AV   V 2 
 4 
;   AV  0
out   in
• (2.2.1) becomes
d2    D 2  dh
0  V2    tank 
 4   4  dt
   
dh  d jet 
   V2 (2.2.2)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
dt  Dtank  T-84
Tutorial 2, Problem 2
z1  z2  h
P1  P2  0 (gage)
dh d jet
V1    V2
dt Dtank2

• Applying Bernoulli equation between (1) and (2):

P1 V12 P2 V22
  z1    z2
 g 2g  g 2g
 d 4 
V22 1    2 gh
 Dtank4 
 
4 4
• Since d jet << Dtank
V2  2 gh (2.2.3)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-85
Tutorial 2, Problem 2
• Substituting (2.2.3) into (2.2.2):
dh  d 2 
 jet 
 2 gh
dt 2
 Dtank 
 
dh  d 2 T
 jet  dt
 h   2 g
 Dtank 
4  0
2  d2 
jet 
2  h    2 g  T
4 2
 Dtank 
 

T 

2 2 2 
 0.052 
2  9.81  2 
 3 
 
T  952 s
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-86
Tutorial 2, Problem 3
(a) As shown in Figure P3(a), water flows in a rectangular
channel which is 5.0 m wide. The upstream depth is 60 mm.
The water surface rises by 40 mm as it passes over a portion
where the channel bottom rises by 15 mm. Neglecting viscous
effects, what is the volume flowrate Q?

Figure P3(a)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-87

Tutorial 2, Problem 3
(b) As shown in Figure P3(b), water flows up a ramp with
negligible viscous losses. The upstream depth and velocity are
maintained at h1 = 1 m and V1 = 10 m/s, respectively. The ramp
height is H = 2 m. Obtain an expression for the downstream
depth h2.
Optional: Solve for possible values of the downstream depth

Figure P3(b)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-88

Tutorial 2, Problem 3
Part (a)

• Applying continuity equation between sections (1) and (2):

Q  V1 A1  V2 A2
Q  V1h1w  V2 h2 w
 V2  V1 (2.3.1)
• P1  P2  0 (gage)
• z1  h1
• z2  H  h2
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-89
Tutorial 2, Problem 3
• Applying Bernoulli equation along streamline between (1)
and (2):
P1 V12 P2 V22
  z1    z2
 g 2g  g 2g
V12 V22
  z2  z1  H  h2  h1
2g 2g
• Using (2.3.1),
  h 2 
V12 1   1    2 g  h2  h1  H 
  h2  
 
2 g  h2  h1  H 
V1 
  h 2 
1   1  
  h2  
 
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-90
Tutorial 2, Problem 3
• Volume flowrate:
2 g  h2  h1  H 
Q  V1 A1  V1h1w  h1w
  h 2 
1   1  
  h2  
 
Part (b)

• Applying continuity equation between sections (1) and (2),

volume flow rates at sections (1) and (2) are the same:
Q  V1 A1  V2 A2
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-91
Tutorial 2, Problem 3
Q  V1h1w  V2 h2 w
V1h1  V2 h2
V2  V1 (2.3.2)
z2  z1  H  h2  h1
z2  z1   2  h2  1 m  1  h2  m
P1  P2  0 (gage)
• Assume fluid flow is steady, incompressible and inviscid.
Applying Bernoulli equation along streamline between (1)
and (2):
P1 V12 P2 V22
  z1    z2
 g 2g  g 2g
V12 V22
  z2  z1  H  h2  h1
2g 2g
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-92
Tutorial 2, Problem 3
• Using (2.3.2),
  h 2 
V12 1   1    2 g  h2  h1  H 
  h2  
 
 
V12 h22  h12  2 gh22  h2  h1  H 

2 gh23   2 g  H  h1   V12  h22  V12 h12  0

2  9.81 h23   2  9.81 2  1  100  h22  100 1  0

19.62h23  80.38h22  100  0

h2 = 3.731m, 1.366 m or -1.0 m (inadmissible)

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-93

Tutorial 2, Problem 4
As shown in Figure P4, water flows out from a pipe of diameter
D with a flowrate Q. How does the diameter of the water
stream d vary with the distance below the faucet h?

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Figure P4 T-94

Tutorial 2, Problem 4
• Continuity equation
between (1) and (2):
A1V1  A2V2  Q
 D2 d2
V1  V2
4 4
D 2V1  d 2V2
2 D
 V2    V12 (2.4.1)
• z1  z2  h , P1  P2  0 (gage)
• Assume flow to be steady,
incompressible and inviscid
• Applying Bernoulli equation between (1) and (2):
P1 V12 P2 V22
  z1    z2
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
 g 2g  g 2g T-95
Tutorial 2, Problem 4
V12 V22
 h (2.4.2)
2g 2g

• Using (2.4.1), (2.4.2) becomes

V12 V12  D 
h  
2g 2g  d 
 D  4 
    1 V12  2 gh (2.4.3)
 d  

• But
Q Q 4Q
V1    (2.4.4)
A1  D 2  D 2
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
4 T-96
Tutorial 2, Problem 4
• Substituting (2.4.4) into (2.4.3):
 D 4  16Q 2
   1  2 gh
2 4
 d    D

 gh 2 D 4  4
d  D 1  
 8Q 2 
 

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-97

Tutorial 2, Problem 5
As shown in Figure P5, a pitot-static tube used to measure air
velocity along a wind tunnel is coupled to a manometer which
shows a difference of head of 1.5 cm water. The density of the
air is 1.22 kg/m3. What is the air velocity?

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Figure P5 T-98

Tutorial 2, Problem 5
a = 1.22 kg/m3
l = 1000 kg/m3
h = 1.5 cm

• z1  z2 , V1  V , V2  0 (stagnation point), P1  Ps , P2  Pt
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-99
Tutorial 2, Problem 5
• Applying Bernoulli equation between (1) and (2):
P1 V12 P2 V22
  z1    z2
a g 2 g a g 2 g
Ps V 2 Pt
  
a g 2 g a g
2  Pt  Ps 
V 
• Manometer (Hydrostatics problem):
Pt  Ps   Pt  PA    PA  PB    PB  PC    PC  Ps 
  a g  zt  z A   l g  z B  zC   a g  zC  zs 
  a g  z   l g  h   a g    z  h  
 l g h  a g h
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-100
Tutorial 2, Problem 5
• Hence,
2  l g h   a g h 
 l 
V  2 g h   1
 a 
 1000 
V  2  9.81 0.015    1
 1.22 
V  15.52 m s

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-101

Tutorial 2, Problem 6
A venturi develops a low throat pressure which is able to
aspirate fluid upward from a reservoir, as shown in Figure P6.
Assuming no losses, derive an expression for the velocity V1
which is just sufficient to draw fluid from the reservoir into the

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Figure P6 T-102

Tutorial 2, Problem 6

• Continuity equation between (1) and (2):

 D12  D22
A1V1  A2V2  V1  V2
4 4
 D1 
 V2  V1   (2.6.1)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
 2 T-103
Tutorial 2, Problem 6
• z1  z2 , P2  Pa
• Applying Bernoulli equation to fluid in Venturi tube
between (1) and (2):
P1 V12 P2 V22
  z1    z2
 g 2g  g 2g

 Pa  P1  V12  V22

 2
• Using (2.6.1),
  D 4  2  P  P 
a 1
V12 1   1    (2.6.2)
  D2   
 
• z4  z3  h, P3  Pa , V3  0 (large reservoir),
• P4  P1, V4  0 (fluid from reservoir just reaches throat)
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-104
Tutorial 2, Problem 6
• Applying Bernoulli equation to fluid from reservoir to
throat between (3) and (4):
P3 V32 P4 V42
  z3    z4
 g 2g  g 2g

 Pa  P1 
 gh (2.6.3)

• Substituting (2.6.3) into (2.6.2):
  D 4 
V12 1   1    2 gh
  D2  
 
2 gh
V1 
 D1 
1  
 2
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I T-105

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