TME2134 Tutorial2

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TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Technology Programme

TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I

Tutorial 2

1. Two rivers merge to form a larger river as shown in Figure P1. At a location
downstream from the junction before the two streams completely merge, the
non-uniform velocity profile is as shown. Determine the value of V.
[Ans: 3.79 m/s]

Figure P1

2. A 4 m high, 3 m diameter cylindrical water tank whose top is open to the

atmosphere is initially filled with water. At time t = 0, the discharge plug near
the bottom of the tank is pulled out, and a water jet whose diameter is 5 cm
streams out (Figure P2). Estimate how long it takes for the water level in the
tank to drop to 2 m from the bottom.
[Ans: 952 s]

Figure P2

Semester 1, AY2022/2023 1
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

3. (a) As shown in Figure P3(a), water flows in a rectangular channel which is

5.0 m wide. The upstream depth is 60 mm. The water surface rises by 40
mm as it passes over a portion where the channel bottom rises by 15 mm.
Neglecting viscous effects, what is the volume flowrate Q?
[Ans: 0.390 m3/s]

Figure P3(a)

3. (b) As shown in Figure P3(b), water flows up a ramp with negligible viscous
losses. The upstream depth and velocity are maintained at h1 = 1 m and
V1 = 10 m/s, respectively. The ramp height is H = 2 m. Obtain an
expression for the downstream depth h2.
Optional: Solve for possible values of the downstream depth h2.
[Ans: 19.62h23  80.38h22  100  0 ; h2 = 3.731 m, 1.366 m]

Figure P3(b)

4. As shown in Figure P4, water flows out from a pipe of diameter D with a
flowrate Q. How does the diameter of the water stream d vary with the
distance below the faucet h?

 gh 2 D 4  4
[Ans: d  D 1   ]
 8Q 2 

Figure P4

Semester 1, AY2022/2023 2
TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

5. As shown in Figure P5, a pitot-static tube used to measure air velocity along a
wind tunnel is coupled to a manometer which shows a difference of head of
1.5 cm water. The density of the air is 1.22 kg/m3. What is the air velocity?
[Ans: 15.52 m/s]

Figure P5

6. A venturi develops a low throat pressure which is able to aspirate fluid upward
from a reservoir, as shown in Figure P6. Assuming no losses, derive an
expression for the velocity V1 which is just sufficient to draw fluid from the
reservoir into the throat.
2 gh
[Ans: V1,min  ]
1   D1 D2 

Figure P6

Semester 1, AY2022/2023 3

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