Star Valley High School: Sports and Entertainment Marketing Syllabus

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Instructor Phone Number Kent Eberspacher 307-885-4000 E-Mail Address Planning Time

Course Description
Sports and Entertainment Marketing is a unique and innovative course designed for students with an interest in the sports and entertainment industry. This course stresses the utilization of fundamental marketing concepts and will include an orientation to the sports and entertainment industry. Marketing strategies along with topics in sponsorship, pricing, marketing research, endorsements, and promotions will be part of this course. The course will develop critical thinking, decision making and communication skills through real world applications. Students will be prepared to handle specific tasks associated with either industry. This course offers students and edge if pursuing marketing or sports management degrees on the collegiate level. Guest speakers, case studies, field trips, videos and computer integrated activities will be incorporated into the class.

Resources: Effective workers know how to allocate time, money, materials, work space and human resources in both personal and workplace settings.

Interpersonal Skills: Effective workers can work on teams, teach others, communicate, lead and work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Effective workers are expected to identify, assimilate and integrate information from diverse sources; they prepare, maintain and interpret quantitative and qualitative records; they convert information from one form to another and are comfortable conveying information, orally and in writing, as the need arises. Effective workers understand social, organizational and technological systems. They understand how parts of are connected, anticipate consequences, monitor and correct performance and design or improve systems.



Technology: Effective workers select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks and maintain and trouble shoot workplace technologies. Career development is the process through which an individual comes to understand his or her interests, knowledge, skills and aspirations and begins to make informed career decisions. The process consists, at a minimum, of (I) career awareness, (2) career exploration, (3) career planning/decision-making, and (4) career preparation. Students develop through a continuum of career awareness, career exploration and work exposure activities that help them discern their own career path.



Advanced: An advanced student evaluates and integrates transferable academic/workplace knowledge and skills in multiple situations as a productive contributor in the workplace.
Proficient: A proficient student acquires and applies academic/workplace knowledge and skills to become a productive contributor in the workplace.

knowledge and skills that are necessary to become a productive contributor in the workplace.
Below Basic: A below basic student has not developed academic/workplace knowledge and skills that are necessary to become a productive contributor in the workplace. Units of Study

Basic: A basic student has limited acquisition and comprehension of academic/workplace

Units Introduction to Marketing The Importance of Sports and Entertainment Marketing Employability Skills Product, Price and Market Research Sponsorships, Endorsements and Ethics ____________________________________ What are the ESPN X-Games

Standards and Benchmarks 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 2.2 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 4.2 5.1, 5.3 6.4 1.1 2.2 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 1.1 2.2 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 4.1 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 6.4

Assessments Common Assessment 1: Lemonade Stand Business Analysis Project Common Assessment 2: Sponsorships and Endorsements Common Assessment 3: Game Promotional Flyer Common Assessment 4 Entertainment Iarketing Press Kit Project

Advertising and Sales Promotion Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Branding, Licensing & Merchandising Public Relations Media Study and How to Write a News Release Team Presentations

Grading for the semester will consist of a combination of Quizzes, Classroom Participation and Homework Assignments, Individual/Group Projects, and Common Assessments. Breakdown of the percentages are as follows:
Daily Class Assignments, Quizzes, Classroom Participation, Individual/Group Projects, and all other course related material. Four (4) Common Assessments 60%


Common Assessments are project-based activities that will assess a students proficiency against the Wyoming Career/Vocational Content and Performance Standards. Students will be graded on each common assessment using a standards-based rubric and/or check list.

Sports and Entertainment Marketing and marketing related videos will be viewed in class. Most of these videos are purchased from various vendors or taped from such channels as the Learning Channel, PBS, The History Channel, E, A & E, ESPN and all major networks. For example, clips may be shown from ESPNs Bottom Line to complete a current event assignment on a sports related issue and/or athlete after viewing the segment. Students will also view several episodes from The ApprenticeThe Complete First Season. If a student or parent feels their son or daughter should not be present when these videos are shown, he or she will be allowed to work quietly on a different assignment outside of the classroom.

Course Materials and Resources

Enterprise PrepSmall Business Training Textbook Virtual Business Sports Software Program Virtual Business Retailing Software Program Wyoming Stock Market Game American Marketing Association Wall Street Journal E SPN. go. corn Sports Illustrated Magazine Sports Business Journal DVD/The Apprent iceThe First Season

Supplies Needed
PeniPencil Notebook Flash Drive if Possible CREATIVITY!!!



Additional Course Information

Missing and

Late Work: Absences:

Late and incomplete work is not acceptable in the workplace; however, late work will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher in accordance with school policy. A penalty may be assessed. If you are aware of an absence ahead of time (prearranged absences) please check with your teacher to obtain the work prior to your absence. Upon returning from any absence, it is your responsibility to check the Make-Up Basket to obtain any missed work. Make-Up Work is due the next Friday, following your absence.

LCSD2 agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all District courses/classes. All district schools will effectively manage and creatively utilize resources necessary to support student learning. The Districts Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender, age, national origin, color or disability in admission to, or access to, or treatment in its educational programs or activities.

Dear Parent/Guardian: I encourage you to contact me by e-mail or phone with any questions or concerns you have. Please complete the form so that I may contact you if need be. Together we can give your student a eat opportunity to succeeds Please have your student return this by: Students Name: Parent/Guardian Signature:
Parent/Guardian Email Address (If you prefer to be contacted by Email)

Parent/Guardian Name: Date:

Phone Number



Star Valley High School

Instructor Phone Number Kent Eberspacher 307-885-4000

I E-Mail Address
Planning Time

Course Description
The Career Resource Training (CRT) Program offers students an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to a work-site situation. Students establish learning objectives related to their field of study. The objectives are individualized and depend on the area of study and what the student wants to gain from the experience.

Resources: Effective workers know how to allocate time, money, materials, work space and human resources in both personal and workplace settings.

Interpersonal Skills: Effective workers can work on teams, teach others, communicate, lead and work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Information: Effective workers are expected to identify, assimilate and integrate information from diverse sources; they prepare, maintain and interpret quantitative and qualitative records; they convert information from one form to another and are comfortable conveying information, orally and in writing, as the need arises. Systems: Effective workers understand social, organizational and technological systems. They understand how parts of systems are connected. anticipate consequences, monitor and correct performance and design or improve systems. TechnoIoy: Effective workers select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks
and maintain and trouble shoot workplace technologies.

his or her interests, knowledge, skills and aspirations and begins to make informed career decisions. The process consists, at a minimum, of(l) career awareness, (2) career exploration, (3) career planning/decision-making, and (4) career preparation. Students develop through a continuum of career awareness, career exploration and work exposure activities that help them discern their own career path.

Careers: Career development is the process through which an individual comes to understand



Advanced: An advanced student evaluates and integrates transferable academic/workplace knowledge and skills in multiple situations as a productive contributor in the workplace.
skills to become a productive contributor in the workplace.

Proficient: A proficient student acquires and applies academic/workplace knowledge and

knowledge and skills that are necessary to become a productive contributor in the workplace.

Basic: A basic student has limited acquisition and comprehension of academic/workplace

Below Basic: A below basic student has not developed academic/workplace knowledge and skills that are necessary to become a productive contributor in the workplace.
Units of Study

Units CRT-Work Experience Program Orientation Return all paperwork including (a) Training Agreement; (b) CRT Work Experience Rules Contract; and (c) Liability Agreement by required deadline dates.

Standards and Benchmarks 1.2 1.3 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 6.4

Assessments Common Assessment 1: Student Evaluation Sheet

Complete and Return time sheet and return it to the CRT-Work Experience Director by the required deadline dates. IIid-Term Student Evaluation iieeting: Identify individual work-related strengths and areas for growth. Complete Time for Reflection Paper by thinking about your learning objectives, how they were accomplished and what you learned. a. That tasks are you actually performing on the job as they relate to your established learning objectives? 1.2 1.3 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 6.4


Mid-Semester Self-Evaluation Sheet

Common Assessment 2: CRT-Work Experience Rubric End of Semester Evaluation Sheet

b. How are you using your academic and/or technical training courses in tok lace?

Students will be evaluated by their Employer and CRT Supervisor. All course paperwork, the learning objectives, scheduled meetings with CRT Supervisor, attendance records, and time sheets are required. A penalty may be given for lateness. It is your responsibility to notifv both your employer and CRT Supervisor if you are unable to attend work. Attendance is important. Please review the Penalty Sheet.

st 1


Grade Drop of One Letter

Possibility for grade recovery.

nd 2


Grade Becomes F; CRT-Work Experience Supervisor will be required to check your work station often; and over time you may earn points back. Detention Assigned. Contact made with counselor and/or parents.

Possibility for grade recovery Noon Detention. Meeting with counselor and/or parents.

rd 3


No recovery and loss of credit.


Notify both your employer and CRT Supervisor if you are unable to attend work. The phone number for your CRT-Work Experience Director is: 885-4000 and you can leave a message. Only the CRTWork Experience Supervisor can excuse your absence. When checking your grades, if you see a BAD grade, then something is wrong and you should contact the CRT-Work Experience Supervisor immediately to see how to correct the problem.


LCSD2 agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all District courses/classes. AU district schools will effectively manage and creatively utilize resources necessary to support student learning. The Districts Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender, age, national origin, color or disability in admission to, or access to, or treatment in its educational programs or activities.

Dear Parent/Guardian: I encourage you to contact me by e-mail or phone with any questions or concerns you have. Please complete the form so that I may contact you if need be. Together we can give your student a great opportunity to succeed! Please have your student return this by: Students Name: Parent/Guardian Signature: Parent/Guardian Email Address (If you prefer to be contacted by Email) Parent/Guardian Name: Date:

Phone Number


Star Valley High School Instructor Phone Number Kent Eberspacher (307) 885-7847 E-Mail Address Planning Time RI and


Course Description
This course will provide the student with exposure to applications that can be accomplished using Microsoft Word, MicroType software, and the Internet. Emphasis will be on formatting concepts and improving speed, accuracy, and editing skills. This will include memos, letters, envelopes, reports, announcements, pamphlets, personal data sheets, and basic desktop publishing skills. The Internet will be used as a research tool to accomplish realistic tasks.

Resources: Effective workers know how to allocate time, money, materials, work space and human resources in both personal and workplace settings. and work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Interpersonal Skills: Effective workers can work on teams, teach others, communicate, lead

from diverse sources; they prepare, maintain and interpret quantitative and qualitative records; they convert information from one form to another and are comfortable conveying information, orally and in writing, as the need arises.

Information: Effective workers are expected to identify, assimilate and integrate information

Systems: Effective workers understand social, organizational and technological systems. They understand how parts of systems are connected, anticipate consequences, monitor and correct performance and design or improve systems. Technology: Effective workers select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks and maintain and trouble shoot workplace technologies. Careers: Career development is the process through which an individual comes to understand his or her interests, knowledge, skills and aspirations and begins to make informed career decisions. The process consists, at a minimum, of(l) career awareness, (2) career exploration, (3) career planning/decision-making, and (4) career preparation. Students develop through a continuum of career awareness, career exploration and work exposure activities that help them discern their own career path.


knowledge and skills in multiple situations as a productive contributor in the workplace.

Advanced: An advanced student evaluates and integrates transferable academic/workplace

Proficient: A proficient student acquires and applies academic/workplace knowledge and skills to become a productive contributor in the workplace. Basic: A basic student has limited acquisition and comprehension of academic/workplace knowledge and skills that are necessary to become a productive contributor in the workplace.
skills that are necessary to become a productive contributor in the workplace.

Below Basic: A below basic student has not developed academic/workplace knowledge and Units of Study

Standards and Bench marks Document Production using 1.2; 1.3 Word Processing and 2.2; 2.4 Desktop Publishing 3.2; 3.4 5.1; 5.2; 5.3; 5.4 Internet Preparation and 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 Use 2.1; 2.2 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 3.4 4.2 5.i;5.25.3;5.4 Career Exploration 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4 5.1; 5.2; 5.3; 5.4 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4 Job Simulation 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4 4.1; 4.2
5.1; 5.2; 5.3; 5.4


Assessments Common Assessment I Production Exam Common Assessment 2 WebQuest Letter Writing Assignment Common Assessment Career Exploration Pamphlet


Common Assessment 4 Job Simulation: Concerts, Inc. Show mastery by completing_15_jobs.



Students will earn points toward credit based on class work, common assessments, and completing the semester project. Class work will be associated with the lessons and is intend ed to help each student achieve the skills necessary to successfully complete the required comm on assessments and semester project. Semester Grade percentage will break down as follows: Daily Class Assignments Four (4) Common Assessments 60% 40%

Common Assessments are project-based activities that will assess a students proficiency agains t the Wyoming Career/Vocational Content and Performance Standards. Students will be graded on each common assessment using a standards-based rubric. The rubric(s) used will assess product, presentation, and process.

Course Materials and Resources

Textbooks: Materials Needed: Century 21 Computer Applications & Keyboarding MicroType 4 Pen/Pencil and Notebook Printer paper and other material will be provided.

Lincoln County School District No. 2 agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all District courses/classes. All district schools will effectively manag e and creatively utilize resources necessary to support student learning. The Districts Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender , age national origin, color or disability in admission to, or access to, or treatment in its educational programs or activities.

Dear Parent/Guardian: I encourage you to contact me by e-mail or phone with any questions or concerns you have. Please complete the form so that I may contact you if need he. Together we can give your student a great opport unity to succeed! Please have your student return this by:___________ Students Name: Parent/Guardian Signature: Parent/Guardian Name: Date: acWd by Email)

(If you prefer to be

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