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6 Dimension of
development; Health Communicable Disease

Prevention of Dengue
The best way of prevention is to avoid being bitten by
mosquitoes. Take note of the following tips:

1.Use mosquito nets and insect repellent.

2.pur screen an door and windows
3.refrain from going outdoors during the time of the day
when mosquitoes are most active
4.remove stagnant water. Cover water containers and change
in flower vases frequently.

Malaria is vector borne infectious that is
widespread is tropical and subtropical regions,
including the Philippines. It is "commonly
associated with poverty and a major hindrance
to economic development"

Signs and symptoms of Malaria

The parasite multiply within the red blood cells and cause;
High fever
Chills nausea
In severe cases death

Prevention of Malaria
Malaria can be prevented by avoiding mosquito
bites through the use of mosquito nets and insect
repellent, spraying insecticides, and draining
standing water where mosquitoes Lay their eggs.

Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of
food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio
cholera. It has a short incubation period lasting from less
than one day to five days. It also produces an enterotoxin
that causes painless, and watery diarrhoea that can quickly
lead to severe dehydration and death if treatment is not
promptly given. Vomiting also occurs in most patients (hawker
etc ka.,2007)

Sign and Symptoms of Cholera

aside from diarrhea, the patient may also
experience nausea, vomiting, fever and muscl

Prevention of Cholera

1. Wash hands with soap and water frequently and

2. Drink safe water only.
3. Eat food that is completely cooked.
4. Avoid raw food, street food, and any food from
suspicious sources.
5. Observe proper hygiene and sanitation at all times.

Avian influenza
is an infection caused by avian
influenza A viruses found chiefly in
birds, but infection can occur in
humans. The risk is generally low for
most people because the viruses do not
usually infect humans. However
confirmed cases of human infection
have been reported since 1997.
Signs and Symptoms of Avian
Symptoms of Avian flu in humans include fever,
cough, sore throat, and muscle aches, some
people may also experience nausea, vomiting,
pneumonia, diarrhea, and others serves and like
threatening complications, depending on which
virus has caused the infection.

Prevention of Avian influenza

1. Wash hands or use alcohol, based hand sanitizer
to avoid inflection of all kinds
2. Stay away from forms and live animals markets'
3. Stay mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
4. Cook chicken thoroughly. Do not eat raw eggs .

is a flu virus that is also known as the swine
flu. Scientists call the H1N1 virus a "quadruple
reassortant" virus because it contains two
genes found in flu viruses which circulate
among birds. The H1N1 virus is passed from
person to person just like other flu strains,
but not by eating pork.

Almost all vaccines have some side effects. Common

side effects of H1N1 vaccines are typical of flu
vaccines. They
are as follows;

1. Flu shot: soreness, redness, minor swelling at the

shot site, muscle aches, low-grade fever, nausea. These
do not usually last for more than 24 hours.
2. Nasal spray: runny nose, low-grade fever, vomiting,
headache, wheezing, cough and sore throat

Typhoid fever
Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid, is an acute illness
most often caused by the salmonella typhi Bacteria or
the salmonella paratyphi, a related bacterium that
usually leads to a less severe infection. The bacteria are
deposited in water or food by a human Carrier and are
then spread to other people in the area (hawker et al.,

Signs and symptoms of typhoid fever

People with typhoid fever usually have a

sustained high fever, chest congestion develops
in many patients, and abdominal pain and
discomfort are common. The fever becomes
constant. Other symptoms include poor
appetite, headache, body aches, And lethargy.

Improvement occurs in the third and fourth

weeks for those who do not experience
complications. About 10 percent of patients
have recurred symptoms (relapse) after feeling
better for one to two weeks, relapses are
actually more common in individuals treated
with antibiotics.
Prevention and treatment of typhoid fever

Typhoid fever can be prevented by drinking safe

water only, improving sanitation and eating
well-cooked food while it is still hot. Washing
the hands often and keeping the surroundings
clean will help stop the spread of infection.

Blood pressure refers to the force exerted by
the circulating blood on the walls of blood
vessels. It is one of the body's vital signs.

The pressure of the circulating blood decreases

as blood moves through arteries, arterioles,
capillaries,and veins. Blood pressure generally
refers to arterial pressure, i.e, away from the

Blood pressure consists of two numbers:

The systolic diastolic pressure (when
the heart relaxes).
The systolic pressure is the number
above the diastolic pressure.

1.Normal Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure reading 120/80 or lower is considered normal

2. High Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure reading 140/90 or higher is considered high if one or
both number are usually high, you have high blood pressure or

3. Low Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure that is too low is know as hypertension
Cardiovascular Disease
High blood pressure increases the risk of
coronary artery, also called atherosclerosis.
High blood pressure puts added force against
the artery wall. These injured arteries tend to
become narrow and hardened by fatty
deposits. They block the flow of blood to the
heart and cannot deliver enough oxygen to
the other parts of the body

Other causes of cardiovascular Disease are as follow:

1. Smoking- Cigarette smokers are at greater risk than pipe and

cigar smokers, but all forms of tobacco are proven to be
detrimental to the heart's health.
2. Diabetes
3. Overweight - People who have excess body fat are at a higher
risk than a person of normal weight.
4. Diet high saturated fat and salt
5. Family history - Children of parents who developed heart
disease before the age of 55 have a higher risk of developing
hearts disease
6. Lack of exercise.
7. Age -Risk of heart disease increases over
the age of 45 in males and over 55 in females
8. Too much drinking - People who take two
alcoholic drinks per day are at risk.
9 .High Blood pressure
10. Having high cholesterol level
Heart Attack

A heart Attack causes permanent damage

to the heart muscle due to loss of
blood flow to the heart
Some heart attacks are sudden and intense, however, most
heart attacks start slowly with mild pain and discomfort.
Generally, Heart attacks involve discomfort in the center
of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or that
goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable
pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. Shortness of breath
may occur, as well as nausea or lightheadedness. It is vital
to get up immediately if any of these symptoms occurs.

The brain requires unobstructed blood flow function.
Very high, sustained blood pressure will eventually
cause blood vessels to weaken. Over time, these
weakened vessels could break, and blood could leak
into the brain. The area of the brain that is being fed
by these broken vessels starts to die, and this will
cause a stroke. In addition, if a clot blocks a narrowed
artery, blood ceases to flow and a stroke will occur.

Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

1. Quit smoking
2. Control diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Eat a diet that is rich in fiber and low in salt
saturated fat.
5. Maintain a healthy weight
6. Manage stress
Diabetes, also referred to as diabetes mellitus, describes
a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has
high blood glucose or blood sugar, either because
insulin production is inadequate, or the cells in his/her
body do not respond properly to insulin, or both.
Patients with high blood sugar will typically experience
frequent urination (polyuria), excessive thirst
(polydipsia), and increased appetite (polyphagia).


Cancer is a class of disease characterized by
out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100
different types of cancer, and each is
classified by the type of cell that is initially

Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide

uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue
called tumor (except in the case of leukemia where
cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal
cell division in the bloodstream). Tumors can grow and
interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory
systems and they can release hormones that after body
functions, Tumors that stay in one spot and
demonstrate limited growths are generally considered
to be benign.
Sign and Symptoms of Cancer
Cancer symptoms are quite varied and depend on where
the cancer is located, where it has spread, and how big
the tumor is. Some cancer can be felt or seen through the
skin. For instance, a lump on the breast or testicle can be
an indicator of cancer in those locations. Skin cancer
(melanoma) is often marked by a change in a wart or
mole on the skin. Some oral cancers present white
patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue.
Prevention of Cancer
1. Quit smoking and drinking to significantly lower the risk of
several types of cancer, most notably in the lung, throat, mouth and
liver. The earlier you quit, the better.

2. Stay in the shade and protect yourself with a hat, shirt, and
sunscreen when under the sun, to prevent skin Cancer.

3. Diet is an important part of cancer prevention since what we eat

has been linked to the disease. Follow recommended diets that are
low in fat and rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain.


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