Career Paths Engineering TB

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ISBN 978-1-78098-017-1
Table of Contents

Answer Key . . . ........... .. .. . ... . .......... . . . .. ..... .. . . .... .. ........... 4
Audioscripts ..... . . . . ....... . . . ......... . .... . ........... . . .. .... . . .... . .... 14

Answer Key .... ... ... . .. ......... . ... .. . .. .. .......................... . .... 17
Audioscripts ..... . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ............ . .... .. . . .... .. . .... . . .. .. ... . 28

a 3
Answer Key ... ... . . . ... . .... . . . .. .. ....... . ...... ... . . . . . .. ..... ...... .... . 32
Audioscripts ... . . ... . .. . . ... ...... . ..... ...... ..... . ..... . . . .. . ......... .. . 44
Book 1 Answer Key

Unit 1 A: Well, some projects take longer than others.

1 Suggested Answers B: Exactly. Here's the engineering lab. Good luck with
your first day!
1 Technology makes our lives easier in so many
ways. In our homes we have technology that
9 Suggested Answer
greatly reduces the amount of work we need to
do: for instance dishwashers and tumble dryers. Date January 15
Cell phones and the Internet allow us to stay in Today was my first day in my new job. I will be
touch with people more easily and to easily find checking the design of a new engine. I was a bit
out information we need. These devices help us nervous and I didn't really know where I was going.
in work too. Computers and machines help us Luckily I met lan Hope. He showed me how to get to
work more safely and efficiently. Technology gives where I will be working from now on - the engineering
us better cars and even improved clothing that labs. As he showed me there we talked a little and I
can be used in all weather. Technology makes all discovered he is the person who is responsible for
aspects of our lives easier. the vehicle that the engine design I am checking will
2 Mathematics is important as it is one of the main go into.
tools used by the sciences (and social sciences)
to understand our world and society. Physics is Unit 2
important to understand our world (and beyond).
1 Suggested Answers
Together they are important as they allow us to
build structures like roads and bridges, and create 1 Some shapes are stronger than others, or are
technologies such as computers and smart- appropriate in particular situations because they
phones that improve our lives. can bear a particular load more easily. Arches are
stronger than square shapes when compressed
2 c 2 D 3 A and better suited in engineering applications such
as tunnels, whereas other shapes may be better
3 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A able to resist loads that cause an engineering
structure (such as a bridge) to twist.
4 1 engineer 3 engineering 5 disciplines 2 Engineers use a wide range of shapes to
2 physics 4 mathematics construct buildings. Square and rectangular
shapes are very common in modern buildings,
5 Suggested Answer perhaps because of the availability of reinforced
materials. In older structures columns and arches
Engineers change our lives by developing new ideas
were much more common than perhaps they are
that change the world in big ways, and by creating
nowadays, although many modern bridges use
technologies that make our lives easier.
arches or elliptical shapes in their construction.
6 F 2 T 3 F
2 B 2 A 3 c
7 1 engineering 3 design 5 physics
3 1 D 3 B 5 c
2 inspect 4 engine 6 take longer
2 A 4 E 6 F
8 Suggested Answer
4 1 oval 3 arches 5 cylinder
A: Excuse me. Do. you know where the engineering 2 square 4 architect
lab is?
B: Absolutely. Right this way. Are you new here? 5 Suggested Answer
A: Yes I'm Gemma Wright. I'm here to inspect the
Shapes are important nowadays as they add support,
company's new engine design.
structure and style to modern architecture.
B: Nice to meet you. I'm lan Hope. I'm designing the
vehicle that the engine is going into.
6 T 2 F 3 F
A: I see. How is it going?
B: Pretty well. But we're still working on some of the
7 1 designs 3 space 5 increase
2 vaults 4 bigger 6 wasting

4 Answer Key
Book 1 Answer Key

8 Suggested Answer 6 c 2 A
B: Shapely Architecture. This is Julia.
A: Hi Julia, it's Peter Svenson. I'm calling about the 7 1 estimate 3 materials 5 look great
designs that you sent me. 2 cover it 4 porcelain tile 6 ceramic tiles
B: Is there a problem?
A: Well, I'm wondering why do we need the vaults on 8 Suggested Answer
the ceilings? A: The estimate for the new office building looks a
B: Oh, vaulted ceilings create more space. little high.
A: So you mean they make rooms look bigger? B: Yeah, and our budget might not cover it.
B: Yes, exactly. The only downside is that they can A: Maybe we can make it cheaper. Let's look at
increase energy costs. some alternative materials.
A: In that case, I'd rather go with flat ceilings so that B: Okay. What materials are you thinking about
we're not wasting energy. changing?
A: Well, the estimate included porcelain tiles.
9 Suggested Answer B: What's wrong with that? Porcelain tiles look great.
Question: Why have a vaulted ceiling? A: But they're also really expensive. We could save
Benefits: creates the impression of more space. money by getting ceramic tiles instead.
Drawbacks: increased energy costs. B: That's a good idea.
Decision: Use a flat ceiling rather than a vaulted one.
9 Suggested Answer
Unit3 Engineer Name: Alexandra Caine
Materials (Check box to order item)
1 Suggested Answers Steel ./
1 My home is made of concrete. Of course there Coated Glass ./
are other materials: the doors (and some floors) Concrete ./
are made of wood; the windows have glass and Porcelain
metal frames; and the kitchen has ceramic tiles Ceramic ./
and a marble work surface.
2 Engineers decide what kind of materials to use Unit4
based on a number of factors. Their client may wish
to have a particular material used - for example 1 Suggested Answers
many businesses like to have headquarters that 1 There are a huge range of tools available to do
feature lots of glass. Cost always plays a major different jobs. Some of these tools are everyday
part. The materials chosen must fit within the items: for example a spanner to tighten up or
client's budget. Specific local factors will also loosen bolts on machines and furniture , or a
influence an engineer's choice of materials. In hammer to put a nail into some wood. Screwdrivers
areas where earthquakes are common it will be are also very common, these are used to put, or
appropriate to use reinforced materials e.g. steel remove, screws into many household items, most
reinforced concrete. commonly on electrical items and plugs. But,
many professions have their own specialist tools.
2 1 F 2 T 3 F Different types of engineers will require different
tool sets to do their jobs. Electrical engineers may
3 1 porcelain 3 lumber use soldering irons to join pieces of metal, or
2 stainless steel 4 concrete special screwdrivers that light up if there is
electricity passing through a screw.
4 1 A 3 E 5 B 7 D 2 it is vitally important to have the right tools to do
2 F 4 c 6 G a job. Any work done or repairs made might not
last as long if they are done using the wrong tools.
5 Suggested Answer Things can get broken as they are being worked
There are two types of concrete available: concrete on with the wrong tools, and the person using
and textured concrete. them may get hurt. In some cases it may be
simply impossible to do what you want to do
without the right tools.

Answer Key 5
Book 1 Answer Key

2 B 2 A 3 D instance anti-lock braking systems (commonly

known as ABS). But the most common measures
3 1 F 3 D 5 G 7 c are those that are designed to protect the
2 E 4 B 6 A passengers in a car in the event of a crash. These
work by spreading the energy transferred during
4 A 2 c 3 B a crash over a longer time period. The fronts of
cars are designed to deform in a crash and
5 Suggested Answer absorb a large part of the energy. Seatbelts are
The manual gives instructions on how to fix a broken also used to slow down a passenger in the event
lamp. of a crash, again spreading out the energy
transfer over a longer time period to make it safer
6 T 2 F 3 T for the passenger.

7 1 looking for 3 difference 5 more for 2 F 2 F 3 T

2 wiring 4 basic 6 I'll take
3 1 stopping distance, decelerate
8 Suggested Answer 2 potential energy, kinetic energy
3 force, work
A: Hello ma'am. Can I help you find anything?
B: Yes, I'm looking for a soldering iron.
4 A 2 D 3 c 4 B
A: Okay. We have a few different models. Can I ask
what you'll be using it for?
5 Suggested Answer
B: I need to repair some wiring.
A: Well, we have the Lanford 250 or the Hilldale 400. The new seatbelts reduce injuries by increasing a
B: Okay. What's the difference? passenger's stopping distance in the event of a crash.
A: The Lanford 250 is for basic wiring. The Hilldale
400 is more for small circuits. 6 B 2 D
B: I think I'll take the Lanford.
7 1 safer than 4 belt
9 Suggested Answer 2 stopping distance 5 pretty good
3 kinetic energy 6 testing
Tool 1: Lanford 250 soldering iron
Purpose: The Lanford 250 soldering iron is used for
8 Suggested Answer
basic wiring.
A: I heard you're working on the new seatbelt designs.
Tool 2: Hilldale 400 soldering iron B: Yes, I am. I think I can make them safer than our
Purpose: The Hilldale 400 soldering iron is used for current models.
soldering on small circuits. A: Really? How can you do that?
Selection: Lanford 250 soldering iron B: All I have to do is to extend the stopping distance.
A: How? Are you going to make the seatbelts stretch
Unit 5
B: Yes, exactly. That way, the passenger's kinetic
1 Suggested Answers energy will be transferred to the belt.
1 There are tw~ primary types of energy: kinetic A: That's a pretty good idea.
energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy refers B: Yeah, I think it is. We're testing it next week.
to the energy something has as a result of it being
in motion. Potential energy refers to the energy 9 Suggested Answer
something has as a result of its position. For In most crashes car passengers are protected by a
instance a car moving quickly has lots of kinetic seatbelt. But this means they are stopped very
energy, whereas an object on top of a building suddenly. A large amount of energy is transferred in
has lots of potential energy. a very short space of time and, usually, results in
2 Engineers make cars safer by designing safety injury. But we can extend the passengers stopping
features. Some of these are designed to help a distance by making a seatbelt stretch more. This will
car stop more quickly in an emergency, for extend the time over which any energy is transferred.

6 Answer Key
Book 1 Answer Key

This will improve safety as passengers will be 9 Suggested Answer

subjected to much smaller forces over a longer Date: December 12
period of time, rather than one massive impact. 1 Simple Machine: Wheel and axle
Example: Bicycle
Unit 6 2 Simple Machine: Pulley
Example: Elevator
1 Suggested Answers
3 Simple Machine: Inclined plane
1 Some simple machines include the inclined plane, Example: Wheelchair ramp
the screw, the lever, the wheel and axle and the
pulley. More complicated machines can usually be
thought of in terms of combinations of simple
machines. 1 Suggested Answers
2 Simple machines make work easier by allowing 1 There are a variety of types of number. Many
someone, or something, to apply a relatively small things are expressed in percentages: that is how
force from far away to move a very heavy object often something happens in one hundred events.
a much shorter distance. The amount of work For instance, if an athlete wins every second race
done in both cases is the same - the force times he or she runs we say they have a fifty percent
the distance moved - but the longer distance success rate. That is because if they raced one
traveled by the device (e.g. a lever) means that a hundred times they would win fifty races. Another
much smaller force has to be applied to move a way to express this is as a fraction. We can say
heavier object than would otherwise be necessary. that the athlete wins one in two, or a half, of their
races. We write this as 1/2.
2 F 2 F 3 T 2 If we square a number, it means we multiply it by
itself. The square of 3 is 9, because 3 multiplied
3 D 2 B 3 E 4 c 5 A by 3 equals nine. lt is called squaring because the
resulting answer is the same as the area of a
4 1 leverage 3 complicated 5 fulcrum square that has sides of that length. Cubing takes
2 pulley 4 inclined plane this a step further. In this case we multiply a
number by itself 3 times. So 3 cubed is 3 x 3 x 3,
5 Suggested Answer which equals 27. In this case the answer is equal
A wedge is used to split objects and push them apart. to the volume of a cube that has sides of that
length. More generally we call the amount of
6 F 2 F 3 T times something is multiplied by itself as its
exponent: squaring and cubing are simply particular
7 1 simple machines 4 pulleys examples of this (that are used commonly in
2 wheels 5 Good point engineering and elsewhere).
3 think of 6 inclined plane
2 1 nine hundredths 4 one tenth
8 Suggested Answer 2 105 5 three cubed
A: Hi, John. Did you have a question? 3 thirty-two percent 6 112
B: Yes. Did you say that people use simple machines
every day? 3 1 E 3 F 5 A
A: Yes. We alluse them. 2 B 4 D 6 c
B: Um, besides the wheels on my bike, I can't think
of any. 4 1 eight tenths 3 four thousandths
A: Well, think about elevators. They use pulleys to 2 ten to the sixth power 4 one hundredth
raise and lower the car.
B: Good point. I never thought of that. 5 Suggested Answer
A: And we have an inclined plane right outside this We say five tenths as a percentage is fifty percent.
B: Oh yeah, the wheelchair ramp. 6 1 F 2 T 3 T

Answer Key 7
Book 1 Answer Key

7 1 take a look 4 exponent is fitted to a machine or vehicle this could cause

2 off 5 ten to the it to not work properly.
3 eighth power 6 No problem
2 F 2 F 3 T
8 Suggested Answer
A: Sophie, could you take a look at these numbers? 3 1 meter 3 Iiter 5 imperial system
B: Sure. Is there a problem? 2 pounds 4 centimeter 6 toot
A: Yes. I've checked the calculations twice but
something is off. 4 1 gallons 3 metric
B: Okay. Let's see ... um, right here you multiplied by 2 kilograms 4 inch
ten to the eighth power.
A: Uh, yes I did. Is that wrong? 5 Suggested Answer
B: Well, look at the formula. That's the wrong exponent. The engineer was confused about which measurement
You need to multiply by ten to the ninth power. system to use: he was using imperial when the metric
A: Oh, I see. You're right. Thank you. I don't know how system was needed.
I missed that.
B: No problem. Hopefully that fixes it. 6 A 2 D

9 Suggested Answer 7 1 measurements 3 metric 5 meters

This morning I had a problem with a calculation that 2 imperial 4 longer 6 inches
I was doing. I was sure that I had done it correctly as
I had checked it a number of times, but it was still 8 Suggested Answer
wrong. Finally, I asked Sophie, my eo-worker, to take B: Hello, Janine. We need to talk about the
a look at it. She checked it and noticed that I was measurements you're using.
using the wrong exponent: I was using ten to the A: Okay. What's up?
eighth power when I should have been using ten to B: Well, you're using imperial measurements instead
the ninth power. Once I made this change and of metric measurements.
recalculated I arrived at the correct result, so the A: Oh no! I can't believe I made such a simple mistake!
formula I was using was fine. B: it's okay. There's plenty of time to fix it.
A: All right. So that means we need much longer
UnitS pipes, right?
B: That's it. We need pipes that are 4.5 meters, not
1 Suggested Answers four feet five inches.
1 Throughout history there have been a wide variety A: I see. Sorry about all this. I almost never work with
of measurement systems. Each culture and the metric system!
society found it necessary to measure certain
physical things: length and weight and so on. All 9 Suggested Answer
these different measurements started to cause Engineer 1 Name: Karen Van Derpol
confusion once people from many different Engineer 2 Name: Rob de Graaf
countries started to interact. This lead to the Incorrect Measurements: pipe - 4 feet, 5 inches,
creation of more standard measurement systems holds 15 gallons; frame weight - 20 pounds
and today there are two main systems: metric and Correct measurements: 4.5 meters (450 centimeters),
imperial. Imperial is used primarily in the United holds 15 liters; frame weight 20 kilograms
States, whereas the metric system is more
popular in the rest of the world.
Unit 9
2 Engineers .label all measurements to ensure that
anyone else who might work on, or use, something 1 Suggested Answers
they have created understands what types of 1 People use the scientific method in a research
measurements are being used. Otherwise this setting to try and understand more about our
could lead to problems later on if people try to world and the universe. The scientific method is
reuse, repair or even complete something. lt could also used in engineering: when a problem is
even be dangerous, if something the wrong size encountered it must be first understood in order

8 Answer Key
Book 1 Answer Key

to be solved. Thus when some new problem is 9 Suggested Answer

encountered the engineer must use the scientific Is problem clear? y_ I N
method to understand what they are dealing with, Is hypothesis clear? y_ I N
and possibly also to help formulate a solution to Suggestions for experiment:
the problem. Add some other materials to test how well they
2 The scientific method is important as it helps us dissipate heat, e.g. foam and rubber.
to add to the body of human knowledge in a way
that can be checked and verified. lt frees
Unit 10
experiments from personal and cultural bias,
allowing us to build an objective knowledge base 1 Suggested Answers
for the benefit of mankind. There are a few simple ways to keep workplaces
safe. Perhaps the most important is to have well
2 1 Observation: Some computer cases dissipate or understood rules so that employees know what
lose heat better than others. to look out for in order to avoid accidents, and
2 Hypothesis: Some computer case materials hold how to deal with them if and when they occur.
in heat longer than others. Proper safety precautions such as guards around
3 Methodology: Variables: glass and metal cups. machines and fences where there are dangerous
Control: a plastic cup. drops are also vitally important. Finally, the correct
clothing and personal safety equipment are also
3 1 B 3 A 5 D important.
2 E 4 c 6 F 2 To ensure safety at work workers need the
correct equipment. They must be supplied with
4 B 2 A 3 A 4 c 5 B the right safety gear such as gloves and goggles.
lt is also vitally important to have the right
5 Suggested Answer equipment in case there is an accident or a fire:
The temperature of the three cups will be recorded for instance a first aid kit or a fire extinguisher.
five minutes after adding hot water to them.
2 1 B 2 c 3 D
6 F 2 T 3 F
3 1 c 3 E 5 A
7 1 project proposal 4 variables 2 D 4 F 6 B
2 hypothesis 5 heat
3 about adding 6 Good point 4 1 precaution 3 hazard 5 injury
2 prohibited 4 first aid
8 Suggested Answer
A: Hi Ms. Jackson. Did you get a chance to review 5 Suggested Answer
my project proposal? Liquid on electrical equipment can cause shock to
B: Uh, yes. You want to study how different materials people nearby.
dissipate heat right?
A: Yes. lt could really help us design better computer 6 F 2 F 3 T
B: Well, the problem and the hypothesis are clear. 7 1 accident 4 gloves and goggles
But I have a suggestion. 2 fire 5 called for help
A: Sure. What is it? 3 what exactly 6 put out
B: How about adding other materials as variables?
Maybe rubber? 8 Suggested Answer
A: Um, we already know that rubber retains a lot of A: Angela, can I talk to you about the accident today?
heat. B: The fire? Yes, of course.
B: Good point. Try to think of some other materials A: So what exactly happened?
to test. B: Well, Darren was using the blowtorch.
A: Was he wearing gloves and goggles?

Answer Key 9
Book Answer Key

B: He was. But his hand slipped and something on 8 Suggested Answer

the table started burning. He was trying to put it A: So where are you working now?
out when his shirt caught on fire. B: I'm a civil engineer with Design Co.
A: Okay, and then he called for help? A: I see. What types of projects do you do there?
B: Right. I got a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. B: Mostly residential infrastructure.
A: Okay. What are you working on right now?
9 Suggested Answer B: Well, right now I'm working on a new housing
There was an accident in the factory today. One of development.
the engineers was using a blowtorch but he slipped A: Great. We work on those fairly often. Why do you
and set something on fire in front of him. He was want to leave your company?
wearing his gloves and goggles at the time, but then B: I'd like to work on municipal design projects. But
his shirt caught fire and he called for help. A eo- Design Co doesn't do them.
worker nearby came to his aid and put the fire out
using a fire extinguisher. 9 Suggested Answer
Employer Name: Design Co
Unit 11 Job Candidate Name: Hassan Aziz
Experience: The candidate mainly has experience of
1 Suggested Answers
small-scale residential , but also some commercial,
1 Civil engineers help design and construct all the projects.
major pieces of infrastructure in our society. Current Projects: The candidate is currently working
Without them modern societies would not be able on a new housing development.
to function. Roads, buildings, bridges, railway lines
and many more structures all owe their existence
Unit 12
to civil engineers.
2 Civil engineers help build and improve our cities. 1 Suggested Answers
They improve the way traffic flows by building new 1 Chemical engineering is the use of engineering
roads and bridges. They improve the quality of our knowledge and techniques in the chemical industry.
working lives by building new office buildings and lt is used to help produce large amounts of
factories. They help us live in better places by chemicals and is particularly associated with the
designing and building new flats and houses. extraction and processing of petroleum into various
grades of oil and gas. lt is also involved in the
2 B 2 D 3 A creation of new technologies, again often those
relating to fuels.
3 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 2 Chemical engineering affects the world in many
ways. Without it, it would be impossible to produce
4 1 civil engineer 4 road construction all the fuels and gas that power our economies
2 infrastructure 5 scale and our means or transportation. Also many
3 water supply products today are made from chemicals derived
from petroleum - i.e. plastics. Pesticides and other
5 Suggested Answer chemicals are used to help produce all the food
The successful applicant will have experience of that people need. These impacts are not always
designing many types of infrastructure, and knowledge positive, however. Chemical engineering can have
of water supply ISsues. He or she may also have large negative effects on the world when
experience with topographic models. something goes wrong - like a chemical spill or
an explosion at a chemical factory.
6 F 2 T 3 F
2 D 2 D 3 D
7 1 civil engineer 4 working on
2 projects 5 development 3 1 F 3 c 5 E 7 B
3 residential infrastructure 6 municipal 2 G 4 A 6 D

10 Answer Key
Book 1 Answer Key

4 1 alternative fuel 3 fuel aided design (CAD) rather than drafting. The
2 biodegradable behaviors of these designs are then tested using
computer simulations before they are even built,
5 Suggested Answer for instance using computational fluid dynamics.
Some people are against biodiesel as they are Finally, these designs, once finalized are used as
worried that growing crops to make it will lead to food the basis for building the actual parts using
shortages. computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).

6 F 2 T 3 F 2 1 pressure 3 prototypes 5 CAM

2 services 4 CAD 6 stresses
7 1 risks 3 disagree 5 non-food crops
2 biodiesel 4 demand 6 a lot of success 3 c 2 A 3 D 4 E 5 B

8 Suggested Answer 4 1 simulations 4 prototype

2 drafting 5 mechanical engineering
A: So what do you think about the risks of biodiesel?
3 mechanism
B: What do you mean?
A: Many critics say that biodiesel will cause a food
5 Suggested Answer
B: I disagree. There are enough crops in the world You can obtain more information about Sharp & Co.'s
to supply both food and fuel. services by calling or emailing them.
A: But as the population grows, demand for both will
increase. 6 T 2 F 3 F
B: That's why we're starting to make biodiesel from
non-food crops. 7 1 pressure vessel 4 right
A: Really? What are you using? 2 prototype 5 do a lot more
B: Well, we've had a lot of success making biodiesel 3 computer models 6 talk about
from algae.
8 Suggested Answer
9 Suggested Answer A: Hi. I need a custom pressure vessel for a gas line.
Interview with: Gary Flanders B: Um, we can build a prototype, or we can work
About: the problems caused by biodiesel with a computer model.
Engineer's thoughts on risks: doesn't believe that A: Hmm ... what would you recommend?
the risks are real B: Well, computer models are faster. And they let us
Alternatives: biodiesel made with non-food crops perform a lot of simulations.
Having success with: biodiesel based on algae has A: But you also test physical prototypes, right?
been very successful B: Yes. But, obviously, you can do a lot more with a
computer model.
A: Okay. Let's talk about that.
Unit 13
1 Suggested Answers 9 Suggested Answer
1 Mechanical engineers fix a wide variety of Customer Request: Custom pressure vessel for a
problems. They are involved in the design and gas line
manufacture of industrial plants and machinery, Customer Order: Use a computer model
vehicles, engines, ships and many more things. Notes: The customer was initially unsure about what
This means they are required to fix problems in kind of modeling would be appropriate: physical
all of these areas. If a machine breaks as soon as modeling or computer modeling. I explained to him
it is used, or even after having been used for a that we do fewer tests on physical models. I
long time, mechanical engineers will look for a recommended the use of computer modeling as this
solution to stop this happening again. allows us to perform a lot of simulations.
2 Mechanical engineers now use a number of
computer methods to do their job better. Most
modern products are designed using computer

Answer Key 11
Book 1 Answer Key

Unit 14 9 Suggested Answer

1 Suggested Answers From: Ms Sanchez
1 Electrical engineering is that part of engineering To: Production Staff
where electricity is the major focus. In the past it Subject: Deadline changes
was thought to usually relate to large scale Dear Staff,
electrical applications such as power generation We're changing the deadlines on the GR-7 and the
and transmission. But nowadays it is often seen GR-22 DVD player projects. The deadline for the GR-
to include much smaller applications that involve 7 models is next month, so we're pushing back the
electricity i.e. electronics. GR-22s. We're still making circuit card assemblies for
2 Electrical engineers make electric motors and both products. We just need to stop making GR-22
power stations and power distribution systems power supplies until then.
(the networks of cables and other equipment that Let me know if you have any questions.
supply electricity to homes and businesses in Sincerely,
most countries). They work on lighting and wiring
buildings, on household appliances (kettles,
Unit 15
toasters etc.) and telecommunications systems.
Sometimes they may be involved in producing 1 Suggested Answers
smaller scale objects using circuit boards and 1 I have flown in different kinds of airplanes when I
even integrated circuits. have gone on vacation, but not in any other kind
of aircraft. Perhaps one day I will fly in a helicopter
2 A 2 A 3 c as a special treat - over New York or the Grand
Canyon. But I don't think I will ever fly in a spacecraft!
3 B 2 c 3 A 4 D 2 Aerospace engineering has changed travel
dramatically. In the days before airplanes long
4 1 power supply 3 components distance trips could take many weeks or even
2 input voltage months. Nowadays with modern airliners everywhere
is accessible within a day, with most places only
5 Suggested Answer a few hours away. This has lead to an explosion
The GR-7 power supplies produce 3 Watts more than in travel for business and leisure purposes as
the GR-22 power supplies. companies seek out new markets and people
look for ever more exotic locations for their
6 F 2 F 3 F vacations or simply fly to another city or country
for a weekend break. Perhaps in the future space
7 1 deadlines 4 components travel will have the same effect. So far only a few
2 models 5 circuit card assemblies people have traveled into space, but there are
3 pushing back 6 power supplies already advanced plans for commercial services
to take passengers into space.
8 Suggested Answer
A: Jamie, can I talk to you for a moment? 2 B 2 c 3 c
B: Of course Ms. Sanchez. What's up?
A: We're changing the deadlines on the GR-7 and 3 1 B 3 D 5 E
the GR-22 DVD..player projects. 2 c 4 A 6 F
B: Really? Aren't we trying to finish both at the same
time? 4 1 internal fuel capacity 3 ramjet
A: The GR-7 models are due next month. So we're 2 spacecraft 4 flyaway value
pushing back the GR-22s.
B: Okay. I'll stop production on the GR-22 components. 5 Suggested Answer
A: No, don't do that. The same circuit card assemblies Designs featuring ramjets will not be accepted as
work in both products. they do not work in space.
B: Oh, that's right. We just need to hold off on GR-22
power supplies then. 6 1 T 2 T 3 F

12 Answer Key
Book 1 Answer Key

7 1 spacecraft challenge
2 Would you like
3 propellant
4 minimum velocity of Mach 3.5
5 only has
6 makes it

8 Suggested Answer
B: Tomorrow's Tech. Can I help you?
A: Hi, I'm calling about the spacecraft challenge.
B: Okay. Would you like to register a design team?
A: I think so. But I have a few questions first. The
design can use any type of propellant right?
B: Yes, that's right.
A: And it has to reach a minimum velocity of Mach 3.5?
B: No, it only has to reach 2.5.
A: Oh, I see. That makes it easier.

9 Suggested Answer
Challenge Requirements:
Capability to launch up to 6,000 pound payload; an
internal fuel capacity of at least 5,000 pounds; at
least 16,000 pounds of thrust; a minimum velocity of
mach 2.5.
Challenge Allows:
All types of designs and propellant are acceptable.
Obviously, however, designs featuring ramjets will not
be accepted. A maximum flyaway value of 500
million euros is allowed.

Answer Key 13

Unit 1 Owner: Well, we have the Lanford 250 or the Hilldale 400.
Engineer 1 (W): Excuse me. Do you know where the Engineer: Okay. What's the difference?
engineering lab is? Owner: The Lanford 250 is for basic wiring. The Hilldale
Engineer 2 (M): Absolutely. Right this way. Are you new 400 is more for small circuits.
here? Engineer: I think I'll take the Lanford.
Engineer 1: Yes. I'm Sarah Gladstone. I'm here to inspect
the company's new engine design. Unit 5
Engineer 2: Nice to meet you. I'm Bob Sanders. I'm
Engineer 1 (M): I heard you're working on the new seatbelt
designing the vehicle that the engine is going into.
Engineer 1: I see. How's it going?
Engineer 2 (W): Yes, I am. I think I can make them safer
Engineer 2: Pretty well. But we're still working on some
than our current models.
of the physics.
Engineer 1: Really? How can you do that?
Engineer 1: Well, some projects take longer than others.
Engineer 2: All I have to do is extend the stopping
Engineer 2: Exactly. Here's the engineering lab. Good
luck with your first day!
Engineer 1: How? Are you going to make the seatbelts
stretch more?
Unit 2 Engineer 2: Yes, exactly. That way, the passenger's kinetic
Architect (W): Keystone Architecture. This is Donna. energy will be transferred to the belt.
Cl ient (M): Hi, Donna, it's Jim North. I'm calling about the Engineer 1: That's a pretty good idea.
designs that you sent me. Engineer 2: Yeah, I think it is. We're testing it next week.
Architect: Is there a problem?
Cli ent: Well, I'm wondering, why do we need the vaults Unit 6
on the ceilings?
Teacher (M): Hi, Paula. Did you have a question?
Architect: Oh, vaulted ceilings create more space.
Student (W): Yes. Did you say that people use simple
Cli ent: So they make rooms look bigger?
machines every day?
Architect: Yes, exactly. The only downside is that they
Teacher: Yes. We all use them.
can increase energy costs.
Student: Um, besides the wheels on my bike, I can't think
Client: In that case, I'd rather go with flat ceilings so we're
of any.
not wasting energy.
Teacher: Well, think about elevators. They use pulleys to
raise and lower the car.
Unit 3 Student: Good point. I never thought of that.
Eng ineer 1 (W): The estimate for the new office building Teacher: And we have an inclined plane right outside this
looks a little high. classroom.
Engineer 2 (M): Yeah, but our budget might not cover it. Student: Oh yeah, the wheelchair ramp.
Eng ineer 1: Maybe we can make it cheaper. Let's look
at som e alternative materials. Unit 7
Engineer 2: Okay. What materials are you thinking about
Engineer 1 (W): Kevin, could you take a look at these
Engineer 1: Well, the estimate included porcelain tile.
Engineer 2 (M): Sure. Is there a problem?
Engineer 2: What's wrong with that? Porcelain tiles look
Engineer 1: Yes. I've checked the calculations twice but
something is off.
Engineer 1: But they're also really expensive. We could
Engineer 2: Okay. Let's see ... um, right here you multiplied
save money by getting ceramic tiles instead.
by ten to the eighth power.
Engineer 2: That's a good idea.
Engineer 1: Uh, yes, I did. Is that wrong?
Engineer 2: Well, look at the formula. That's the wrong
Unit4 exponent. You need to multiply by ten to the ninth
Owner (M): Hello, ma'am. Can I help you find anything? power.
Engineer (W): Yes. I'm looking for a soldering iron.
Owner: Okay. We have a few different models. Can 1 ask
what you'll be using it for?
Engineer: I need to repair some wiring.

14 Answer Key

Engineer 1: Oh, I see. You're right. Thank you. I don't know Unit 11
how I missed that. Employer (W): So where are you working now?
Engineer 2: No problem. Hopefully that fixes it. Candidate (M): I'm a civil engineer with Design Co.
Employer: I see. What types of projects do you do there?
UnitS Candidate: Mostly residential infrastructure.
Employer: Okay. What are you working on right now?
Engineer 1 (W): Hello, Timothy. We need to talk about
Candidate: Well, right now I'm working on a new housing
the measurements you're using.
Engineer 2 (M): Okay. What's up?
Employer: Great. We work on t~ose fairly often. Why do
Engineer 1: Well, you're using imperial measurements
you want to leave your comp..any?
instead of metric measurements.
Candidate: I'd like to work on municipal design projects.
Engineer 2: Oh, no! I can't believe I made such a simple
But Design Co doesn't do them.
Engineer 1: it's okay. There's plenty of time to fix it.
Engineer 2: All right. So that means we need much longer Unit 12
pipes, right? Reporter (W): So what do you think about the risks of
Engineer 1: That's it. We need pipes that are 4.5 meters, biodiesel?
not 4 feet, 5 inches. Engineer (M): What do you mean?
Engineer 2: I see. Sorry about all this. I almost never work Reporter: Many critics say that biodiesel will cause a
with the metric system! food shortage.
Engineer: I disagree. There are enough crops in the world
Unit9 to supply both food and fuel.
Reporter: But as the population grows, demand for both
Engineer (M): Hi Ms. Smith. Did you get a chance to
will increase.
review my project proposal?
Engineer: That's why we're starting to make biodiesel
Manager (W): Uh, yes. You want to study how different
from non-food crops.
materials dissipate heat, right?
Reporter: Really? What crops are you using?
Engineer: Yes. lt could really help us design better
Engineer: Well, we've had a lot of success making biodiesel
computer cases.
from algae.
Manager: The problem and hypothesis are clear. But I
have a suggestion.
Engineer: Sure. What is it? Unit 13
Manager: How about adding other materials as variables? Employee (M): Sharp and Company. How can I help you?
Maybe foam and rubber? Customer (W): Hi. I need a custom pressure vessel for
Engineer: Um, we already know that rubber retains a lot a gas line.
of heat. Employee: Um, we can build a physical prototype, or we
Manager: Good point. Try to think of some other materials can work with a computer model.
to test. Customer: Hmm ... what would you recommend?
Employee: Well, computer models are faster. And they
Unit 10 let us perform a lot of simulations.
Customer: But you also test physical prototypes, right?
Supervisor (W): James, can I talk to you about the accident
Employee: Yes. But, obviously, you can do a lot more
with a computer model.
Engineer (M): The fire? Yes, of course.
Customer: Okay. Let's talk about that.
Supervisor: So what exactly happened?
Engineer: Well, Charles was using the blowtorch.
Supervisor: Was he wearing gloves and goggles? Unit 14
Engineer: He was. But his hand slipped and something Manager (M): Valerie, can I talk to you for a moment?
on the table started burning. He was trying to put it Engineer (W): Of course, Mr. Smith. What's up?
out when his shirt caught on fire. Manager: We're changing the deadlines on the GR-7 and
Supervisor: Okay, and then he called for help? GR-2.2 DVD player projects.
Engineer: Right. I got a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. Engineer: Really? Aren't we trying to finish both at the
same time?

Answer Key 15

Manager: The GR-7 models are due next month. So we're

pushing back the GR-2.2s.
Engineer: Okay. I'll stop production on all · GR-2.2
Manager: No, don't do that. The same circuit card
assemblies work in both products.
Engineer: Oh, that's right. We just need to hold off on
GR-2.2 power supplies, then.

Unit 15
Receptionist (M): Tomorrow's Tech. Can I help you?
Engineer (W): Hi. I'm calling about the spacecraft challenge.
Receptionist: Okay. Would you like to register a design
Engineer: I think so. But I have a few questions first. The
design can use any type of propellant, right?
Receptionist: Yes, that's right.
Engineer: And it has to reach a minimum velocity of
Mach 3.5?
Receptionist: No, it only has to reach 2.5.
Engineer: Oh, I see. That makes it easier.

16 Answer Key
Book 2 Answer Key

Unit 1 B: We could do the same thing. Just shorten the arm

1 Suggested Answers holding the counterweight.
A: Yeah! And we make the arm closer to the pivot, it
1 Engineering expertise was used in the Middle
would be a stronger support that could handle
Ages to make siege engines: these were
more weight.
weapons designed to destroy fortifications such
as castle walls or defensive walls around towns.
9 Suggested Answer
The best known of these was the catapult, which
used engineering principles to throw heavy Dear Andrea,
objects (usually rocks) against or inside enemy I was looking at my old college books and I think the
fortifications. design of the trebuchet, a c~tapult from the Middle
2 We can use these machines to remind us of the ages, can help us with the problem we are having
importance of basic engineering principles, such with the crane. lt uses the principle of mechanical
as mechanical advantage. The people who advantage of leverage, and we could do the same
designed these weapons were highly-skilled with the crane. We can shorten the arm holding the
engineers, and when faced with a related counterweight and bring the arm closer to the pivot
engineering problem, it is always worth looking at and we will have a crane that can handle a lot more
these old designs to see if lessons learned there weight.
can be applied today. What do you think?
2 F 2 F 3 T Xavi.

3 1 projectiles, trebuchets Unit 2

2 torque, pivot
1 Suggested Answers
3 payload, mechanical advantage
1 A good engineer must be good with numbers, be
4 1 E 3 c 5 F curious about how things work and have an
2 A 4 B 6 D aptitude for solving problems. They must have
excellent communication skills to be able to
5 Suggested Answer explain their ideas to non-engineers. A good
education is important too, to ensure they are up
A trebuchet could cause so much damage because
to date with the latest developments in theory,
it was capable of launching objects that have a very
techniques and materials.
large mass.
2 Some of these qualities can be developed
through education and ongoing professional
6 D 2 B
training. Others must be nurtured and encouraged
during childhood: a child needs to be encouraged
7 1 inspiration 4 mechanical advantage
to question how things work and to try and find
2 trebuchet 5 counterweight
solutions to problems.
3 catapult 6 pivot
2 1 D 2 c 3 c
8 Suggested Answer
A: I can't believe we're still having trouble with this 3 1 F 3 A 5 E 7 c
crane design! 2 D 4 G 6 B
B: I know. I was thinking about the problem last night.
So I dug up my old college textbook for inspiration. 4 1 competence 3 interpersonal 5 courage
A: And you found something useful? 2 long-term 4 quality
B: Yeah, I did actually. Do you remember what a
trebuchet is? 5 Suggested Answer
A: Sure. it's a catapult.
An engineer must be numerate in order to assess
B: That's right. And it uses the principle of mechanical
their work and perform complex calculations.
advantage of leverage.
A: Okay, but how does that help us?
6 1 F 2 F 3 T

Answer Key 17
Book 2 Answer Key

7 1 degree in 4 interpersonal 2 T 2 F 3 F
2 curiosity 5 clubs in college
3 looked for answers 3 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A

8 Suggested Answer 4 1 c 3 F 5 B 7 G
A: So, tell me about yourself and what you can bring 2 H 4 A 6 D 8 E
to MiracleCo.
B: First of all, I have a degree in electrical engineering. 5 Suggested Answer
A: I read that on your resume. Tell me something that The seminar on quantum mechanics is only open to
I can't read about. those who hold PhDs.
B: Well, anyone can get a degree, but not everyone
has curiosity. 6 D 2 A
A: And you do?
B: I think so. Ever since I was a kid I've always looked 7 1 organizing systems 4 postgraduate degrees
for answers. 2 Ethics 5 attend
A: Can you give me an example? 3 bachelor's degree 6 get into
B: Sure. When I was ten, I took a television apart just
to see how it works. 8 Suggested Answer
A: Excellent! Now, how would you rate your A: Good morning, Samantha. How did things go
interpersonal skills? yesterday?
B: I'm very good with people. I ran several clubs in B: Great! The seminar on organizing systems was
college. fascinating.
A: I'm glad to hear it! What are you planning on going
9 Suggested Answer to today?
Interviewer: Kathy Richards B: Actually, I don't have a choice. lt has to be Ethics.
Applicant: David Demeroid A: Why's that?
Qualities: Well qualified and intellectually curious. B: Well, unlike you, I only have a bachelor's degree.
Examples: Has a degree in electrical engineering; A: Ah, yes. I noticed a few of the events require
once took a television apart to see how it worked postgraduate degrees.
when he was ten years old. B: Yeah. So ... which events do you want to attend
Recommend for hire? Yes today?
A: I'd really like to get into Complex Systems Analysis
Unit 3 11, but I can't.

1 Suggested Answers 9 Suggested Answer

1 There are essentially two types of engineering Engineer Name: Samantha Alepou.
degree: undergraduate degrees - Bachelor of What level of education do you have?
Science (BS or BSc) and postgraduate degrees- Bachelor's degree.
a master's degree (MSc) and a doctorate (PhD). What events did you attend? What were the
In some cases an MSc can be awarded solely on requirements?
the basis of research, in which case it is denoted Organizing systems which required a Bachelor's Degree,
MSc(Res), be eQtirely taught or, more commonly, and Ethics which had no attendance requirements
be a mixture of the two. Were you pleased with the number of events
2 Engineers need a lot of education because they available to you? Please explain your answer.
deal with such a broad and complex area. lt takes I was reasonably happy with the number of events
many years to learn about the various theories, that were available to me, but I was disappointed that
techniques and mathematics that an engineer on the last day I could only attend the Ethics seminar.
may require at some point in their career. And Please rate your overall experience at the seminar,
because science is advancing all the time with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest.
engineers must continue learning throughout their 8
careers, by reading research and attending
seminars, to keep up with the latest developments
in their field.

18 Answer Key
Book 2 Answer Key

Unit4 9 Suggested Answer

1 Suggested Answers Positive aspects of presentation: objective was
1 Engineers mainly give presentations at seminars and stated very clearly; discussion of design phase was
conferences, though those working in universities well-organised and easy to follow
will regularly deliver lectures. An engineer might also Negative aspects: moved around too much;
be asked to give a presentation to the client of an looked down at cue cards too often
engineering company, perhaps as part of a broader
presentation alongside marketing colleagues. Advice: be aware of your body language; know your
2 The most important thing when preparing for a material so that you don't have to rely on cue cards
presentation is to know your material. If you do
not you may get confused, especially if someone Unit 5
asks you a difficult question during the middle of
1 Suggested Answers
your presentation. Other than that, it is a good
idea to practice delivering the presentation with 1 Engineers solve all sorts of problems, depending
colleagues so you can identify any possible on the area they are working in. Civil engineers
problem areas. You could also prepare some cue solve problems such as building bridges across
cards to help you if you get stuck. rivers, while mechanical engineers might help build
a new power plant. Electrical engineers try to
2 1 T 2 F 3 F ensure that electricity is generated and distributed
efficiently across entire countries. Wherever some
3 1 B 3 A 5 D practical problem needs solving, you will find an
2 F 4 E 6 c engineer. The list is endless!
2 Engineers solve problems by applying their
4 1 objective 3 cue card 5 visual aids knowledge of the sciences to real world
2 projector 4 KISS 6 handouts applications. They use their knowledge of physics
in particular to build amazing structures and
5 Suggested Answer machines. They use their mathematical abilities
and complex computer software to help them do
The presenter should talk about all the publications
this. They may get together in teams, often using
that have been used to help them in their work at the
many people with different skills, to solve
end of their presentation.
particular problems where no one person has all
the expertise required.
6 1 F 2 F 3 T
4 help me improve
2 1 c 2 c 3 c
7 1 pretty good
2 discussion 5 body language
3 1 c 3 E 5 H 7 F
3 easy to follow 6 looking down at
2 G 4 D 6 A 8 B
8 Suggested Answer
4 1 solution 3 attack
A: Maria, what did you think of my practice 2 application 4 iteration
B: I thought it was pretty good, Jangmin. You stated 5 Suggested Answer
your objective of optimizing mobile robots very
Charlene has tried two different designs of window.
A: Was my discussion of the robot's design phase
6 1 F 2 T 3 F
B: No. The general-to-specific organization made it
7 1 window problem 4 two panes for one
easy to follow.
2 iteration 5 attack that
A: Great. Do you have any advice to help me improve?
3 cost issue 6 two choices
B: Maybe you can work on your delivery a little.
A: What exactly should I change?
B: Just be aware of your body language. You were
moving around a lot. And looking down at your
cue cards too much.

Answer Key 19
Book Answer Key

8 Suggested Answer 2 F 2 T 3 T
A: Hey, Kylie. Where are you with the window problem?
B: Well, we just finished the third iteration of the 3 1 concrete 4 plausible 7 norm
process. 2 out of the box 5 convention
A: Using two thicker panes? How did that go? 3 abstract 6 originality
B: The window retained enough heat and wasn't too
fragile. 4 1 verification 3 vision 5 innovation
A: What about the cost issue? 2 creative 4 feedback
B: Manufacturing two panes for one window will be
expensive. 5 Suggested Answer
A: How are you going to attack that problem? A team of leaders from the field will decide which
B: We have two choices. We could try another iteration project is best.
with one pane.
6 A 2 B
9 Suggested Answer
From: Charlene Brand 7 1 displacing warm interior air 4 passes through
To: Eric Marks 2 Not at all 5 too much energy
Subject: Problem Update 3 innovative 6 solar panels

Hi Eric, 8 Suggested Answer

I just finished the third iteration. We used two thicker
A: The City Challenge entries are so creative! Much
panes of glass. The results were encouraging: the
better than last year.
window retained heat and wasn't too fragile. However,
B: I haven't seen them yet. Which ones impress you
there's a problem: manufacturing two panes for one
the most?
window will be expensive. So now we have two
A: Well, the one that solves the problem of a city
choices: either we manufacture the window like that,
office building overheating.
or we try another iteration with just one pane again
B: How did the engineer do it?
using cheaper glass. Both choices have problems. If
A: By simply displacing warm interior air with cooler
we take the first choice, we could end up losing
exterior air.
money every time we make a window. If we take the
B: Interesting. By adding more air conditioning capacity?
second, we may end up with a window that breaks
A: Not at all. She installed an inexpensive hear pump.
too easily.
B: Not a bad idea - but it's not terribly innovative. Any
Unit 6 A: Yes, there's another entry from an engineer who
1 Suggested Answers solves the problem of icy sidewalks.
B: Sounds interesting. What did the person do?
1 There are many things that can help a person
A: He installs pipes under the sidewalks. Hot water
think creatively. One of these is to spend time in
passes through the pipes and melts the ice.
new and exciting places like art galleries. Another
B: Hmm ... nice, it might take too much energy to
is to have some silence and spend time away
heat the water though.
from other distractions - this means turning off
A: No - he uses solar panels to produce electricity.
your cell and your laptop for a while! Trying
something new- can help your creativity, perhaps
9 Suggested Answer
a pottery or a dancing class. Some people have
even suggested that falling in love or getting Name of Entry: Sidewalk de-icer
enough sleep can help improve your creativity! Was the Entry's originality verified? y_ 1 N
2 Creative thinking is valuable in engineering Description of the entry: Pipes are installed under
because engineers are often faced with new a sidewalk and hot water is pumped though them to
problems that have not been seen before. This melt the ice. The energy to produce the heat is
means that standard solutions cannot be used: generated from solar panels.
instead the engineer must be able to think Evaluation of the entry: A nice idea which could
creatively to come up with a solution. work well in practice, though a lack of sunlight in the
winter months could be a problem for it.

20 Answer Key
Book : Answer Key

Strengths: Cheap to run 8 Suggested Answer

Suggestions: You need to test your design in reality A: Hi, Nick. Have you finished making the monthly
to see if it can really work, especially in a really cold report yet?
climate where there is little sunshine during the B: Almost - I just have to finish the last graph. But
winter. I'm just not sure which type I should use.
A: Well, what do you need to show? I mean, what will
Unit 7 the numbers represent?
B: I need to show how cost of materials has gone
1 Suggested Answers
up this year.
1 Graphs are used to illustrate (or check the A: Easy enough. A scatter plot is out of the question
existence of) mathematical relationships between of course.
different things. In practice they are heavily used B: Right. I was considering either a line graph or a
in industry to analyze how a company is bar graph.
performing. So graphs of financial performance - A: There are other graphs in the report aren't there?
for instance profits or market share - are common. What are they?
They are also used to monitor various aspects of B: Um ... so far I've just used line graphs. There are
production: such as production costs over time or at least four of them already.
how the number of product failures relates to how, A: In that case, I'd use a bar graph for sure.
or to how much, a product is used. They can also B: I think I see your point. You're saying that I need
be used to make comparisons between various more diversity.
processes, or within the same processes, over a A: Exactly. The whole point is to add visual interest.
longer period of time. I'd add some color too.
2 Graphs help engineers identify problems that are B: Great idea. I'll be sure to spice it up with some
not down to some one-off random event, but eye-catching colors.
rather are part of something more systematic.
Graphs can also be used by engineers to illustrate 9 Suggested Answer
how well some aspect of a project or production
Name: Herbert Svenson
is (or isn't) working.
Report: Production Progress Report
Problems: The presentations in the report, while
2 1 c 2 D 3 A
interesting, are all very similar. Line graphs are used
almost exclusively in the report, and there is almost
3 1 B 3 D 5 A
no calor. This makes it seem very boring, when in fact
2 E 4 c 6 F
there is some interesting and important information
found in the report and presented in those graphs.
4 1 graphs 3 axis
Recommendations: A wider variety of graphs, for
2 line graph 4 Coordinates
instance bar graphs or scatter diagrams, should be
employed to make the report more visually appealing.
5 Suggested Answer
More color should be used too, as this will again
The scatter plot in the third graph shows how often make the report more appealing but also make it
the company's cars must be repaired. easier for management to pick out key messages
and information from the graphs.
6 F 2 F 3 T
Unit 8
7 1 out of the question 4 line graphs
2 bar graph 5 add visual interest 1 Suggested Answers
3 aren't there 6 eye-catching colors 1 Engineers make drawings of things that they have
designed, for instance structures such as bridges
or dams, or new products like various types of
electronic equipment. Traditionally technical
drawings, as they are often called, were produced

Answer Key 21
Book 2 Answer Key

using paper and pencil (and various drafting 9 Suggested Answer

accessories) but nowadays, except for some Engineer: David Tanaka
initial sketches - most drawings are produced Product: Cell phone
using Computer Aided Design (CAD). Dimensions: 6x4x0.5 inches
2 The purpose of engineers' drawings is to help Battery type: L20
others understand exactly what it is an engineer Battery dimensions: less than 0.25 inches
is proposing. The drawings also help others - Screen dimensions: the screen needs to be 2 by 1.5
clients for example - visualize exactly what the inches.
engineer's proposal will look like. They also help
discussion of a proposal with other engineers:
once everyone can see what something might
look like that forms the basis for discussion, 1 Suggested Answers
problem identification and so on. These drawings People use a wide variety of materials to build
can also ultimately inform those involved in any structures, depending on the purpose of the
construction or manufacturing processes needed structure, where it is located, how long it must last
to create the engineer's design. for and how much it costs. Common construction
materials for structures include concrete, metal,
2 A 2 D 3 c wood and glass. Occasionally other materials such
as plastics are also used, though not generally to
3 1 c 3 D 5 F 7 B build entire structures.
2 G 4 A 6 H 8 E 2 Some materials are better suited to particular
projects than others because their properties fit
4 1 exploded view 3 CAD drawing with what is required from the project. If
2 scale 4 perimeter something is required to let light in then glass is
an obvious choice, though some transparent
5 Suggested Answer plastics may also be appropriate. If something is
The drawing will be at least four times larger than the required to be strong and long lasting then a
actual phone itself. combination of steel and concrete may be
appropriate, and so on.
6 T 2 F 3. F
2 1 Glass: transparent, brittle
7 1 cell phone CAD drawings 4 width 2 Metal: conductor, lots of luster, high ductility and
2 dimensions 5 enough room hardness
3 length 6 quarterofaninch 3 Plastic: very light, malleable

8 Suggested Answer 3 1 E 3 F 5 A
A: Dave, we have a problem. Do you have a minute? 2 B 4 c 6 D
B: Sure thing. Is it about the cell phone CAD drawings?
A: Yeah, actually. Your note didn't include the dimensions. 4 B 2 A 3 A
B: Sorry about that. So, the phone has a length of 6
inches and a width of two inches. 5 Suggested Answer
A: What about th~ depth? The main problem with plastic as a building material
B: That's going to be half an inch. is that it is very expensive.
A: Half an inch? Is there enough room for the battery?
B: Yeah, we're using the L20 battery. it's not even a 6 F 2 T 3 T
quarter of an inch thick.
A: What about the screen? 7 1 natural 4 an issue
B: We want a 2 by 1.5 inch screen. So, can you get 2 great choice 5 on a tight budget
this done by tomorrow? 3 brittle 6 hardness
A: Will do. I'll bring it over as soon as I'm finished.
B: Thanks a lot.

22 Answer Key
Book ~ Answer Key

8 Suggested Answer 2 1 A 2 B 3 c
A: Hi Beth. I'm calling regarding the building materials
for the new park swing seat. 3 1 A 3 B 5 A
B: Okay. What can I do for you? 2 B 4 A 6 B
A: I need advice on materials for the framework. I
want to use natural materials. 4 1 rounding error 4 digits
B: Well, your two main options are wood and steel. 2 quantity 5 calculations
A: Which do you recommend? 3 order of magnitude 6 notations
B: Steel's ductility makes it a great choice. And it's
not brittle, so it won't break from frequent use. 5 Suggested Answer
A: Is it more expensive than wood? The email lists three conventions: numbers should
B: Yes, it does cost more. Is that an issue? always be rounded to three significant figures; trailing
A: Somewhat. I'm on a tight budget. zeros are always considered significant in the decimal
B: Well, wood is cheaper. But it absorbs moisture notation of integers; and when expressing very large
over time. This reduces its hardness. or small numbers scientific notation should be used.
A: So steel is better value?
B: Yes. At least in the long-term. it's very durable and 6 T 2 F 3 F
requires less maintenance than wood.
7 1 order of magnitude 4 decimal
9 Suggested Answer 2 0.5 5 pretty big mistake
Options: Wood or steel 3 leading zero 6 conventions
Benefits/Drawbacks of each material:
Steel has high ductility and it's not brittle, so it won't 8 Suggested Answer
break from frequent use. However, it is relatively A: What exactly did I do wrong?
expensive. B: When you requested a part for the machine you're
Wood is hard and is a good insulator. However, it has designing, you were one order of magnitude off.
only moderate tensile strength and it absorbs A: Oh. I thought I put down 0.5 centimeters!
moisture over time which reduces its hardness. B: As I said in the email, you forgot the leading zero
Better value: and the decimal.
On balance steel is better value, at least in the long- A: So I wrote 5 centimeters instead?
term. Although it is more expensive to begin with, it B: That's exactly right, George.
is very durable and requires less maintenance. A: That's a pretty big mistake, isn't it? What happens
Unit 10 B: Just don't forget the conventions that we use and
you'll be fine.
1 Suggested Answers A: All right. Well, again, I'm really sorry about all of this.
1 Engineers work with numbers practically all the
time. They perform complex calculations to 9 Suggested Answer
understand what is required of their designs in Hi George,
terms of the forces they would be subject to. They I just thought I'd let you know that it was you who
use mathematical concepts and models to assess made a mistake when you requested a part for that
the suitability of particular materials and designs machine you are designing. You forgot the leading
for a specific project they are working on. When zero and the decimal point and ended up ordering
they present their ideas they must include relevant something 5 centimeters long, rather than 0.5
numbers there too: for instance dimensions, centimeters. You need to be careful with this in
possible costs and other quantities. future. Take care to follow the conventions that we
2 To avoid making mistakes with numbers it is have and everything will be fine.
necessary to have some sort of check-list or Maria
other procedure to follow. Otherwise mistakes will
happen quite regularly. There are conventions that
are often followed in engineering circles, particularly
with respect to the appropriate types of notation
to use. These can also greatly help to minimize
mistakes that might otherwise occur.

Answer Key 23
Book £ Answer Key

Unit 11 B: Our new data retrieval system is faster than

1 Suggested Answers anything on the market.
A: Really? That sounds interesting. Anything else?
1 it is important for salespeople to understand their
B: Of course. I can help your marketing team convey
products so that they can inform their customers
that idea of speed in your advertisements.
correctly about what those products can and
can't do. lt also means that they can answer any
9 Suggested Answer
questions that potential customers might have,
and generally promote the product effectively. Dear Agnes,
2 Engineers can help sell products by ensuring that Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me the
their sales team can understand exactly how a other day. As we discussed, our new data retrieval
product works and what its capabilities are. In system is faster than anything on the market and will
some cases they may also help part of the sales really help to make your product better than your
drive more directly, perhaps by speaking at competitors. In addition, I would be available whenever
conferences or exhibitions. In some cases, if a you needed me to help your sales team convey the
product is particularly technical, it may be idea of that speed in your advertisements.
appropriate for engineers to speak to potential Sincerely,
(and existing) clients directly. Greg Hanson

2 A 2 D 3 A Unit 12
1 Suggested Answers
3 1 B 3 c 5 E
2 A 4 F 6 D 1 Agricultural engineers work in a wide variety of
areas in agriculture. They are most commonly
4 1 market research 4 expertise employed in schemes that deliver water to and
2 competitors 5 marketing from crops i.e. irrigation. But they are also involved
3 commission 6 liaison in the designing and building of the machines
used in agriculture as well as studying production
5 Suggested Answer methods to see how further efficiencies could be
Hanson Design's hardware is better than its
2 Agricultural engineering is vitally important as the
competitors as it has a faster coder/decoder chip
world relies on the production of crops to be fed.
and greater on-chip memory.
Without the advanced techniques that agricultural
engineers have developed it would be difficult to
6 T 2 F 3 T
feed everybody. Certainly most people's standard
of living would fall without them as food prices
7 1 modify 4 Anything else
would be much higher.
2 capable of assisting 5 marketing
3 competitors 6 advertisements
2 A 2 B 3 B
8 Suggested Answer
3 1 F 3 A 5 B 7 D
B: So, can you tell me a little bit about your company's 2 E 4 G 6 c
A: We sell a fairly.. wide range of MP3 players, and 4 1 tillage 4 water rights
one of our older products needs to be updated. 2 drainage 5 irrigation
B: I see. And you're looking to modify the firmware 3 distribution uniformity
on that item, correct?
A: That's right. We don't make our own data retrieval 5 Suggested Answer
PlantCo offer three different types of irrigation: flood-
B: Well, our engineers are more than capable of
irrigation, localized irrigation and pivot-irrigation.
assisting you with that.
A: Okay. So what can you offer that your competitors
6 1 T 2 T 3. F

24 An swer Key
Book 2 Answer Key

7 1 localized irrigation 4 pivot-irrigation minimization of waste in industrial processes.

2 cash crop 5 flooding Industrial engineers can also be found working on
3 still not sure 6 drainage services ergonomics, supply chain management, process
engineering and many other areas.
8 Suggested Answer 2 Industrial engineers solve a variety of problems
A: I'm having trouble with my crops. relating to the many areas that they work in. For
B: Okay. I can help you with that. What kind of plant instance they might be called into a factory to help
are you growing? improve productivity by addressing issues relating
A: Right now I'm growing tomato plants to ergonomics, the positioning of manufacturing
B: Okay, in that case I recommend a localized irrigation equipment and in fact almost anything relating to
system. the supply chain.
A: I don't know. I hear that can get a bit expensive.
B: lt's actually a worthwhile investment with a cash 2 B 2 c 3 c
crop like tomatoes.
A: I'm still not sure. Are there any other options? 3 1 D 3 F 5 c
B: Pivot-irrigation is also an option. lt sprays water 2 A 4 B 6 E
around in a circular motion.
A: I don't think that's a good idea. Tomatoes are 4 B 2 A 3 c 4 c 5 B
sensitive to flooding and soggy soil.
B: Yes, that can happen with pivot-irrigation. But if 5 Suggested Answer
you use our drainage services, we can get rid of The factory can be changed to help workers produce
the excess. more by raising the height of the conveyor. The
A: Okay, I'll think about it then. arrangement of the assembly line could also be
improved to help the workers produce more.
9 Suggested Answer
Dear Andreas, 6 T 2 F 3 F
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me yesterday
about how PlantCo can help you. This is just a note 7 1 fairly easy 4 Not much
to remind you of the irrigation options we discussed. 2 reduce strain 5 your really think
Firstly, we offer flood-irrigation for your grains like 3 complained about 6 speed up
wheat and rice. Alternatively, we offer localized
irrigation for those plants that need the most 8 Suggested Answer
irrigation. Finally, we offer pivot-irrigation. All these A: The first option seems less expensive doesn't it?
systems assure a high distribution uniformity so that B: Yes, and it's fairly easy. One quick fix is to raise
you can be sure your plants will be evenly watered. the conveyor.
In addition we also offer drainage services to ensure A: What exactly will that do?
that your land is kept well drained and free from B: it will help reduce strain on your workers. Some
excess water. Let me know if you require any further of them complained of back pain.
information. A: Well, how high do you suggest raising it?
Sincerely, B: Not much. Even a few inches will help.
May A: And you really think this will help improve our
Unit 13 B: Yes. it would enhance the workers' efficiency. And
speed up their pace on the assembly line.
1 Suggested Answers
1 Industrial engineers work in a wide range of fields. 9 Suggested Answer
But they are perhaps most commonly found Suggestions: raise the conveyor belt or alter the
planning factory layouts, i.e. where machines arrangement of the assembly line.
should be placed and organized to maximize Raising conveyor will:
productive capacity. They are also commonly Reduce the strain on workers' backs.
involved in what is sometimes called lean Enhance worker's efficiency.
engineering, which is essentially about the Speed up their pace on the assembly line.

Answer Key 25
Book 2 Answer Key

Unit 14 B: None so far. Next up, we're going to verify that

1 Suggested Answers images can be stored and retrieved in different
1 Essentially a software engineer employs
A: What are you looking for?
engineering disciplines and tools, especially
B: We need to see how it saves images in different
mathematics, to write computer software. When
formats to ensure the image can be consistently
a piece of software has been written software
reproduced in any layout.
engineers will spend time checking to see that it
works properly. Even after some software has
9 Suggested Answer
been released and installed on a customer's
hardware a software engineer will be employed From: Mathias Engers
to fix any problems that only become apparent To: Valeria Trokov
once it is in use. Subject: Project update
2 Usually people become software engineers by Hi Valeria,
gaining a degree, and possibly some form of Just a short note to let you know how the project is
professional certification, and then going to work going. We are now well into the testing stage and
in the area. However, in some instances these everything is working well so far. The software
skills may be acquired by on the job training, for conforms to the operational specifications of its
instance in the military. design very well. Right now we are testing the
brushes and other tools to make sure they work ok.
2 A 2 D 3 c So far they seem fine too. Once that is done we will
check that the images can be stored and retrieved
3 1 A 3 B 5 G 7 H 9 F in different file formats. Once that is done we should
2 E 4 c 6 D 8 I be ready for the launch!
4 quality 2 Testing 3 Verification
Unit 15
5 Suggested Answer
1 Suggested Answers
Software engineering is different to computer
1 Genetic engineering is important to understand as
science as it is more narrowly focused on creating,
it is a fast growing field whose work could make a
designing and operating software, whereas computer
major difference to life as we know it. The ability
science is a broader discipline that deals with the
to alter and create new forms of life that could not
interaction of software and hardware.
exist within nature is a new ability that may raise
practical and ethical issues. lt is accomplished by
6 F 2 F 3 T
inserting new genetic material into a living
organism of some kind. lt could lead to a
7 1 verifying 4 No unexpected hiccups
revolution in agriculture as crops genetically
2 specifications 5 None so far
engineered to be resistant to certain diseases and
3 Good news 6 different file formats
pesticides are brought onto the market. New
medicines and techniques can be developed by
8 Suggested Answer
studying animals that have been genetically
A: What phase are you in? altered to suffer from human diseases.
B: We're currently testing the program. 2 lt is hard to say if genetic engineering, in itself, will
A: So you're verifying the software's functionality? help or hurt people. Advances in science can help
B: Yes. The software is conforming to the operational or hurt people depending on how they are used.
specifications of its design very well. Those who advocate genetic engineering usually
A: Good news. So what are the specific functions point to how the introduction of crops that are
you are testing? resistant to disease could help feed people in
B: Right now we're just testing all the different brushes poor countries. Those against them note that
and tools to make sure they work correctly. there is already enough food in the world to feed
A: And things are going well? No unexpected hiccups? everyone, and that these crops are simply being

26 Answer Key
Book ~ Answer Key

engineered to increase the profits of the

companies that make them. Many argue more
generally against genetic engineering, saying that
since we can't yet know the consequences of its
use, we should proceed with great caution. Others
object on religious grounds, saying we have no
right to tamper with nature.

2 1 c 2 A 3 D

3 1 c 3 E 5 A 7 F ...
2 B 4 D 6 G

4 1 transformation 4 molecular cloning

2 select 5 DNA probe
3 gene

5 Suggested Answer
Many groups are opposed to the spread of Golden
Rice because of the possible environmental and
health risks that may be associated with GMOs.

6 F 2 F 3 F

7 1 differences between 5 gene

2 DNA 6 use vectors
3 manipulate 7 GMO
4 transfer

8 Suggested Answer
A: Would you mind telling us more about the
differences between Golden Rice and normal rice?
B: Well, the difference basically lies in their DNA.
A: I see. And you manipulate that, correct?
B: Yes, we transfer the beta-carotene gene into the
common rice that we're modifying.
A: How do you do that?
B: We use vectors to transform the cells of common
rice. The result is Golden Rice.
A: Aren't you worried about the fact that it's a GMO?
B: I actually think GMOs are quite safe.

9 Suggested Answer
Genetic Engineer Name: June Bernard
How Golden Rice is different: Golden Rice is a GMO
that has been created by inserting beta-carotene into
the cells of normal rice.
Benefits of Golden Rice: Golden Rice has more
vitamin A in it. This could help save the lives of those
in poor countries who are suffering from a lack of
Vitamin A.

Answer Key 27

Unit 1 Engineer 1: I'm glad to hear it! What are you planning on
Engineer 1 (M): I can't believe we're still having trouble going to today?
with this crane design! Engineer 2: Actually, I don't have a choice. lt has to be
Engineer 2 (W): I know. I was thinking about the problem Ethics.
last night. So I dug up my old college textbook for Engineer 1: Why's that?
inspiration. Engineer 2: Well, unlike you, I only have a bachelor's degree.
Engineer 1: And you found something useful? Engineer 1: Ah, yes. I noticed a few of the events require
Engineer 2: Yeah, I did, actually. Do you remember what postgraduate degrees.
a trebuchet is? Engineer 2: Yeah. So ... which events do you want to
Engineer 1: Sure. it's a catapult. attend today?
Engineer 2: That's right. And it uses the mechanical Engineer 1: I'd really like to get into Complex Systems
advantage of leverage. Analysis 11 , but I can't.
Engineer 1: Okay, but how does that help us? Engineer 2: Really? I thought you could go to anything
Engineer 2: We could do the same thing. Just shorten with a PhD!
the arm holding the counterweight. Engineer 1: it's not that, actually. I didn't attend Complex
Engineer 1: Yeah! And if we make the arm closer to the Systems Analysis I yesterday.
pivot, it would be stronger support that could handle Engineer 2: Oh, I see. Now you know how I feel!
more weight.
Engineer 2: Exactly. Don't you think that solves the problem? Unit4
Engineer 1: Absolutely. You should bring that textbook in
Presenter (M): Janet, what did you think of my practice
to work!
Engineer 2: That might not be a bad idea.
eo-worker (W): I thought it was pretty good, Jangmin.
You stated your objective of optimizing mobile robots
Unit 2 very clearly.
Interviewer (W): So, tell me about yourself and what you Presenter: Was my discussion of the robot's design phase
can bring to MiracleCo. confusing?
Engineer (M): First of all, I have a degree in Electrical eo-worker: No. The general-to-specific organization
Engineering. made it easy to follow.
Interviewer: I read that on your resume. Tell me what I Presenter: Great. Do you have any advice to help me
can't read about. improve?
Engineer: Well, anyone can get a degree, but not everyone eo-worker: Maybe you can work on your delivery a little.
has curiosity. Presenter: What exactly should I change?
Interviewer: And you do? eo-worker: Just be aware of your body language. You
Engineer: I think so. Ever since I was a kid I've always were moving around a lot. And looking down at your
looked for answers. cue cards too much.
Interviewer: Can you give me an example? Presenter: I didn't realize that. Did that look bad?
Engineer: Sure. When I was ten, I took a television apart eo-worker: Well, it made you look nervous - and not very
just to see how it works. confident.
Interviewer: Excellent! Now, how would you rate your Presenter: Okay, I'll work on that. Thanks for your input!
interpersonal skills? eo-worker: No problem. Good luck with the talk!
Engineer: I'm very good with people. I ran several clubs
in college. ~ Unit 5
Interviewer: Oh? Could you elaborate on that, please?
Engineer 1 (M): Hey, Charlene. Where are you with the
Engineer: I'd run the meetings with members and
window problem?
coordinate our activities.
Engineer 2 (W): Well, we just finished the third iteration
of the process.
Unit 3 Engineer 1: Using two thicker panes? How did that go?
Engineer 1 (M): Good morning, Samantha. How did things Engineer 2: The window retained enough heat and wasn't
go yesterday? too fragile.
Engineer 2 (W): Great! The seminar on organizing systems Engineer 1: What about the cost issue?
was fascinating. Engineer 2: Manufacturing two panes for one window will
be expensive.

28 Answer Key

Engineer 1: How are you going to attack that problem? Engineer 2: Um ... so far, I've just used line graphs. There
Engineer 2: We have two choices. We could try another are at least four of them already.
iteration with one pane. Engineer 1: In that case, I'd use a bar graph, for sure.
Engineer 1: But we know that's too expensive. What's the Engineer 2: I think I see your point. You're saying that I
other choice? need more diversity.
Engineer 2: We can look for cheaper glass. Engineer 1: Exactly. The whole point is to add visual
Engineer 1: I don't know. Cheap glass breaks easily. interest. I'd add some color too.
Engineer 2: True. We'd have to test its strength. Engineer 2: Great idea. I'll be sure to spice it up with
some eye-catching colors.
Unit 6 ...
Engineer 1 (W): The City Challenge entries are so creative!
Much better than last year. Engineer 1 (W): Dave, we have a problem. Do you have
Engineer 2 (M): I haven't seen them yet. Which ones a minute?
impress you the most? Engineer 2 (M): Sure thing. Is it about the cell phone CAD
Engineer 1: Well, one of them solves the problem of a drawings?
city office building overheating. Engineer 1: Yeah, actually. Your note didn't include the
Engineer 2: How did the engineer do it? dimensions.
Engineer 1: By simply displacing warm interior air with Engineer 2: Sorry about that. So, the phone has a length
cooler exterior air. of 6 inches and a width of 2 inches.
Engineer 2: Interesting. By adding more air conditioning Engineer 1: What about the depth?
capacity? Engineer 2: That's going to be half an inch.
Engineer 1: Not at all. She installed an inexpensive heat Engineer 1: Half an inch? Is there enough room for the
pump. battery?
Engineer 2: Not a bad idea - but it's not terribly innovative. Engineer 2: Yeah, we're using the L20 battery. it's not
Any others? even a quarter of an inch thick.
Engineer 1: Yes, there's another entry from an engineer Engineer 1: What about the screen?
who solves the problem of icy sidewalks. Engineer 2: We want a 2 by 1.5 inch screen. So, can you
Engineer 2: Sounds interesting. What did that person do? get this done by tomorrow?
Engineer 1: He installs pipes under the sidewalks. Hot Engineer 1: Will do. I'll bring it over as soon as I'm finished.
water passes through the pipes and melts the ice. Engineer 2: Thanks a lot.
Engineer 2: Hmm ... nice, it might take too much energy
to heat the water though. Unit9
Engineer 1: No - he uses solar panels to produce electricity.
This electricity is then used to heat the water! Client (M): Hi Beth. I'm calling regarding the building
materials for the new park swing set.
Engineer (W): Okay. What can I do for you?
Unit 7
Client: I need advice on materials for the framework. I
Engineer 1 (W): Hi, Ted. Have you finished making the want to use natural materials.
monthly report yet? Engineer: Well, your two main options are wood and steel.
Engineer 2 (M): Almost - I just have to finish the last Client: Which do you recommend?
graph. But I'm just not sure which type I should use. Engineer: Steel's ductility makes it a great choice. And
Engineer 1: Well, what do you need to show? I mean, what it's not brittle, so it won't break from frequent use.
will the numbers represent? Client: Is it more expensive than wood?
Engineer 2: I need to show how cost of materials has Engineer: Yes, it does cost more. Is that an issue?
gone up this year. Client: Somewhat. I'm on a tight budget.
Engineer 1: Easy enough. A scatter plot graph is out of Engineer: Well, wood is cheaper. But it absorbs moisture
the question, of course. over time. This reduces its hardness.
Engineer 2: Right. I was considering either a line graph Client: So is steel better value?
or a bar graph. Engineer: Yes. At least in the long term. it's very durable
Engineer 1: There are other graphs in the report, aren't and requires less maintenance than wood.
there? What are they?

Answer Key 29

Unit 10 Customer: I don't know. I hear that can get a bit expensive.
Supervisor (W): George, did you get the email that 1sent Engineer: it's actually a worthwhile investment with a
out to the staff? cash crop like tomatoes.
Engineer (M): I did. Why do you ask? Customer: I'm still not sure. Are there any other options?
Supervisor: Well, it was actually your calculation that 1 Engineer: Pivot-irrigation is also an option. lt sprays water
was talking about. around in a circular motion.
Engineer: Mine? I'm so sorry! I never make mistakes like Customer: I don't think that's a good idea. Tomatoes are
that! What exactly did I do wrong? sensitive to flooding and soggy soil.
Supervisor: When you requested a part for the machine Engineer: Yes, that can happen with pivot-irrigation. But
you're designing, you were one order of magnitude off. if you use our drainage services, we can get rid of the
Engineer: Oh. I thought I put down 0.5 centimeters! excess.
Supervisor: As I said in the email, you forgot the leading Customer: Okay, I'll think about it, then.
zero and the decimal.
Engineer: So I wrote 5 centimeters instead? Unit 13
Supervisor: That's exactly right, George.
Owner (M): Sally, do you have a minute? I'd like to discuss
Engineer: That's a pretty big mistake, isn't it? What
your operations report.
happens now?
Engineer (W): Sure. What's on your mind?
Supervisor: Just don't forget the conventions that we
Owner: it's about our productivity. Do you think we can
use and you'll be fine.
raise it easily?
Engineer: All right. Well, again, I'm really sorry about all this.
Engineer: Definitely. One, by improving the workstation
ergonomics. And two, by modifying the assembly line.
Unit 11 Owner: The first option seems less expensive, doesn't it?
Engineer (W): Good morning, sir. Engineer: Yes, and it's fairly easy. One quick fix is to raise
Client (M): Good morning. Thanks for coming in. the conveyor.
Engineer: My pleasure. So, can you tell me a little bit Owner: What exactly will that do?
about your company's needs? Engineer: lt will help reduce strain on your workers. Some
Client: We sell a fairly wide range of MP3 players, and of them complained about back pain.
one of our older products needs to be updated. Owner: Well, how high do you suggest raising it?
Engineer: I see. And you're looking to modify the firmware Engineer: Not much. Even a few inches will help.
on that item, correct? Owner: And you really think this will increase our
Client: That's right. We don't make our own data retrieval productivity?
system. Engineer: Yes. lt would enhance the workers' efficiency.
Engineer: Well, our engineers are more than capable of And speed up their pace on the assembly line.
assisting you with that.
Client: Okay. So what can you offer that your competitors Unit 14
Manager (W): Good morning, Martin. How is the Image
Engineer: Our new data retrieval system is faster than
Suite project going?
anything on the market.
Engineer (M): it's going well, Ms. Donald. it's a very
Client: Really? That sounds interesting. Anything else?
powerful program.
Engineer: Of course. I can help your marketing team
Manager: What phase are you in?
convey that idea of speed in your advertisements.
Engineer: We're currently testing the program.
Client: Excellent. Let's hear how it works.
Manager: So you're verifying the software's functionality?
Engineer: Yes. The software is conforming to the
Unit 12 operational specifications of its design very well.
Engineer (W): This is PlantCo. My name is May. How can Manager: Good news. So what are the specific functions
I help you? you're testing?
Customer (M): Hi, May. I'm having trouble with my crops. Engineer: Right now we're just testing all the different
Engineer: Okay. I can help you with that. What kind of brushes and tools to make sure they work correctly.
plant are you growing? Manager: And things are going well? No unexpected
Customer: Right now I'm growing tomato plants. hiccups?
Engineer: Okay, in that case I recommend a localized Engineer: None so far. Next up, we're going to verify that
irrigation system. images can be stored and retrieved in different formats.

30 Answer Key


Manager: What are you looking for?

Engineer: We need to see how it saves images in
different file formats to ensure the image can be
consistently reproduced in any layout.

Unit 15
Reporter (W): Would you mind telling us more about the
differences between Golden Rice and normal rice?
Engineer (M): Well, the difference basically lies within
their DNA.
Reporter: I see. And you manipulate that, correct?
Engineer: Yes, we transfer the beta-carotene gene into
the common rice that we're modifying.
Reporter: How do you do that?
Engineer: We use vectors to transform the cells of
common rice. The result is Golden Rice.
Reporter: Aren't you worried about the fact that it's a
Engineer: I actually think GMOs are quite safe.
Reporter: Not a lot of testing is done on them, though.
Engineer: No, but we know for sure that people
desperately need Vitamin A.
Reporter: That's true. Do you think Golden Rice will lead
to more GMOs?
Engineer: I hope so. GMOs could solve many problems.

Answer Key 31
Book 3 Answer Key

Unit 1 8 Suggested Answer

1 Suggested Answers A: Hey Kirsten. Did you see Gary's email?
1 lsaac Newton made a large number of discoveries B: Yes, I have it right here.
in the fields of physics and mathematics. But he A: What do you think of the advice? About focusing
is most famous for his three Laws of Motion. His on the basic principles of motion?
First Law states that a body will remain at rest, or B: I think it'll help. Especially if we focus on Newtons
moving at a constant velocity, unless another net third law.
force acts upon it. His Second Law states that if A: How will that help us?
a body with a mass m is subject to a force F it B: Well, we need a net force backwards to create
will experience an acceleration a that is directly an equal force forward, right?
proportional to the Force F and inversely A: Yes. But our calculations show we need too much
proportional to its mass m. This is usually stated fuel to create that force.
as the equation F=ma. Finally, Newton's Third Law B: Well, let's think about that. We have to counteract
states that action and reaction are equal and the mass of the rocket.
opposite. In other words if a force is applied to A: Yes, and the air friction that occurs too.
one object by a second object, that second B: That's right. So the force must equal the rocket's
object will apply the same force back against the mass plus air friction.
first object, but in exactly the opposite direction. A: Correct. But creating that force requires too much
2 Newton's Laws are used almost constantly by fuel.
engineers. They are vital in the field of civil B: Wait a second. I think we made a mistake.
engineering, where they are used to help construct A: Our calculations assume that air friction is present
structures and understand what loads they are throughout the trip. But that's not correct.
capable of dealing with. They are used when B: You're right! There will be on air friction in space.
designing spacecraft and planning spaceflights, A: Exactly. We don't need so much fuel after all.
and in testing how vehicles behave when they
crash and many, many other applications. 9 Suggested Answer
We've encountered a few problems building the Astro
2 First law: a net force is necessary to propel rocket, but it looks like they have been solved now.
rocket forward We used Newton's laws to calculate what force was
2 Second law: acceleration relies upon force required to get the rocket into space. But we made
vector of propellants and mass of rocket a mistake. We assumed that air friction would be
3 Third law: force of expulsion of gas backwards present throughout the trip. We went back and
creates reaction that propels rocket forward thought about the design again by going back to
Newton's laws. Then we remembered that there is no
3 1 c 3 E 5 D air friction in space! This means that we can use less
2 A 4 F 6 B fuel and the rocket should be able to lift off properly
and get into orbit. We will keep you informed of the
4 1 velocity 4 friction progress we make.
2 rest 5 net force
3 mass 6 Newton's third law Unit 2

5 Suggested Answer 1 Suggested Answers

Newton's Second Law tells us how quickly the rocket 1 Some materials behave differently according to the
will gain speed, as long as we know its mass and the temperature. In particular some materials behave
force applied to it. differently at very low temperatures compared to
the normal temperatures we experience. For
6 F 2 F 3 T example, their electrical resistance falls, in some
cases to zero at very low temperatures. lt is
7 1 right here 4 too much fuel important for scientists to understand very low
2 third law 5 think about that temperatures as these are the temperatures
3 net force 6 air friction found throughout most of the universe. Thus it is
important for understanding how the universe
works, as well as being important for space travel.

32 Answer Key

Book 3 Answer Key

it may also help scientists to build more powerful A: I see.

and efficient computers. B: So by recreating this temperature, we can
2 Engineers must understand the laws of understand how things such as expanding gasses
thermodynamics as a very large number of behave in such extreme cold.
machines rely on these to function. For example air
conditioning units and fridges both rely on the 9 Suggested Answer
Second Law of Thermodynamics. Engineers working Have you ever wondered about the laws of
on space programs must understand them to design thermodynamics? These important principles are
spacecraft that are safe for humans to travel in. used by engineers in a variety of fields. The first law
states that energy can neither be created nor
2 1 A 2 A 3 A destroyed: it just changes fro~ one form to another.
Absolute zero is a key component of the laws: this is
3 1 c 3 E 5 G 7 B the lowest temperature that is theoretically possible.
2 A 4 F 6 D The third law states that this temperature can never
actually be reached: a system at absolute zero would
4 1 equilibrium 4 conservation of energy receive heat from other systems. If absolute zero
2 entropy 5 absolute zero could be achieved this would mean the system's
3 Kelvin entropy (how organised a system is) reaching its
minimum value. This is the Second Law of
5 Suggested Answer Thermodynamics. Hope that helps!
The temperature absolute zero can never be reached
because a system could not reach equilibrium with its Unit 3
surrounding environment. it would receive heat from its
surrounding environment and therefore could not be 1 Suggested Answers
at absolute zero, where a system has no heat energy. 1 The flow of liquid is important to engineers across
a variety of disciplines. lt determines how aircraft
6 T 2 T 3 F perform (because air can be thought of as a
liquid), and how liquids travel through pipes: be it
7 1 impossible water into peoples houses or petrol traveling
2 removed from the universe along great pipelines. Even the weather can be
3 equilibrium thought of, and modeled, as a liquid flowing
4 neighboring across the Earth's surface.
5 study 2 Rate processes are those processes which
6 deep space change with the amount of time passing.
7 temperature of space Engineers consider rate processes in a variety of
8 expanding gases situations: mostly commonly those involving the
transport of fluids, but also in engineering
8 Suggested Answer applications relating to electricity.
A: The first reader wants to know why reaching
absolute zero is impossible. 2 c 2 D 3 B
B: Well, reaching absolute zero can't be done
because a system that is at absolute zero would 3 1 inlet, outlet 3 resistance, viscosity
have to be removed from the universe. 2 driving force, pressure 4 flux, rate
A: Why is that?
B: Systems always seek equilibrium, so heat will always 4 1 superfluid 3 flow rate
transfer between systems. A system at absolute 2 diameter 4 Poiseuille equation
zero would receive heat from other systems.
A: Interesting! Okay, here's another. Why is it important 5 Suggested Answer
to study absolute zero? The water pressure is believed to be low because
B: lt helps us understand deep space. the driving force behind the water is too weak.
A: How's that?
B: The temperature of space is 2.73 degrees Kelvin , 6 1 T 2 F 3 F
which is pretty close to absolute zero.

Answer Key 33

Book 3 Answer Key

7 1 viscosity 5 flow 2 Statics and dynamics are both important to

2 diameter 6 too expensive engineers. Static analysis allows engineers to
3 smaller hoses 7 inlets understand the forces, and turning moments, that
4 driving force a structure is subject to when it is not moving.
This allows them to assess if a structure, such as
8 Suggested Answer a building or a bridge, is safe. Dynamics is used in
A: Well, your firefighters say that the flow of water engineering to see how a structure or system will
from their fire hoses is too weak, correct? react to some change in the forces, or other
B: That's right. physical phenomena, experienced by it. For
A: I see. Well, I think I've found a solution. instance how a structure might respond to very
B: What's that? high winds or an earthquake.
A: The water viscosity is obviously the same across
the entire city, so that's not the issue. 2 A 2 B 3 c
B: That makes sense.
A: Instead, we believe the diameter of your hoses is 3 1 A 3 G 5 E 7 D
too big for the amount of pressure you're getting 2 c 4 B 6 F
at the inlet.
B: I see. So we need smaller hoses? 4 1 load 3 stability
A: Correct. If the driving force behind the water 2 free body diagram 4 magnitude
entering the hose stays the same, a smaller hose
would increase flow at the outlet. 5 Suggested Answer
B: I'm not sure that'!! work. lt would probably be too The static testing of the bridge can be undertaken
expensive. efficiently by using a portable device which requires
A: Well then you've only got one other option, and minimal assembly.
that's to replace all the inlets you are using.
6 F 2 F 3 T
9 Suggested Answer
The flow rate on the fire hoses we examined is lower 7 1 structural testing system
than our client would like it to be. This is because 2 have one concern
there is not enough driving force behind the water 3 regular statics testing
supply. The viscosity of the water is not an issue as 4 defeat the purpose
the same water supply is used across the city. We 5 not comfortable switching
should tell the client that there are two ways to 6 with traditional testing
increase the flow rate. Firstly, they can reduce the 7 accurate as regular tests
diameter of the hoses they are using. This would
cause an increase in resistance, forcing the water to 8 Suggested Answer
speed up as it goes through the hose and increasing B: Hey Marty. I got your email about the structural
the flow rate. Alternatively they could replace the testing system.
inlets which would have a similar effect. A: Yeah. What do you think about it?
B: I like the sound of it, and I definitely think it will
Unit4 make things faster.
A: That's great. Are you approving it, then?
1 Suggested Answers B: I am, but I have one concern.
1 Statics involves examining an object at one point A: Which is?
in time or, when examining a system, assuming B: I think we should do the regular statics testing, too.
everything happens at the same time: if something A: Doesn't that defeat the purpose of getting a new
is static this is usually taken to mean that it doesn't system?
change over time. Something dynamic is assumed B: I'm just not comfortable switching to a new system
to change, either as a result of time passing or due yet.
to interaction with elements of its own system or A: So you want to compare the effectiveness of the
other systems, as appropriate. device with traditional testing?
A: Exactly. If it's just as accurate as regular test, then
we'll switch to it in the future.

34 Answer Key
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9 Suggested Answer 5 Suggested Answer

Dear Sally, A separator sheet ensures that a cathode and an
I think for that bridge we are assessing we should anode in a battery do not touch each other, as this
use a structural testing system. it's a portable device could cause a large current to pass through them
and it only requires a minimal surface set up to test and set the battery on fire.
the structure. Other benefits are that it doesn't require
much putting together and it even comes with its 6 1 B 2 D
own testing software. As always we will need to do
both static and dynamic tests. We would use the new 7 1 consumer safety group 5 switch
system to do the static tests and also to measure 2 separator sheet .. 6 vent hole
the turning moment by sending a heavy truck across 3 batteries 7 uninspected
the bridge. Regular dynamic tests will also be 4 electrodes batteries
necessary as the bridge is in an earthquake zone.
We need to know how much force from vibrations 8 Suggested Answer
could potentially damage the bridge. A: So what do you think the problem is?
B: Actually, I think those consumer safety group
Unit 5 people probably have it right.
A: I do too. I don't think it's the separator sheet, though.
1 Suggested Answers
B: Why's that?
1 Electricity can be dangerous in a number of ways. A: Well, the batteries I've inspected didn't have
The main danger to people is electric shock, when punctured sheets. That means the electrodes
a person touches a live electrical source and a couldn't touch.
current passes through them. If this is large it can B: The one I saw didn't have a punctured separator
damage the heart and even kill someone. People sheet, either.
may also get hit by lightning and this too can A: So you think it's the switch, then?
prove fatal, though not always as the electrical B: Probably. The switch must have failed to open the
current involved is usually small (although the vent hole and release the pressure.
voltage may be extremely high). Alternatively, if A: That would definitely cause it to explode.
electricity flows where it is not supposed to B: Right. Do you have any uninspected batteries we
because of some fault, a problem with wiring for could look at to back this idea up?
example, this can cause fires or even an explosion
depending on the circumstances. Again, this is 9 Suggested Answer
very dangerous for people.
Hi Jo,
2 Electrical engineers spend all their time working
I've been looking at some of the damaged batteries
with electricity. They are involved in designing and
that have been returned to us after they had
maintaining plants that generate electricity as well
exploded. The batteries that have been inspected so
as the distribution systems (the cables and
far show considerable damage. But I haven't seen
various other systems that make it up). Other
any sign of their having punctured separator sheets,
engineers may utilize these as well as electric
so I don't think this is causing the problem. I think the
motors in cars and other applications. Elsewhere
problem is caused by faulty switches which fail to
electrical control is used in industry to control
open the vent holes and release the pressure. I will
machines as well as household appliances such
examine the remaining uninspected batteries to see
as washing machines. Electrical engineers also
if this is really the cause of the problem and then get
install and maintain lighting, wiring and other
back to you.
electrical systems in buildings.
2 F 2 F 3 T
Unit 6
3 1 vent hole, separator sheet 1 Suggested Answers
2 insulator, conductor
1 I am familiar with the SI, or the metric as it is
3 cathode, anode
commonly called, system of measurement. I have
used this all my life and it would be very strange
4 1 c 3 B 5 D
to think about things like speed and distance or
2 E 4 F 6 A
weight using other units. it must be very confusing
Answer Key 35
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when you have to work using another system: for 9 Suggested Answer
instance in the US the imperial system is still Parker Engineering have developed a new light-
widely used. reflecting material. This article briefly looks at its uses
2 The SI system of units allows you to measure all and characteristics and why it is better than what is
the basic physical units like mass, distance, time offered by our competitors. The new material is
etc. There are seven basic measurements, and a designed to be used on clothing for safety workers.
huge number of other units are derived from these Small strips placed on uniforms can reflect large
(i.e. based on combinations of these) for example amounts of light. lt is both lightweight and highly
speed is measured in meters per second. This reflective. In fact it is twice as reflective as other
allows pretty much everything that you desire to reflective materials on the market. And at 95 grams
be measured in terms of these base units. Often per square meter it is also lighter than many other
the measurements of these combined quantities available reflective materials. These two points
have their own names but they are all derived combined means that our material is ideal for safety
from these basic seven measurements. workers' clothing.

2 T 2 T 3 F
Unit 7
3 1 c 3 B 5 F 7 D 1 Suggested Answers
2 E 4 G 6 A 1 There are a number of steps in the engineering
design method. Since engineers are concerned
4 1 gram 4 square meters with meeting people's needs, some sort of
2 candelas 5 luminance statement of what exactly is required must be
3 measurements produced at the beginning of the design process.
Nowadays most projects are too complicated to
5 Suggested Answer be done by one person, so a team with the
The new material weighs 95 grams per square meter appropriate set of skills must be assembled. Once
(that is a piece of material that is 1 meter long and 1 this has been done some sort of creative stage
meter wide). is necessary to identify possible solutions. These
will then be narrowed down by determining what
6 B 2 c constraints there are on the design. Once a
design has been selected it is then necessary to
7 1 taking the time 4 per square meter construct a test model (or perhaps undertake
2 luminance 5 a bit pricy computer-based testing) to evaluate the design.
3 safety workers 6 sounds promising Assuming this goes well a more detailed model
will then be produced. In some cases several
8 Suggested Answer solutions may be tested and this process helps to
B: Ms. Hammond, thanks for taking the time to meet determine which is best.
with me. 2 Using a design method is important to ensure that
A: My pleasure. So, what's this great new product no vital steps are missed out in the design
you mentioned on the phone? process. Missing out important steps can be costly
B: it's a highly reflective material. Its luminance is in terms of time and money wasted. For example,
very high. .. the best design in the world is not a viable solution
A: And what exactly is it designed for? to a need if there is not the money available to
B: lt would work great for safety workers. Small strips produce, or even purchase, such a solution.
placed on uniforms can reflect large amounts of
light. 2 D 2 B 3 B
A: And how much does it cost?
B: Well, the production process is rather lengthy. So 3 1 F 3 G 5 B 7 H
it costs about 70 dollars per square meter. 2 E 4 c 6 D 8 A
A: That's a bit pricey. Other reflective materials are
available for less. 4 1 sketch 3 feasibility study
B: But ours reflects twice as much light as the 2 criteria 4 narrow
others. So you use less of it.
A: Good point. it sounds promising.
36 Answer Key
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5 Suggested Answer traditional methods: for example using physical

The designers might show the prototype to customers models or prototypes. They allow any problems
just to check the market reaction: that is to see what with designs to be identified early and changes
they think of it and whether they would buy it. made and evaluated, before prototypes are built
or production/construction begins. They may also
6 F 2 F 3 T considerably speed up the testing process, as
powerful computer programs can be used to
7 1 travel mug 4 heat retention simulate a wide variety of situations in relatively
2 took up less space 5 insulates short periods of time, or even overnight when
3 on their shelves 6 plastic version most engineers are not working.
2 Engineers use models in a wide variety of
8 Suggested Answer situations. They are used to model physical
processes - perhaps the weather and its impact
A: Regas, thanks for the email update earlier. How's
on a structure - and other dynamic activities such
the project going now?
as traffic flow or crowd behavior. They are used
B: it's going well! We're just about done with the
to model how well a particular design might
travel mug.
perform under a variety of the conditions that the
A: What did you decide on: a handle or grips?
final product or structure would be expected to
B: We liked the look of the handle, but decided that
operate under.
it took up less space with grips.
A: What's the benefit of less space?
2 F 2 T 3 T
B: Well, companies can ship more and stores can
stock more of them on their shelves.
3 1 mathematical model
A: That makes sense. And the heat retention is all
2 physical model
figured out?
3 empirical
B: Yes, the interior is metal and the outside rubber
grip insulates it.
A: it doesn't get too hot because of the metal?
6 qualitative model
B: The cup gets warm, but not unbearably hot.
7 analog computer models
A: Why didn't the plastic version work?
B: The plastic got very hot, so it would have needed
8 simulation
a handle.
4 1 modeling languages 3 3-D
2 VRML 4 Digital computer models
9 Suggested Answer
Designing a product is a process. Firstly, the 5 Suggested Answer
customer's need must be identified and understood.
Hillary's qualitative models were used to analyze
A team must be assembled and designs generated
driver behavior in heavily congested areas.
and the constraints on the product identified. We
identified that the product must be simple, effective,
6 B 2 c
highly-affordable and travel friendly. A prototype (or
prototypes) is then built and tested. A final version is
7 1 District of Columbia 5 behavior
then selected and built and checked against the
constraints to verify that it meets all the criteria. In
2 qualitative 6 3-D
3 learn 7 VRML
the case of designing a travel mug, considerations
4 empirical information
that need to be made during the process are;
whether there is a need for finger grooves to grip it
8 Suggested Answer
or to use a handle.
A: Indeed. Tell me about your time with the District
of Columbia.
B: All right. That was my first job out of college, so it
1 Suggested Answers gave me a great chance to get some experience.
1 Computer models are helpful to model complex A: Which types of modeling did you do?
situations that could not be modeled, or that B: Well, I created qualitative models of driver behavior.
would be very expensive to model, using A: Interesting. What did you learn from that experience?

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B: We had great empirical information, but it didn't 7 1 steady state

come quite together like I'd hoped. 2 moving the plant
A: I see. Tell me about your current position. 3 reduce a path quanity
B: All right. Now I'm doing a lot of 3-D modeling using 4 shipping distance
VRML. 5 cut down on consumption
6 factory equipment
9 Suggested Answer
So far in my career I have used a variety of computer 8 Suggested Answer
models, including digital computer models (3-D A: Hello, Ms. Marriot. I'd like to get some clarifications
models and simulations) as well as analog computer on that report about a steady state.
models. I have modeled traffic patterns, driver B: Of course, Mr. Brown. How can I help?
behavior in heavily congested areas and traffic flow A: First of all, you suggested moving the plant. Is that
in urban areas. The modeling of traffic patterns was really the best option?
based on information generated by mathematical B: lt might be, assuming that it's otherwise impossible
models. The modeling of driver behavior in heavily to reduce a path quantity like shipping distance.
congested areas and traffic flow were based on A: I see. To be honest, I can't move the plant or
empirical evidence. I am currently doing a lot of 3-D reduce shipping distance.
modeling using VRML. My models and simulations B: Well, there could be another way to cut down on
have been used in consultations with the City of consumption.
Dover on traffic flow issues. A: Really? I'd love to hear it.
B: I noticed this just before you called. it's the
Unit9 equipment.
A: The equipment? What do you mean?
1 Suggested Answers B: lt turns out that about 500 of the units were
1 Engineers utilize accounting to analyze what is damaged by factory equipment.
happening in production processes. This allows
them to understand the manufacturing process 9 Suggested Answer
and, where appropriate, help them identify I've looked into your goal of achieving a steady state
problems with it, or at least ways in which it might of production, and I believe that the universal
be improved to reduce waste and/or costs. accounting equation can help you. This equation allows
2 Accounting is needed to help engineers identify me to account for everything in your system and make
constraints on the production of a product. For recommendations on how to achieve your goal. My
example whether the design they have in mind analysis suggests that the main factor keeping the
can make a profit. This helps in the engineering plant from achieving a steady state is its location. This
design phase. lt is also needed once production is a state quantity so the ideal solution is to move the
has begun to try and make that process as plant to reduce the shipping distance, as most units
efficient as possible. are damaged in transit. Another factor is the equipment
you are using: this also causes damage to a lot of
2 D 2 c 3 B products. If you are unable to move the plant then you
should try and change your equipment.
3 1 B 3 H 5 c 7 D
2 A 4 G 6 F 8 E
Unit 10
4 1 universal accounting equation 1 Suggested Answers
2 generation 1 Statistics help people to be informed about a
3 extensive quantity certain topic, and are also commonly used as an
4 state quantity aid to decision making. Many times statistics are
used to describe certain features of a group being
5 Suggested Answer examined. In other cases some attempt is made
The engineer suggests reducing the shipping distance to try and understand what the statistics might
in order to decrease consumption. mean more generally, for example in terms of
people's likely behavior in particular circumstances.
6 1 F 2 T 3 T They are used in a wide variety of professions:

38 Answer Key
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pharmaceutical companies use statistics to test 9 Suggested Answer

the effectiveness of drugs, economists use them • We are studying traffic patterns on Washington
to analyze the economy and for forecasting Street, in response to the City of Dunlop's call for
purposes, scientists use them in experiments and analysis. In particular we are using statistical
so on. Engineers also make considerable use of quality control to assess whether the existing
statistics. roads need upgrading.
2 Engineers use statistics for a wide variety of • We are taking a sample of the traffic at the
purposes. In civil engineering, statistics relating to intersection of Washington and First Street for one
roads are gathered and used to determine week. Every day we are recording the hourly
whether they have sufficient capacity. If this is not frequency of vehicles that pass through the
the case engineers may use this information to intersection. The data is then being sorted into
design new roads to deal with the amount of groups, plotted on a histogram and analyzed.
traffic that either exists or if forecast to exist in • We do not have any results yet, but we expect to
the future given the statistical evidence that they find that there will be a range of heavy traffic
have gathered. between 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm. The highest traffic
will probably occur around 5 pm.
2 1 traffic 3 frequency 5 discard
2 sample 4 sort 6 analyze
Unit 11
3 1 E 3 D 5 F 7 G 1 Suggested Answers
2 c 4 B 6 A 1 Computer engineering is a rapidly expanding field
because computers are being used in more and
4 B 2 A 3 B 4 c 5 A more applications throughout society. This means
there is a very large requirement for people who
5 Suggested Answer can design, build and maintain computers. The
The number of vehicles will be measured hourly increasing use of robots, both in industry and the
throughout the day. home also means that the demand for computer
engineers is growing rapidly.
6 T 2 F 3 F 2 Computer engineers do a wide range of work. They
design both hardware (such as computer chips and
7 1 your proposal 4 road tubes other devices) as well as computer programs and,
2 collect the raw data 5 pretty inexpensive perhaps most importantly, work to ensure that
3 a couple of 6 all kinds of these things work well together. They also work in
industry and telecommunications. They may be
8 Suggested Answer involved in designing and maintaining networks as
A: Hi Mr. Tennant. I received your proposal today. well as working in the field of robotics to design
B: Great. What are your thoughts? entire new robots or improved parts for them.
A: We're interested in some of your services, but we
have some questions. 2 D 2 c 3 A
B: Sure. What would you like to know?
A: First, how exactly do you plan to collect the raw 3 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
data for the sample?
B: Well, we have a couple of options. We could use 4 1 c 3 E 5 G 7 B
road tubes or video detection devices. 2 D 4 A 6 F
A: What are the benefits of road tubes?
B: They're pretty inexpensive. But they're not always 5 Suggested Answer
reliable. A heavy vehicle could damage the tubes. Burlington will offer new undergraduate degrees in
A: What about the video detection services? robotics and artificial intelligence.
B: They can record all kinds of information. But
they're much more expensive. 6 1 F 2 T 3 T

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7 1 Department of Engineering Unit 12

2 department 1 Suggested Answers
3 comparable universities
1 Knowledge of geology is necessary for many
4 higher-quality
materials engineers. This is because, ultimately,
5 computer engineering
most materials are extracted from the ground. So
6 fault-tolerant
it is vital they have knowledge of how this can be
brought to the surface in the most efficient and
8 Suggested Answer
environmentally friendly way. This can involve
A: Why are you expanding the Department of digging mines or wells, sometimes under the sea,
Engineering? to extract petroleum or natural gas. Materials
B: Well, our department has been smaller than those engineers may oversee the entire process from
of comparable universities for decades. extraction right the way through to refining and
A: So you think this expansion will help the university? distribution.
B: Yes, I believe it will bring higher-quality students 2 1 think that in the future advanced materials are
to Burlington. likely to weigh less and less but also offer higher
A: Why? performance: be it greater heat insulation, or
B: We'll be giving them more opportunities to excel conductivity and so on. I also think that they may
in computer engineering. less and less be extracted from the ground, but
A: Tell me about some of those new opportunities. rather grown in laboratories.
B: Sure. We're going to be offering master's degrees
in three key new areas, including fault-tolerant 2 B 2 c 3 B
computer system design.
A: Why have you identified that as a "key" area? 3 1 E 4 F 7 J 10 H
B: Advanced space travel will require advances in 2 A 5 c 8 I 11 B
computer engineering. For a spacecraft to be 3 K 6 G 9 D
reliable enough for long-distance travel, it would
need fault-tolerant computer systems. 4 1 research and development 3 refining
A: Interesting. What about some of the new bachelor's 2 drilling 4 raw materials
B: Those are also very exciting. Personally, I find 5 Suggested Answer
artificial intelligence to be the most attractive.
These jobs are advertised on the website
We're going to focus initially on reasoning and
problem solving.
6 T 2 T 3 F
9 Suggested Answer
The Dean of Engineering at Burlington has just 7 1 plastics engineer
announced that the university's computer engineering 2 Chemical Engineering
program will expand next year. He thinks that the 3 learned the ropes
expansion will help the university by attracting higher 4 processes
quality students. lt will do this by giving them more 5 research and development
opportunities to excel in computer engineering. 6 lightweight polymers
Concentrations in complex fields such as digital signal
processing and VL'SI design will be offered. At some 8 Suggested Answer
point in the future concentrations in algorithms and
A: First of all, thank you for applying for the plastics
circuit analysis are also likely to be added. A large
engineer position.
number of new degree programs will be added to the
B: Thank you for interviewing me.
Department of Engineering. These include Master's
A: Lets start off with your experience. So, you majored
degrees in fault-tolerant computer system design,
in Chemical Engineering in college?
human-computer interaction and control engineering.
B: That's right. But I focused on polymers and plastics.
A: And your first job was at a factory?
B: Well, 1 interned for a while in college and learned
the ropes before I got a real job.

40 Answer Key
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A: So you know the processes, but we want more 5 Suggested Answer

than that. How good are you with innovation? The cheapest way to deal with potential problems at
B: Oh, research and development is actually one of the plant is to install special storage tanks that help
my passions. contain spills.
A: Is that so? Tell me about it.
B: One of my first projects when I officially started 6 F 2 F 3 T
working was trying to create more lightweight
polymers. 7 1 sewage treatment 4 the best option
2 do you think 5 replace them
9 Suggested Answer 3 detoxification 6 cost a lot
A major force in the petrochemical industry is now
hiring. We are looking for a plastics engineer to create 8 Suggested Answer
new products from polymers. The ideal candidate will A: Darren, did you see this report about the sewage
have a degree in Materials Engineering or Chemical treatment facility?
Engineering and several years experience in the B: Yes, I just read it.
industry. Because of the focus on product creation, A: What do you think of the mitigation measures?
experience in research and development is essential. B: Well, many facilities are switching to alternative
You will have extensive knowledge of the processes treatment methods. Like the use of ultraviolet light
used within the industry such as injection molding and for detoxification.
extrusion, as well as familiarity with the raw materials A: Do you think that would work for the Hudson plant?
involved. The successful candidate will be passionate B: it could. But I don't think it's the best option.
about innovation and have a successful track record A: Why not?
in the area. B: The lamps require a lot of maintenance. And you
have to replace them fairly frequently.
Unit 13 A: So it's fairly expensive?
B: Yes, both the installation and maintenance would
1 Suggested Answers
cost a lot.
1 Almost all human activity has the potential to harm
the environment. Extracting materials from the 9 Suggested Answer
earth, such as petroleum, can (and has) caused
The sewage treatment facility would work by drawing
major damage to the environment. Industry then
in waste water from industrial and residential buildings
uses these materials to create products for people
and then treating it using a detoxification process.
to use and again this can (and has) caused
The treated water would then be directed out into
enormous damage to the environment. Waste from
nearby bodies of water. This process could have
factories is a particular problem: this must go
some potential environmental effects. If there was a
somewhere or be treated otherwise it can cause
spill or a leak there would be sewage runoff
great harm to the environment. Waste from people
containing compounds that would be hazardous to
is also a major problem and again, must be
the plants and animals that live in nearby lakes and
disposed of in an appropriate fashion if the
streams. If some of the available mitigation measures
environment is to be protected.
are used however, this problem could be avoided.
2 Engineers can improve the environment, or at least
The cheapest option would be to install special
minimize the damage to it from our making and
storage tanks to help contain spills. Another option
using things, by taking it into account when they
would be to use alternative treatment measures like
design products, structures and buildings. When
ultraviolet lamps instead of harmful chemicals.
the environment is considered from the start of the
design process, rather than simply as an add-on
at the end, this can lead to much better outcomes. Unit 14
1 Suggested Answers
2 1 c 2 D 3 B 1 Nuclear power is sometimes seen as desirable
because it creates energy without using fossil
3 1 D 3 F 5 E 7 H
fuels like oil or coal. This means that is does not
2 c 4 A 6 B 8 G
generate the pollution associated with energy
production from those sources. Also those fossil
4 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 c
Answer Key 41
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fuels will run out at some point in the not too A: How do you figure that?
distant future and nuclear fuel is a potential B: it's simple. Those breeder reactors create more
alternative power source. However, nuclear power plutonium than they use up!
has its own problems. Once the fuel has been
used it can be reprocessed and used again, but 9 Suggested Answer
ultimately there are radioactive materials that The pros of nuclear fuel rod reprocessing:
must be disposed of somehow. Its safety record • Reprocessing nuclear fuel rods means that they
is also being increasingly questioned in light of a do not have to be disposed of in the ground. This
number of incidents in recent years where is helpful for the environment as areas where
radiation has been released into the environment. nuclear waste is stored become contaminated far
2 Reprocessing of the fuel used in nuclear reactors into the future.
can make nuclear power safer, as it can be used • Reprocessing nuclear fuel rods is more efficient
again rather than having to be disposed of. In than finding new uranium-235. lt allows existing fuels
theory this reprocessed fuel can then be used in to be re-used rather than going to the expense of
special breeder reactors and never need to be finding and extracting more uranium-235.
disposed of, meaning that almost no waste is
created while generating nuclear power. However, The cons of nuclear fuel rod reprocessing:
transporting reprocessed fuels for reprocessing is • nuclear fuel rod reprocessing is potentially
very risky, as an accident involving these could dangerous, as the plutonium from spent fuel rods
cause massive pollution. can be used to make nuclear weapons.

2 D 2 B 3 D Unit 15
1 Suggested Answers
3 1 E 3 c 5 B 7 D 9 I
2 A 4 H 6 F 8 G 1 Biomedical engineers use engineering techniques
and knowledge to help out in the field of
4 1 uranium-235 3 reprocessing healthcare. This involves creating medical
2 nuclear fission technology, for example x-ray and MRI machines,
to examine particular problems inside patients'
5 Suggested Answer bodies without having to operate on them.
Additionally, biomedical engineers design devices
lt is a bad idea to store used nuclear fuel in the ground
to help peoples' bodies function e.g. machines
as this contaminates the area far into the future.
that regulate heart rate and even some artificial
body parts. Biomedical engineers may also be
6 F 2 T 3 T
involved in the production of pharmaceuticals and
even genetic engineering.
7 1 pretty biased 4 secure the rods
2 There are a large number of benefits to biomedical
2 for one thing 5 uranium-235
engineering. Many people today would not be alive
3 plutonium 6 nuclear fuel
if the devices invented by biomedical engineers
did not exist. Countless more would have a much
8 Suggested Answer
lower quality of life. Biomedical engineering gives
A: Well, I think it's pretty biased. I don't think hope to those with illnesses that were previously
reprocessin~ fuel rods is a good idea. untreatable, and even to those whose conditions
B: I think it's a great idea! Why don't you like it? are currently untreatable because advances in this
A: For one thing, it's dangerous. Plutonium from spent field are being made so quickly.
fuel rods can be used to make nuclear weapons.
B: I suppose, but I'm sure they would be careful to 2 B 2 B 3 D
secure the rods.
A: That may be, but I also disagree with it because 3 1 D 3 F 5 I 7 B 9 H
of the expense. 2 G 4 A 6 E 8 c
B: The expense?
A: Yeah! Just going out and finding uranium-235 in 4 1 diagnosis 4 prosthetic
the ground is not cheap! 2 pacemaker 5 medical imaging
B: That may be, but reprocessing fuel rods is a much 3 dialysis 6 treatment
more efficient way of getting new nuclear fuel.
42 Answer Key

Book 3 Answer Key

5 Suggested Answer
BioCare's ultrasound machines are particularly useful
in prenatal care where they offer superior imaging to
diagnose and monitor patients.

6 F 2 T 3 F

7 1 returning a call
2 My pleasure
3 CT scanner you've developed .
4 256 slices
5 64 slice
6 putting patients at risk

8 Suggested Answer
B: Hello, this is Paul Heap at BioCare. I'm returning a
call for Dr. Mary Wilson.
A: Hi Paul, this is Mary. Thanks for calling me back.
B: My pleasure. What can I do for you?
A: I have a few questions about that new CT scanner
you've developed.
B: Yes, the BioCare2000. What can I tell you?
A: Well, I see that it offers 256 slices. Is that really
B: lt is. We're the only manufacturer that offers such
a high number.
A: I know. The most I've ever seen is a 64 slice
B: And that's not bad. But with 256 slices, you'll get
a clearer picture than ever before.
A: I would imagine so! But with so many slices, aren't
we putting patients at risk?
B: Are you talking about the radiation?
A: Exactly. More slices must mean more x-rays, right?
B: Actually, it's just the opposite. With our
improvements, the new unit uses fewer x-rays
than a 64 slice scanner.

9 Suggested Answer
Biocare offers a wide range of biomedical equipment
to help with both treatment and diagnosis. We offer
respirators to help with patients' breathing and
infusion pumps to provide them with their nutritional
and medicinal requirements. Our pacemakers and
dialysis machines keep patients with heart and kidney
problems alive.
Our medical imaging technology is the best on the
market. The BioCare 2000 CT scanner offers 256
slices giving much clearer pictures. Our closest rival
can only offer a quarter of that, just 64 slices. Our
MRI and ultrasound machines also offer superior
imaging to diagnose and monitor patients.
Finally our incubators ensure that any babies born
prematurely are given the best healthcare possible.
Answer Key 43

Unit 1 Engineer: So by recreating this temperature, we can

Engineer 1 (M): Hey, Tammy. Did you see Gary's email? understand how things such as expanding gases
Engineer 2 (W): Yes, I have it right here. behave in such extreme cold.
Engineer 1: What do you think of the advice? About Reporter: So have you reached 2.73 degrees Kelvin?
focusing on the basic principles of motion? Engineer: Actually, yes. We've even reached 1 degree
Engineer 2: I think it'll help. Especially if we focus on Kelvin, which is the coldest natural temperature ever
Newton's third law. recorded. We'd still like to see how close to absolute
Engineer 1: How will that help us? zero we can get, though.
Engineer 2: Well, we need a net force backwards to
create an equal force forward, right? Unit 3
Engineer 1: Yes. But our calculations show that we need
Fire Chief (M): Thanks for meeting with me today, Marsha.
too much fuel to create that force.
Engineer (W): No problem, Chief. it's my pleasure.
Engineer 2: Well, let's think about that. We have to
Fire Chief: So, what did you find out?
counteract the mass of the rocket.
Engineer: Well, your firefighters say that the flow of water
Engineer 1: Yes, and the air friction that occurs, too.
from their fire hoses is too weak, correct?
Engineer 2: That's right. So the force must equal the
Fire Chief: That's right.
rocket's mass plus air friction.
Engineer: I see. Well, I think we've found a solution.
Engineer 1: Correct. But creating that force requires too
Fire Chief: What's that?
much fuel.
Engineer: The water viscosity is obviously the same
Engineer 2: Wait a second. I think we made a mistake.
across the entire city, so that's not the issue.
Engineer 1: What do you mean?
Fire Chief: Okay. That makes sense.
Engineer 2: Our calculations assume that air friction is
Engineer: Instead, we believe the diameter of your hoses
present throughout the trip. But that's not correct.
is too big for the amount of pressure you're getting
Engineer 1: You're right! There will be no air friction in
at the inlet.
Fire Chief: I see. So we need smaller hoses?
Engineer 2: Exactly. We don't need so much fuel after all.
Engineer: Correct. If the driving force behind the water
entering the hose stays the same, a smaller hose
Unit 2 would increase the flow at the outlet.
Reporter (M): Thank you for agreeing to meet with me Fire Chief: I'm not sure that'll work. lt would probably be
again, Dr. Carmichaels. too expensive.
Engineer (W): My pleasure. Engineer: Well then you've only got one other option, and
Reporter: Why don't we start off with the questions that that's to replace all of the inlets you're using.
readers sent in to me? Fire Chief: That would cost more than replacing the
Engineer: Yes, let's do that. hoses! Are you sure that using a smaller diameter fire
Reporter: The first reader wants to know more about hose will solve the problem?
why reaching absolute zero is impossible. Engineer: Absolutely.
Engineer: Well, reaching absolute zero can't be done
because a system that is at absolute zero would Unit4 •
have to be removed from the universe.
Supervisor (W): Hey John. I got your e-mail about the
Reporter: Why is that?
structural testing system.
Engineer: Systems always seek equilibrium, so heat will
Engineer (M): Yeah? What do you think about it?
always transfer 'between systems. A system at
Supervisor: I like the sound of it, and I definitely think it
absolute zero would receive heat from neighboring
will make things faster.
Engineer: That's great. Are you approving it, then?
Reporter: Interesting! Okay, here's another. Why is it
Supervisor: I am, but I have one concern.
important to study absolute zero?
Engineer: Which is?
Engineer: lt helps us understand deep space.
Supervisor: I think we should do regular statics testing, too.
Reporter: How's that?
Engineer: Doesn't that defeat the purpose of getting a
Engineer: The temperature of space is a constant 2.73
new system?
degrees Kelvin, which is pretty close to absolute
Supervisor: I'm just not comfortable switching to a different
one yet.
Reporter: I see.
Engineer: So you want to compare the effectiveness of
the device with traditional testing?
44 Answer Key

Supervisor: Exactly. If it's just as accurate as regular Engineer: But ours reflects twice as much light as others.
tests, then we'll switch to it in the future. So you use less of it.
Engineer: But won't that take even more time? Clothing Manufacturer: Good point. it sounds promising.
Supervisor: Yes, but in the long run it will be worth it. Engineer: Would you be interested in purchasing some
Engineer: Okay, I can appreciate that. when it's ready?
Supervisor: How soon can you have the device? Clothing Manufacturer: Well, I'm worried about more
Engineer: I'll pick it up later today. than just costs. Safety workers can't do their jobs in
heavy clothes.
Unit 5 Engineer: We thought of that, too. This material is
extremely lightweight.
Engineer 1 (M): Hey, I heard you're working on the Clothing Manufacturer: That's great. How much does it
exploding batteries problem. weigh?
Engineer 2 (W): Yeah, I am. Are you working on it too? Engineer: it's about 95 grams per square meter.
Engineer 1: I just got assigned to it a few days ago. We Clothing Manufacturer: Well, I'm definitely interested. Let
really need to figure out what's going on. me know when you begin production.
Engineer 2: I know. The press is all over us on this one.
Engineer 1: Yeah, this is really damaging Morioka's
Unit 7
Engineer 2: So what do you think the problem is? Supervisor (M): Helen, thanks for the e-mail update earlier.
Engineer 1: Actually, I think those consumer safety group How's the project going now?
people probably have it right. Engineer (W): it's going well! We're just about done with
Engineer 2: I do too. I don't think it's the separator sheet, the travel mug.
though. Supervisor: What did you decide on: a handle or grips?
Engineer 1: Why's that? Engineer: We liked the look of the handle, but decided
Engineer 2: Well, the batteries I've inspected didn't have that it took up less space with grips.
punctured sheets. That means the electrodes couldn't Supervisor: What's the benefit of less space?
touch. Engineer: Well, companies can ship more and stores can
Engineer 1: The one I saw didn't have a punctured stock more of them on their shelves.
separator sheet, either. Supervisor: That makes sense. And the heat retention is all
Engineer 2: So you think it's the switch, then? figured out?
Engineer 1: Probably. The switch must have failed to open Engineer: Yes, the interior is metal and the outside rubber
the vent hole and release the pressure. grip insulates it.
Engineer 2: That would definitely cause it to explode. Supervisor: lt doesn't it get too hot because of the metal?
Engineer 1: Right. Do you have any uninspected batteries Engineer: The cup gets warm, but not unbearably hot.
we could look at to back this idea up? Supervisor: Why didn't the plastic version work?
Engineer 2: I do. They're right over here. Engineer: The plastic got very hot, so it would have
needed a handle.
Unit 6 Supervisor: it seems pretty involved. lt won't cost a lot,
will it?
Engineer (M): Ms. Platt, thanks for taking the time to meet Engineer: Not at all. Part of the goal was making it
with me. affordable.
Clothing Manufacturer (W): My pleasure. So, what's this Supervisor: All right, sounds like it's ready to move forward
great new product you mentioned on the phone? to the client.
Engineer: it's a sure reflective material. Its luminance is Engineer: I'll prepare the final product for presentation.
very high.
Clothing Manufacturer: And what exactly is it designed
Engineer: lt would work great for safety workers. Small Supervisor (M): Good morning, Hillary.
strips placed on uniforms can reflect large amounts Engineer (W): Good morning. Thank you so much for
of light. meeting with me.
Clothing Manufacturer: And how much does it cost? Supervisor: My pleasure. Let's dive right in. Tell me about
Engineer: Well, the production process is rather involved. some of your modeling experience.
So it costs about 70 dollars per square meter. Engineer: Well, as you can see from my resume, I've
Clothing Manufacturer: That's a bit pricy. Other reflective actually done quite a bit of that.
materials are available for less.
Answer Key 45

Supervisor: Indeed. Tell me about your time with the Unit 10

District of Columbia. Planner (M): Hi Ms. Roberts. I received your proposal
Engineer: All right. That was my first job out of college, today.
so it gave me a great chance to get some Engineer (W): Great. What are your thoughts?
experience. Planner: We're interested in your services, but we have
Supervisor: Which types of modeling did you do? some questions.
Engineer: Well, I created qualitative models of driver Engineer: Sure. What would you like to know?
behavior. Planner: First, how exactly do you plan to collect the raw
Supervisor: Interesting. What did you learn from that data for the sample?
experience? Engineer: Well, we have a couple of options. We could
Engineer: We had great empirical information, but it didn't use road tubes or video detection devices.
quite come together like I'd hoped. People's behavior Planner: What are the benefits of road tubes?
can be difficult to model. Engineer: They're pretty inexpensive. But they're not
Supervisor: I see. Tell me about your current position. always reliable. A heavy vehicle could damage the
Engineer: All right. Right now I'm doing a lot of 3-D tubes.
modeling using VRML. Planner: What about the video detection devices?
Supervisor: What types of things are you modeling? Engineer: They can record all kinds of information. But
Engineer: I'm actually creating models and simulations of they're much more expensive.
traffic patterns. Planner: Well, do you think the road tubes would be
Supervisor: How's that been going? sufficient?
Engineer: it's been great, actually. My mathematical Engineer: Yes, I think they would work just fine to study
models have been able to accurately predict traffic this population.
behavior. Planner: Okay, let's use them. And I have one more
Unit9 Engineer: Sure, what is it?
Planner: What kind of results would indicate that we
Producer (W): Hello, Mr. Sherman. I'd like to get some
need a new road?
clarifications on that report about a steady state.
Engineer: Well, we expect the results to reveal heavy
Engineer (M): Of course, Ms. Howe. How can I help?
traffic from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. If the actual range
Producer: First of all, you suggested moving the plant. Is
exceeds certain limits, we would recommend
that really the best option?
expanding the road.
Engineer: Yes, assuming that it's otherwise impossible to
reduce a path quantity like shipping distance.
Producer: I see. To be honest, I can't move the plant or Unit 11
reduce shipping distance. Reporter (W): Thank you so much for speaking with us,
Engineer: Well, there could be another way to cut down Dr. Boyle.
on consumption. Dean (M): My pleasure.
Producer: Really? I'd love to hear it. Reporter: Why are you expanding the Department of
Engineer: I noticed this just before you called. it's the Engineering?
equipment. Dean: Well, our department has been smaller than those
Producer: The equipment? What do you mean? of comparable universities for decades.
Engineer: lt turns out that 500 of the units were damaged Reporter: So you think this expansion will help the
by factory equipQJent. university?
Producer: Oh, no! Why so many? Dean: Yes, 1believe it will bring higher-quality students to
Engineer: lt turns out that this factory's equipment is Burlington.
actually rather outdated. Reporter: Why?
Producer: So you'd recommend that I update the machines Dean: We'll be giving them more opportunities to excel
there? in computer engineering.
Engineer: That should decrease the number of units Reporter: Tell me about some of those new opportunities.
damaged at the factory. Dean: Sure. We're going to be offering master's degrees
Producer: lt sounds like it could get expensive. in three key new areas, including fault-tolerant
Engineer: True. But you'll save money overall, since you computer system design.
won't lose so many units. Reporter: Why have you identified that as a "key'' area?

46 Answer Key

Dean: Advanced space travel will require advances in Engineer 2: it could. But I don't think it's the best option.
computer engineering. For a spacecraft to be reliable Engineer 1: Why not?
enough for long-distance travel, it would need fault- Engineer 2: The lamps require lots of maintenance. And
tolerant computer systems. you have to replace them frequently.
Reporter: Interesting. What about some of the new Engineer 1: So it's fairly expensive?
bachelor's degrees? Engineer 2: Yes, both the installation and maintenance
Dean: Those are also very exciting. Personally, I find would cost a lot.
artificial intelligence to be the most attractive. We're Engineer 1: How about the special storage tanks?
going to focus initially on reasoning and problem Engineer 2: They're a better option. They have double
solving. Machines capable of these things would be walls to catch spills. But a major leak can still pose a
very valuable. serious pollution problem.
Engineer 1: Is there any way to address that issue?
Unit 12 Engineer 2: Actually, there are leak detection sensors
you can purchase. They alert you to any ruptures in
Interviewer (M): First of all, thank you for applying for the the tanks and pipes. ,
plastics engineer position. Engineer 1: So would those combined with the special
Engineer (W): Thank you for interviewing me. tanks be the best solution?
Interviewer: Let's start off with your experience. So, you Engineer 2: I think so. Installing leak sensors on the tanks
majored in Chemical Engineering in college? would probably limit sewage runoff significantly.
Engineer: That's right, but I focused on polymers and
Unit 14
Interviewer: And your first job was at a factory?
Engineer: Well, I interned for a while in college and learned Engineer 1 (W): Have you read the new Energy Tomorrow
the ropes before I got a real job. article on reprocessing nuclear fuel rods?
Interviewer: So you know the processes, but we want Engineer 2 (M): Yeah, I have. I didn't really like it, though.
more than that. How good are you with innovation? Engineer 1: Why's that?
Engineer: Oh, research and development is actually one Engineer 2: Well, I think it's pretty biased. I don't think
of my passions. reprocessing fuel rods is a good idea.
Interviewer: Is that so? Tell me about it. Engineer 1: I think it's a great idea! Why don't you like it?
Engineer: One of my first projects when I officially started Engineer 2: For one thing, it's dangerous. Plutonium from
working was trying to create more lightweight spent fuel rods can be used to make nuclear weapons.
polymers. Engineer 1: I suppose, but I'm sure they would be careful
Interviewer: Okay. Let's say we give you a raw material, to secure the rods.
what's the first thing you think of? Engineer 2: That may be, but I also disagree with it
Engineer: I think, "How can I make something new and because of the expense.
useful out of this?" Engineer 1: The expense?
Interviewer: And you've been working R & D for how long? Engineer 2: Yeah! Just going out and finding uranium-235
Engineer: Six years next month. in the ground is not cheap!
Interviewer: And you'd be interested in doing the same Engineer 1: That may be, but reprocessing fuel rods is a
for our company? much more efficient way of getting new nuclear fuel.
Engineer: Yes, I would. I love the challenge. Engineer 2: How do you figure that?
Engineer 1: it's simple. Those breeder reactors create
Unit 13 more plutonium than they use up!
Engineer 2: I suppose that's true.
Engineer 1 (M): Emily, did you see this report about the Engineer 1: Besides, think about the environmental
sewage treatment facility? benefit of reprocessing the waste instead of burying
Engineer 2 (W): Yes, I just read it. it. Burying radioactive fuel rods is very harmful.
Engineer 1: What do you think of the mitigation measures? Engineer 2: You're definitely right about that. I'm still not
Engineer 2: Well, many facilities are switching to alternative convinced, though.
treatment methods. Like the use of ultraviolet light for
Engineer 1: Do you think that would work for the Hudson

Answer Key 47

Unit 15
Engineer (M): Hello, this is Frank Janson at BioCare. I'm
returning a call for Dr. Ellen Baker.
Doctor (W): Hi Frank, this is Ellen. Thanks for calling me
Engineer: My pleasure. What can I do for you?
Doctor: I have a few questions about that new CT scanner
you've developed.
Engineer: Yes, the BioCare2000. What can I tell you?
Doctor: Well, I see that it offers 256 slices. Is that really
Engineer: lt is. We're the only manufacturer that offers
such a high number.
Doctor: I know. The most I've ever seen is a 64 slice
Engineer: And that's not bad. But with 256 slices, you'll
get a clearer picture than ever before.
Doctor: I would imagine so! But with so many slices,
aren't we putting patients at risk?
Engineer: Are you talking about the radiation?
Doctor: Exactly. More slices must mean more X-rays, right?
Engineer: Actually, it's just the opposite. With our
improvements, the new unit uses fewer X-rays than
a 64 slice scanner.
Doctor: That's fantastic. What about speed?
Engineer: lt can take a little longer for larger scans.
Doctor: That's not too bad, considering the improvements.
Now, let's talk about price.

48 Answer Key
Career Paths: Engineering is a new educational resource for engineering
professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work
environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts and reviewed
by leaders within the engineering industry, each unit offers step-by-step
instruction that immerses students in the four key language components:
reading , listening , speaking , and writing . Career Paths: Engineering addresses
topics including tools, materials, numbers, engineering concepts, converting
measurements, and career options.

The series is organized into three levels of difficulty and offers over 400 vocabulary
terms and phrases. Every unit includes a test of reading comprehension, vocabulary,
and listening skills, and leads students through written and oral production.

Included Features:
• A variety of realistic reading passages
• Career-specific dialogues
• 45 reading and listening comprehension checks
• Over 400 vocabulary terms and phrases
• Guided speaking and writing exercises
• Complete glossary of terms and phrases

The Teacher's book contains a full answer key and audio scripts.
The audio COs contain all recorded material in American English and British English.

Books 1-3 of Career Paths: Engineering are rated for the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages at A 1, A2 and B1 respectively.

Express Publishing
ISBN 9 78-1-78 098-017-1

9 781780 980171

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