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Phy 102: Properties

of Matter & Waves

Professor Dr M Mahbubur Rahman

Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka 1342
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Topics to Cover for This Chapter
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics & Viscosity
Lines and tubes of flow; Equation of continuity;
Bernoulli’s equation and its applications; Flow
in a curved duct; Viscosity; Coefficient of
viscosity: Poiseuille’s law; Stokes’ law;
Determination of coefficient of viscosity of
liquids and gases; Variation of viscosity with
7 Lectures 2
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Books Needed
1.Physics for Engineers Vol. 1 (Gias Uddin

2.Properties of Matter & Waves (Brijlal)

3.University Physics (FW Sears)

4. Properties of Matter (DS Mathur) 3

Chapter 4: Properties of Matter

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

In this Chapter we learn:

✓ Rate of flow of a liquid

✓ Streamline and turbulent motion
✓ Tubes of flow
✓ Equation of continuity
✓ Energy of a fluid in motion
✓ Viscosity
✓ Bernoulli’s Equation
✓ Stoke’s theorem and terminal velocity 5
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
What is meant by hydrodynamics?
Hydrodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with
the motion and behaviors/characteristics/properties of
incompressible fluids under the influence of internal and
external forces acting on it. Hydrodynamics is a
branch of fluid mechanics and has many
applications in engineering.

It is also related to the solid bodies

immersed/submersed in fluids and are in
motion relative to each other.
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Rate of Flow of a Fluid

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Tube of Flow
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
A streamline can be drawn through every point in a fluid. If we consider
an element of area A within the fluid and imagine streamlines to be
passing through every point on the periphery of A, then these lines will
enclose a tubular region called the tube of flow. The tube of flow may be
thought of as made by a bundle of streamlines.

Since no two streamlines can ever cross each other, hence no fluid enters
of leaves across the sides. This means no fluids can cross the side walls of
the tube of flow and the fluid in a tube of flow remains in the tube. The
tube behaves somewhat like a pipe of the same shape as its own.

A region of the moving fluid bounded on the all sides by the streamlines is
called a tube of flow or stream tube.

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Streamline/Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow of Liquids
Laminar flow or streamline flow in pipes (or tubes) occurs
when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption
between the layers. At low velocities, the fluid tends to flow
without lateral mixing, and adjacent layers slide past one
another like playing cards.

In laminar flow, the motion of the particles of the fluid is

very orderly with all particles moving in straight lines
parallel to the pipe walls.

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
In steady motion (streamline motion), the
pattern of streamlines is stationary with time.

The streamline motion holds only so long as

the velocity of the fluid does not exceed a
particular limiting value, called the critical
velocity (vc). Beyond, this critical velocity the
fluid loses its orderliness, and becomes
sinuous or zig-zag, and is known to have the
turbulent motion. This critical velocity is also
related to the Reynolds number. 13
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Turbulent flow is a flow regime characterized
by chaotic property changes. This includes rapid variation
of pressure and flow velocity in space and time. In
contrast to laminar flow, the fluid no longer travels in
layers and mixing across the tube is highly efficient.

Flows at Reynolds numbers larger than 4000 are

typically (but not necessarily) turbulent, while those
at low Reynolds numbers below 2300 usually remain
laminar. Flow in the range of Reynolds numbers 2300 to
4000 and known as transition.

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Reynolds Number
Reynold’s number is defined by,


c (Critical velocity)

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Equation of Continuity
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Equation of Continuity
The following assumptions are made for the equation
of continuity:

1. The tube is having a single entry and a single exit i.e.,

there is no source or sinks wherein the fluid can be
created or destroyed
2. The fluid flowing in the tube is non-viscous
3. The flow is incompressible
4. The fluid flow is steady
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

If ρ1 and ρ2 are the respective densities of the fluid at P and Q,

then the mass of the liquid flowing in per second is A1v1ρ1 and that
flowing out is A2v2ρ2.

Since, there is no source or sink, hence the mass of a liquid

crossing each section of the tube per unit time must be the same.
That is, 19
A1v1ρ1 = A2v2ρ2
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Here, ρ1 = ρ2, because the fluid is incompressible.

A1v1= A2v2
Av = constant
This is the equation of continuity which states that in
steady incompressible flow the volume flux or flow
rate across any section is constant.

This is, in fact, the law of conservation of mass in fluid

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Energy of a Fluid in Motion

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Bernoulli’s Theorem
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
The theory is given by the Swiss mathematician Daniel
Bernoulli in 1738.

This theorem states that the sum of the mechanical energies of

a flowing fluid, comprising the energy associated with fluid
pressure, the gravitational potential energy of elevation, and
the kinetic energy of fluid motion, remains constant.

Bernoulli’s theorem is the principle of energy

conservation for ideal fluids in steady, or streamline
motion and is the basis for many engineering
applications. 24
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Assumptions of Bernoulli’s Theorem

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Shaft work is a kind of contact work that arises due to
the direct material contact with the surrounding
matter at the boundary of a system.

It is to note that a system in a state of thermodynamic

equilibrium cannot initiate any change in its internal
energy. Thus, this kind of system cannot initiate shaft

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity
Energy of a Fluid in Motion; Bernoulli’s Theorem

The work done due to the pressure

= P1V - P2V = (P1 - P2)V 27
Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity

According to the work-energy theorem, the net work

done is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the

Divide by V, recall that density ρ= m/V, then simplify

Chapter 4: Hydrodynamics
& Viscosity


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