Seat Work 2

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Write down all of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats you can think of in
relation to the New Valley Inn.

o 50-unit o No-frills or o Near the o Other good

building plain beaches and restaurants and
o Luxury and o Grounds are other attraction businesses
beauty of the fairly plain o Overseas


o Has large and o Lack of o Being a o He’s getting

plenty rooms occupancy member of worried and
o Little local tourist disillusioned
advertisement committee
o Low pricing

One of the advantages of the 50-unit New Valley Inn is that many tenants are allowed to
occupy it for as long as they like. If some of the region is upgraded and made more appealing,
customers will likewise be drawn in by its luxury and beauty. Last but not least, his building
includes a lot of vast, spacious rooms that can house big families. On the other side, his company
has many of the above-listed disadvantages. Visitors won't be drawn in by the building's and its
regions' simple design. In addition, despite his low prices, he makes little effort to publicize his
company, which may be one of the factors contributing to his low occupancy rates. Along with
those other respectable restaurants and businesses, his company faces numerous dangers. Aside
from that, he is also frightened and depressed, which would negatively impact his business. The
good news is that there are still plenty of chances for his firm to succeed. There is a good chance
that a lot of occupants will stay here if Mr. Shaw does additional research on effective business
management, consults with experts regarding business finance matters, and designs the building.
The fact that his building is close to the beaches and other attractions will also help his firm
become well-known. He is also a part of the neighborhood tourism committee, which will be
very helpful to him in promoting the New Valley Inn. Mr. Shaw ought to make predetermined
decisions on his company's issues. With all of his coursework on business management, he is
now well-equipped to recognize issues and offer both conventional and unconventional
2. An engineer notices a fine white powder covers everything in a room that has a
laminating press. She asks the operator how long he has been working in this room. He replies
that he has been working there for over ten years. The engineer is concerned that the health of
this operator may be at risk from inhaling this powder for so long. What should she do?
Use the following questions as your guide to solve the problem:
 What is the problem?
 What are the choices you have?
 What do you think the consequences of these choices will be for yourself and others who
are involved?
 What is your decision?
 Do you think you made the right decision? Why?

Problem: A fine white powder covers everything in a room and its effects to the health of the
Choices I have: Recommend to the business owner to…
 Terminate the contract of the operator for not doing his job right.
 Provide all the operators and other employees with a tutorial on how to properly clean the
rooms that are assigned to them.
Consequences of the choices: The consequences of these choices will affect the way of living of
the operator in a positive or negative way. It will affect the life of the operator negatively if the
business owner terminates his contract. On the other hand, it will affect him positively if he and
the other employees learned the proper housekeeping in their area. Because I proposed the two
possibilities and will bear the guilt if someone is harmed as a result, these decisions will also
have an impact on me.
Decision: As an engineer, I will greatly suggest to the business owner to provide tutorials and
conduct a seminar for the employees about the safety and health standards in the workplace.
Through this, operators and their health will not be at risk because of the fine white powders that
covers everything in the room and the other possible harm in the workplace.
After deciding, I can say that I made the right decisions because I can imagine the future
effects of this decision. Workers' health in particular will be safe at work. Additionally, this will
enhance the company's standing as having ethical workplace rules.

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