Quiz I - 2016 (Solution Key)

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Database Systems
COE 418
Fall 2016
Instructor: Joe Tekli

Quiz 1 – (15 minutes)

Student name & ID:…………………………………………………………………………………

Problem II: Multiple choice questions (2 points)

1. The expansion of E-R diagram stands for
a. Entity-Relation diagram
b. Entity-Relative diagram
c. Entity-Relationship diagram
d. Entity-Rationalized diagram
e. Both a and c
2. An entity represents:
a. A collection of items in an application
b. A distinct real world item in an application
c. An inanimate object in an application
d. A data structure
e. None of the above
3. A relationship is:
a. An item in an application
b. A meaningful dependency between entities
c. A collection of related entities
d. Related data
e. None of the above
4. By relationship cardinality, we mean:
a. Number of occurrences in a relationship
b. Number of entity occurrences participating with a relationship
c. Number of occurrences in an entity
d. Number of entity-relationship sets which may be related to a given entity
e. Both a and b

Problem II: Short answer questions (2 points)

1. State and briefly explain (in one sentence each) the three data levels defined
following the ANSI-SPARC standard representation (1.5 pts).

- External level: user’s view of the database.

- Conceptual level: community view of the database, described using a
conceptual data model.
- Internal: physical representation of the database on the computer,
including indexing and data structures.
Problem III: Analysis (5 points)
We wish to design a conceptual (ER) model to describe a movie making studio.
Following an initial discussion with the representative of the studio, we were able to
identify the following details.
The studio mainly collaborates with produces, directors, and actors in order to
create the movie. A movie is usually directed by one single director, but can be
produced by more than one producer. A movie has an identifying title, as well as a
production year, time duration, 2D/3D (identifying whether it’s a 2D or 3D movie),
among other properties.
Provide a visual representation of the corresponding ER diagram by determining:
1. Entity types and corresponding attributes, including primary keys (1.5 pts)
2. Relationships between entity types, with corresponding attributes (1 pts)
3. Cardinality constraints for each relationship (2 pts).
4. Verify and resolve any potential connection traps (0.5 pts).

State any assumptions necessary to support your design. Actor, director, producer, Movie

movie is directed by a director

Movie: title, production year, time duration,
movie is produced by a producer
Movie 2d/3d, genre.
movie is acted by actors
producer: name, age, previous work...
title actor: name age previous work
1:1 1:n

Directs Produces ActsIn

1:n 1:n 1:n

Director Producer Actor

directorID producerID actorID

fName fName fName
lName lName lName
age age

Good luck!

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