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Activity no. 2 Title: Essay: What is the Difference & Relationship between Aviation Quality and Aviation Safety?

Name: Submission Date: August 19, 2021

Instructor: Grade:

Aviation quality and aviation safety are both necessary for a company to achieve its objectives. Air
operators have a variety of objectives, but almost all try to make a profit by transporting passengers and/or
cargo via air. Safety is unquestionably important in allowing an airline to operate safely and profitably,
because an airline with a bad safety record may be barred from flying to certain countries and is unlikely to
attract many passengers. As airlines operate in increasingly commercially deregulated contexts, their ability
to meet customer needs and improve customer happiness is becoming a more important predictor of airline
profitability. In simple words aviation quality is connected to aviation safety because the goal of the two is
to execute safety and efficient air operations. While the difference of aviation quality and aviation safety is,
safety is about avoiding harm; quality is about providing efficient, effective, and meaningful care that gets
the job done on time and on budget. Quality focuses on doing things well, while safety focuses on
preventing unpleasant outcomes. Safety reduces the likelihood of errors, while quality raises the ceiling, so
the overall care experience is a better one. Quality refers to meeting requirements, and safety refers to
keeping people and property from harm. Quality is essentially looking at compliance, and safety is looking
at risk.

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