DRAFT Minutes of Sutton Civic Society General Meeting 26.01.22

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Minutes of General Meeting

on 26 January 2022 by MS Teams

Present: P Robinson (Chair), L. Peek (Vice-chair) A. Robinson (Treasurer), E. John (Secretary), H. John
(Sustainability Officer), K. Peek (Events Officer), C. Gent, J. Richards, Prof (emeritus) Clive Orton, S.
Wilkinson (The Sutton Way), P. Mason


1. Welcome and introductions

The chair welcomed everyone to the virtual and the participants on the call introduced

2. Approval of minutes of 24 November 2021 meeting and matters arising

The minutes were approved as drawn.

Matters arising:
 No further had been heard about the proposed improvement to the dangerous
junction of Oakhill Road and High Street [postscript: road improvements to be
included in 2022/2023 funding round].
 A date had been set for the hustings for the local elections: the evening of Weds 20
April 2022 at the Salvation Army.
 Prince Regent: work continues on the new building on the site of the former public
 The emerging local plan for the town centre would be published for consultation
later this year.

3. Invited speakers: Sara Wilkinson of The Sutton Way

Sara Wilkinson introduced a group set up to understand the way our council have branded
schemes as “The Sutton Way” (https://thesuttonway.com/) and work together as residents
to negotiate, consider the impacts on local residents and what we can do to have an
impact and work with our council.

4. Collingwood Road fire

The cause of the devastating fire which claimed the lives of 4 children in Collingwood Road
was under investigation and would be subject to an inquest in due course.

5. Update from Sustainability Officer (Helen John)

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
In November 2021, the council launched a network of community environment champions.
The group which meets every two months, come together to learn more about the
environment as well as collaborate and take action. There are currently 50 champions in
the borough and the group had its first ‘face-to-face’ meeting in March 2022, having
initially launched virtually.
A small group of the environment champions have come together to create a “Repair Café”
operating from YourSpace in Seears Park.
There was a greater emphasis of late on joining up the green spaces to create “green
The Dr George Rice Community Garden was in the process of being established as a new
community green space. It was named after a “local hero”, Dr. George Rice, who was born
in Antebellum, New York, but who became a vaccination pioneer in Sutton. Anyone
interested in participating or helping out can contact Jeff Richards at: jeff@suttonfx.com or
join the Friends of Dr George Rice Community Garden on Facebook.
The Friends of Seears Park and Perrett’s Fields has also been established and was aiming to
have action days where local residents would be able to get involved.
The Friends of Rose Hill Parks had regular litter picks in the parks and Greenshaw Woods
(contact them by email: friendsofrosehillparks@outlook.com).

6. Update from Social Media officer (Peter Struik)

Regular updates were going on the page.

7. Update from Events Officer (Kerrie Peek)

Upcoming event was the hustings for the local elections on 20 April 2022.

8. 2002 Jubilee celebrations

Platinum Jubilee celebrations were being arranged and street parties were to happen
across the borough. Fees had been waived.

9. Planning update - emerging Sutton plan and recent proposals for the town centre

230 homes were planned for Elm Grove, but the redevelopment had been delayed by the
Next for redevelopment were Chestnut Terrace and Rosebery Gardens.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
There had been no news about the proposals for the scaled-down Rosehill School on
Rosehill Park West.

10. Setting up a WhatsApp Group and a blog for the Society

It was agreed to set up a WhatsApp Group for those who wished to join.

11. Budget and finances

The bank mandate had changed as Prof. Emeritus Clive Orton had ceased to be a director
of the Society.

12. AOB

Sutton Local Committee on 10 February 2022.

13. General Meeting Dates for 2022

General Meeting Dates for 2022: 30 March, 25 May, 20 July, 28 September, 30 November  

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207

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