Periodical Test - 1st Quarter-First Semester

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Cruz National High School

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Periodical Test -1st Quarter-First Semester
Senior High School

Name :___________________________ Grade and Section:___________ Score:________

I. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

 _______1.What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?
a. Philosophy  b. Ethics  c. Epistemology  d. Aesthetics 

_______2. These are the lessons that were learned from experience. a. Philosophy 

b. Ethics  c. Wisdom  d. Aesthetics 

_______3. This word means to “overflow nonstop”.

 a. Elenchus  b. Abundance c. Logic  d. Facts 

_______4. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?

a. Philosophy  b. Ethics  c. Epistemology  d. Aesthetics 

_______5. It is the art of questioning and answering until we arrived at the truth.
a. Metaphysics  b. Ethics  c. Epistemology  d. Elenchus 

_______6.The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God

which is Bathala? a. Bahala na  b. Bayanihan  c. Pakikisama  d. Kalooban 

_______7.This means “to know what you do not know”.

 a. Docta Ignorancia b. Gnaritas contientia est  c. Cognitionis d. Elenchus 

_______8. Which Filipino values is helping others in times of need?

a. Bahala na  b. Bayanihan  c. Pakikisama  d. Kalooban

 _______9. Which is reciprocating or paying debts of gratitude or giving back favor.together?

a. Bahala na  b. Bayanihan  c. Pakikisama  d. utang na loob 

_______10. A term that show sharing of one’s self to others?

a. Bahala na  b. Bayanihan  c. Pakikisama  d. Kalooban

_______11. Which of the following is the study that uses human reason to investigate the
ultimate causes, reasons, and principles that governs all things?

a. Anthropology b. Economics c. Philosophy d. Psychology

_______12. Who among the following pioneered the various field of knowledge such as history,
astronomy, mathematics, medicine and even physics?

a. Americans b. Greeks c. Moslems d. Russians

_______13. Philosophy is derived from two Greek words: philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom).

Which of the following is the common meaning of Philosophy?

a. Love of Truth b. Love of Wisdom c. Lover of Truth d. Lover of Wisdom

_______14. Which of the following reasons why people philosophize according to Plato?

a. Doubt b. Experience c. Sense of wonder

d. Limitations and Possibilities of the Human Person

_______15. Rene Descartes is another renowned philosopher in his time. He also explained that
there is a particular reason that drives an individual to engage himself in philosophizing. Which
of the following is his reason?

a. The experience of death b. The experience of doubt c. Particular human experiences

d. Limitations and possibilities in life

_______15. It is a perspective that is characterized as inclusive when trying to understand a

particular problem or situation.

a. Bias b. Claim c. Opinion d. Holistic perspective

_______16. It is a way of looking at things using particular and specifics of a given situation.

a. Bias b. Claim c. Opinion d. Partial Thinking

_______17. The following statements describe philosophy, except:

a. Philosophy contributes to self-development.

b. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical thinking
c. Philosophy does not improve problem-solving and decision making.
d. Philosophy helps us to be a good communicator who can present himself clearly

II. Identification.

a. Man  b. Human  c. Human being  d. Person  e. Personhood

f. Human Nature  g. Self- Awareness  h. Rationality  i. Self  j. Interiority 

_______1. The quality of being focused on one’s inner life and identity.

  _______2. The person who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and experiencing
_______3. A human person that is defined by a deeper awareness that is driven by human
_______4. Refers to the person having a clear perception of oneself, including his or her
thoughts, emotions,identity and actions. 
_______5. Refers to the characteristics that distinguished humans from all other creatures. 
_______6. Refers to the state of being a person. 
_______7. Refers to a human being granted certain rights, protection, responsibilities and
dignity, above all. 
_______8. Used to distinguish man from other animals. 
_______9. Refers to man as a species Homo sapiens sapiens or modern human beings. 
_______10. The general term commonly used to refer to the entire human race

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