Why Do We Separate Substance

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Why do we separate substance :

 Necessary things from unnecessary things.

 To remove impurities from pure substance.
Mixture ;
A mixture is a material made up of two or more different substance which are physically
Combined . Mixture can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
Homogeneous mixture:
A mixture in which constituent are distributed uniformly is called homogeneous mixture.
Heterogeneous mixture :
A mixture in which constituent are not distributed uniformly called heterogeneous
Separation Mixture:
Mixture is a that can be separated into two or more pure substance by simple physical
means .

Method of separation :
a) Hand picking:
If a constituent of a solid mixture Is big and visibly different , it can be separated by hand
Example : small stone can be separated from the rice .
b) Winnowing :
Winnowing can be use to separate lighter solid from heavier one.
Farmer used it to separate husk from grain.
c) Sieving :
The method of separate particles of different sizes with the help of a sieve is called sieving.
d) Threshing :
Beating a stalk on a hard object is called threshing . Threshing is done to separate the grain
from the stalk.
e) Magnetic separation :
A method in which magnet is used to separate the constituent of a mixture is called magnetic
separation .
Using magnet to separate magnetic materials from non magnetic is called magnetic
f) Sedimentation :
A solid liquid mixture of sand and water can be separated by leaving it undisturbed for
sometime. This process is known as sedimentation.
Solid layer form of sand at the bottom is called sediment.
The liquid above the sediment is known as the supernatant liquid.
g) Decantation :
The liquid water above the sediment can be poured out into another container without
disturbing the sediment . This process is called sedimentation.
h) Filtration :
This  is used for separating fine insoluble solid particles from the liquid.
i) Dissolution:
This method is useful when one constituent of solid mixture is soluble in a solvent
( water) and the other is not.
j) Evaporation :
 A process of conversion of water into its vapour is called evaporation.
 A solid can be recovered from its solution by evaporating the solvent.
 For example a solution of salt in water , when heated on a flame for sometime ,
remain the residue of salt .
Fibre :
A thin strands of thread ,or thin strands that make up the yarn called fibre.
Yarn :
Yarn is a thin strands thread it can be split into two thin strands, Yarn is made up of
fibre . Or when fibre is twisted and spinned yarn are formed.
Fabric :
Fabric is made up of yarn or thread arrange together . Or when yarn are knitted or
weaved they make fabric.
Weaving :
When two set of thread are used to make criss cross  Pattern to make a fabric it’s called
Spinning :
Fibre are spun to make yarn. Or the process of making yarn from fibre called spinning .
Natural fibre :
Those fibre obtained from plants and animals are called natural fibres.
Example : cotton, jute , silk , wool etc.
Synthetic fibres:
Synthetic fibres are man made fibre made up of chemical .
Example : polyester, nylon , acrylic etc.
Some plants fibre :
Cotton :

Cotton plants usually grown in the black soil field and in the warm climate.
 The fruits of cotton plants called cotton ball when it’s get mature and burst open
the seeds cover with cotton fibre.
 From this cotton ball is picked by hand and cotton fibre is separate from cotton
Seeds this process is known as ginning of cotton.
Jute :
 Jute fibre is obtained from the stem of jute plants.
 It is cultivated during the rainy season.
 Jute plants mainly grown in Bihar ,west Bengal , Assam .
 The stem rot and fibre are separated by hand. To make fabric all these fibre first
converted into yarn .
Yarn to fabric :
There are two main process to make yarn into fabric such as weaving and knitting .
1) Weaving :
 When two set of thread are used to make criss cross Pattern to make a fabric it’s
called weaving.
 Weaving of fabric is done on looms.
 The looms are either hand operated or power operated.
2)  Knitting :
 Knitting is single yarn used to make a place of
 Socks and many other clothing things is made up of knitting.
 Knitting is done by hand and also machine.
History of clothing material:
 People in ancient time used the bark and big leaves of tree or animals skin and
fur to cover themselves.
 After people began to settle in agriculture communities , they learn to weave
twigs and grass into mat and basket.
 The early Indian wore fabric made out of cotton that the grew in the region near
the rivers Ganga .
 Flax is also a plant that give natural fibre.
 With the invention of sewing needle , people started stitching fabric to make

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