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83 La oracién pasiva (2): uso Compara eluso dela voz ectiva ya voz pasiva en ingls: Lavazactva seus cuando neresa deviecar My fiend Kevin sll cold dinks at playtime: wien relizb a accion (ueto. (Wiarnigo Kevin verde bebidas es enelrecrea) Her fativer built this house in he 1920, (Supadreconstuyoesta casa enles res wort) nla pasha fnterera mis acdin onsimiima, Cold diiaks are sold at playiina. Nose sabe ono importa quien hizo. (Sevenden beoliasfasen ereceo) “Thichousa was bitin the 1920 (Eta cao ue coostuidase const en kesaos ve Seatin el contexte, podemosescoger entre utliza a vor pasiva la activa. Cbservacémo el context nos hace organiza la informacion de manera distina: CONTEXT [ACTWAPASWA ‘Una onversadn sobre elfamose director Alfred Hitchcock wes great fin maker, Alfred Hitcheace He ceected this Ni in 1956. (A110 Wied tchcock fue un gran enectordecine.Dirg: ‘esa pela en 1958) ‘Una converscion sobre una palicaa This # wonclerul i, twas decid detitchcock by Aled Hitehcockin 1956.(PASIVA) (Estapelevic ex magnica Fue drigide por Aes Mecheocken 1955) Para cambiar de voz activa a pasar Ersujete dea oracTon activa no nos interesapo lo que se desplazaal nal de e oan pasia acompafiade por la preporicn by Alfred Hitchcock directed this him in 1956 This fm was directed by Aled Hitchcoccn 1955, Encambi el objeto directo de a orion activa (quéhiao alguien) pasa ocuparleposicion de sujeto oniacracion pata: Aad Hitchcock directed this lm in 1955, “Thisfilm was crested by Aled Hiteheockin 1955, Tningiéa lebjot decto dels orocién activa tambien puede ser una persona They nominated Antonia Banderas ‘orn Orr Antonio Banderas was ominated for an Osa Fllate que no es posible acer eraciones pasvas sine hay objeto citecto: They slop very sound, (Curmievon profundamente) NO: 7hey wereseptvarysounaly BAECs on en psiva estas orcionsactivasempleand las plabrn entre parinters 0 Wesel kas forall shows a the Box ie. (ickets for all shows/sell/at theBox Office) Ticket» forall sham» are sold at the Bax Offices 172 £50. Gramdtica Oxford 1 Thomas Bison iavented the elecrc light bub. (Me elect ight but lave:/by Thomas Edison) 2 2 Someone pated the office last week: (The offcepainv last week) 2 Several people saw the accident. (Te acciden/see/by severl people) aoe 44 Where do they make these video recorders? (rmeretese video recorders/make) — [Bi coractén activa o pasiva? Fae en el contest yelge Ta mejor opcién. 0 tmlookng for antiques, but nobody i selling harythey ar nt soldi his town. 1 These computers are realy good. IBM makes chem/they are made by I. 2. The TV set was out of order, but someone repaired it yesterday/it was repaired yesterday. 3 They stole my bike bike was stole, 801 had wo take the tain, 4 They wer ate because someone Blocked the road/the road wis Blocked. 5 Well move into the naw house when they Bud i¢/when i's built [Pon on pasiva las oraciones en activa, y en activa las activas. © Myhouse was damaged by a fire, A fre damaged my house. 0 They sell fesh vegetables a the market. Fieah veactables are gold at tho markob 1 The photos were processed by my facet, 2 Nobody saw the accident. —— ee {3 When dio they publish this novel? oo = 44 How often the post deliveced by the posman? = 5 Where di they question the suspects? _— Bl traduec tas siguentes frases. Se reparan ordenadores en la tenda dela esquina Computers are repaited at she corner shop. 1 sta pelicula se rod en Las Angeles. 2: fe coche no se uiliza todos los dias. 3 eNaciste en 19927 4 Bl uktimo partido fue ganado por el Real Madri 5 Se bebieron cineventa mil refroscos en la festa del sibado. Gramaitica oxfocd ESO 173

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