Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Course outcome: Design and apply appropriate interventional strategies to

address personal and social problems

Design of Interventions – evaluation of Interventions – Evidence based

interventions – identifying the problem – developing a solution – goal setting
and designing the intervention – implementing the intervention – application
of social norm theory – the social psychological roots of social anxiety – Self-
Presentation theory – Hopelessness theory approach to treating depression –
Sports teams –Team dynamics – Team Building – Media – impact of media
violence – Organization and community – diversity versus prejudice and
Stigmatization – bringing about social change – Leadership –theories – styles
An intervention may be defined as a
strategy (or procedure) that is CHANG
intended to influence the behavior of
people for the purpose of improving
their functioning with respect to
some social or practical problem.

( Direct or Indirect )
Interventions can be conducted at different levels of analysis.

Individual Group Organization Community

Although interventions can be directed at different levels, it can be

argued that ultimately they are directed toward individuals in that for
changes to occur, whether in a group or in an organization, the
individual members must change in some way.

Personal interventions Programmatic interventions

Personal interventions are those

that people with their knowledge
of social psychology to improve
their own circumstances or those
of people around them.
Programmatic interventions/Programs

A program as “an organized collection of activities designed to

reach certain objectives”

In the context of applied social psychology, the activities that

comprise a program are directed toward addressing a social or
practical problem with the objective of preventing, reducing, or
eliminating its negative consequences.
In some instances, interventions may be directed at reinforcing
and strengthening a positive situation.
How will you
design an

Identifying a problem,
Arriving at a solution,
Setting goals and
designing the
Implementing the
Evaluating the intervention
Amajor reason for evaluation research is
to test the theoretical assumptions
underlying the intervention

Ethical reasons - To determine whether their recipients are

receiving the intended benefits, and whether they are experiencing
any unintended undesirable consequences. The ethical
responsibility also extends to a readiness to modify or even
discontinue ineffective programs, and to improve on programs
that have been evaluated as effective.

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