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English Exam for Grade 12 Name:

2020/2021 – Second Semester Duration: 2 Hours

I- Read the following text and answer the questions: II- Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the
The Austrian-born genius first played the list: (8 marks)
harpsichord (an old musical instrument) when he was brain, solve, agility, flow
just 3 years old. He composed his first piece of
9 . Physical activities increases the ………. of oxygen
published music at age 5, and by his teen years, he
to the brain. People who are in a good physical
had already written several operas and symphonies.
Mozart and his sister Maria travelled widely through 10. shape enjoy a higher level of mental ……….
Europe, showing their talents in royal courts and 11. Exercise is good for the ……… and the body.
public concerts. From Germany to Paris, audiences 12. Calming the mind allows you to …….. problems in
marveled at the boy wonder’s ability to play the more relaxed way.
piano blindfolded or with one hand crossed over the -----------------------------------------------------------------------
other. Mozart would eventually grow into one of
III- Choose the correct answer a or b: (10 marks)
Europe’s most celebrated and creative composers.
Before his untimely death at age 35, he wrote more
than 600 pieces of music. 13. He tried to win the race, but he finished in third
place. He wasn’t ………… .
Choose the correct answer a, b or c: a. enough fast b. fast enough
(6 marks) 14. There was too much salt in the soup. I wish
1. Mozart was from ……. the chef ……….. less salt.
a. Germany.
a. used b. had used
b. Austria.
c. Paris. 15. We will have ………… weather tomorrow.
a. rain b. rainy
2. In his life, Mozart wrote …….. 16. There is ……….. pollution in the world!
a. symphonies. a. so much b. so many
b. operas. 17. Omar works hard ……….. he needs to earn money.
c. symphonies and operas. a. but b. because
3. Mozart …..… at age thirty five.
a. played harpsichord IV- Choose the correct tense a or b:
b. died (10 marks)
c. travelled through Europe 18. The students ……….. football in the garden now.
a. are playing b. played
Write true (T) or false (F): (6 marks) 19. He broke his leg while he ………… .
a. climbed b. was climbing
4. Mozart and his sister showed their talents in
20. Huda ………… her grandmother last week.
the royal courts only.
a. visits b. visited
5. The audience didn’t like Mozart’s ability to 21. Jamal …….. a dictionary when he reads a book
play the piano blindfolded. in German.
a. used b. uses
6. Mozart wrote less than 1000 pieces of music. 22. Sidra and Azad ………. not speak English.
a. do b. does
Write words from the text which mean the
following: (2 marks)
V- Translate into Kurdish or Arabic: (2 marks)
7. a very smart or talented person.
23. We use energy for almost everything in our
8. happening at the unsuitable time. daily lives.
VI- Complete the following proverbs: (2 marks)

24. A bad worker ……………………………… .

25. ……………………………. make light work.

VII- Write sentences depending on the following order requests: (4 marks)

26. Wish with past simple.

27. Enough with a noun.

28. So many.

29. Present Simple.

- The End -

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