Anabolizantes em Pneumopatas 3

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The Influence of 6 Months of Oral Anabolic Steroids

on Body Mass and Respiratory Muscles in

Undernourished COPD Patients*
Ivane Martins Ferreira, MD, PhD; Ieda T. Verreschi, MD, PhD;
Luiz E. Nery, MD, PhD; Roger S. Goldstein, MD, FCCP;
Noe Zamel, MD, FCCP; Dina Brooks, BSc (PT), PhD; and
Jose R. Jardim , MD, PhD

Study objective: To evaluate the influence of oral anabolic steroids on body mass index (BMI),
lean body mass, anthropometric measures, respiratory muscle strength, and functional exercise
capacity among subjects with COPD.
Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind study.
Setting: Pulmonary rehabilitation program.
Participants: Twenty-three undernourished male COPD patients in whom BMI was below 20
kglm 2 and the maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax) was below 60% of the predicted value.
Intervention: The study group received 250 mg of testosterone IM at baseline and 12 mg of oral
stanozolol a day for 27 weeks, during which time the control group received placebo. Both groups
participated in inspiratory muscle exercises during weeks 9 to 27 and cycle ergometer exercises
during weeks 18 to 27.
Measurements and results: Seventeen of 23 subjects completed the study. Weight increased in
nine of 10 subjects who received anabolic steroids (mean, + 1.8±0.5 kg; p<0.05), whereas the
control group lost weight ( -0.4±0.2 kg). The study group's increase in BMI differed significantly
from that of the control group from weeks 3 to 27 (p<0.05). Lean body mass increased in the
study group at weeks 9 and 18 (p<0.05). Arm muscle circumference and thigh circumference also
differed between groups (p<0.05). Changes in Plmax (study group, 41 %; control group, 20%)
were not statistically significant. No changes in the 6-min walk distance or in maximal exercise
capacity were identified in either group.
Conclusion: The administration of oral anabolic steroids for 27 weeks to malnourished male
subjects with COPD was free of clinical or biochemical side effects. It was associated with
increases in BMI, lean body mass, and anthropometric measures of arm and thigh circumference,
with no significant changes in endurance exercise capacity. (CHEST 1998; 114:19-28)

Key words: anabolic steroids; body mass index; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; nutrition; respiratory muscle

Abbreviations: BMI=body mass index; DEXA = dual energy x-ray absortiometry; IMT = inspiratory muscle
t_raining; LH=Iuteinizing hormone; PEmax=maximal expiratory pressure; Pimax=maximal inspiratory pressure;
Vo 2 max=maximal oxygen consumption

Malnutrition is associated with severe COPD, hospitalized with acute respiratory failure. 1 Although
having been observed in 10 to 26% of outpa- the underlying mechanisms and pathophysiology re-
tients with COPD and in up to 47% of patients main unclear, at least one report has noted that
individuals who lost weight had a higher morbidity
*From the Respiratmy Division of Federal University of Sao and mortality compared with those whose weight
Paulo, Brazil (Drs. Ferreira, Ne1y, and Jardim ); Endocrinology
Division of Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Dr. VeJTe- was within predicted values for their age, height, and
schi); and Division of Respiratory Medicine, University of sex. 2 When compared with normal-weight patients
Toronto, Canada (Drs. Goldstein, Brooks, and Zamel). with similar airflow limitation, low-weight COPD
Manuscript received June 25, 1997; revision accepted February
11, 1998. patients had more hyperinflation, more gas trapping,
Supported by Fundar;:ao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Sao Paulo a lower diffusing capacity,3 more dyspnea, and re-
(FAPESP ) and Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa do Brazil (CNPq). duced exercise capacity. 4
Reprint requests: Ivane Martins Ferreira, MD, c/o Roger S.
Goldstein, MD, West Park Hospital, 82 Buttonwood Ave, Malnutrition affects the composition5 and the
Toronto, Ontario M6M 2]5, Canada function 6 of the respiratory muscles. As in other

CHEST/114/1 /JULY, 1998 19

skeletal muscles, protein is degraded to produce measures were body mass index (BMI), muscle mass,
energy and to assist with the synthesis of visceral respiratory muscle strength, and functional exercise
protein. In subjects with COPD whose weight was capacity.
reduced to 70% of predicted values, diaphragmatic
mass was reduced to 60%. R eductions in the thick-
ness of the sternocleidomastoid muscles also have MATERIALS AND METHODS
been reported.7 This reduction in respiratory muscle
mass reduces the capacity of the ventilatory system Population
to respond to the increases in elastic and resistive Twenty-three ambulatory male patients with stable COPD (no
loads, such as those present during exercise or with respiratmy exacerbation for at least 6 weeks ) were selected for
respiratory exacerbations. the study. Inclusion crite ria included a BMI below 20 kglm 2 and
Over the past 20 years, a variety of reports have a PI max below 60% of the predicted value. Subjects did not have
any other associated medical conditions that might have influ-
claimed that anabolic steroids improved the perfor- enced their weight or respiratory muscle fun ction. Patients with
mance of high-level athletes consequent to improve- prostate or known cardiac disease were excluded because of the
ments in skeletal muscle mass and strength.8 - 11 potential side effects of anabolic steroid admin istration. The
Although in some individuals the gains in muscle protocol was approved by th e Human Ethics Committee of the
Federal University of Sao Paulo.
strength associated with good nutrition and exercise
appear to be further enhanced by the addition of
anabolic androgenic steroids, errors in design, anal-
ysis, and reporting have limited the credibility of After th eir informed consent was obtained, th e subjects were
many studies. A recent meta-analysis on the effects randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either placebo
(control group ) or anabolic steroids (study group). Patients in the
of anabolic steroids in healthy volunteers concluded
anabolic steroid group received 250 mg of testosterone IM
that there were slight improvements in strength (Durateston, a preparation containing phenpropionate, isocap-
among previously trained athletes. However, the roate, propionate, and caproate of testosterone) at baseline as an
authors were unable to reach a conclusion regarding "attack" dose; the study group also took oral stanozolol (12
mglday) for 27 weeks.
the influence of anabolic steroids on overall athletic
The study was divided into three 9-week periods. For the first
performance. 12 9 weeks, the study group received stanozolol and th e control
In a well-designed, randomized, controlled trial, group a placebo. Between weeks 9 and 18, both groups received
testosterone combined with strength training was daily inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in addition to stanozolol
found to increase fat-free mass as well as muscle size or placebo. During weeks 18 to 27, exercise training at approxi-
mately 80% of maximal work, as determined b y asymptom-
and strength among healthy male volunteers. 13 The
limited incre mental exercise test, was added to this regimen. A
authors suggested that by extension, androgens may cycle e rgometer was used for training (Model II; Funbec; Sao
be beneficial when administered for a limited period Paulo, Brazil). This was calibrated regularly (physically and
in those vvith cachexia associated with chronic con- electronically) by the manufacturer.
ditions. Schols and colleagues 14 reported that sub- Between weeks 9 and 27, IMT was pe rformed for 20 min,
t:vvice a day, at 20 breaths/min using a pressure-loaded d evice
jects with COPD sustained greater improvements in
(Resp-Trein ; Imebras; Sao Paulo, Brazil). Training was targeted
fat-free muscle mass and in maximal inspiratory to be a t apressure equal to 50% of Plmax. PI max was measured
pressure (PI max) when anabolic steroids were added every 3 weeks using a n analogue pressure gauge, and the target
to nutritional supplementation than when they re- pressure was adjusted as necessary. Although most of th e IMT
ceived only nutritional support. The subjects were sessions were unsupervised, to promote subject compliance
patients had one session of supervised IMT every 3 weeks.
given anabolic steroids IM at baseline and at 2, 4,
During these sessions, subjects were provided with feedback on
and 6 weeks, and their primary outcomes (body their technique as well as encou ragement. Family members were
composition and respiratory muscle function) were encouraged to assist the subjects with their home rehabilitation
measured after 8 weeks. program .
We were interested in learning whether oral ana- Between weeks 18 and 27, patients performed cycle training a t
th e hospital for 30 min three times a week, at a workload equal
bolic steroids improve respiratory muscle function
to 80% of the maximal workload derived from the incremental
and exercise capacity if administered over a more exercise test; sessions were supervised by a physical therapist. If
protracted p eriod of 6 months. Therefore, we under- the patient was unable to perform at that workload, he started
took a randomized, controlled trial in which an v.<ith a ol wer load and increased the load after 1 week. One
anabolic steroid (stanozolol) was administered orally subject whocould not reach this workload trained at the maximal
level that he could achieve.
for 27 weeks to ambulatory undernomished individ-
uals with COPD. During the period of steroid
administration, study subjects participated in respi- Measurements
ratory rehabilitation, including cycle ergometry and At baseline and at 9-week intervals (9, 18, and 27 weeks), dual
inspiratory muscle training. Our primary outcome energy x-ray absortiometry (DEXA) was performed to determine

20 Clinical Investigations
body composition (total lean body mass and percentage of fat product of press ure, inspiratory time, and number of breaths
mass) . Tests of respiratory muscle strength and endurance, the during the endurance run. Inspiratory time was considered to be
6-min walk test, and the incremental exercise test also were 50% of total respiratory time.20
performed at each of those times. Anthropometric measures and
respiratory muscle strength (PI max and maximal expiratory pres-
Exercise Capacity
sure [PEmax]) were measured every 3 weeks.
Maximal exercise capacity was assessed with a graded, symp-
tom-limited exercise test. The test was performed using the CPX
Nutriti onal Assessment
Diagnostic System (Medical Graphics Corp; St. Paul, Minn)
Weight was measured in the morning using a beam scale, with linked to a cycle ergometer (CPE 2000; Medical Graphics Corp)
the patient clothed but not wearing shoes. Ideal body weight was with 10-W increments each minute. Maximal oxygen consump-
determined from the patient's weight range and fram e size based tion (Vo 2 max) was calculated as a percentage of the predicted
on the tables from Metropolitan Life Insurance. 15 value.
BMI was calculated b ydividing the patient's weight in kg by his Three 6-min walk tests were perform ed. During the first two
height squared (m2 ). We considered subjects with a BMI of less tests, patients were encouraged every 2 min. In the third test,
than 20 kglm2 to be undernourished. 16 they were encouraged and accompanied in order to achieve the
To measure midarm circumference, the nondominant arm was best performance.2 l The value used was the greatest distance a
positioned parallel to the trunk and a nondistensible tape was patient walked in 6 min in any of the three tests.
placed around the midpoint of the arm without compressing the
arm tissue, halfway between the tip of the shoulder (acromial Side Effects
process) and the tip of the elbow (olecranon process). Three
consecutive measurements we re made. If there was agreement We measured several indices that might reflect toxic effects of
between them (within 0.5 em), the intermediate measurem ent anabolic s teroids. Venous blood concentrations of testosterone
was accepted as the actual value. and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured at baseline and at
Triceps skinfold thickness was used as an indirect estimate of 9, 18, and 27 weeks. Screening for possible side effects associated
body fat. It was derived b y gathering skin at the midarm point \vith anabolic steroids was carded out according to World Health
between the thumb and the index finger and measuring its Organization guidelines. 22 Live r fun ction was assessed b y mea-
thickness with a skinfold caliper. Three consecutive measure- suring levels of serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine ami-
ments were made. If there was agreement between them (within notransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, total bilirubin, conju-
4 mm ), the intermediate measurement was accepted as the actual gated bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase. Every 9 weeks, we
value. recorded the international normalized r atio, partial thromboplas-
The arm muscle circumference index reflects the amount of tin time, fibrinogen level, platelet count, and platelet aggregation
muscle or lean tissue in the body. This measure ment was derived to monitor coagulation. Evaluation also included a complete
from the following equation: arm muscle circumference= blood count and measurement of prostatic acid phosphatase,
midarm circumference-(3.14Xtriceps skinfold thickness) 17 triglycerides, total cholesterol, and lipoproteins. In addition, we
With the patien t standing and his weight evenly distributed, performed transrectal clinical evaluation of the prostate and
the thigh circumference was determined on the nondominant transrectal prostatic ultrasound. We also monitored cardiac func-
side at h alf the distance between the inguinal crease and a point tion by means of ECGs, chest radiographs, and two-dimensional
midway along the patella. Three consecutive measurements were echocardiograms.
made. If there was agreement between them (within 0.5 em), the
intermediate measurement was accepted as the actual value.
Other Measures
Total body and soft-tissue composition were measured with
dl!al energy X-ray absortiometry (DEXA). DEXA measurements Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium , sodium, potassium, and
were made with a total body scanner (Model DPX; Lunar glucose levels were measured at baseline and at 9, 18, and 27
Radiation Corp; Madison, Wise). weeks.
Total serum protein and albumin were obtained from venous
blood at baseline and every 9 weeks.
Statistical Analysis

Respiratory Muscle Assessment Data are presented as mean ±SE. Nonparametric analysis of
variance was used to determine the significance of differences
Respiratory muscle strength was assessed b y measuring Pimax between th e two groups (Mann-Whitney) and between periods
and PEmax (Pimax at residual volume and PEmax at total lung (Friedman) . Results were considered statistically significant at
capacity) with an analogue pressure gauge using standard meth- p<O.OS.
odology.1" Patients were seated and asked to make maximal
efforts against an obstructed mouthpiece that had a small leak to
prevent patients from closing their glottis during the respiratory
maneuver. Patients had to sustain maximal effort for 1 s. The best RESULTS
of five consecutive atte mpts was used, provided the variability
betwee n the best two efforts did not exceed 5%. w The baseline features of the patients are shown in
To measure respiratmy muscle endurance, subjects breath ed Table l. There were no significant differences be-
through a pressure-dependent inspiratmy device set to generate tween groups at baseline. Both groups had a mean
mouth pressures close to 80% of their PI max until they could no BMI of 17.3 (below predicted values for their age
longer maintain this pressure target. Endurance time and breath-
ing frequency were reco rded. After the subj ects practiced at and sex), severe or moderate airway obstruc-
home daily for aweek, the baseline endurance was measured. As tion ,23·24·25 and reduced respiratory muscle strength.
an approximate measurement of the total work, we calculated the Data from six patients were excluded from analysis:

CHEST I 114 I 1 I JULY, 1998 21

Table }-Anthropometric and Pulmonary Function group). All subjects with tracheobronchitis received
Data at Baseline * antibiotics. Corticosteroids were administered for 5
Control Group Study Group to 7 days in 11 subjects (five control and six study
(n= 7) (n=lO ) subjects ). During exacerbations, subjects missed 1
Age, yr 66.1 (2.6) 70.3 (1.5) week of exercise. They then restarted at a lower
Weight, kg 45.8 (2. 1) 46.1 (14.7) workload, gradually returning to their previous level
BMI, kglm 2 17.3 (0.6 ) 17.3 (0.5) over 1 week. Measures of exercise tolerance were
% o f ideal weight 79.1 (3. 1) 78.4 (2.3)
postponed for 1 week and measures of respiratory
FEV ,,% pred 49.4 (5.9) 41.2 (4.5)
FEV/FVC,% 41.6 (3. 0) 39.7 (2.7) muscle strength and endurance were postponed for
PI max, -em H 2 0 47.7 (3. 7) 43.2 (3. 1) 2 weeks. One control subject and two patients from
PEmax, em H 2 0 114.0 (8.8) 113.4 (8. 1) the treatment group missed the last test because of
Pa0 2 , mm Hg 66.0 (3.7) 71.2 (3.0)
40.5 (13)
respiratory exacerbations; their data for that test was
PaC0 2 , mm Hg 42.0 (2.9 )
excluded from analysis.
*Data presented as mean (SEM ). There were no significant differ-
The changes in anthropometric measurements in
ences between the control and study groups.
study and control subjects during the 27 -week period
are summarized in Figure 1. For changes in BMI,
differences between groups were statistically signif-
two patients in the control group died of respiratory icant at 3 weeks and were sustained throughout the
failure before the study's end; one patient in each 27 weeks (p < 0.05; Fig 1, left ). The arm muscle
group was unable to attend regularly for exercise circumference increased consistently among the
measures; one member of the study group developed study subjects; at 21 weeks, the increase was signif-
atelectasis associated with a non-small cell lung icantly greater in the study group compared with the
cancer; and one study patient was withdrawn be- control group (p< 0.05; Fig 1, center). Between-
cause of depression. Thus, 17 patients completed the group differences in thigh circumference were de-
protocol, 10 in the study group and seven in the tectable at 3 weeks and increased progressively
control group. during the study (p < 0.05; Fig 1, right).
There were numerous respiratory exacerbations, Weight increased in 9 out of 10 subjects who
including flulike illnesses (two control and five study received anabolic steroids (mean, + 1.8±0.5 kg;
subjects), tracheobronchitis (12 control and 11 study p < 0.05), whereas the control group lost weight
subjects), and pneumonia (one subject in each (mean, -0.4±0.2 kg) after 6 months. At baseline,

7 12 01 8
6 10 cu

a;- a;- 8
4 C) 0~
01 c:
c: 3 cu 6 ( !)
cu .s:: (,J 4

.s:: 2 (,J c:
(,J 4 ....

~ e....
0 (.) E
::iE ::iE ::I
[JJ -1 0
<( ....
-2 (,J
-3 .s:::.
-4 -4 .s:: -2
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 1-
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 0 3 6 9121518212427
weeks weeks weeks

- anabolic steroid-- control

FIGURE l. Changes in anthropometric measurements in study subjects who received anabolic steroids
(squares) and control subjects (circles). Left: percentage change in BMI. The study group's changes in
BMI were significantly greater than the control group's throughout most of the study. Cente·r:
percentage change in arm muscle circumference (AMC ). At 21 weeks, AMC had increased significantly
more in the study group than in the control group. Right: percentage change in thigh circumference.
Significant between-group differences were de tectable at 3 weeks and increased steadily throughout
the study. *=p< 0.05 (study group vs control group ). #= p < 0.05 (vs baseline).

22 Clinical Investigations
lean body mass as measured by DEXA was similar in groups at baseline but showed significant decreases
both groups. In subjects who received anabolic in those receiving anabolic steroids (Table 3). The
steroids, lean body mass increased significantly at 9 between-group differences for LH were evident at 9
weeks compared with baseline (p < 0.05; Fig 2, left), weeks and through 27 weeks. Testosterone levels
whereas control subjects showed no increase. The were significantly lower in the study group compared
increase in the study group was sustained at 18 with the control group at 9 and 18 weeks. The results
weeks . There were no statistically significant changes of all other screening tests for side effects of anabolic
in fat mass over time or differences between groups steroids did not change.
(Fig 2, right).
All subjects reported compliance with the training
regimen. Both groups demonstrated increased respi- DISCUSSION
ratory muscle strength at 27 weeks (20.0± 11.0% in
the control group, 41.0±9.4% in the study group), We undertook this randomized controlled trial in
although the increases were not significant; between- order to evaluate the potential benefits of anabolic
group differences were also not significant (Fig 3, steroids in malnourished individuals with COPD
left ). There were no changes in PEmax (Fig 3, right). whose BMI was less than 20 kglm 2 and whose Plmax
Changes in functional exercise capacity (6 MW) was below 60% of the predicted value. Such individ-
and Vo 2 max were not significant in either group uals have been noted to have a reduced body fat
(Table 2) . content, skinfold thickness, and arm circumfer-
There were no significant differences in biochem- ence.16 At the end of the 6-month study, the control
ical measures (electrolytes, glucose, calcium, phos- and treatment groups' weights differed, with subjects
phorus, magnesium), total protein, albumin, blood who received anabolic steroids weighing an average
cell count, prostatic acid phosphatase, or prostate of 2 kg more than control subjects. This weight gain
size within groups, between groups, or across time. was associated with significant increases in arm
Baseline levels of prostatic acid phosphatase were muscle and thigh circumference and in lean body
2.7 IU/L and 2.5 IU/L in the control and study mass as measured by DEXA.
groups, respectively, compared with 2.3 IU/L (con- The improved nutritional status that we observed
trol group) and 2.2 IU/L (study group) after 27 was confined to those who received anabolic s te-
weeks. The baseline prostate size was 25.8 and 28.0 roids. Although the absolute weight gain among
cm3 in the control and study groups, respectively, those receiving anabolic steroids in the study by
compared with 24.2 and 29.4 cm 3 after 27 weeks . Schols et al 14 was not influenced by the nutritional
Levels of LH and testosterone were similar in both supplement, the fat-free mass was significantly

A 11 B

44 #

VI 42 ~ 9
VI 0
2 VI

>. 40 «< 8
al «< 7
c: 38 LL
...J 6
0 9 18 27 0 9 18 27

weeks weeks

------ control - - - anabolic steroid

FIGURE 2. Changes in lean body mass (left ) and percent f at mass (right), as measured by DEXA, in
study subjects who received anabolic steroids (squares) and control subjects (circles ). Left: at weeks 9
and 18, the study group experienced a significant increase in lean body mass compared with baseline;
no significant change was noted in control subjects. Right: no significant differences were noted
between groups or over time. #= p< 0.05 (vs baseline) .

CHEST I 11 4 I 1 I JULY, 1998 23

60 40

( !)


I'CI ~ 20
-5 .s::.

30 (.)

~ ';/!. 10
~ 20
E 10

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27

weeks weeks

---+- control ------ anabolic steroid

FIGURE 3. Changes in PI max and PEmax in study subjects who received anabolic steroids (squares) and
con trol subjects (circles). Left: both groups experi enced an improvement in Plmax (20.0% in the
control group, 41.0% in the study group), but the differences between the groups were not statistically
significant. Right: there were no significant changes in PEmax ove r time or differences between groups.

greater in those receiving both steroids and nutri- oral anabolic steroid rather than a parenterally ad-
tional supplements. Their placebo group lost 0.4 kg, ministered steroid and administered it for 27 weeks
as did our control subjects . The increase in lean body in order to approximate an outpatient clinical ap-
mass that we obseiVed without a nutritional supple- proach to those with COPD; Schols et aP 4 gave
ment (2.5 kg at 9 weeks and 1.9 kg at 27 weeks) was subjects a parenteral steroid for 8 weeks. Fourth, we
similar in magnitude to that reported by Schols et were concerned about side effects and performed
aP 4 (1.4 kg at 8 weeks in nondepleted subjects and detailed monitoring of biochemical, hormonal, and
1.9 kg in depleted subjects), despite th e use of hematologic measures, as well as both clinical and
different measurement techniques; Schols et aJl 4 ultrasound assessment of prostatic function.
used bioelechical resistance. 26 In our study, lean
Although our subjects did undergo cycle training,
body mass did not change in control subjects, but
this training was not associated with increases in
increased in treatment subjects . Although statistical
measurements of maximal or functional exercise
significance was not reached at 27 weeks, the trend
for the increase was still evident (Figure 2). Fat mass capacity. We selected malnourished, severely im-
did not change in either group. paired individuals with COPD who had high target
Although Schols et al 14 also measured body com- exercise levels. Whereas a less impaired cohort may
position and respiratory muscle strength in subjects have improved more than our study subjects, the
with COPD , our study differed in several ways . First, literature suggests that improvements in exercise
because we wanted to separate the influence of the tolerance can be achieved among severely impaired
anabolic steroid from that of nutritional supplemen- individuals. 27 In their well-designed study, Schols et
tation, we did not modify subjects' nutritional intake. al 14 succeeded in obtaining reliable measures of
Second, we included IMT, which was not patt of the functional exercise (12-min walk distances ) in only
study by Schols et al. 14 Third, we chose to study an 62% of nutritionally depleted individuals. These

Table 2-Distance Walked in 6 Min and Vo 2 max in Control and Study Groups*

Control Study
Baseline Week 9 Week 18 Week 27 Baseline Week 9 Wee k 18 Week 27
Six-min walk, m 540 (24) 545 (29) 561 (35) 573 (26) 523 (19) 540 (23) 516 (27) 510 (33)
Vo 2 m~tx, % pred 54.6 (6) 57.5 (7) 57.8 (5) 64.2(8) 56.8 (3) 54.2 (7) 55.0 (6) 51.8 (6)
*Data presented as mean (SEM ). % pred=percentage of predicted value.

24 Clinical Investigations
Table 3-LH and Testosterone Levels in Control and Study Groups*
Baseline \Veek 9 Week 18 Week 27

Control group 5.7 (1. 7) 7.2 (2.3) 7.1 (1.8) 7.4 (2.0)
Study group 3.3 (0.6) 0 66 11 (0 2) 1.8 1 (0 7) 2.1 1 (0 8)
Testosterone, ngldL
Control group 496 (J 17) 452 (43) 463 (3 1) 402 (89)
Study group 415 (34) 157 11 (28) 135 1I (1 4) 220 1 (61 )
*Data presented as mean (SE M).
p<0.05 compared with baseline.
1p<0. 05 compared with control group.

authors did not identifY any increase in 12-min walk individuals with COPD , Roth et aP 9 noted that in
distances in their subjects. those who had experienced a weigh t loss of more
We observed clear trends in the measures of than 4.5 kg in the preceding 6 months or those in
respiratmy muscle strength (increases of 20.0% and whom weight was below 90% of the predicted value,
41.0% in the control and treatment groups, respec- the incidence of hypogonadism was higher than in
tively) . However, the differences b etween the two those with normal weights. Although both an animal
groups did not reach statistical significance. In the study4° and an uncontrolled clinical study'11 have
Schols et all 4 study, nutritionally depleted individu- suggested that growth hormone may be of benefit,
als who received both anabolic s teroids and nutri- growth hormone is expensive and has side effects; in
tional supplementation achieved a significant in- elderly men, growth hormone was no better than a
crease in Plmax at 8 weeks. Conceivably, a larger placebo when evaluated in conjunction with physical
sample size might have allowed u s to detect a training. 42 When administered to 12 subjects with
statistically significant change . Alternatively, the sub-
COPD, growth hormone plus exercise training re-
jects in our study may have been too impaired to
sulted in greater increases in lean body mass and
experience a significant response to the training
muscle cross-sectional area than either placebo plus
regimen. Another factor contributing to the lack of
training (12 subjects) or placebo alone (five sub-
change in respiratory muscle fun ction may have been
the a bsence of supervision during IMT sessions. This jects), with no measurable between-group differ-
is consistent with rehabilitation literature suggesting ences in exercise tolerance. 43
that unsupervised training interventions are less A wide range of responses to anabolic steroids has
effective than supervised interventions.28 Finally, the been r eported. Anabolic steroids have been claimed
role of IMT in this population is questionable; even to increase muscle mass and performance among
among well-nourished individuals with COPD who athletes b y inducing an anabolic effect on proteins
underwent training at highly controlled and super- via androgenic receptors as well as by inhibiting
vised centers , the evidence of improvement in dys- protein catabolism via glucocorticoid receptors. 11
pnea or exercise capacity is equivocal.29 Testosterone stimulates muscle growth via its effects
Malnutrition impairs skeletal muscle function on somatomedin ,8 influences actin and myosin to
among healthy individuals and those with respiratory increase strength,44·46 and might even act centrally to
conditions. By affecting both ventilatory6·30.31 and stimulate athletes to strive for higher training inten-
peripheral muscles,32 malnutrition increases impair- sities.9·47·48 Unfmtunately, accurate reports on the
ment and likely adds to the disability of individuals effects of anabolic steroids have been difficult to
vvith COPD . Malnourished subjects have been obtain; there have been wide variations in dosages
shown in at least one report33 to have worse scores and methods of administration, as well as a relative
for the impact and activity domains of a specific paucity of w ell-designed outcome studies. In a w ell-
respiratory quality-of-life questionnaire. R eductions designed study by Bhasin et al,13 supraphysiologic
in muscle mass, especially in the lower limbs, are doses of testosterone were administered to healthy
common in elderly men,34 ·35 this has been linked to male volunteers, some of whom also received super-
deconditioning as well as decreased production of vised w eight training three times p er week. The
growth hormone and testosterone levels.36 ·37 In authors reported significant improvements in muscle
some men, the levels of testosterone, dehydroepi- size and strength between placebo and testosterone
androste rone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in nonexercising groups and greater increases in
decrease slowly, but in others , these hormones r e- fat-free mass, muscle size, and strength among those
main within the normal range. 38 In a study of 36 receiving testosterone in the exercising groups.

CHEST I 114 I 1 I JULY, 1998 25

There were no side effects in mood or behavior fat and lean mass percentages.53 The advantage of
attributable to testosterone.l.3 DEXA for composition studies is that it requires only
The effects of anabolic steroids on the athlete and 10 to 20 min to complete, involves minimal exposure
athletic performance remain controversial. There to radiation, and gives regional values as well as total
appears to be a consensus, however, regarding the body values. The reproducibility is such that serial
effects of anabolic steroids on aerobic metabolism: measurements are routinely used in estimates of
no beneficial effect of anabolic steroids has ever calcium balance and are accurate to within 0.8%.53
been shown on aerobic metabolism or an individual's We used Lunar DPX, which is a precise and accurate
Vo 2max. 10 tool for the assessment of whole body composition.54
The clinical applications of anabolic steroids have Since there is no method available to measure body
been acknowledged for some time. They have been cell mass in clinical practice, it is generally acknowl-
administered as adjuvants in the management of edged that in absence of fluid shifts, the fat-free mass
protein deficiency states, after major surgery or provides an acceptable estimate. 55 In our study, the
severe trauma, for malabsorption during radiother-
increase in lean body weight cannot be equated
apy, and in conjunction with cytotoxic chemothera-
unequivocally to an increase in muscle or tissue mass
py.49 Anabolic steroids have also been included with
because fluid retention could not be absolutely ruled
parenteral nutrition and have been shown to have a
markedly beneficial effect. 50 The response to ana- out. However, regular clinical evaluation by the same
bolic steroids has been most favorable among those physician did not reveal clinical evidence of fluid
in negative nitrogen balance. Undernourished el- retention nor any change in BP. In addition, DEXA
scanning was standardized to be performed at the
derly people respond to steroids with marked nitro-
same time of the day (late morning, before lunch)
gen retention and significant weight gain:SI
and by the same technician.
In our study, the dietary intake of our subjects
Justification of Methods remained open, without any attempt at standardiza-
Testosterone cannot be effectively administered tion or supplementation. Supplementation has been
by mouth, as it is rapidly absorbed into the portal shown to be useful when provided to patients with
blood stream for degradation by the liver. Thus, only COPD in conjunction with anabolic steroids.l4 Many
a small amount reaches the systemic circulation. of our study subjects spontaneously reported an
When administered parenterally, effective levels are increase in tl1eir appetite, consistent with reports on
not sustained in the plasma because anabolic steroids the influence of anabolic steroids on appetite.38
are promptly degraded.l 1 We chose to use stanozolol However, even in the absence of supplementation,
(a synthetic substance derived from testosterone) , BMI and muscle circumference increased among
which can be orally administered. Synthetic deriva- those who received anabolic steroids.
tives have the added advantage of having more Our relatively small sample size may have influ-
anabolic and less androgenic effects than natural enced the power of our measurements. For example,
testosterone. The dosage we selected, 12 mg per day, there appeared to be a clinical effect of anabolic
is twice the replacement dosage 10 and is the dosage steroids on Pimax but this did not reach statistical
conventionally used by athletes.l 1 We used one dose significance, possibly because of the lack of power in
of IM testosterone at the start of the study as an a small sample. Further studies on the influence of
"attack" dose, in keeping with the approach pre- anabolic steroids should examine a larger sample and
ferred by athletes. Generally, athletes use either a should also evaluate their influence on health-related
pyramidal administration schedule, starting with low quality of life.
daily dosage and building to higher dosages, or they In summary, anabolic steroids administered to
use a "stacking" schedule in which several different severely impaired, malnourished men with COPD
preparations are taken simultaneously (oral and par- were associated with a greater increase in weight,
enteral) .38·47 fat-free mass, and arm and thigh muscle circumfer-
During the administration of stanozolol, testoster- ence than was placebo. There was a trend for an
one levels decreased significantly at weeks 9, 18, and increase in inspiratory muscle strength in both
27. At week 27, the differences between groups were groups. These changes occurred in the absence of
not statistically significant even though the levels of clinical or biochemical side effects.
testosterone in the anabolic steroid group were ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors acknowledge the assis-
comparable to prepubertallevels.52 tance of Drs. Agnaldo P. Cedegno (Urology), N. Ferreira Novo
We used DEXA to measure body composition. and Y. Juliano (Statistics), J.G.H. Vieira (Endocrinology), Jose
Lazaro de A~drade (Echocardiography), Celso Guerra (Haema-
This method has been shown to be accurate to within tology), Serg10 Ayzen (RadiOlogy), and Braulio Luna Filho (Car-
1.5% for measurements of total body mass as well as diology).

26 Clinical Investigations
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