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Name: Argold June G.


Course Year & Section: BSHM 3-C

Course Title: Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality

Course Number: THC-319

*How can we use this time of COVID community quarantine ans isolation to benefit
our tourism industry?


-The outlook for the tourism sector remains highly uncertain period the corona virus
(COVID - 19) with international tourism expected to decrease by around 80% in
2020. Domestic terrorism is helping to soften the blow, at least partially, and
governments have taken impressive immediate action to restore and re-activate the
sector, while protecting jobs and business. Many countries are also now developing
measures to build a more resilient economy post COVID - 19. These include
preparing plans to support the sustainable recovery of terrorism, promoting the
digital transition and move to a greener tourism system, and rethinking tourism for
the future. 

I. Identification
1.) The branch of government which has the power to make laws. 
2.) This refers to either general government regulations or specific travel and
hospitality industry laws. 
3.) this refers to the branch of government which a senator belongs 
4.) The branch of government where the judge of a court belongs. 
5.) The branch of government where the Secretary of Tourism belongs. 
6.) Defined as the custom or practice of traveling for pleasures, as well as a
promotion by the establishment of countries to attract tourists. 
Answer: TOURISM 
7.) It is a rule of conduct which in a given place and given groups of people, has been
followed for an appropriate time. 
8.) The branch of government that covers the Philippine national police. 
9.) A law which applies to all of the people of the state or to all of a particular class
of persons in the state, with equal force and obligation. 
10.) A law which relates to particular persons or things of a class. 

II. Explain the following:

1.) What is law? What are the characteristics of law?
Answer: According to Phillip Sanchez Roman, law is defined as a rule of conduct, just
end obligatory premier gated by legitimate authority end of common observance
and benefits period in its general and abstract sense (derecho), it is the science of
moral laws founded on the rational nature of a man that governs his free activity for
the realization of the individual and social ends of life under an aspect of mutual
conditional dependence. 
The characteristics of law: 
1.) It a rule of conduct  
2.) it is just an obligatory 
3.) it is promulgated by legitimate authority 
4.) it is a common observance. 
2.) Differentiate substantive law from adjective law. 

Answer: Substantive law - a law which creates and defines and regulates rights while
adjective law - Halo which provides the method of aiding and protecting certain

3.) What is criminal law? 

Answer: criminal law - dealing with crimes and their punishment as well as the
procedure for
that purpose. 
4. What is civil law? 
Answer: Civil law - the mass of precepts which determines and regulates those
relations of assistance, authority, and obedience existing among members of a
family and those which exist among members of the society for the protection of
private interests. 

5. What is international law? 

Answer: International law - body of rules or principles of action governing their
relations between states. 

6. What is political law? 

Answer: Political law - Laura regulating the relations sustained by the inhabitants of
a territory to the sovereign. 

7. What is mercantile law? 

Answer: Mercantile law - the law of commercial transactions derived from the law
of merchant which includes commercial paper, insurance, and other types of

8. What is maritime law? 

Answer: Maritime law - the law of dealing with commerce by see, involving
regulations of ships and harbors and the status of seamen. 

9. What covers the concept of terrorism law? 

Answer: Tourism law may be defined as the body of rules or principles of action
which deals with the regulation, authority, relations and obedience among members
of the society involved in tourist travel and accommodation. 

10. what is the difference sources of law related to tourism, travel and hospitality

1. The Philippine Constitution 
2. Statutes or legislative enactments 
3. Administrative if or executive orders, regulations and rulings - is issued by the
administrative officials under legislative authority. 
4. Judicial decisions or jurisprudence 
5. Custom 
6. Other sources

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